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Don Q's Fishing Report for week of June 6

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
Fish are active and conditions are perfect.
The surface temps are averaging 59 degrees, and climbing to 61.5 degrees by midday. Clarity is very good, to 13.5 ft. Still cool enough on the surface to still be holding some nice Kings on the west side. 2 salmon were caught trolling Almanor West up to 2 lbs.
Trolling has been more effective than bait fishing deep holes and should remain that way until surface temps really spike. Like above 65 degrees.
It’s hot one day, and not so hot the next.
The best bite has been early, 5:15 am.
Fast action lures at 2.5 mph rigged shallow from 4 to 6 ft. got some nice fish to 2.4 lbs. all Rainbows and Salmon.

Rick and Patti Apted - Lake Sabrina Boat Landing (760-873-7425) (www.lakesabrinaboatlanding.com) reports:
Sabrina Lake:
Boy, howdy, what a difference a week can make – highs at the Lake in the mid ‘70s with a chance of thunderstorms in the afternoons – sure beats 36 with a wind chill of 16 – Sure appreciate the better weather, MOM!
With the highs in the 70s, that means the flatlands are in the 90s to the triple digits – you all now know where to come to get cooled off!
If you’re wanting to get out of the heat on June 16th, call now to reserve your tickets at Bishop Creek Lodge for their 3rd Annual Luau starting at 4:00pm – featuring a whole deep pit pig - all you can drink Mai-Tai and Margaritas – amazing fruits from around the world – appetizers - fun entertainment – chocolate fountain – all you can eat for $35.00 - Give Bishop Creek Lodge a call today – 760-873-4484 now!
Don’t forget if you’re in Bishop anytime between June 11 to June 16 the California High School State Rodeo Finals once again, will be held in Bishop at the Tri-County Fairgrounds.
The High School Rodeo offers amazing scholarship opportunities, family bonding, the chance to travel throughout the state, the ability to create unforgettable friendships and once in a lifetime memories.
Home to nine districts of High School Rodeo, California has approximately 600 members that compete in rodeo events.
The kids that participate in this rodeo are some of the nicest, most polite kids you will ever meet – so if you happen to be in Bishop that weekend – stop by the Fairgrounds for a few events and support them.
Fishing, this week has been good – the Inlets are doing the best with nightcrawlers, Salmon Eggs or Jigs (Trout Traps) – remember we have three – the DingleBerry Inlet (back left corner) – the Little George Inlet (back right corner) and the George Inlet (on the left about 2/3 of a mile back) – so if someone is in your Inlet – try a new one – you may find your style of fishing works even better at the new Inlet!
Trolling with Thomas Buoyants (we recommend the Red and Gold), flashers and a nightcrawler or a Woolly Bugger.
Drifting over the shoreline between the two natural lakes were producing some nice limits using nightcrawlers or Salmon Eggs.
If you’re shore fishing, try and get away from the launch ramp area as this is where a lot of people like to fish and use Power Bait or Salmon Eggs.
The Lake continues to rise, but very, very slowly as the cold weather of last week put a freeze on the runoff. Not sure how high we’re going to get, but I think we’ll be praying for a few good Thunder showers – had a good start to that on Friday with rain. As I said earlier temps got back into the upper 70s at the Lake with a slight breeze – nice weather – lows are in the high 40s. A bit cooler on Monday, then back up they go.
Our homemade pies and ice cream got a little out of hand last week – while trying to make pies and ice cream, keep track of what pies and how many pieces we had and then serve them moded or unmoded – the time we spent with our customers got shorter and shorter – we started getting short with our customers – we weren’t getting a chance to answer their questions about fishing and the area they’re in – not good!
We don’t want to be rude and didn’t mean to be short to you – and if we were please accept our sincere apology – so there will be 2-3 pies made a day – when they are gone for the day they are gone for the day – no reserving pie.
This way, we may be able to spend a few more minutes answering your questions and we may be able to get out of the kitchen at 7:00pm when we close and we might not be so tired that we get to go fishing in the evening or spend the evening in front of a nice campfire and not go straight to bed!
So thanks for understanding!
Forest Service campgrounds that are open are – THEY’RE ALL OPEN!Got stocked by the DFG on Friday and will continue to stock each week till the end of the season!
KEEPING THIS IN - Guess it’s that time of year to remind you of a few things – when using BUG JUICE (the skeeter are out and they are BIG – BIGGER THAN BIG) or SANITIZER you need to really wash your hands before fishing - then rub some Salmon Egg juice, worm dirt or Anglers Bros Trout attractant (got it in stock at the Lake) to take that smell off.
Remember your polarized dark glasses and sunscreen – we saw a few anglers that looked a bit like cooked lobster last year. As there still is snow around, the rays from the snow are deadly!
You can check www.weather.gov and enter ASPENDELL, CA on the site and it will give you a fairly good hint at the weather or check in with Howard at www.MammothWeather.com.
And, of course, we'll have HOMEMADE pie and ice cream (until it’s gone), sodas, beer, wine, coffee, tea and hot cocoa!
Looking forward to seeing you all in the very near future.


Jared Smith - Parcher’s Resort (760-873-4177) (sierrasmitty@cebridge.net):
South Lake:
Following a busy holiday weekend the canyon emptied out just in time for the weather to turn to summer conditions and the bite was very akin to what we'd see much later in the month.
Sheer numbers dropped a bit early in the
The big fish continued to chew including another monster weighing in at 9 lbs 6 oz caught shortly after last week's report by local Matt Ruppell from Bishop, CA on a mini-jig.
Father and son team Keith Marshall and Keith Marshall Jr. of San Bernadino paired up for 4.14 lb and 5.2 lb 'bows using Chartreuse PB.
For those that aren't getting the picture over the past several weeks, mini-jigs are accounting for the vast majority of the fish in the 4+ lb range.
Make sure to fish 4 lb test line max, fish a loose drag, and use a slow retrieve for best results.
Pink, grasshopper, and fluorescent orange have been the hot colors.
When the fish are short-biting, try a fluorescent orange or pink trout worm trailer or a piece of a nightcrawler to sweeten the deal.
Pink or Orange trout worms fished on a size 8 owner mosquito hook with a size 7 split shot 18" above the hook.
Two first-time female anglers Ashleigh & Abbie caught and released fish in the 4+ lb range on Monday fishing with some of the resort crew using the pink Power Worm method.
Lures tossers are having mixed luck using Thomas Bouyants, Roostertails, Kastmasters and Panther Martins, both from shore or from boats.
Reports I'm getting is that the fishing is either great on lures or slow on lures - probably due to the fish being schooled up pretty tight.
Bait anglers are doing very well on Rainbow Garlic Power Bait as well as Chartruese Power Bait both from shore and on the lake.
Nightcrawlers under a bobber are also producing around the Rock Slide and over by the dam.
Not a lot of folks trolling out there just yet but the bite certainly did pick up for the few that were out there. Various colors of Tazmanian Devils and Thomas Bouyants trolled in the top 10 ft of the water column produced a lot of fish for a few lucky anglers on the troll.
The water level at South Lake has dropped a bit following last week's freeze and whether or not it’s going to get much higher is still something we're waiting to see - however, most small boats in the 12 - 14ft range can use the launch ramp if they are VERY careful.
There are concrete blocks at the end of the ramp and we've seen more than one private boater damage their axle launching in these conditions.
Boaters are reminded that parking at the lake is at a premium and trailers must be disconnected and put in the trailer parking or they can be cited.
South Fork Bishop Creek:
DFG stockers a-plenty in the South Fork this week with most common baits working well. Nightcrawlers, salmon eggs, any fluorescent Power Bait and of course, flies, spinners and the like are all working well.
Fly Fishers many want to note that the carpenter ant hatch is starting and big black streamers, ant patterns and dries are likely to be very productive over the next few weeks.
Trail Report:
Lots of day hikers out and about this week but nobody as of yet has come in with reports from Piute or Bishop Pass.
One of our staff is headed up to Piute today so hopefully we'll have more details on pass conditions next week.
As far as day hikes go, reports from Tyees, Green, Grass, Ruwau, Chocolate Loop and Spearhead have all been very unseasonably good and not much in the way of bugs....yet.
Stay tuned, more next week.


Jim Reid of Ken’s Sporting Goods Store in Bridgeport (760- 932-7707) (www.kenssport.com) reports:
The reservoir has been hitting on all 8 cylinders lately, lots of nice fish in the 2 to 5 pound range being caught out there.
The shore fishing has been a little tough, but the boat and tube anglers are doing very well.
Bait fishing with crawlers and power bait has probably been the best though
there are still some anglers trolling and doing well.
For the fly anglers it seems stripping streamers has been the best method.


Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250) (www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
Fish’N is good here as well. Water conditions are great with a nice lake level and lots of open water to fish.
You must locate clean bottom that is free of pond weed and grass. 13-15 feet is best right now, look at the drop-off by Rainbow Pt. and work the weed lines towards Buckeye Bay.
The east shoreline near the marina and around the inlet to the Walker are also hot spots. You will have to work deeper water in these areas so streamers may be a better choice if you are tubing. Use a full sinking line with Loebergs and punk perch.
The chironomids are also prevalent at the Bridge and using the same technique as you would at Crowley will get you into fish here as well.
Look for Callibaetis to show up in numbers soon. These are large still water mayflies that are a large part of the trout’s diet and are best imitated with flashback PT’s, Assassin bird’s nest patterns, and our Killa-baetis pattern.
They can be bought at the marina tackle store on the lake.
These can be fished further off the bottom as the nymphs are swimmers and do not have a pupal stage.


Kent of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
Water Conditions:
Great. Full to the brim. Clear and getting warmer everyday.
Fishing Conditions:
Great. Pull streamers early and switch to midges around mid-day.


It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.


It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (800-720-ODWF) (www.dfw.state.or.us.com) reports:
Trout fishing opened May 26.
Cutthroat trout fishing can be good this time of year, both in the estuary or up river. Anglers are reminded to check regulations before heading out as there are bait restrictions upstream of the estuary.


The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
A few bass have been showing up, but no trout due to the pike infestation.
Pike fishing has also been poor.
There are few if any trout left in the lake also due to the pike infestation.

Convict Lake Resort (800-992-2260) (www.convictlake.com) reports:
Catch of the Week:
Uly Kim from Yorba Linda caught a 3 lb. 6 oz. Rainbow Trout with Gold Zekes on the South Shore!
We also had Don Combs from Lake Havasu who caught a total of 5 fish to equal 6 lb. 2 oz on the North Shore by using Salmon Peach Power Bait. Chase Foreman from Huntington Beach caught a 2 lb. 3 oz. Rainbow Trout by using a Night Crawler.
Best Location to Fish:
The best locations to fish right now are the South Shore and the North Shore.
This past week anglers have had most success with:
Gold Zekes, Nightcrawlers, Crickets, Power Worm, and Salmon Eggs.
Other Locations to Try:
"Windy Point" (picnic area south shore), The Inlet, Hangman's Tree, Outlet, Handicap Pier and Convict Creek.
Derby News: Round-up at the Lake Fishing Derby started Sunday, April 30th for a chance to win $6,000 in Resort Prizes!
We have 83 Registered Anglers and 57 Fish Registered 14" or longer.
Hangman's Bonus Derby Weekend is also coming up on June 8th-10th!
12 Tagged fish will be stocked for each bonus derby weekend.
Cash prizes: $2,000 in cash prizes for each bonus derby will be associated with the tagged fish and distributed as follows: (1(one) $1,000, 1(one) $500 and 10 (ten) $50).
Weather: The weather for this next week will continue to be in the mid 70's over the weekend then cooler temperatures are expected for the beginning part of next week with highs in the mid to low 60's and lows in the 30's. By the end of the week temperatures will return to the mid 70's with the lows in the 40's. Here is a local site that is usually quite accurate www.mammothweather.com.
• Bait: Pinched Crawlers, Gulp Worms, Night Crawlers, Power Eggs, Power Worms, Small Spinners like Mepps and Panther Martins. Chunky Cheese Power Bait, Troll with Rapalas, Needlefish, Thomas Bouyants.
• Lures: Panther Martin, Thomas Bouyants, Phoebe, Little Wolfs, Cripplure
• Trolling: Little Cleo’s, Dave Davis Night Crawler or Lead Core 4-6 colors, Rapalas, Rebels, Pin Minnows
• Flies: Marvel Fly, Prince, Hares Ear, Lopper Johns, Ant Beatles
Convict Creek:
• Flies: Strip Streamers
• Bait: Eggs, Night Crawlers and Power Worms
(Information provided by the Convict Lake Staff, Kittredge Sports, and Rick's Sporting Goods)
DFG will be stocking this week.
Next scheduled stocking June 7, 150 lbs. of rainbow trout.
Sunrise - Sunset:
Sunrise this week 5:36 am - 5:39 am and Sunset 8:13 pm - 8:16 pm.


To be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.


Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
Leighton Springs or Sandy Point are the places to be.
Try Stevie's Wonder black or Stevie's M-80 in 12-15 feet of water.
Good weather in the forecast should improve the bite.


Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250) (www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
One of the best starts for fly fishers in many years.
The chironomid hatches have been huge and the t
Water conditions remain very good with no algae issues currently.
We have been having consistent fishing in 13-16 feet in the North Arm, Sandy Pt. Layton Springs, and Big Hilton Bay. McGee Bay and Sometimes Bay also have decent numbers.
If it gets to look like a parking lot at Sandy Pt. or Layton, go find a clean piece of bottom that is grass free elsewhere.
When you get large numbers of boats anchoring in a small area it disrupts the feeding patterns and pods of fish that work these pieces of bottom.
There are good numbers in Crowley this year, it is evident the DFG put a bunch of fish in last year. They have also stocked some brood fish and a couple trucks of catchables recently. It is nice to see an effort to get Crowley back as the crown jewel of the Sierra.
The late summer and fall season could be one of the best for 18 inch fish we have ever seen here. Due to the mild winter, growth rates on the fish have been incredible and we are amazed at how “rotund” the rainbows and browns are this spring.
The fish are feeding heavily on larva most days, then keying on the pupa when the barometer rises. Chironomid larvae are commonly called blood midges. This is because they are red in color due to the large amount of hemoglobin necessary to sustain life near the bottom of lakes where the dissolved oxygen levels are low.
Red colors turn gray below 8 feet of water. This is because infra red light does not penetrate below this depth. Nature colored the larva red to disguise the worm, not to make it stand out!
Tiger and zebra midges are designed to imitate the naturals, fish your larva patterns close to the bottom for best results.


Kent of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
Water Conditions:
The lake is very high and coming down slowly last couple of days.
Water temps about perfect 56-57 F and weed growth subsurface are about a month ahead of schedule. Most areas have at least 2 ft of weeds on bottom. 4-6 in some. Water is still very clear but some flecks and small clumps of the 'green menace' getting started.
Fishing Conditions:
Midge hatches remain strong.
There are still fish at Sandy Point but they have departed Leighton and McGee save very, very deep.
Green Banks is now the fleet's area of choice but it is a double hatch, one very early and another after the 9 am arrival guys give up and go home.
Larvae early switching to black, black with green flashback Optimidges or Copper beadhead Zebras.
Like Perch, bring your stringer, some pigs between the Bows and Browns.

Jim and Jeanne of the J & J Grizzly Store (530-832-0270) (www.grizzlystore.portola-ca.com) reports:
May 29:
Great weekend of fishing even in the cold, snow, and rain.
Eagle Point continues to be hot. Power Bait in Rainbow, Chartreuse or Sherbet; or inflated nightcrawlers.
Fly Fishing from Eagle Point to Cow Creek has been good.
Assort nymphs, damsels, woolly buggers, flash back pheasant tail, and copper johns have all been reported to be doing well.
A few reports of good fly fishing off of Mallard Cove.
Trolling: between the islands on the west side of them.
Needlefish - Red Dot Frog, Yellow Watermelon; Sockeye Slammer in Fire Tiger, Red Rainbow Runner all have been doing well.
Limits plus being caught.

The Truckee River Outfitters (775-853-7368) (info@renoflyshop.com):
The fishing has gotten a lot better over the past week or so.
Weed beds are starting to form and fish are starting to get really active. Blood Midges have been hatching in the mornings and fish can be caught on Blood Midge patterns in 6-12 feet of water.
Callabaetis have been hatching late mornings especially on calmer days. Damsels have been starting to show and fishing Damsel nymphs in 8-14 feet of water with a type two sinking line has been working fairly well.
It should not be long until the Damsels start to migrate into the shallows and start to head for dry land.
Warmer weather over the next week should put them into high gear.


Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
Some days good, while others not the best.
The winds have been Horrible the past week 7-15 mph coming in hard, the water temperature is around 57 degrees, larger boat is recommended.
There have been several Midge Hatchers but no damsels.
With the warmer weather coming out the damsel nymphs should be catching up bringing out some beautiful rainbows.
This coming week and weekend should be good.
Healthy fish around 15-18 inches have been caught.
Suggested use of Tan and black midge Larva 12 & 14, flying ants provide good action when the damsels are slow.


The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Anglers are catching stocked rainbow trout and tiger trout.
Commercially prepared baits such as Power Bait, nightcrawlers and a variety of hardware are catching the fish.
Largemouth bass action is continuing to improve with anglers pulling fish out of the weed beds.


The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Stocked rainbows are taking Power Bait, nightcrawlers, flies and spinners.
A combination of mini marshmallow and night crawlers also can be effective in this water.
Small jigs fished below a bobber have been catching crappie.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
The water is low and the fishing is pretty fair.
PMD’s and BWO’s are coming off.
When the weeds start to get thicker, the fishing will keep getting better.
For best results, fish with olive leeches, and Damsels with a sinking line. Floating lines and Leaders that are tapered to 4x, about 24 inches of 6x tippet, and 16 light Cahill should do the trick!
Doing the “Fall River Twitch” has been a great technique for decades. To do it, anchor your pram upstream of any rising fish, Cast your line downstream, and across, then feed your line out to extend the drift a long ways down the stream. This allows the fish to see the fly first, and it keeps you upstream, and out of the fishes view.
Courtesy of The Fly Shop.


Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
Striper fishing has been a roller coaster type of affair lately, with some great days and then some not so hot ones.
The fish seem to have mainly backed out of this river and are headed to the Sacramento River.
In July the fishing will pick back up when it’s time for the Salmon opener.
Shad fishing has been good on small grubs and bug-eyed shad flies.


Wiggin’s Trading Post at Chilcoot (530-993-4683) reports:
People came out in force this weekend for camping and fishing.
Generally fishing was good from the bank and from boats.
Frank Vidana of Reno caught a nice 2 1/4 lb German brown trout using nightcrawlers in Little Last Chance Creek just below Chilcoot Campground before 9:30 am.
We also received a report of 2 people who limited out on Monday and Wednesday near the boat ramp using salmon eggs.
Jake Downs of Reno (formerly of Chilcoot), caught 3 nice catfish in 45 minutes late one afternoon shore fishing using worms.
Catfish are starting to bite as the weather warms up.
Ray Bandeen and Darwin Christ caught limits of 12 ½" to 15 ½" trout near the boat launch on salmon eggs between 10 am and 2 pm.
Lunker Point has been a good spot also.
Jack and Kirk Lund of Fallon got their limits early - between 7:30 am and 11 - using baby crawlers, and green, red and orange Power Bait.


The Truckee River Outfitters (775-853-7368) (info@renoflyshop.com):
Frenchman’s has been fishing great for weeks.
Fish are being caught on a variety of methods.
Snails and Callabaetis nymphs fished with an intermediate or a sink tip line in 6-12 feet of water is a good bet in the late mornings.
Maholo nymphs and Midges fished under an indicator or “Floater No Cator” style has been really good all day. On calm days Loco Ants and Callabaetis dries have been catching fish in shallow bays and inlets on the surface.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500)
(www.shastacascade.com) reports:
You can experience the hatches of the Salmon Flies on Hat Creek. It’s going on now through the early days of July.
The fishing is good for some and fair for others, with the fishing being best early in the morning, and at sunset.
Good hatches of Caddis in the early evening.
Swinging leeches has been a go-to method lately with anglers.
Suspending a Micro-Mayfly under a dry Salmon Fly has been working.
The evening bite is produced by #6-8 leeches, like Zack's Swimming Leech and buggers like Fox's Peacock Buggers.
Courtesy of The Fly Shop.


The fishing season for Heenan Lake is closed.


Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
Water flow is down a bit to 20 CFS.
Caddis hatch is strong from around noon on. CDC caddis or e/c caddis on the surface. Good PMD hatch. Nymph fishing remains the most productive. WD-40's, flashback pheasant tails, hares ears and scuds.


Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250) (www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
Water conditions are good with flows up a tad making extended drifts possible over the weeds.
Under current conditions you can fish sections that are not hammered when flows are lower. Many fish hide along, and under the thick weed. Identify these lanes by just observing the water for a while without casting. The fish will vacillate in and out of their holds and you can make a much better presentation by spotting them before just blind casting and spooking them.
Windy weather towards the end of May kept many off the water.
As it warms look for the caddis to become prevalent, and Pale Morning Dun (PMD) mayflies to be the flies de’jour. #18-22 PT’s and olive midges work well while nymphing or fishing under a dry as your indicator.

Kent of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
Water Conditions:
Great. Flows at 33 CFS as of 5/31.
Water is clear and fairly low when compared to this time last year.
Fishing Conditions:
Good to Excellent.
Good action on Caddis drys and emergers when it's not windy.
Some Midges early and late, but the fish are keyed in mostly on Caddis.
Takes have been very subtle, so try and use the smallest and most sensative indicator you can use and try to shorten your drifts.
Yarn is usually best when the water is this clear and slow.


The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Unfortunately, Jiggs has dried up.

Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
Try Silver Lake with black or purple woolly buggers on sink tip or full sink lines. Rush Creek is now down to 26 CFS and fishing is picking up.
Try a Royal Wulff, Royal Coachman or a stimulator.
Nymph fish with P.T.'s, San Juan worms and olive hares ears.


Grant Lake, Gull Lake and June Lake:
To be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.

Jim Reid of Ken’s Sporting Goods Store in Bridgeport (760- 932-7707) (www.kenssport.com) reports:
We haven't heard much from Kirman this past week; I'd have to guess that stripping leech patterns and fishing scud patterns in tight to the cattails would be the best way to go right now. You might also be able to get into
some fish throwing lures like Thomas Bouyants and rooster tails.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
Fishing on the Klamath this week is fair for Rainbows and young steelhead; with this sunny and beautiful weather come more Salmon flies to emerge from the waters.
It’s still a little too early for any great reports to come out of the river.
Now through June, fishing large salmon fly dries alone the banks of the river, and next to the boulders which will help to produce the “carnivore’s fish” that makes the river famous.
Courtesy of The Fly Shop.


The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Colorado River:
Fishing continues to improve in the river from Davis Dam south with both the striper and catfish bite showing marked improvement.
Anglers continue to catch rainbow trout from deeper holes.

It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
Fishing great! Water conditions are excellent.
Callibaetis hatches have put rainbows on the surface mid day.
Pheasant Tail Nymphs or something small like Mercer's Gidget has been the most productive technique lately.
Go prepared with some ant patterns, just incase the carpenter ants are out.
Courtesy of The Fly Shop.


It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.


Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
George Lake - Mary Lake – Mamie Lake – Twin Lakes:
All the lakes are now ice free. The water is still very cold and no stocking has been done. Twin Lakes has been the best bet for fly rodders.
Doc's Twin Lakes Special in black or olive on a sink tip or full sink line.


Kent of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
George Lake - Mary Lake – Mamie Lake – Twin Lakes:
Water conditions:
Clear and Cold. All the lakes in the basin are now fishable.
Fishing conditions:
Bundle up, as the water is cold.
Full sink line is required. Get your fly down to where the fish are.


The fishing season for Marlette Lake is closed.


The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
When they could find some rest from the pestering winds and the seasonal boating traffic anglers found good fishing over the long holiday weekend.
Action has been good for both largemouth bass and smallmouth bass. The dropping water level is exposing submerged vegetation and other structure.
Striped bass have been hitting baits in the lower basin, the Overton Arm and near Temple Bar. Most stripers are in the 1.5- to 2-pound range, though some fish are pushing the five-pound mark.
Anglers fishing the Overton Arm have been pulling in multiple species from largemouth bass to striped bass and from blue gill to catfish.


The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Largemouth and smallmouth bass have provided anglers with good action in recent days. Fish are showing signs of top-water interest but most anglers are throwing plastics and jigs.
Striped bass are hitting trolled baits from Cottonwood Cove south toward Davis Dam. At Willow Beach anglers have reeled in stripers weighing from eight to 25 pounds. Trout imitations are catching the fish.

Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250)
(www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
Both locations are seeing decreasing numbers of spawning fish as they migrate back into Crowley.
Water conditions continue to be very good with excellent clarity.
Long Valley has been plagued by wind the last week of May and pressure has been light in both areas during this time.
The Upper Owens is now open to fishing in all sections.
The water upstream from the Benton Bridge remains barbless artificial, while the “dark side” gets a whack at the fish down from the bridge now damn it. This area will be planted throughout the summer.
Fishing has been mixed with McGee better than the Upper Owens overall.
You will see better “catching” as the weather improves in June on the Upper Owens. Dry dropper combos with #14-16 mayfly adults (use a hi-vis parachute) as the upper, and flashback PT’s or birds nest as the dropper nymph work well.
Midge nymph patterns are also good choices in the smaller sizes.


Upper Mosquito Lake:
It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Lower Mosquito Lake:
It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (800-720-ODWF) (www.dfw.state.or.us.com) reports:
Fishing for surfperch continues to be very good on the beaches near Bandon.
Anglers have also picked up a few redtail surfperch on the beaches near Coos Bay. Sand shrimp has been the best bait to use but sand worms can also work.
Fishing for bottom fish is now closed outside of 30 fathoms.
Anglers can now retain Cabezon.
The marine fish daily bag limit is seven fish, of which no more than 1 may be a Cabezon from April 1 through September 30. There are separate daily limits for lingcod (two) and flatfish other than Pacific halibut (25).
From Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain the Near shore halibut season begins May 1. The next all depth halibut weekend is May 31 – June 2.
Recreational Chinook salmon season is open in the ocean from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain.
A few Chinook have been caught in the ocean south of and near Coos Bay.


Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
The fishing has been great on the lake this week. The Bass have went into a post spawn and backed off towards the brush and trees where their nest is. Rainbows have been hitting hard, little slow in the open waters and inside shallower than 200 ft. The Coho bite is a little tough you might have to work for it but it pays off. The fish are stacked around 18-20 feet. In the mornings you will get some top water bites.
Gold star Hoochies, anchovies, Rainbow trout sinko’s, rip bites, robo worms, pumpkin red & green flakes swim and power baits have been reported successful.

Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250) (www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
Lower Owens River:
Flows went to 460 CFS and pretty much shut down good wade fishing in the wild trout section. I was hoping they would stabilize at 400 CFS but the LADWP opened the valves even more a few days ago.
It is tough to get your nymphs down at this release, and crossing or positioning can be difficult with this much water coming out of PV Reservoir while wading.
Drifting has been also poor, if flows continue to hold or drop a little fishing can be very good in the lower sections of the river fishing with streamers.
Heavy sinking tip lines are a must, and you need to concentrate your efforts on the softest water and slower runs along the tulle’s and willows.
The larger pools are very deep currently with too much water coming over the drop-offs and entries to effectively get your streamers down to the fish.
Look to fish much different water and sections than you would in the winter under lower flow rates.
I believe early fall will be awesome this year on the LO.
Flows will begin to back off or peak by mid-summer and in years like this we start to run drift trips earlier with good opportunities for dry fly action.

Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
Upper Owens River:
Current water flow is 126 CFS. Water temp 47.
The river is a bit clearer but fishing is still poor. Most of the larger lake fish have gone back to the lake but a few holdovers remain.
San Juan worms and egg patterns.
Lower Owens River:
Current flow is 457 CFS.
At this flow fishing is tough and wading is dangerous.


Kent of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
Upper Owens River:
Water Conditions:
Good to Fair. As of 5/31 the flows at 126 CFS. Road is open all the way up.
Fishing Conditions:
Fair. Water has cleared, but the fishing hasn't improved much.
All of the Crowley fish have returned to the lake.
Resident fish are nowhere to be found.
Things should pick up soon, but going to be mostly stocked fish.
Owens River Gorge:
Water conditions:
Great. Flow: 45 CFS. This is a permanent flow required to be maintained by LADWP.
Fishing Conditions:
Stinging nettles are back. Also watch out for snakes.
Rock Creek:
Water conditions:
Great. Flow: Clear and Cold.
Road is clear all the way up to mosquito flats.
There is no gauging station for Rock Creek.
Fishing conditions:
Great! Stick mainly to attractor patterns.
Big and bright usually does the trick here.
Lower Owens River:
Water Conditions:
Poor. Sill rippin' at 462 CFS as of 5/31.
Fishing Conditions:
Poor. Recent increases in flows have put a damper on fish and bug activity.
Flows are now up to the point where it's going to be dangerous to wade.
Water skiing with rope tied to tree remains good.


The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Anglers are finding some success at the upper marsh for panfish and catfish.
Mealworms or night crawlers below a bobber will catch fish.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
The fishing has been great.
Using Stonefly hatches and Salmon flies top off insect hatches of Caddis and a few Mayflies like BWOs are seeing some good results. You can use Big Stonefly patterns, or go all the way down to #18 Zebra Midges.
Rainbows will eat all day most of the time. These feisty fish can be found holding in fast bubbly water and in slower, smooth flowing water as well.
High-stick and short line nymphing techniques are the key to finding the biggest rainbows on this river.
The Pit is a delightful choice at this time of year although Flat ground does not exist at this River!
Using a wading staff and wearing a PDF is highly recommended.
Courtesy of The Fly Shop.

George and Carla Molino of the Pyramid Lake Store (775-476-0555) (www.fishpyramid.com) reports:
The boats are doing very good, nothing super big, but there have been some 50 fish days for some of the boats.
The Cutthroat have been running up to 26-29 inches in length.
The shore fishermen are doing OK.
The fly guys are not doing as good as the fish are deeper in the lake.


Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
The conditions are perfect right now, with the water being steady the fishing has been great. The flows are up to 10,500 CFS.
The Caddis hatch is late in the afternoon.
Be sure to keep in mind that through most of May, the wild Rainbows start to spawn. As a rule, if you happen to see a fish holding in shallow water, they are spawning, and are left alone.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
The fishing has been good this week. Not too many anglers on this river right now, although river conditions are still considered high.
Stoneflies, Caddis and a few Baetis are producing hook-ups along the lower half of the river.
Great potential on the sac when using Nymphs like Mercer’s Beaded Biot Epoxy Golden Stones, Sexy Girdle, Iron Sallies.
Don’t forget to use smaller nymphs like #16 Micro Mayflies, #16-18 Pheasant Tail Nymphs, and Prince Nymphs.
Courtesy of The Fly Shop.

Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
Road closed.


Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
The fishing has been amazing out on the lake!
The King Salmon fishing is great when trolling between 60-80 feet down. They are around 3- 3 1/2lbs.
Since the water is warming up, the fish are getting deeper and deeper.
If you want the best fishing, head over to the Dry Creek, Little Bone, and the Bridge Bay area.
First thing in the morning is when the Rainbows are being caught right on the surface from 5:30 a.m. to around 8:00 a.m. Once the sun comes up, and starts warming the water, the Rainbows are going down around 30-40 feet.
Fishing has been successful with Cripp Lures, and some Wiggle Hoochies.
Gene St. Denis of Blue Ribbons Charters (530-544-6552) (www.blueribbonfishing.com) reports:
The Macks are running about 2-8 pounds with an occasional one in the double digit weight size.
I’ve been trolling 150-240 feet deep with Dodgers and minnows at the Tahoe City Shelf on the west side of the lake.


Eric St. Denis, 17, son of sport fishing guide Gene St. Denis of Blue Ribbon Charters at South Lake Tahoe, California, narrowly missed setting the new lake record for a rainbow trout caught at Lake Tahoe.
He and his dad were trolling near Deadman’s Point on Tuesday, May 29 on the east shore of the lake, when he hooked into the big fish.
When the trout was finally netted, it weighed 11-pounds, 4-ounces.
The current lake record is 11-pounds, 7-ounces.
Eric’s rainbow measured 31.5 inches long

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
Flows are high and the fishing isn't great for now.
The water level is running at about 4500 CFS, but should slowly start to drop 3320 CFS by the end of May.
The Salmon will start arriving in June, and then the fishing will pick up.

The Truckee River Outfitters (775-853-7368) (info@renoflyshop.com):
The river has pretty much stopped Yo-Yoing from spring runoff.
That is the good news.
The bad news is lots of water is being released into the Truckee from some of its tributaries.
The upper section from Tahoe City to the confluence of the Little Truckee is in great shape, low and really fishable.
Everything downstream of Boca Bridge is pretty high. It is clear enough to fish for sure but wading is going to be tough until the flows go down a bit.
The Little Truckee coming out of Boca reservoir is over 600 CFS.
There have been some bugs hatching around the Town of Truckee late mornings to early afternoons.
In Nevada there is just a hint of an evening Caddis hatch starting on the lower river and also some Mayflies hatching mid day.
It is going to get pretty warm this week and we should see Caddis, Little Yellow Stones and some Green Drakes any day.
Nymphing the lower water upstream with 5X and small Mayfly nymphs and Midges have been pretty productive.
On the lower river where the flows are higher fish the edges out of the main current with nymphs and enough weight to get your flies down in the heavier flows. Streamers fished on a sink tip line in the deeper pools are also a good bet. Look for the flows to start to drop any day.
Flows are: Town of Truckee 190 CFS, Boca Bridge 905 CFS, Farad 999 CFS and Reno 811 CFS.

The Truckee River Outfitters (775-853-7368) (info@renoflyshop.com):
It is kind hard to call it the Little Truckee right now with the flows at over 600 CFS. At these flows water is outside the banks on a lot of the river.
It is fishable for sure and the fish are really spread out.
It is a lot tougher to fish and you have to treat it as a bigger river right now.
Lots of weight bigger flies and a different approach is a must. Don’t be afraid to use a Stonefly or a Green Drake nymph on 4X with a BB or two.
Most of the fish will still be caught on smaller flies but the larger first fly will help to get down to the fish in the higher flows. This would be a good time to try your favorite streamer in deeper slots as well.

Jim Reid of Ken’s Sporting Goods Store in Bridgeport (760- 932-7707) (www.kenssport.com) reports:
The Twins have been very good this past week, lots of fish in the 1 to 3 pound range have been biting crawlers and power eggs.
Fly anglers have been doing well with streamers like matukas and wooly buggers either from tubes or wading out near the inlets.
Trollers should try Rapalas or dodgers and crawlers.

It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.

John and Carolyn Webb of the Virginia Lakes Resort (760-647-6484) (vir@qnet.com) reports:
Great catch by Steve & Kari Frumento on Little Virginia May 28, 2012, their first anniversary with a limit of Alpers and DFG 1 pounders on flies and Thomas Buoyants.
Also, fishing was great with DFG and Alpers stocking last Thursday putting huge smiles on everyone's face.
All 3 lakes got the DFG bows, but only Big and Little got Alpers.
Bait was mainly garlic power bait, a few mouse tails worked but it was sporadic. Loads of red/gold Thomas Buoyant, rainbow patterns, and worms were the hot ticket mid-day.
Flies topping the charts where red throated Matuka, rust BH wooly buggers, and Rickard's stillwater nymphs.
My X-caddis did well with the couple guys that got them, and the weather was a major factor in excellent conditions.
The new concessionaire, WestRec opened Trumble lake campground without water so everyone could enjoy the entire area. DFG also stocked Trumble Lake with rainbows and a there were limits taken there also.
See ya'll on the water.....Carolyn


Jim Reid of Ken’s Sporting Goods Store in Bridgeport (760- 932-7707) (www.kenssport.com) reports:
The Virginias are fishing excellent also, lots of nice fish on bait, lures and flies. For bait go with fire bait, eggs or crawlers. For lures try kastmasters, thomas bouyants and Jake's spin-a-lures. For flies try seal buggers, stillwater nymphs, soft hackles and prince nymphs.


The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
No Lahontan cutthroat have been reported or seen at Walker Lake since 2009. Mineral County Road Dept. has done some work on the State Parks Launch. Launching is improved but you still need four wheel drive.

The Truckee River Outfitters (775-853-7368) (info@renoflyshop.com):
East Walker River:
Flows are 95 CFS. This is down from 118 last week. The fishing has been really good on both the California side and the Nevada side.
In California there have been decent hatches mid day and in the evenings. Buckskin Caddis patterns have been working well as well as smaller Stones and small mayflies and midges.
On the Nevada side Stoneflies have been working really well. There have also been some fish looking up at Dry Stones and Hoppers.
It would not be a surprise to see the flows go up any day so keep an eye on them before you go.

Jim Reid of Ken’s Sporting Goods Store in Bridgeport (760- 932-7707) (www.kenssport.com) reports:
East Walker – West Walker – Sceirine Ranch - Hunewill Pond:
East Walker River:
The East is running at 119 cfs right now and the fishing has been great this week. We've been getting mostly good reports on nymphing, a couple good reports on streamers and a couple good reports on dries.
For nymphing you'll want to go with small midge patterns and caddis nymphs, buckskin caddis, 3-wire caddis, fox poopah, la fontaines sparkle pupa, wd-40, zebra midge, san juan worm, flashback emerger. For streamers try a zuddler, hornberg or sculpin pattern.
For dries go with a elk hair caddis, para adams or para caddis.
The Rosachi has been fishing pretty well lately too, you can go with
the patterns mentioned above and also give a dry/dropper rig a try.
West Walker River:
The West has been excellent lately, lots of fish being caught on spinners and bait as well as flies.
The canyon section has been good as well as the Pickle Meadows section. Panther Martins, Mepps spinners, eggs, crawlers, prince nymphs, pheasant tails, hare's ears, buggers and mini leeches have all been doing well.
Sceirine Ranch:
The Sceirine has been fishing well and getting booked up quite a bit in advance lately, if you want to have some water to yourself and get
into some good fish give us a call ahead of time to make a reservation.

Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250) (www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
Flows are well below historical averages and are currently at 110cfs. They will begin to go up soon, however you will not see the huge releases experienced last year. The summer months will be rough on the fish on the EW if flows remain low, so get your licks in early and give them a break when the water gets warm and green in August.
Midges and Mayflies are going off currently, decent dry fly action late mornings on the calmer days. It has been very windy during the end of May, consequently pressure has been lighter than normal.
June will bring out good caddis activity so bring some elk hair caddis adult patterns #14-18 along for sure. Olive colored crystal caddis and midge larva, or emerger patterns work well here for nymphing this time of year.

Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
East Walker River:
Flow continues to bounce up and down and is currently at 119 CFS.
No change in the fishing here.
Hatch consists of midges, mayflys and crane flys. Nymphing is good with WD-40's, zebra midges, baetis emergers and buckskin nymphs. If the "miracle mile" is packed as it has been fishing is good down river as well.


Kent of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
East Walker River:
Water Conditions:
Great. Flows up and down a bit over last few days and at 110 CFS as of 5/31. Check this one.
Fishing Conditions:
Same fare, Midges and Caddis with a mayfly here and there.
Fish the shallow fast riffles with larger dry flies or terrestrials.
Not hearing much in the way of streamer activity.


It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.


The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Washoe Lake dried up in 2004 and, although it is presently full and has been restocked, the fish population, consisting mostly of channel catfish and white bass, is small. Fishing is expected to be poor.


Photo Captions:

Photo No. 1:
Eric St. Denis, 17, son of sport fishing guide Gene St. Denis of Blue Ribbon Charters at South Lake Tahoe, California, narrowly missed setting the new lake record for a rainbow trout caught at Lake Tahoe.
He and his dad were trolling near Deadman’s Point on Tuesday, May 29 on the east shore of the lake, when he hooked into the big fish. It weighed 11-pounds, 4-ounces.
The current record is 11-pounds, 7-ounces.
Photo courtesy of Gene St. Denis

Photo No. 2:
Catch of the Week: Uly Kim from Yorba Linda, California caught a 3-pound, 6-ounce rainbow trout with Gold Zekes from the south shore of Convict Lake, California.
Photo courtesy of the Convict Lake Resort

Photo No. 3:
Larry Emdur with a very nice brown trout, caught recently on the East Walker River, California.
Photo courtesy of Kent of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter.

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