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Don Q's fishing report for week of July 25-31

Warm weather and cool fishing is expected this week along the many lakes, rivers and streams in Nevada, Northern California and the Sierra. Here is this week's fishing report for the week of July 25. As always, pack plenty of sunscreen, abide regulations and have your fishing license with you.

Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250) (www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
Prime time here. 
Half days are best, we get the callibaetis and midge hatches right from the get go, then switch to damsel adults for the grand finale. 
The fish go into the weeds mid-day here as it gets too warm so plan on an early start and be done by lunch. 
This is private water, call for availability please.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) ( www.shastacascade.com) reports:
It’s still cool enough for fish to remain scattered around both basins.
Clarity is about 16 ft, which is excellent.
More sunny days are in the forecast, making for great fishing.
The fish are plump, very well fed, and this can make them finicky when trying to catch them.
Try slow trolling; “Strike Master” Chartreuse Prism dodgers and the Giant “Keep me Warm” Mealworms, 14 inches back, have been getting most of the action. The average is about 16 to 18” for Salmon, which seem to be everywhere. Expect to work for your limits, but as the moon wanes fish will be feeding less at night, and more predictable feeding patterns should resume. Browns about 4 lbs. and Rainbows averaging 3 lbs.
Fast action lures are another way to go. The colors working really well seem to be red and gold, nickel, and white seem to be best.
In general fish are still scattered all over the east basin.

Rick and Patti Apted - Lake Sabrina Boat Landing (760-873-7425) (www.lakesabrinaboatlanding.com) reports:
Sabrina Lake:
Pick up your fishing license before coming to the lake.
What a week it was – and what a day Sunday was! It’s going to be a long report so sit back and relax!
The week started out with high white fluffy clouds, nice cool breezes and lots of fish coming out of the Lake.
Brad Garrett, his son Max and Darren Colton know the secret – 2, no not 1, but 2 – 3-1/2 pound Alpers. They know the secret.
Chris Lorenzi landed a nice 4-1/2 pound Alper on a NightCrawler.
And Boy Scout Troop 915 of Westchester had a great time on the Lake earning their ‘Fish Cleaning Badge’ along with their Camping Badge this weekend – it’s our understanding all the boys limited out – cleaned all the fish – then cooked up dinner – Good job, boys!
Fishing was still a bit slow this week – although you couldn’t tell that by the Boy Scout boys – fishing the inlets was best using NightCrawlers or Power Bait (and that’s where the Boy Scouts were fishing).
Trolling is still on the slow, it’s a bit better if you can get down a bit – you can do this by using leadcore at 5-6 colors with flashers and a NightCrawler or Thomas Buoyant.
Drifting with a NightCrawler and a split-shot over the shoreline between the two natural lakes was getting some fish.
Shore fishing with Salmon Eggs, PowerBait or NightCrawlers in the small coves was what was working.
If you’re not sure what to do or how to do it or where to do it – come into the building and ask!
DFG stocked the Lake on Monday with another load of Rainbows – thanks!
Now for Sunday – Sunday started like every other Sunday, and well then it all broke loose.
But first, an educational opportunity – when meeting stock (packers and mules/horses) on the trail, PLEASE step to the down-side of the trail – that’s because if the animals are startled, they’ll go up the side of the trail and not down the side of the trail. We had a backpacker (on the upside) startle a mule, the mule went down the side of the mountain - took another mule and ended in the Lake a 100 feet down – crashing thru trees and across boulders and finally into the Lake. Luckily, a rope broke or two additional mules and possibly the packer might also have ended in the Lake. Mike, owner of the Bishop Pack Outfitters got one of the mules back up to the trail thru the brush and trees, calmed the 2 mules that didn’t go down  while Rick and Kyler an experienced packer with the pack station at North Lake helped the injured mule swim across the Lake using a fishing boat. Quite a sight to see and we hope never to see it again. We understand both mules will be fine. Kyler of Bishop Pack Outfitters kept his cool thru this ordeal – so very proud of that boy. And that was all before noon.
Then about 2:00pm, the heavens opened, and I do mean opened – at one point it was raining and hailing at a rate of 5 inches an hour – luckily, it didn’t rain that hard for an hour, but by the end of the deluge at about 5:00pm we ended up with almost 2 inches of rain and lots of hail.
We had thunder and lightning and at one point, it was wall to wall people in the Café – lots on new friendships made.
At about 4:30pm, Kyler and his mule from the Pack Station came trotting down the trail for Rick to meet him at the Trailhead – he and another Packer, Colter, had to finish the initial packing in of supplies for backpackers, and a mule got his foot stuck in a hole – they tried for an hour to get that leg out during the downpour – and did – All mules, all packers are safe and sound!
 Oh, and then about 5:30, a rock slide on the east side of the Lake right at about the shoreline between the two natural lakes – sure made lots of noise and dust. 
Well this is the 4th week of working on the bridge. The first week - they had roped off the North Lake Hiker parking area at the North Lake road last week – the second week a storage container and forklift were delivered to the roped off area. Now for the 3rd week – we couldn’t figure out what was done on the bridge last week. And now for the 4th week progress report – nothing has progressed as far as we can tell. We’ll keep you informed of any progress. We have been assured the road will remain open during the season, so do not fret, you will be able to get to the Lake.
KEEPING THIS IN - Guess it’s that time of year to remind you of a few things – when using BUG JUICE – not many of them – think the last cold streak killed most of the big ones and the smaller ones haven’t hatched yet (could be because of the lack of run-off) - or SANITIZER you need to really wash your hands before fishing - then rub some Salmon Egg juice, worm dirt or Anglers Bros Trout attractant (got it in stock at the Lake) to take that smell off. Remember your polarized dark glasses and sunscreen – we saw a few anglers that looked a bit like cooked lobster last year.
Temperature cooled this week due to the cloud cover we had for a few days – lows in the 70s for highs and in the low 50s for the lows. The weather gurus are talking cooler temps this week.
DON’T FORGET TO PACK A JACKET WHEN YOU COME TO THE LAKE and if there’s a chance of thunderbooms - DON’T FORGET YOUR PONCHOS. You can check www.weather.gov and enter ASPENDELL, CA on the site and it will give you a fairly good hint at the weather or check in with Howard at www.MammothWeather.com.
And, of course, we'll have HOMEMADE pie and ice cream (until it’s gone), sodas, beer, wine, coffee, tea and hot cocoa! Looking forward to seeing you all in the very near future.

Jared Smith - Parcher’s Resort (760-873-4177) (sierrasmitty@cebridge.net):
South Lake:
The fishing was a tad slow early in the week following the busy weekend but things perked up after a DFG stocking Wednesday morning.
The wind was an issue for some mid-week, but it died down to a pleasant breeze just in time for the weekend folks.
Quite a few fish in the 2 to 3lb range were caught this week but the big fish of the week weighed in at 4lbs even caught by Jeff Bedell of Orange, Calif.
The inlets were a bit on the slow side this week but there were quite a few fish cruising the flats behind the island so anglers looking to fish the back of the lake weren't disappointed.
The west shore between the rock slide and the dam was very productive for both the bait 'n wait folks and those fishing artificials like Thomas Buoyant, trout worms and mini-jigs.
The fish are pretty schooled up so if you're not getting bit, keep moving until you find 'em. Orange and pink were hot colors for lures and bait this week.
The trolling bite picked up this week and folks did best trolling the west shore with Tasmanian Devils, especially the rainbow trout pattern.
Five colors of lead core seemed to be the most productive depth.
As usual, Thomas Buoyant in Red/Gold was the best for lure tossers.
Folks on the troll did best with Thomas, Tasmanian Devils or hauling flashers with a crawler.
The water level at South Lake is still stable and sits just below the bottom of the launch ramp. Some folks are making use of the dirt area to the south of the ramp but it's pretty rough.
South Fork Bishop Creek:
Action in the creek was reported to be quite good, especially for the bait anglers using pieces of nightcrawler or a single salmon eggs. A few good reports from those using mini-jigs and spinners as well on fish to 13".
Intake II:
Wide open fishing for most, especially from the dam or in the far corner by the pipe. Bait, lures and flies all working. Heavy fishing pressure.

Jim Reid of Ken’s Sporting Goods Store in Bridgeport (760- 932-7707) (www.kenssport.com) reports:
Bridgeport has been excellent for bait anglers fishing out of boats still, mainly out in the middle of the lake towards Buckeye Bay. 
Mouse tails, gulp eggs, power bait and crawlers have all been doing well.
There has also been some nice perch showing up here and there if you like some killer fish tacos!!
We haven't heard much from fly anglers lately, but I can tell you that yesterday evening there must have been an awesome callibaetis hatch because all the boats in the marina were covered with them, thousands of them, this morning when I went to get the boat out.
Also there's been some really great damsel hatches every day starting around 9:30 or 10:00 each morning. 

Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250) ( www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
Conditions for fly fishers are not great right now.
The weed beds are out to 18 feet, not the best for still water nymphing.  Some pretty heavy algae in some areas as well. 
Lack of fish is not the issue here, just the current conditions. 
Other methods of angling are doing well here so look for a very good fall season, especially for tubers trolling streamers for trophy browns in the north end of the lake.

Kent Rianda of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
Water Conditions: Good. With the warmer water comes lots of weeds.
Fishing Conditions: Good. Not too many recent reports.
Weeds are already a problem.
Especially at inlets around the lake making midging difficult.
Pull streamers early and switch to midges around mid-day.

Bryan Roccucci of Big Daddy’s Guide Service (530-283-4103) (email bryan@bigdaddyfishing.com) reports:
A couple weeks back the summer trout bite at Bucks Lake busted wide open and it is still going strong. Early July saw easy limits and a ton of catch and release on every trip I ran, including a weekend of trips that featured over 100 fish hooked in two days with 50 landed by noon on Sunday alone!
The boat experienced a number of double and triple hook ups, in fact a single hook up was rare. That is about as good as sierra trout fishing gets.
Well guess what it is still going on.
Yesterday we landed 20 fish in an hour and a half and had another 6 fish on that didn't make the net.
The catch has been a mix of Browns and Bows with a few Kokanee and Brookies showing with three of those Browns between 17 and 19 inches and well fed.
If you are looking for an exciting day of trout fishing on a beautiful, relaxed setting, Bucks Lake is for you. It is typical to have a solid summer bite at the lake but this is above and beyond.
I look forward to seeing you on the water.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Current flow is 108 CFS.
1,719 rainbows and 5,639 Brown trout stocked on the 6/26/12.
Fly anglers have been using prince nymphs, Pheasant Tails and Olive Micro Mayflies. Spin fisherman, use Blue Fox silver, and black Panther Martins.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
A few bass have been showing up, but no trout due to the pike infestation.
Pike fishing has also been poor.
There are few if any trout left in the lake also due to the pike infestation.

Convict Lake Resort (800-992-2260) (www.convictlake.com) reports:
Catch of the Week:  Kori from Paradise caught a Stringer of fish with Spinner Lures at the Jetty! We also had Tim Prem who caught a stringer with Salmon Eggs at the Inlet.
Best Location to Fish: The best locations to fish right now are the South Shore, Inlet, Beach Area, Jetty, Lake, North Shore and Convict Creek.
This past week Anglers have had most success with:
Night Crawlers, Rooster Tail, Red and Gold Thomas Buoyant, Garlic Power Bait, Yellow Power Bait, worms, cheese worm, Trout Teaser, salmon eggs and Rainbow Nuggets. 
Other Locations to Try: 
"Windy Point" (picnic area south shore), The Inlet, Hangman's Tree, Outlet, Handicap Pier and Convict Creek.
Water Temperature: 58 Degrees. 
Weather:  Slight warmer weather conditions are expected this next week. Expect temperatures to be in the low 80's over the weekend then slightly warmer temperatures are expected for the later part of next week with highs in the mid to low 80's and lows in the high 40's. Here is a local site that is usually quite accurate www.mammothweather.com. 
Pinched Crawlers, Gulp Worms, Night Crawlers, Power Eggs, Power Worms, Small Spinners like Mepps and Panther Martins. Chunky Cheese Power Bait, Troll with Rapalas, Needlefish, Thomas Buoyant. 
Panther Martin, Thomas Buoyant, Phoebe, Little Wolfs, Cripplure
Trolling: Little Cleo’s, Dave Davis Night Crawler or Lead Core 4-6 colors, Rapalas, Rebels, Pin Minnows
Marvel Fly, Prince, Hares Ear, Lopper Johns, Ant Beatles
Convict Creek: 
Flies: Strip Streamers
Bait: Eggs, Night Crawlers and Power Worms
(Information provided by the Convict Lake Staff, Kittredge Sports, and Rick's Sporting Goods)  
Stocking: DFG stocked this week.  
Sunrise - Sunset: Sunrise this week 5:53 am - 5:56 am and Sunset 8:10 pm - 8:08 pm.

Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
Best fishing is near the inlets like the mouth of the Owens River or McGee Creek. Patterns with lot's of red like Stevie's M-80 in 9-11 feet of water.

Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250) ( www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
I have not used the word epic on Crowley for a long time. 
I am using it now. 
I have guided two out of four days here this week in which I have counted  100 grabs in an 8 hour day, with so many 17-22 inch fish coming to net on a broken back copper tiger midge and broken back gillie combo I am losing count!  No bull, if you get in a good position in McGee Bay, you will have a sore arm. 
There are also good numbers of fish in the north arm near Green Banks, Layton Springs, and Big Hilton Bay. 
The fish are not the jumbos we are seeing in McGee; however there are very good numbers and steady action when the incredible Chironomid hatch goes off. The midge emergence is full bore, with a cloud of them holding overhead by 10am. 
You can find concentrations of fish in 8-15 feet; just make sure you are on a mud bottom and not over some weeds. 
Pay attention to wind shifts and current changes as you may need to move your tube or boat to keep over the sweet spots.
Some streamer action early, primarily on tiny perch fry and later on with damsel nymphs-these fish are gorging on Chironomids # 14-18. 
Use a copper tiger or broken back tiger as the lower fly; put a # 18 broken back gillie or standard gillie as the upper. 
Keep your bugs 6-12 inches off the bottom.
Crowley is on this summer, call if we can help you out.

Kent Rianda of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
Water Conditions: The lake is down to below mid-level and continuing to drop.
Water temps on the bottom are getting way up there and over ideal 57F about everywhere except in front of tribs.
The last few days of hot weather finished off the algae in McGee and it has sunk and we are back to essentially clear water there and decent over the entire lake save the Marina where it is still swampy.
Fishing Conditions:
There are still some fish stuck in the north arm but there has been another mass migration of BIG fish into McGee Bay. The big fish chase the little ones out so it is almost all big fish.
Due to so many weeds right in the channel this year there is no real concentration along the channel as in most years and the fish are spread out all over in 8-11 ft of water outside the weeds.
The annual Shogun catch-and-take contest started yesterday and the fleet of boats overhead slowed it down pretty much but clear water, a big hatch and fewer boats resulted in a banner day for about everyone out there today.
If you are not into crowds Leighton Springs and Green Banks are holding fish but if you can tolerate the incessant drivel in close earshot, you will probably come home with multiple fish in the 20"+ category in McGee.
If you want to buck the weeds, go inside and strip in the tube - you will be rewarded. The big fish are chasing Tui Chub fry up from the bottom and whacking them on the surface.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
Fishing has been slow to fair on the lake.
Some days there are a few damsels swimming around, with a few adults in other areas, but really nothing to get the fish going consistently.
The fish have been four to six feet deep.
Midge hatches were almost non-existent this past week.
Coves south of Camp Five and the North side of Eagle point have been the most active areas.
The fish are moving all day long.
Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
The River has continued to produce great results.
The Hex Hatch has continued for the past week and has been coming off, and is keeping the fish in the lower river, well fed.
Island Road is best for the afternoon fishers, but fishing in the morning and early evening has been producing the best results.
Floating lines and leaders tapered to 4X, about 24" of 6X tippet not to mention#16 PMD Dun- that should do it for dry fly fishing.
Keep in mind, potential delays on 299E around Montgomery Creek.
Courtesy of The Fly Shop

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
Fishing has become spotty on the river.
Fishermen have been coming up with only a few or even no fish for the day, and the fishing pressure remains light.
With the water still being so low at Boyd’s and Yuba City, there are a lot of hazards out on the water!

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
This warmer weather is driving the fish deeper.
A combination of Nightcrawlers and glitter Power Bait seem to be doing the trick from the shore. The best bites are early morning and late evening when it starts to get cooler.
More techniques that have been keeping the fish hooked are Apex lures, and trolling nightcrawlers behind flashers. 

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
Fishing is good in the morning hours and just before sunset.
The bigger rainbows on the creek are smart. The bigger fish in the creek are holding under the structure, riffles, and undercut banks. Look in the shadows along the edges of the creek. Drifting and swinging dark buggers will bring them out. Try swinging  dark leeches or a small #18 non-beaded pheasant tail nymph or suspending a small #18 Zebra Midge under a Barr's hopper.
Courtesy of The Fly Shop

The fishing season for Heenan Lake is closed.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Stocking occurred on 7/03/12 with 600 rainbows and stocked with 1,050 Tiger Trout on 06/19/2012. 
Note: The access road has been changed. The previous access road where you turn right and drive through the housing development has been gated and locked. Instead, a new road has been constructed at the end of Ash Canyon Road to access the backcountry and Hobart. To access Hobart from now on, just stay on Ash Canyon Road.

Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
Water flow is steady at 11 CFS.  Trico's in the am. Caddis hatch is strong from around noon on. CDC caddis or e/c caddis on the surface.  Good PMD hatch and little yellow stones beginning to show. Nymph fishing remains the most productive. WD-40's, flashback pheasant tails, hares ears and scuds.

Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250) (www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
The afternoon winds have been an issue as usual so get an early start. 
All caddis, all the time and you’ll be fine.
Fish a hopper and a dropper bead head midge or PT for a change up in the deeper runs. Water flows have continued to drop and are at a point where the weed lines can fudge up extended drifts. 
The summer and fall caddis emergences are arguably the best time of the season to catch fish on adult dry flies. 
The trout here really key in on this hatch. 
Caddis imitations are larger than their respective midge and may fly counterparts, hence easier to see and fish. 
If you want to learn how to catch trout on dries, this is a good time of year to hit Hot Creek.

Kent Rianda of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
Water Conditions: Good. Flows at 22 CFS as of 7/19. Water is very clear and low when compared to this time last year. Weeds everywhere. Only a few pockets of deeper water here and there.
Fishing Conditions: Good. Big Trico hatch early in the morning with some Baetis later in the morning. Caddis in the afternoon. Slap big hoppers on the far bank around mid-day when the hatches slow down. Nymphing is getting tougher as the weeds grow in and the water drops.

Goodale Creek:
It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Independence Creek:
It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
North Lake:
It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Lake Sabrina:
It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Lone Pine Creek:
It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Rock Creek Lake:
It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
South Lake:
It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Taboose Creek:
It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Unfortunately, Jiggs has dried up.

Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
Try Silver Lake with black or purple woolly buggers on sink tip or full sink lines.  Rush Creek is lower at 7 CFS and fishing is tougher. Try a Royal Wulff, Royal Coachman or a stimulator. Nymph fish with P.T.'s, San Juan worms and olive hares ears.

Jim Reid of Ken’s Sporting Goods Store in Bridgeport (760- 932-7707) (www.kenssport.com) reports:
Kirman is still being a little stubborn lately; we haven't had any real good reports from there this past week. I'd guess it'll be a bit tough until the weather cools down and the water temps follow. 

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
The River is in between seasons for the month so there isn’t much news to report. Hatches of Golden Stones and Salmon flies have come and gone. A lot of smaller 6-12in rainbows chasing these big flies. 
As the weather warms up expect to find bigger rainbows moving up into the Iron Gate region of the Klamath. For now, the fishing on the Klamath is focused on the lower sections down near Klamath Glen.
— Courtesy of The Fly Shop

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
Though the fishing isn’t “on fire” it is still very steady throughout the day.
Stripping Leeches or suspending Nymphs under an indicator will produce good results.  Productive techniques have been retrieving Pheasant Tail Nymphs, or Mercer’s Gidget.
You will want to come prepared with ant patterns in case the carpenter ants are out. Another good technique is suspending#22 Red Zebra Midge or Gidgets under a treated piece of poly yarn.
— Courtesy of The Fly Shop

Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
George Lake - Mary Lake – Mamie Lake – Twin Lakes:
Twin Lakes has been the best bet for fly rodders. Doc's Twin Lakes Special in black or olive on a sink tip or full sink line with a hare’s ear trailer.
Lake George has also been good with the same setup.
Very crowded. 

Kent Rianda of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
George Lake - Mary Lake – Mamie Lake – Twin Lakes:
Water conditions: Clear and starting to warm some.
Fishing conditions: Not much changing here from week to week. Water warming some. Fish are more active. Look for fish cruising in shallow warmer water.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Fishing has been good early mornings and late evenings.
Black leaches and Adams have been reported and working well.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Hinkson Slough: Fishing has been slow with lots of weeds this time of year.

Robinson Creek: It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Rock Creek: It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Rush Creek: It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Saddlebag Creek: It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Saddlebag Lake: It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Silver Lake: It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Trumble Lake: It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Twin Lake Lower: It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Twin Lake Upper: It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Virginia Creek: It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Virginia Lake Lower: It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Virginia Lake Upper: It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.
West Walker River: It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
The Lake is being dropped about 2 ft a day so it’s making the fishing a little more aggressive.  
The action is steady at Lake Oroville for bass at around 30 feet using jigs, shaky head, dart head and drop shot worms. 
Also there has been a wide open bite on 10-12 inch land-locked Coho Salmon on just about any offering with minnows a good bet. With the Coho bite being so active using swim baits for bass may entice a big one to bite.
Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250) (www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
Upper Owens River: Numbers have been good in the planted sections around the campground and downstream towards the lake.
Decent dry fly action before noon in the specially regulated section above and upstream from the Benton Bridge, but with the low water the fish are really stacked in the deeper pools and not inclined to hold in the riffle water long if at all. 
Caddis and midges are best, spotty PMD mayfly hatches; this has been the case in most areas due to low water. 
Moving water mayflies dig lots of cool oxygenated water indicative of wet years-did I mention we did not have a wet year?
Lower Owens River: Flows have crashed to 200 CFS. I did not see this coming in mid July so look for some great summertime action if they hold. 
You can bet your Grandma we will be drifting this very soon, and I suggest you look at the wild trout section in the morning and late afternoon when it cools down. Caddis and small mayflies both as adults and nymphs. 
This low flow is abnormal for July and some incredible fishing will be seen here if the LADWP holds this release for a time. 
Yahoo, this is like a gift from the heavens!

Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
Upper Owens River: Current water flow is 64 CFS. Water temp up to 68. No change here.
The river is still cloudy but fishing is good.  Lot's of caddis and PMD's. Fox's Caddis Poopah, Brooks Hot Creek caddis San Juan worms and egg patterns. Recent stockings have improved the fishing here.
Lower Owens River:
The flow has dropped to a very fishable 176 CFS. We will journey to Bishop next week to see how it's fishing. We will update as soon as we have more accurate info but it should be great.

Kent Rianda of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
Upper Owens River water conditions: Good. As of 7/19 the flows are steady at 64 CFS.
Great flows, and with the temps in the 80s-90s it's perfect for wet wading!
Fishing Conditions: Good. Water is low and clear above the Hot Creek confluence, and the fish can be spooky. Trico Hatch early, with some Caddis mixed in. Some PMD's and midges as well.
Flows and weather are perfect for wet wading.
Be advised I saw plenty of mud snails hanging on my pants the other day when I got off the water so clean your gear and help prevent the spread of this invasive species.
Owens River Gorge water conditions: Great. Flow: 45 CFS. This is a permanent flow required to be maintained by LADWP.
Fishing Conditions: Not much changing here week to week. Be stealthy as the water is gin clear and the fish can definitely see you coming.
Stinging nettles are back. Also watch out for snakes.
Rock Creek water conditions: Great. Flows are at 30 CFS as of 7/19.
Fishing conditions: Great! Stick mainly to attractor patterns.
Big and bright usually does the trick here
Rush Creek water conditions: Fair. As of 7/19 flows are bottoming out at 8 CFS above Grant Lake.
Fishing Conditions: Good. The water is Gin clear, so be sure to use lighter tippet and be stealthy. Stick mainly to attractor patterns.
Lower Owens River water conditions: Good. Flows at 262 CFS as of 7/19.
Fishing conditions: Flows down under 300 in the middle of July.
Perfect wet wading flows and the fishing is great!
Lots of wild browns hanging out in the wild trout section.
Hearing good things, so if you don't mind the heat it should be fun!

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Anglers are finding some success at the upper marsh for panfish and catfish.
Mealworms or night crawlers below a bobber will catch fish.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Knott Creek is fishing great although lots of weeds.
Fly fishing with damsels, midges, small Adams, and black leaches.
Anglers have reported various huge fish.
Season is open the second Saturday in June through November 15. 
Onion has been fishing great and was recently stocked on 06/12/2012.
Great spot to take the kids camping!
All the roads in the Pine Forest are open and passable but need a 4wd vehicle. The road around the eastern shoreline at Knott Creek is open and camping spots are available.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
Very good fishing is going to continue all summer long on the Pit! Great water is coming out of from Lake Britton Dam, all the way to Big Bend.
The rainbows are munching #14-16 Pheasant Tail Nymphs, and #6-8 Pat Rubber Legs.
The Pit is a delightful choice at this time of year however it can be a bit demanding to wade thanks to slippery, bowling-ball like boulders and rocks.
It’s highly recommended to bring a wading staff and PFD (Personal Floatation Device) too.
Keep in mind, potential delays on 299E around Montgomery Creek.
— Courtesy of The Fly Shop

Closed to Lahontan Cutthroat Trout fishing until Oct. 01.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Fishing has been very slow due to warm weather.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
There has been great fishing on the river this week!
The fish are staying healthy and aggressive with all of the PMD’s and amazing Mayflies on the water.
Anglers have reported fish anywhere from 16-20 inches!
Fish deep, with extra long leaders at a length of 9 feet. Caddis patterns like Cinnamon Poopahs, Birds’ Nests, and Silvey’s Beaded Poopah in a tan color. The most effective fly fishing method is Nymphing.
This River will not disappoint!
— Courtesy of The Fly Shop

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
Fishing has been great with reports of 14-16 inch Rainbows.
The water conditions are great and good fishing can be found along the 35 mile length of the Upper Sacramento.
Insect hatches of caddis and small #18 olive baetis can be found along the lower half, near Dog Creek. Up in Dunsmuir, there are a few lingering Golden Stones coming off. Busy caddis hatches around 10:00 in the morning can put rainbows on the surface.
— Courtesy of The Fly Shop

Kirk and Lisa Portocarrero at email: outdooradventures@sacriverguide.com and www.sacriverguide.com (1-800-670-4448) report:
As of July 21, 2012.
Opening day of salmon was a success, seeing limits of salmon by 9 am. Produced amazing King Salmon for opening day, salmon up to 25 pounds. Using Flat fish lures. 
We used Flat lures in the morning and bounced roe through out the day.
Most of the fish were between 15 and 25 pounds.
On Wednesday, produced 4 fish by 9 a.m.
Corning area was slowing as Friday. The salmon are moving through. This is typical to see a lull in the run shortly after opening. Fishing will pick back up in the coming days. 
Saturday, there were boats averaging 2 fish per boat.

Kirk and Lisa Portocarrero at email: outdooradventures@sacriverguide.com and www.sacriverguide.com (1-800-670-4448) report:
As of July 21, 2012, water flow is currently 14,500 CFS. 
Fly fishing Sacramento River in Redding to Anderson is excellent.
Fantastic fly fishing now.
Catching wild rainbows Redding to Anderson. 20 to 30 fish days now.
Fishing has been very productive; yesterday late day into evening was fantastic. Beautiful Rainbows!
The Posse ground area of the Sacramento River has been producing lots of trout, with the presence of salmon, egg patterns are working best now.
Bonneyview Bridge to Balls Ferry.
Flies working best now are Sucker Spawn #14, Pheasant Tail# 14, Gordon Prince nymphs # 16, Cinnamon Pupahs # 14, PMD's #18, Black Silvies #16, Egg patterns, and Brown  Micro May flies.
Our guides are fishing daily, call or email us today. We offer daily guided fishing trips, 7 days a week. All fly fishing gear is included on our guided fly fishing trips. Daily drifting Redding, California and Anderson, California fly fishing for wild rainbow trout.
Groups and Clubs welcome, we can accommodate ANY size group.

Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250) (www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
Some of the campgrounds continue to be closed as crews are working to remove and make safe these areas due to a 500 year wind event that uprooted more old growth timber than myself, or many long time residents and packers have ever seen.
The devastation of the forest down here is worth seeing in itself. 
Sustained wind speeds were estimated in areas to exceed 150 mph, with gusts to 180 mph! The NFS has a ways to go in the clean up and will not give any predictions as to when full operation will take place in the Reds Meadow/San Joaquin Basin area. 
There remains plenty of access to get to the river, you just may have to hike further and may not be able to park in the day use areas of the campgrounds. 
You will need to ride a shuttle in after 7 am, there is a daily use fee that you need to pay at the entry gate to enter or exit.
Fishing is excellent, and even the skeeters are scarce this summer. 
Flows are perfect currently and combined with the warm weather the wild trout are eager to smack just about any dry fly pattern in the #12-18 range. 
Wet wading is possible and more comfortable in the afternoons, however continuous immersion in the cool of the morn may be more uncomfortable for some, so light waders and studded boots are a good choice. 
Dry/dropper bead head combos using flashback PT’s, birds nest, or olive crystal larva patterns as a dropper nymph are a good choice. 
Parachute mayfly adults #12-16, or Stimulators as the dry/indicator are a slam dunk down here.

Kent Rianda of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
Water conditions: Great. Flows down to 42 CFS as of 7/19.
Flows on the way down now as there isn't much snow in the high country.
Fishing conditions: Great. There are several closed campgrounds down there and trespassing in a closed area will get you an expensive citation. So stay out of all closed campgrounds and areas.
Not much in the way of stocked fish. All I've been catching have been wild fish and holdovers. I guess the stocking truck hasn't made it's way in yet.

Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
Road is now open and flow in the river is great however several campgrounds are closed due to massive blow down of trees. Stimulators, coachmen, elk hair caddis and flying ants.
Sotcher and Starkweather Lakes also fishing well.

Kirk and Lisa Portocarrero at email: outdooradventures@sacriverguide.com and www.sacriverguide.com (1-800-670-4448) report:
Shasta Lake guided fishing- Northern California fishing Lake Shasta. 
We offer daily guided fishing on Lake Shasta.
RED HOT Fishing- Lake Shasta fishing is awesome, LIMITS !!!.
King Salmon fishing on Lake Shasta has been off the hook. 
We are catching many of our Kings trolling, around 60 to 100 feet deep. As water warms up, fish are going down deep. 
The Dry Creek area and Little Bone area has been the best.
We are catching Rainbows first thing in the morning on the surface from 5:30 to 8 in the morning, as water warms, rainbows are going down to around 30 to 40 feet deep, using Cripp Lures and Wiggle Hoochies.
The Bridge Bay area around the buoys has been producing some nice size Rainbow trout.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
The fishing has been amazing and limits have been caught!
Excellent numbers on bass fishing with anglers using top water bait, the trout bite has been good with using pretty much any type of trolling gear, sling blades and wiggle Hoochies.
Catching them around 60-100 feet Salmon are deep! They are being caught with anchovies around 80-120ft.
Rainbows are being caught first thing in the morning starting around 5:30 am. The Dry Creek area, Little Bone, and Bridge Bay have been producing good numbers as well.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Trout fishing from the shore has been very good.
Try using power bait off the bottom or nightcrawlers below a bobber.
Fish are suspended from 7-12 feet.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Fishing has been great from the shore.
Lots of weeds, so float tubes should concentrate their fishing near the surface and not go deep. Kastmaster, blue fox, Mepps, and Power Bait have been working for spin fishermen and black or olive Wooley Buggers and Sheep Creeks for Fly fishermen.

Gene St. Denis of Blue Ribbons Charters (530-544-6552) (www.blueribbonfishing.com) reports:
Fishing has been great.
The Macks are running about 2-8 pounds with an occasional one in the double digit weight size.
I’ve been trolling 150-240 feet deep with Dodgers and minnows at the Tahoe City Shelf on the west side of the lake.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Limits have been easy and the fish are running of 1 to 5 pounds with some breaking into the double digits.
Best method is still minnow dodger set up in 150 to 200 ft.
Fishing has been good in Sand Harbor area and Cave Rock.
Kokanee are showing up in good number try using plugs and Vances sockeye slammer number 2. 

Linda Fields of the Topaz Lake Marina passed away on Saturday, July 21.
There will be a Celebration of Life at the Marina on September 08.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Recently stocked rainbows as of 6/25/2012.
Fishing has slowed down with the warmer weather and boating activity.  Boaters are still catching fish trolling with flashers and bait. 
No reports on bank fishing.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
Fishing is fairly slow right now.
The trout bite is very good up around Stewart Fort. The trout are keying on drifting worms right below the surface.
Kokanee are around 40-60 feet deep, but they are very small.
Trout are running along the shore line within the top 20 feet and have been seen anywhere from 12 inches, to 15 inches.  
— Courtesy of Mike’s Fishing Guide Service

Kirk and Lisa Portocarrero at email: outdooradventures@sacriverguide.com and www.sacriverguide.com (1-800-670-4448) report:
July 20, 2012
Water is dropping. Currently, Water is at 1,000 CFS slowly dropping to 450 CFS by July 26, 2012 
we are fishing the Trinity River for Chinook King Salmon. There are salmon in. Salmon fishing is good! 
Pro Guide Kirk Portocarrero and clients had 3 King salmon hooked and 1 landed by 9 am on the Trinity River. As the day has progressed, with at least 7 hook ups, the fishing was heating up, clients landing 2 more salmon, in the 12 pound range. 
Schools of salmon have been seen below Willow Creek and Burnt Ranch. 
Trinity River fishing is conveniently located 40 minutes West of Redding, CA, fishing from the town of Weaverville, Calif.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (530-365-7500) (www.shastacascade.com) reports:
Flows are expected to decrease within the next month. Flows are gradually decreasing to 1,000 CFS, and by on July 26th it is estimated that the river will be at 450 CFS.
Fishermen have been on the river looking for Chinook King Salmon. The fishing is good, and is heating up.
A boat can place you on some of the flat stretches between Lewiston and Pigeon Point where big brown trout can be found!
Schools of Salmon have been spotted at Willow Creek and Burnt Ranch.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
The Truckee's current flow in Reno is 362 CFS.
Fishing has been good in the early morning and late evening.
Brown Stone fly patterns have been working well as well as Prince Nymphs.
The Baetis hatch continues to show up in the evening or in overcast days, try blue wing olive or dunn.
Spin fishermen are still having luck with eggs, Power Bait, worms, gold or silver Kastmasters, black and yellow Panther Martins, and jointed Rapalas.

Jim Reid of Ken’s Sporting Goods Store in Bridgeport (760- 932-7707) (www.kenssport.com) reports:
The Twins have been a little hit and miss this past week, it seems like the best method to get into some fish is to use a fly/bubble rig later in the afternoon near the inlets.
Mosquitoes, griffiths gnats, black gnats and the like have been producing some nice fish fairly consistently this past week. 

Annett's Mono Village (760- 932-7071) (www.monovillage.com) reports:
Upper Twin Lake: The water temp is 62 degrees.
Rainbow glitter power bait brought in some 3 pounders this past week.  Overall, fishing was better both from shore and boats.
Trolling was less productive, but still we saw some full stringers.
Showers were enjoyed early this week.

Jim Reid of Ken’s Sporting Goods Store in Bridgeport (760- 932-7707) (www.kenssport.com) reports:
he Virginias are still doing great.
Kastmasters, Bouyants and Jakes Spin-A-Lures are all doing well for the iron throwers, for flies go with soft hackles, matukas, buggers and seal buggers. For bait you can go with power bait, mice tails and power eggs. 

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
No Lahontan cutthroat have been reported or seen at Walker Lake since 2009. Mineral County Road Dept. has done some work on the State Parks Launch. Launching is improved but you still need four wheel drive.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
East Walker River: East Walker Flow is at 97 CFS.
Fishing has been dynamite.
Anglers reported excellent fly fishing with a hopper dropper setup.
Below the elbow the fishing has been good and recently stocked on 07/13/2012 with 1400 Rainbows.

Jim Reid of Ken’s Sporting Goods Store in Bridgeport (760- 932-7707) (www.kenssport.com) reports:
East Walker – West Walker – Sceirine Ranch - Hunewill Pond:
East Walker River: The river is running at 130 cfs today, and still fishing very well.
There are some reports out there that are saying that the water is too warm to fish but that's simply not true, at least not for now.
Andrew and Scott were both down there today with clients and it sounds like the temps are in the high 60's still and the fish are still very happy.
Of course we'll keep our eye on the temperature situation down there and will let you know how things shape up over the next few weeks.
Patterns to try on the river include tricos, pmd's, outrigger caddis, E/C caddis, elk hair caddis, drowned tricos, hoppers, ants, wd-40's, micro mayflies, zebra midges, fox's poopah, 3 wire caddis and buckskin caddis. 
West Walker River: The West is still fishing very well for both spinning and fly anglers, the water is low but the river is still fishing good.
Terrestrials are good, like beetles, ants and hoppers as well as attractor dries and nymphs like princes, pt's, coachmens and humpies. Small spinners, salmon eggs and baby crawlers are also doing well. 
Sceirine Ranch:
The ranch is fishing excellent and there's definitely less pressure than on other parts of the river.
Pheasant tails, copper johns, hopper/dropper rigs and dead drift crayfish have all been producing some very nice fish. 
Hunewill Pond: We haven't had anyone on the pond this past week, as soon as I get a report or two I'll pass them on.

Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250) (www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
Conditions have turned for the worse here recently. 
Flows are up to 130 CFS-this is a good thing for the fish during the warmer days of summer. 
The weed growth and warmer water have really slowed the “catching” down. You can still do ok in the deeper pools and runs, but keeping your fly clean during this period will be the key to getting grabs. 
Fish the early morn before it gets too hot, then well after the sun goes behind the canyon walls.
The fish are lethargic here this time of year during the middle of the day.
I am advising all anglers that fish the EW currently to please take extra care in practicing proper catch and release here. With the low flows, warm water temps, etc… comes additional stresses on the fish. Ya really need to be gentle on them right now gang.
The DFG has planted some sub-catchable browns from the hatchery in Fillmore recently. They have been put in Bridgeport as well.

Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
East Walker River: Thursday the flow bumped up to 137 CFS.
Huge morning trico hatch and caddis in the evening.
Nymphing is good with WD-40's, zebra midges, baetis emergers and buckskin nymphs.
If the “miracle mile" is packed as it has been fishing is good down river. 

Kent Rianda of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
East Walker River water conditions:  Fair to Good. Flows variable on a daily basis - up to 123 CFS as of 7/19.
Water temps in the high 60's, so fish early as not to stress out the fish in the warmer water.
Fishing Conditions: Good to Excellent. Fishing mostly big hopper and attractor flies on the far banks and in the fast water. Small mayflies mixed in throughout the day as well. Fishing Caddis and some BWO patterns in the late afternoons and early evening.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Washoe Lake dried up in 2004 and, although it is presently full and has been restocked, the fish population, consisting mostly of channel catfish and white bass, is small. Fishing is expected to be poor.

— Don Quilici is the Outdoor editor for Carson Now and www.SouthTahoeNow.com. He can be reached at donquilici@hotmail.com

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