Dancers Donate New Floor
The High Sierra Swing Dance Club, Yaples Ballroom, and several individual dancers purchased a new dance floor for El Charro Avitia Restaurant and Bar located at 4389 So. Carson St., Carson City. The new floor was installed by volunteers from the dance community on Jan. 18. Both groups use the restaurant for the following dancing events.
High Sierra Swing Dance Club will be changing their days beginning Feb. 2nd. The new schedule will be Intermediate West Coast Swing group dance lessons taught by Tim Renner at 6:00pm. every Monday evening, followed by open dancing with a DJ, sponsored by the club, from 7 to 9pm. Tim Renner will also be offering Beginning West Coast Swing group dance lessons at 6:00pm every Tuesday evening, followed by open dancing. The cost of these Monday or Tuesday lessons is $8. The open dances following the lessons are free. Both of these events are on a drop in basis, no partner needed.
Yaples Ballroom instructor Tiffany Hopkins teaches group salsa lessons there on Thursday evenings at 6 p.m. No partner needed, it is on a drop in basis and costs $7. Open dancing follows the lesson.
Please stop by and check out the new dance floor! We are proud of our dance community coming together to insure a local dancing venue. El Charro Avitia has a great menu, great margaritas, and offers free chips and refried beans and salsas to patrons in the bar area. If your New Year's resolution is to become more fit, dancing will accomplish that while you meet new people and have fun at the same time!