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California and Nevada fishing report through April 25

Here is the fishing report for rivers, lakes and streams in Nevada, Northern California, Lake Tahoe and the Sierra. This report is for the week of April 18-25, 2012. The opening day for all California fishing is on April 28.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
The road to Angel Lake is closed for the winter.

The fishing season for the Bishop area is closed.

The road to Blue Lakes is closed for the winter.

Peter Santley of the Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters (530-541-8208)
(www.tahoeflyfishing.com) reports:
Frozen but we should be able to get out there by the end of May this year!

The fishing season for Bridgeport Reservoir is closed.

Peter Santley of the Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters (530-541-8208)
(www.tahoeflyfishing.com) reports:
Still has ice on it but not really that great for Ice Fishing. Starting to open up in a few small areas but not quite fishable yet for Ice-Out.  Probably going to thaw by Mid-May. 
Look for the inlet area to fish earlier than it has as well as a few spots around the dams. Streamers, Streamers and more Streamers when it gets fishable. 

Peter Santley of the Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters (530-541-8208)
(www.tahoeflyfishing.com) reports:
East Carson:
As the temperatures come up further in April, the fishing can get good again between stormy days and run-off days. 
The fish are there but really lethargic and you will have to put the fly on their nose for them to eat. 
Midges and Baetis as well as glow bugs and Stonefly Nymphs! 
The Nevada sections tend to fish the best during the winter months and on occasion NDOW stocks fish in the lower river and below the Broken Dam.  If they do, it can be fun to stick a few fish and keep the cobwebs off your cast!  As the waters rise this spring, the streamer fishing should be good.
West Carson:
Opening on the 28th of April and it might be good early if we do not get a bunch of snow between now and then! 
Stonefly Nymphs, Buggers and Glow Bugs will be the best bet! 
Look for the stocked fish under or around the bridges for the best activity and stockers love the Bugger!

East Carson River:
The fishing season for the East Carson River is closed upstream from Hangman’s Bridge.
West Carson River:
The fishing season for the West Carson River is closed.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Cave is ice free and fishing should be good for a couple of weeks and then tail off until the water warms up into the 40’s.
Cave Lake is almost always good for 8 to 11 inch fish using small spinners, natural baits, Power Bait or small Woolly Buggers. 
On warm afternoons, small dries such as Griffith’s Gnats, small Elk Hair Caddis, PMD’s and red quills may be effective if there is a hatch going on. 
Also, small emerger patterns can also be deadly this time of year.

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (800-720-ODWF) (www.dfw.state.or.us.com) reports:
Steelhead closed until trout opener on May 26.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Comins has about 10 inches of ice, though on warm afternoons the edges are soft.  Fishing is poor due to the introduction and overpopulation of pike.

The fishing season for Convict Lake is closed.

The fishing season for Crowley Lake is closed.

The fishing season for Eagle Lake is closed.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ndow.org" www.ndow.org) reports:
Anglers are finding fair action for rainbow trout. The fish have been biting on Power Bait, nightcrawlers and a combination of night crawlers and mini marshmallows. The limit is five trout.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
NDOW recently released more than 13,000 planter rainbows, and that has resulted in good fishing. The fish are hitting Power Bait, nightcrawlers and mini marshmallows. Sometimes a combination of mini marshmallow and night crawler works as well.
Largemouth bass and crappie have yet to become active.

The fishing season for the Fall River is closed.

The fishing season for the Feather River is closed.

The fishing season for Fremont Lake is closed.

The fishing season for Hat Creek is closed.

The fishing season for Heenan Lake is closed.

The fishing season opens on May 1.

The fishing season for the Hoover Wilderness Area is closed.

Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
Water flow at 10 CFS. The BWO hatch is in full swing and fishing is great. Barrs Emerger and Midge pupa sub-surface and CDC Baetis or Para Adams  on the surface.
The Caddis are starting to become more plentiful. Brooks Hot Creek Caddis, CDC Caddis.
Winter like weather has slowed things a bit lately

Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250) (www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
For years there has been a rumor amongst the most elite of the flyfishers that Hot Creek is VERY technical, only for pros and experienced fly fishers, 15 foot 7x leaders are necessary-size 28 flies are the only thing they will bite. 
If you don’t dress like an Orvis fly fishing manikin  & carry a Smithsonian endorsed cane rod while casting- NO TROUT FOR YOU…B.S.!
This is the easiest place other than Crowley to fish in the entire Sierra. 
I strongly recommend this area to novices. The more I guide it, the more it dawns on me… fly fishing is easy here. Even when conditions are poor and extended drifts are difficult you can catch fish here because there are so many of them! 
The Midge and BWO hatches are great currently, Nymph the deeper holes and pools if it is windy or cold. 
The rainbows are pretty “spawny” right now and you can see them chasing each other and battling for position in some locations. Really pretty coloring on them, even by Hot Creek standards. 
The NFS gate is open currently, but may close with significant snowfall even this time of year. I will update this after the storm.

Kent of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
Water conditions:
Great. Flows at 20 CFS as of 4/12. With the recent snows, I'd expect the gate to be locked by this weekend, but you never know.
Fishing conditions:
Good to Excellent. Fishing was excellent before the weather turned, but it doesn't take long to recover after a few days of snow and wind.
We expect it to be pretty good by the end of the weekend.
Still the same patterns we've been using for the past several weeks now.
Mostly Mayflies, with some Midges early.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Lake is ice free and fishing is fair. Expect it to pick up in a couple of weeks.
The road to the lake is in pretty good shape, but the road around the lake is in still in fairly bad shape and muddy conditions, driving all the way to the lake isn’t recommended. Take care.
No report on fishing, though the usual natural baits, Power Bait, spinners and large natural colored flies should all work. 
Black Woolly Buggers traditionally have done well here in the spring.

Peter Santley of the Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters (530-541-8208)
(www.tahoeflyfishing.com) reports:
The fishing has really taken off lately with numerous big fish caught and released. Buggers in Black, Olive and or Brown have been working well. 
The Blood Midges are starting to work as well and look for fish taking them off of the surface! 
Full sinking lines from a float tube have produced the best results. 
Fish a bugger followed by a Blood Midge Nymph. 
The Calibaetis will start to show soon as well as Damsels. 
Should be fun for awhile until the fish get taken out.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Fishing from shore using spinners has been good for 15 to 18 inch fish. 
Besides the spinners, the usual natural baits, Power Baits and streamers work best this time of year. 
Shore anglers should also hit this water before water temps warm up and the weed growth comes in making shore fishing difficult. 
With this year’s dry winter and warm spring temps, the weed growth may come in earlier than normal.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Unfortunately, Jiggs has dried up.

The fishing season for the June Lake Loop is closed.

The fishing season for Kirman Lake is closed.

So far 2012 continues to produce great Mackinaw fishing, the Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports. Limits have been easy and the fish are running of 4 to 8 pounds with some breaking into the double digits. Best method is still minnow dodger set up in 150 to 200 ft. Fishing has been good in Sand Harbor area and Cave Rock. Weather has been changing quick take caution.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Colorado River:  
According to the most recent reports anglers are still catching a few stocked rainbow trout and even some larger fish.  With temperatures climbing anglers should see improved action for striped bass and a variety of panfish.

It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.

The fishing season for the Mammoth Lakes Basin is closed.

The fishing season for Markleeville Creek is closed.

The fishing season for Marlette Lake is closed.

It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ndow.org" www.ndow.org) reports:
Striper action remains slow but has shown signs of picking up in the Overton Arm. Fish in the Echo Bay area are averaging about three pounds.
Cut anchovies and sardines fished near the bottom are catching the fish.
Smallmouth and largemouth bass have moved up in the shallows to spawn and are bending rods.
The winning bag in Saturday’s Ultimate Bass team tournament included a 5.5-pound fish that pushed the total bag weight to 21 pounds.  

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Willow Beach striper action has been good with anglers reeling in several double-digit fish.
Alan Cole, inventor of the AC Plug, hauled in a 30-pounder.
The largemouth and smallmouth bass bite has been excellent the past couple of weeks for anglers working the Cottonwood Cove area.
Tournament anglers have had no problems catching their full bag of fish.

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (800-720-ODWF) (www.dfw.state.or.us.com) reports:
Anglers have picked up a few redtail surfperch on the beaches near Coos Bay and Bandon, when surf conditions have allowed. Sand shrimp or sand worms are a very good bait to use when fishing for surfperch. 
Fishing for bottom fish is now closed outside of 30 fathoms.
Anglers can now retain Cabezon. The marine fish daily bag limit is seven fish, of which no more than 1 may be a Cabezon from April 1 through September 30.
There are separate daily limits for lingcod (two) and flatfish other than Pacific halibut (25).
Fishing from shore near the rock outcroppings can be very good this time of the year for catching rockfish.
Be careful of slippery footing and sneaker waves.

Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250) (www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
Lower Owens River:
I would have lost money if you bet me that the flows would still be under 300 cfs in mid-April. This is a rare occurrence that only happens in light snow years with reservoirs that are full. 
The “catching” has been pretty darn good most days, with the only drawback down in the OV being some persistent and nasty winds that have made casting and fishing dry flies difficult some days. 
We are seeing the early emergence’s of PMD’s (Pale Morning Dun), Mayflies and the final stages of the spring Caddis hatches. 
Midge activity remains strong on the high pressure days and a few little yellow stones are also in the stew at times. 
Wading is mediocre at flows below 300 for most of the wild trout section, and you will have difficulty crossing and getting into the more secluded runs along the tulle’s and willows. 
Use plenty of weight to get your Nymphs along the bottom. A couple BB shot or even twin AB’s may be needed to get down in the faster runs and deeper pools at this flow rate. 
Use Crystal Olive Zebras, Broken Back Zebras or Tiger Midges in the morning. Switch to Bird’s Nest or Flashback Pheasant Tails before you see the snouts sipping or smashing the Caddis or Mayfly adults in the foam lines or eddies in the larger pools. 
The streamer fishing from the drift boats has been consistent since the flows have stabilized and we are seeing very aggressive takes using heavy sinking tip lines and streamers in the slower runs and at the tail outs near the rear of the pools. 
The wind has put the Ki-bosh on the dry fly action for us recently but when it calms down surface activity has been good. 
The willows and roses are greening up and the trees are beginning to bud along the river. It is really pretty here while drifting this time of year and while the flows remain stable you should visit the LO this spring.
Upper Owens River:
The kite flying has been better than the fly fishing here lately due to all the wind. Your quest for a trophy spring rainbow may have to wait for a while. 
Numbers are ok, lots of smaller/medium fish eager to smack a BWO or small spring Caddis if it is not blown out. 
Quite a few 8 inch browns up there from last seasons DFG planting at Crowley. The bigs are scarce and spread out right now. As a matter of fact, I had more fish spawning in my home court (McGee Creek) two weeks ago than I do currently. 
Scouting the tribs is proving that the fish are not moving in numbers yet and it has nothing to do with water temps. We have had some cold storms granted, however my water temp gages on McGee have had mid through upper forties last week with only a few fish honeymooning. 
The warm snap next week will get them moving and I’ll update here for sure if things improve for the bigs.
Pleasant Valley Reservoir:
The lake itself is fishing good thanks to a ton of planted DFG rainbows.  You can do well still water Nymphing along the drop-offs using a Crowley-esque tandem Midge or Pheasant Tail rig suspended below an Under-cator. 
Trolling streamers from your tube at the ten foot depth is productive and a few nice browns may be in the mix during the cloudy or lower light periods. 
The river section is blown out most days as the LADWP is generating power and this raises the flows here a bunch. The reservoir will fluctuate in level considerably under these conditions - it is used as a “buffer.” The flows remain consistent below the dam, however the level rises and falls depending on power generation. 
Hit the inlet to the lake from your tube when the genset is hooked up, the fish move towards the slow moving water.

Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
Upper Owens River:
Current water flow is 75 CFS.
Fishing is closed below the Benton Crossing Bridge.
The section from the monument to Crowley opens April 28.
Fishing is picking up. The water is clearing and the current temp is 46.
Try standard Nymph patterns like Pheasant Tails or Hares Ears. 
Not much on the surface. Cover lots of water. 
Some reports of larger lake fish in the river.

Lower Owens River:
We estimate the flow to be around 250 or so.
The hatches are still unpredictable. When it does happen expect to see BWO's in the am and Caddis from around noon into the afternoon hours.
Nymph fish with Barr's Emerger, FB Pheasant Tails and green rock worms.

Kent of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
Upper Owens water conditions:
Good to Excellent. As of 4/12 the flows are constant at 75 CFS.
Road is open all the way up. 4X4 and a wash job on the way home are recommended. Might be difficult immediately after the storm, but the snow will melt fast after the weekend.
Fishing conditions:
Good. Stick to nymphing, as the wind can be brutal down there some days.
Hearing reports of fish being caught on rather large attractor nymphs.
Owens River Gorge water conditions:
Great. Flow: 45 CFS.
This is a permanent flow required to be maintained by LADWP
Fishing conditions:
Excellent and nice and warm on cool sunny days this time of year.
Beautiful these days and lots of hungry fish to greet you!
Lower Owens:
Water conditions:
Excellent. Notice how the flow report hasn't changed by even a tenth of a CFS in weeks. The gauge is stuck. Actual flow is really about 200cfs as of 4-12 and is expected to ramp up pretty fast now.
Fishing conditions:
The flows are now starting to come up a little over what they've been at the past few weeks, but still wadeable.
Weather has been pretty great even when Mammoth turns into a snow globe, the sun is shining in Bishop. Great way to escape the cold harsh winter we're now finally starting to get up here!

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Anglers are finding some success at the upper marsh for panfish and catfish.
Mealworms or night crawlers below a bobber will catch fish.

The fishing season for the Pine Valley Complex is closed.

The fishing season for Poore and Secret Lakes is closed.

Peter Santley of the Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters (530-541-8208)
(www.tahoeflyfishing.com) reports:
The Lake is up 5 feet and in most normal areas it’s hard to reach the Shelf, Water temps are in the low to mid 40 degrees.
Some fish are starting to cruise the shoreline in pre-spawn.
Look to cloudy and windy days for the better fishing and look for the deeper water to find fish.
Stripping Buggers in black, white and olive, Also beetles have been getting fish on the beaches. Indicator fishing flies in the size 8 to 14 range running between 8 to 10 ft. down.  
Fish early or fish late or look for the wind to come up for best fishing!

It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.

Peter Santley of the Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters (530-541-8208)
(www.tahoeflyfishing.com) reports:
Still has ice on it but not really that great for Ice Fishing. 
Should open up sometime in May for Ice-Out. 

The fishing season for Roosevelt and Lane Lakes is closed.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
Very little change here as the collection ditch and the ponds are all open.
It has been WINDY here and fishing has been a bit slow. 
Gold ribbed Hares Ears and Copper Johns are still producing some fish in the oxbow and the pond behind the hatchery and at the Brown Dike, though not many fish and they aren’t as big as earlier in the year. Anglers will probably have better luck north near Bressman Cabin or the fingers. 
Small Midge patterns also continue to produce a few fish and on occasional afternoons there is a small Mayfly and/or Caddis hatch.
Small presentations appear to still be working here with black/red Midge patterns in sizes 18 to 20 under an indicator or in tandem with a heavier Nymph to get them down in the water column.
Occasionally the fish are feeding in the surface film, so ditch the heavier Nymph and use a floating line with an emerger pattern. 
The collection ditch is artificial lures only and wading is not allowed.

Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
Road closed.

It will be planted this week by the California Department of Fish and Game.

The fishing season for Silver Creek is closed.

Peter Santley of the Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters (530-541-8208)
(www.tahoeflyfishing.com) reports:
Check the Ice for safety! Ice-Out should be in early May if not sooner! 

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (800-720-ODWF) (www.dfw.state.or.us.com) reports:
Steelheads are now spread throughout the system.
Although most of the angling opportunity will be catch and release, a few hatchery fish have been reported.
Only an adipose fin-clipped steelhead can be harvested.
Striped bass caught recently in the basin particularly near the head of tide.
Fishing will improve as the water clears and drops.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
The water is now approximately 50 degrees and has cleared up beautifully with seven to ten feet of visibility.
Most of the fish are being caught in approximately 10 foot of water fairly close to shorelines and they are being caught all around the lake and anglers were catching limits of fish last week in the 15 to 18 inch size with a few over 20 inches. 
The cove at the main boat ramp was producing limits of 16 to 22 inch fish using a black leech pattern for several anglers there. 
Anglers floating worms were catching nice sized fish by Coyote Cove and along Jet Ski Beach from shore. Tomera Cove and the shorelines near the east side campground were also producing fish.  
Anglers were also catching limits of fish last week in the 15 to 18 inch size with a few over 20 inches. 
Fly rodders have been having good luck with larger Woolly Buggers, Black Seal Buggers, leech patterns and streamers in about 10 feet of water along the south east shore from float tubes. 
As the water warms up, gold ribbed Hares Ears would be a great Nymph to try in these same areas. Don’t forget Chironomids below an indicator.
While fishing for trout in this part of the lake, anglers also report picking up a few smallmouth, largemouth and even some wipers late in the afternoon in less than three feet of water where it is warming up. 
Fishing below the dam where the spillway meets the outflow has been good. 
The river above the reservoir is a special regulation water with single barbless hooks on artificial lures only. Fishing here this spring has been just fair and it is slowing down with the end of the spawn. Make sure to read the new regulations before you head out. 
When wading the river below and above the reservoir, please don’t walk through the riffles. Spawning trout are putting their redds (nests) in these areas. Any place that looks like it has had the algae cleaned off of it is probably a redd and should be avoided.
If you are launching a boat, use the main boat ramp on the east side of the lake as the new ramp at Jet Ski Beach has a drop-off at the end of the concrete that you can get  your trailer hung up on.

Peter Santley of the Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters (530-541-8208)
(www.tahoeflyfishing.com) reports:
The Lake is thawed and there are numerous fish in the lake! Water is cold but the fishing should get better as the temps come up.  Leeches, Buggers, Blood Midges and Worms will work the best!  Float tubing is the way to go.

Peter Santley of the Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters (530-541-8208)
(www.tahoeflyfishing.com) reports:
Flows on the Truckee in Nevada are 450-550+ CFS.
The fishing has been stellar for most of the Winter and should continue to fish as long as the flows don’t go crazy. 
Stones and Baetis have been the best with some Caddis starting to show. 
Streamer fishing will get better with the water temperatures rising. 
Skwala Nymphs, Baetis Nymphs and don’t forget your dry flies. 
Mercer’s Missing link has been a favorite as well as the Stone Dead Stone. 
Big Black or White Streamers are always worth trying for the big eat!
Great flows for floating!
Flows on the Truckee are above 160 CFS near the town of Truckee and 450+ CFS below Boca Bridge.  April 14th, 2012
Closed above the 267 Bridge. 
Opening day is the 28th of April! 
Should fish well with low flows coming out of Lake Tahoe but watch out for the Run-Off which will blow everything below Squaw Creek. 
June is a better month for this section of river.
Year round section below 267.   
Starting to fish well over the past few weeks with Stones and Baetis and should continue to fish until Run-Off kicks in. 
Streamers have taken a few fish as well but dries will be the most fun. 
Baetis hatches on the cloudy days have been crazy especially when it snows!  Skwala Nymphs are all over and the fish are on them.  

Peter Santley of the Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters (530-541-8208)
(www.tahoeflyfishing.com) reports:
We are coming into the best part of the season for the LT. 
The Baetis are going as well as the Midges. 
The Winter Stones are waning and keep a look out for the March Browns to fill in any day now if not already working. 
Baetis Nymphs and Emergers work great this time of the year. 
Sight casting for eating fish can be a lot of fun! 
Please try and stay away from the spawning fish and out of their Redds.

The fishing season for Twin Lakes is closed.

The fishing season for Virginia Lakes is closed.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
No Lahontan cutthroat have been reported or seen at Walker Lake since 2009. Mineral County Road Dept. has done some work on the State Parks Launch. Launching is improved but you still need four wheel drive.

Peter Santley of the Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters (530-541-8208)
(www.tahoeflyfishing.com) reports:
East Walker River:
The Rosachi Ranch section has been very fishable for a few weeks now and should continue to fish well into the spring. 
It looks like the flows will stay down for most of April and into May which bodes well for Nevada fishing. 
The Skwala Stones have been fishing well with these flows and streamer fishing has been incredible. 
The Baetis hatches have been filled in on the cloudy days especially and the fish have been eating them well throughout the middle of the day.  
Wait for the afternoons to fish the Stone Dries for best results. 
And always finish your day with a bit of Streamer fishing!
West Walker River:
The Nevada sections can be fun and stay open all year. 
Try the Hoye Canyon section above Wellington or the Wilson Canyon section below SmithValley. 
Look for warmer, cloudy days for a good Baetis hatch! 
Another fun winter fishery is the Tube below Topaz Lake which can hold some pretty nice fish as well as stockers from NDOW. 
These sections will fish ok until the Run-Off kicks in!

Jim Reid of Ken’s Sporting Goods Store in Bridgeport (760- 932-7707) (www.kenssport.com) reports:
East Walker – West Walker – Sceirine Ranch - Hunewill Pond:
East Walker River:
The river is flowing at 85 cfs today and has been there for almost a week now. The fishing has been great!
With the stormy weather lately 
there has been some pretty good dry action though it can be a little hit and miss on the surface.
Sometimes they'll be looking up for 10 or 20 minutes and other times the surface action will last an hour or more, you just need to be ready. 
Nymphing has still been the most productive and at this flow there are fish 
spread out in lots of places so they're pretty east to find.
Some patterns for you to try include: Silver Streak, WD-40, Flashback Emerger, Mercers Midgeling, Para Adams, Blue Winged Olive, Griffiths Gnat, Micro Stones.
The Rosachi has been a little tough lately from what I've heard though there
are still some fish being caught down there. 

West Walker River: Closed.

Sceirine Ranch:
The Ranch has been fishing excellent this past week, lots of nice fish in the 16 to 18 inch range and quite a few fish going over 20.
Micro Stones, Pheasant Tails and Dark Lords are working in addition to the flies listed above.
Hunewill Pond: Closed.

Tom Loe of Sierra Drifters Fly Fishing Guide Service (760-935-4250) (www.sierradrifters.com) reports:
Pretty fun. A client and I very recently spent half the day Nymphing and half the day casting Parachute BWO’s and Midges to a large pod of fish feeding in an eddie. They ate Midges, they ate Mayflies, they ate a San Juan Worm-they REALLY ate an Olive Crystal Caddis larva pattern. 
We almost called Sea World because there was a fish that looked like Shamu and we thought it had escaped! It bent a 2x heavy Nymph hook out after a couple hours of casting to it.
Conditions remain very good, flows are around 100 CFS and you just need to get on a section of water that has a hole over 3 feet deep to get into some numbers most days. During the calm days the fish are moving into the riffles as well and using “Guerrilla” tactics and covering a lot of water will pay off under this condition.

Kent of The Trout Fly and Troutfitter (760-934-2517) (www.thetroutfitter.com) reports:
East Walker River water conditions:
Good. Flows bumped up to 84 CFS as of 4/12.
Fishing conditions:
Excellent! Mostly Nymphing, but there are still some sporadic hatches going off. Keep your eyes on the water, and switch to dries when appropriate.

Peter Santley of the Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters (530-541-8208)
(www.tahoeflyfishing.com) reports:
East Walker River:
The Miracle Mile is still fishing well with Midges and Baetis below and above the surface.  Some of the more fun days have been fishing dries!  Occasionally the fish will take a Stone Nymph up high but mostly once you get below the bridge in the pocket water sections. 
Big Stone Dries have been working as well but once again down lower in the pocket water sections. 
Where it was fishing in the first ¼ mile most of the winter the fish have now spread out and the whole river is holding fish. 
Get away form the crowds and fish roadside spots all through California. 
Streamer fishing is also picking up with the water temperatures increasing. 
Dead drift or with action and white tends to be a good color.
West Walker River:
Might be a little on the high side for the opener on the 28th of April but the fish usually eat well until it completely blows out with Run-Off. 
Try Buggers, Eggs and brightly colored Streamers!

Steve Osterman of Performance Guide Service (760-934-6101) (www.performanceanglers.com) reports:
East Walker River:
Flows are down a bit to 85 CFS. The river is fishing pretty well.
Nymph fishing is good with Midge emerger patterns. On the surface most small dry flies (20-22) will work as the fish are actively feeding on midges. Some improving Baetis activity around mid day.
We fished the river last Mon and our two clients hooked over forty fish! 

The Nevada Department of Wildlife ( www.ndow.org) reports:
Washoe Lake dried up in 2004 and, although it is presently full and has been restocked, the fish population, consisting mostly of channel catfish and white bass, is small. Fishing is expected to be poor.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
As of Wednesday, this lake was 80 percent ice free and with all the windy weather is probably ice free now.
Fishing is generally good right after ice out for a few days to a week and then drops off until the water temps start to climb into the mid to high 40’s.
This weekend may be a good weekend to get out to Wild Horse. You will definitely not have near the company that you will at South Fork. 
Large presentations such as Woolly Buggers, leech patterns, streamers, spinners, crankbaits, and nightcrawlers in shallow water should work.
This reservoir is at 80 percent capacity and after this week we are probably looking at early to mid May when water temps start to  hit 50 degrees before fishing gets good.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
No recent report on ice conditions here. Since Willow Creek Reservoir is a warm water fishery, not many anglers ice fish this lake as angler success is poor in the winter.

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (www.ndow.org) reports:
The lake is open with some and the water temperature is hitting the mid 40’s. The lake started to spill this week and while flows are a bit high below the spillway they are fishable. The surge of water over the spillway is lower than average and expect just fair fishing in this area. 
The road to the turnoff to the lake isn’t too bad, but the road to the lake is very wet and muddy.
Spring fishing can be very good here using natural baits, spinners and large natural colored flies like Woolly Buggers and leech patterns.

— Don Quilici is the Outdoor editor for Carson Now and www.SouthTahoeNow.com. He can be reached at donquilici@hotmail.com

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UPDATE: Carson City Fire Department and sheriff's deputies were called early Tuesday afternoon to the Carson City Airport for a report of an airplane that went off the runway.

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Muscle Powered

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