Carson City Republican Women Welcome John Tsarpalas
Carson City Republican Women invite its members and community to attend the upcoming meeting Tuesday, September 21, 2021 to hear John Tsarpalas, President, Nevada Policy Research Institute. Mr. Tsarpalas is deeply committed to spreading limited government ideas and policy to create a better, more prosperous Nevada for all.
The social time begins at 11:00 a.m. lunch and program at 11:30 a.m. The cost per person for the lunch/meeting is $25.00 and reservations are mandatory by Friday, September 17 by contacting Lori at 775-220-3646. The meeting is held at Casino Fandango in Carson City.
Carson City Republican Women members donate their time and funds in helping PAWS Up for Veterans, the Northern NV Dream Center, CASA and Advocates to End Domestic Violence. They also volunteer at the local Republican headquarters and the Carson Senior Center.
We welcome all who are new to the greater Carson City area and are interested in becoming involved with CCRW.