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Nevada State Health and Social Services: Key Facts

Event Date: 
January 25, 2017 - 9:30am

This is the third column in a series presenting the findings and conclusions of Nevada’s 2016 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR), posted at controller.nv.gov. Here, we address health and social services.

The figures reported in the PAFR and discussed here come from the actual numbers in the state’s official financial reports. They are not estimates, future projections or budgeted or requested amounts. Just the actual revenue numbers from state books and records.

Reply to "Heller and Amodei on the wrong side of history"

This is in reply to a recent post

Exactly WHAT "ideology" does not let Amodei and Heller do "what is best for the state"? That maybe we are a constitutional republic where the people have a say through their elected representatives to decide on public matters? What a terrible "ideology." I wonder if anybody cares where it came from and why. (Or course, the use of the use that shopworn marxist phrase, "wrong side of history," is NOT ideological…)

Controller's Midterm Report: Walking the Talk

Recently, we’ve discussed overall state spending and revenues, and in coming weeks we’ll review the spending and performance in major areas such as education and health and social services. So, it’s timely and appropriate to answer the question: How has the controller’s office done at managing its own spending and delivering services to Nevadans?

Heller and Amodei are on the wrong side of history regarding National Monuments

Last week Congressman Amodei and Senator Heller introduced legislation to “prevent the threat of executive action designating or expanding national monuments without Congressional approval or local support.” Their legislation would add Nevada to Wyoming as the only states exempt from presidential designation of National Monuments, except as authorized by Congress.

Nevada Taxes and Other Revenues: The Facts You Wanted

This is the second column in a series presenting the findings and conclusions of Nevada’s 2016 Popular Annual Financial Report, posted at controller.nv.gov. Here, we address state revenues.

The tax and other revenue figures reported in the PAFR and discussed here come from the actual numbers in the state’s official financial reports. They are not estimates, future projections or budgeted or requested amounts. Just the actual revenue numbers from state books and records.

Nevada State Spending: All the Facts You Wanted and More

This column is the first in a series presenting the findings and conclusions of Nevada’s 2016 Popular Annual Financial Report, which we wrote and issued (on line at controller.nv.gov) as part of the Controller’s office normal activities and duties. Here, we address state spending.

The spending figures reported in the PAFR and discussed here are taken from the actual numbers from the state’s official financial reports. They are not estimates, future projections or budgeted or requested amounts. Just the actual spending from the state books and records.

Column: Walk more, talk less

There's an old idiom that goes, "Walk the talk, don't talk the walk."

Talking sort of comes with the territory for me. I spend most of my time writing words.

But it occurred to me as the holidays approached this year that I wasn't doing much else.

This had to change, I told myself.

Column: How Did All of This Happen? (sponsored)

As I write this article, the Electoral College is deciding the route of the American Presidency and of Donald Trump as President-Elect. The Russian ambassador has been shot and killed in Turkey by a fanatic. Another European terrorist attack has taken place in Berlin, Germany, killing at least 12 people and wounding dozens of others during the Christmas shopping season. Back in Aleppo, Syria, the Assad government is finishing off the horrific killings of its own people as well as rescue helpers and hundreds of Christians — many of whom are women and children.

Column: A child sleeps on Christmas morning

In a small room just down the hall from mine sleeps a little child. Though I have tossed and turned all night long with pain in my arms and legs, the child sleeps peacefully.

Forgiveness and Liberty

“Anyone can hold a grudge, but it takes a person with character to forgive. When you forgive, you release yourself from a painful burden. Forgiveness doesn’t mean what happened was OK, and it doesn’t mean that person should still be welcome in your life. It means that you have made peace with the pain, and are ready to let go.” — Doe Zantamata

Deep Thoughts, Cheap Shots and Bonbons: A Look Back at the Vintage Project

Prior to the 2 pm Vintage Project meeting, I requested that this agenda item be moved to an evening session so that citizens could have a better chance to attend and address the Board.

The Mayor asked for a motion, as usual my fellow Board members all refused to agree with me. Based upon this non-action by the Board, an outside observer might then assume that the Vintage Project could not have any adverse effect on our community whatsoever, because the need to give citizens a better opportunity to have a voice had no merit with Board members Crowell, Abowd and Bagwell.


Finally the Nevada Appeal includes my name and the statements I made at a Board meeting. I have not had this much attention in the last four years.

The article had tidbits from my statement, here is a more complete version:

Politics is held in an arena, where punches are thrown. I have been in the boxing ring earlier in my life; knocked out cold, my opponent had the best left hook. My nose has been re-arranged a few times. I can take a punch.

Lake Tahoe Restoration Act’s passage caps year of progress

Four years ago this month, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency approved the 2012 Regional Plan. The landmark plan charts a course to restore Lake Tahoe’s environment and revitalize our communities and it was forged through Herculean work by California, Nevada, local governments, the public, and dozens of other partners.

I Pledge Allegiance

I Pledge Allegiance

“If you never settle for anything less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your life.”
-Vince Lombardi

Letter: Greenhouse Project extends thanks for community support of Celebrity Chef and Harvest Dinner

Dear Editor, It is with deep gratitude that The Greenhouse Project Board, Manager Cory King and I extend our thanks to the community for their generous support of the annual Celebrity Chef & Harvest Dinner. We were fortunate to showcase the culinary talents of Josh and Whitney Deri of Blend Catering, Reno alongside Charlie’s.

No Room for Faithless Electors

Ten years from now, you probably won't remember Christopher Suprun.

Suprun was chosen by the Texas Republican Party for the Electoral College. For most of our nation's history, this has been a procedural and honorary duty conferred upon loyal activists within the political parties when their presidential candidate carried their state.

Column: Infamy of Pearl Harbor attack still rings 75 years later

The morning of Dec. 7, 1941 started out for many Americans about the same as any other Sunday.

Households rose at dawn to feed the stock, catch the morning paper riding by, prepare a hearty breakfast and get ready for church services. By the end of the day, though, the nation and the world would be changed forever.

Column: Looking Back At A Special Thanksgiving Moment (sponsored)

Thanksgiving isn't a patriotic holiday per se, but it is full of patriotic feelings as Americans did and should give thanks for our shared blessings as a nation.

Human Progress versus Self Immolation

We are humanists and, so, optimists.

Against us in the political sphere stand environmentalists and other anti-humanists. These folks see not progress, but threat, in seemingly everything done by man.

We see man as being born into an uncertain and challenging world. In a state of nature, earthquakes, tornadoes and other disasters combine with infections and shortages of food, shelter and other basic resources to threaten man's very survival. But over centuries, humans have applied their intelligence to shape the world around them.

An open letter RE: The Vintage At Kings Canyon

An open letter RE: The Vintage At Kings Canyon

This open letter is intended for (1) all residents of Carson City in general, (2) the neighbors of this proposed mixed-use development in particular, and (3) specifically to the members of the Carson City Board of Supervisors.

Letter: Thanks for supporting medical fund

Gary and I would like to thank everyone for their very generous donations to my medical fund, via GoFundMe and private donations, with special thanks to Ellie Bugli for organizing this event. As we reflect on our blessings this time of year, we are so thankful for the support of the music community as well as the wonderful citizens of the Carson City area. Words are inadequate to express our gratitude. Your kindness is priceless!

—Sue Jesch

BOS Meets December 1 on Vintage development

Event Date: 
December 1, 2016 - 8:30am

To the citizens of Carson City:

Vintage being rushed to Board

Nov. 14, 2016: Regarding the Vintage project being scheduled for the Board of Supervisors meeting on December 1st without any notices sent out as of yet:

As three times before, this is project being rushed prematurely. There is no reason why this project should be on the agenda a week after Thanksgiving, with the deadline for comments just as a week from TODAY, or only THREE days before Thanksgiving.

Veterans Day 11NOV2016

We have just elected a new President and a new Congress after eighteen months of bitter mudslinging. Our politicians are so busy assassinating character using; lies, half truths and innuendo that they, and many of the people of our nation, forgot many of the issues that should be matters for adult discussion by serious men and women and their would-be leaders.

Syzygy: Super Moon Rising Over Carson City

Syzygy Super Moon over Carson City
Event Date: 
November 14, 2016 - 10:00pm

This is a composite photo depicting a syzygy super moon rising above the hills in North Carson City on November 14, 2016. Although the position and size of the moon is exaggerated and different due to artistic license, the minds image is displayed here in a creative example of composite photographic art. This picture is is how we might imagine the Syzygy Super Moon rising over Carson City.

Facts about Sales Tax

Let's put this silly claim by my opponent that he's the voice of reason to rest and use his supposed opposition to the 1/8th city sales tax hike to do it.

With the city Supervisor seat from Ward 4 in the balance, Jim Shirk once again wants to have things both ways in typical politician fashion by saying he voted against the sales tax hike and opposed the downtown Carson Street project, yet he leaves out important details about his voting record and value received.

As his opponent, I'm duty bound to point out the following:

A comment on Measuring Liberty and Libertarians

This is a comment on
Measuring Liberty and Libertarians | Carson City Nevada News - Carson Now

American history provides enough examples of petulant third parties handing electoral victory to the wrong candidate. Teddybear Roosevelt's ego gave us Woodrow Wilson. Ross PeeRot gave us Bubba Clinton (and therefore, Hillary???).

Local candidates (in the Carson City Chamber's forum)

Carver YES, Crowell NO.
Shirk YES, Barrette NO.
White YES, Bonkowski NO.

Please watch the video of the local candidates forum hosted by the Carson City Chamber of Commerce as you read my comments. I did not transcribe the Chamber’s 5-6 questions.


A Case for Hillary (not…)

Hillary Rodham Clinton's four decades of professional misdeeds, scandals and crimes are well documented throughout the internet. Given that history, WHY would ANYBODY like HER to be the next PRESIDENT?!?!? I can think of two reasons.

1. Ideology.

Ballot questions -- CARSON CITY 1. Sales tax hike on gasoline -- NO

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