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Independents Day Letter To Donald Trump

I want Trump to

To promote our mandate as outlined below, The People hereby contribute the first billion dollars to your Presidential campaign fund. If you need more to avoid accepting any special interest donations, just ask and every true American will donate. You are our champion for saving the American dream.

Background check initiative Question 1

Everytown for Gun Safety founded by (ex-NYC Mayor) Bloomberg, contributed $3,263,759.17 in cash and $488,346.66 worth of in-kind donations in support of this initiative.
Sheriff Allen of Washoe County has said/written “Question 1 would mean more gun restrictions on law-abiding Nevadans.” “…while doing nothing to stop criminals or make us any safer.”
Read the full text of Question 1 for yourself. The actual text would constitute the law, if passed, not the incorrect assertions by its supporters, some are quoted below.

Column: Humbled by the recognition

When I submitted my entries to the Carson City Arts and Culture Coalition's "Focus On Carson" photography contest earlier this spring, the last thing I expected was to have been selected as a contest finalist.

Musings for November 2016 (sponsored)

As a voter like you, I am listening to, viewing, and reading much on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. One is well known in Washington politics and the other also well known but outside the Washington beltway in terms of political experience. Both Clinton and Trump are the presumptive Democratic and Republican candidates for president of the United States respectively. Both have fought very contentious campaigns, Both do not carry a high degree of trust with the American voting public, but for different reasons.

Letter: They Closed Downtown

To Whom It May Concern,

Well congratulations to the CCCVB. They certainly filled a bunch of hotel rooms this weekend. They also almost completely shut downtown. That’s right, they shut it down. I have been a redevelopment advocate of downtown for almost thirty years and was instrumental in starting up downtown events back in the eighties and nineties. But when we held them we made sure people could come downtown as part of the event.

Column: The pursuit of happiness

Happiness is where you find it, and often not in the usual places.

Today I found happiness standing at the corner of Highway 50 and Fairview Drive in front of Slot World, waving a two-sided sign and wearing a red foam clown nose.

Voters Didn’t Get Fooled Again – and They Won’t Next Time, Either

Nevada Republican voters spoke loudly last night. Again.

They spoke loudly in November 2014, voting down a proposed gross receipts tax (GRT) 4-to-1 and sweeping Republicans into control of Nevada’s executive and legislative branches for the first time in generations.

That was a mandate to hold the line on taxes, reform collective bargaining, stop the bleeding in the Public Employees Retirement System, improve schools through choice and other reforms, and especially to oppose the kind of tax 79 percent of voters rejected.

Others saw things differently.

Column: There is hope

Three years ago, anyone who told me that there was hope and a light at the end of the tunnel would get silently scoffed at.

At that time, I had plunged so deep into personal despair and anguish that it was like sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

Column: D-Day a turning point in history

Seventy-two years ago today, the largest seaborne invasion force the world had ever seen landed on the shores of Northern France, both making and changing history at the same time.

D-Day, June 6, 1944, was the beginning of the end of Nazi rule across Europe.

Column: The fruits of a wet winter

Growing up in the Willamette Valley of Western Oregon, I took rain for granted; mostly because it rained more than the sun shined.

Supreme Court Commerce Tax Decision Was Political

In our last column, we explained that the defeat of efforts to repeal the commerce tax shows that Nevada’s political establishment – controlled by Big Gaming and Big Unions – owns not only many officeholders of both political parties, but much of state and local government.

We said that Nevada’s supreme court justices, as loyal members of the establishment, manufactured a bogus excuse to upset the referendum effort. Today we explain why the court’s decision was political.

Obama's Hiroshima Hypocrisy vs Memorial Day

Sgt. Jason J. McCluskey
Event Date: 
May 30, 2016 (All day)

The recent traitorous attempt by President Obama to rewrite the history of America's war against Japanese imperialism, ignores the lessons of history. Obama displays the perspective of a typical truth impaired, ignorant, partially educated, affirmative action, indoctrinated college student lacking basic knowledge of philosophy, economics and history.

The "Moses Syndrome"

On the Moses Syndrome

By Karl Edward Neathammer

The “Moses Syndrome”: By observation, can be defined as: “A delusion characterized by the uncritical belief in the promises of “the One” to lead the “Others” to the Promised Land!

Elections and The Truth About Lying

Darby's Mouth of Truth

When I was young and idealistic, I endeavored to never lie. I thought it was a virtue. For the first twenty years of my life I seldom lied. But then I discovered that women think you are stupid if you don't lie. I first discovered the truth about lying to get laid. Women love liars and hate the truth.

Everybody lies. In fact, I am lying right now. Honest. I'm telling the truth about lying about lying. The only person I never lie to, is myself, except of course when I'm lying to myself.

PK, Let's NOT Do This Again

PK O’Neill vs. the facts (excepts from his newsletters)

Issue 1: Representation; Leadership vs. Serving the People

PK O’Neill’s candidacy for reelection raises serious questions about pragmatism, principles, integrity, the role of a representative, what it means to be a Republican, what it means to be conservative, what it means to represent your constituents and what it means to govern.

Know Your Enemy/Understand Your Enemy Part 3: Conclusion (sponsored)

No one should have to fight blindly against the enemy — knowledge IS power, and the truth of any situation even more powerful. No one has ever had all the facts for a set of circumstances or a certain situation, only God has the entire picture, so human expertise has its limitations. However, gathering as many facts as possible, organizing them in a logical progression, studying them carefully, looking for strengths and weaknesses, can ultimately bring together a rather comprehensive picture for all to see.

Gaming, Unions and Politicians vs. Voters, Taxpayers and Business

The defeat of efforts to repeal the commerce tax shows that Nevada’s political establishment – controlled by Big Gaming and Big Unions – owns not only many officeholders of both political parties but nearly all of state and local government.

Many large corporations and industries in recent decades have decided to join – not fight – the destructive liberalism and predatory agendas of the bi-partisan establishment and the selfish union and other special interests that jointly dominate US politics.

PK O’Neill vs.the facts on EDUCATION

PK O’Neill vs.the facts on EDUCATION 
(excepts from his newsletters)
In the 2015 session, the Legislature considered no fewer than 15 new or expanded programs intended to increase student achievement.
But... None of the proposals have anything to do with improving education in the only place where education takes place -- and can be improved -- IN THE CLASSROOM.
PK: Detractors of the program say research shows smaller class sizes have a mixed impact on student performance, and having a quality teacher in the room is more important than having fewer students.

An invitation for public comment

This is in reference to the development called The Vintage At Kings Canyon, which was announced to the public at the Fritsch School on April 7, and which has been much discussed in the Appeal and CarsonNow.

The details of the plan, as announced, can be found on the website
vintage2016blog – All the facts about The Vintage At Kings Canyon

Column: Mental illness deserves legitimacy

The month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month, as good a time as any to become more aware of what mental illness is, what it isn't, and the challenges that those struggling with it face every day.

Mental illness has touched my family. It has touched me.

It May Not Be Our Choice

Event Date: 
May 15, 2016 (All day)

Recently, and over breakfast with two of my friends and colleagues, I was presented with an interesting question.

“What would happen if neither Hillary Clinton, nor, Donald Trump in the general election, did not receive the required Electoral College votes to become President of the United States. What would happen?”

This piqued my curiosity, as the American people are somewhat unsettled as to who they should vote for to be the next President of the United States.

The Andersen Ranch, balancing the past and the future

My family and I are the owners of the Andersen Ranch on the west side of Carson City. Thousands of negative and emotional words have been written and spoken and posted on blogs about a proposed project — The Vintage at Kings Canyon — that would develop part of our property. We hope you will consider the few words that follow to better understand our vision for the future of the Andersen Ranch.

Deep Thoughts, Cheap Shots and Bonbons

The Nevada Appeal had a letter-to-the-editor (dated May 1, 2016) stating:
The Downtown Project is more than aesthetics and declared: “Seventy percent of the total expenditures of the downtown project, currently underway, are for vital infrastructure improvements that are failing and run right down the middle of Carson Street under the medians.”
Here are the most up-to-date facts on funding amounts presently available for this project.

Downtown Streetscape Funding
Description Funding
Water $2,029,000.00
Sewer $637,000.00

We Want The Truth

What do you want from your local Government ? Generally we answer that question with: Provide Fire and Police first. I suggest we have a more elemental need. We want the TRUTH. The residents of this community will see the wisdom of any service or project if it is based in the truth. The more the truth is shaded the more the residents will resist. Without truth there is no trust.

Sandoval Errs: Commerce Tax Repeal Will Not Cause Budget Cuts

Event Date: 
May 11, 2016 - 8:15am

Gov. Brian Sandoval and his allies don’t think voters should have a say on the commerce tax they snuck through in the closing hours of last year’s legislature.
They're entitled to their views. However, they’ve been wildly misrepresenting key facts about the matter and about the actions and words of Ron, who is leading the effort to repeal the tax. Below, we set them and the record straight.

Home Know Your Enemy/Understand Your Enemy Part 2 (sponsored)

As lead prosecutor, Andrew McCarthy, continued to involve himself and his legal team in further and deeper knowledge of the enemy in order to successfully bring to trial and to win the U.S. government's case against Sheik Abdel Rahman, aka the Blind Sheik, for the World Trade Center bombing which killed and maimed hundreds of Americans in 1993 in New York City.

See Part 1 here.

Hope can outshine the darkness of suicide

Today dozens of people participated in the annual Veterans Suicide Awareness March, an event meant not only to raise awareness of the suicide epidemic among our military veterans, but also to spread the word about how to prevent these deaths.

But suicide infects more than our veteran population. It reaches across the demographic plain to touch people of many different races, colors, creeds, genders, ages and backgrounds.

Sorting out the rumors about The Greenhouse Project

Recently, an article was posted to Carson Now by University of Nevada Cooperative Extension promoting a spring plant sale fundraiser for The Greenhouse Project, located behind Carson High School.

Although the article itself seemed very non-controversial, the comments posted to it were anything but.

Opinions Challenged

Elected officials, lobbyists, political candidates, activists, and media pundits - the political class - far too often project little more than self-interest-based opinion. The balance of so many lay people's opinions are too often just that - opinion - uninformed, but strongly held. Now is the time for Isaac Asimov's observation: Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them every once in a while, or the light won't come in."

The Right Stuff: We Need a Lot More of It Now

Event Date: 
May 4, 2016 - 8:15am

When we’ve had enough of politics and politicians, we need a good fun exhilarating movie like The Right Stuff. After a long hard week, take Saturday evening to watch this rollicking 1983 classic with great casting, script, directing, settings, performances, action, music, editing and themes. Plus hot planes and some explosions.

There are many great aspects of the film, but we want to note one we find profoundly appealing. Something the world needs these days.

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