High Sierra Swing Dance Club, presents a Country Lesson and Dance
Let's kick it into Country, join us for a night of country partner dancing with special guest instructor and DJ Cowboy Bob Truesdale on Saturday August 6, 2016. Cowboy Bob will teach a Cowboy Cha lesson at 7:00pm - 8:00pm with open dancing from 8:00pm -11:00pm at the Ormsby Club, 600 South Curry Street, Carson City.
DJ Cowboy Bob will play a variety of music with many Country 2 Steps, Cowboy Cha, Country Swing and other partner dances, lesson and dance $10.00 with singles welcome. The Ormsby Club features a full bar and is located at the corner of Curry & 7th with ample parking adjacent to club.
For more information go to www.HSSDC.org