Honor Flight Nevada and Capitol Barber Shops presents HAIRCUTS FOR HEROES
Honor Flight Nevada is proud to announce HAIRCUTS FOR HEROES a fundraiser sponsored by Capital Barber Shop, the oldest barber shop in Carson City for over 49 years.
One hundred percent of all donations go to Honor Flight to help take Veterans back to Washington, D.C. to see the Memorials built in their honor and paid for by their service to our country.
Capital Barber Shop owner, Jeff Nichols with his staff of Cliff Hoggatt and Quinten Rivers will perform all services for donations to HFNV. "We believe in our community and appreciate the sacrifices made by our Veteran's" said Mr. Nichols. "This is our way of saying Thank You for our freedom."
Come out and get your ears lowered, your 'stach trimmed, or anything else with a donation to HFNV
Honor Flight Nevada is a 501c3 charity without a single paid position and will have volunteers attending as well as some Heroes that have been on previous flights. Applications for future Veteran flights, Guardians, and Volunteers will be available.
Come out and help us send more Veterans back before it's too late.