Republican Candidate Forum at the Carson City Republican Women’s Luncheon
Want to learn more about the candidates running for Carson City Mayor or for Assembly District 40? The Carson City Republican Women’s (CCRW) monthly luncheon on Tuesday, May 17th at Gold Dust West will provide time for attendees to visit with the candidates starting at 11:00am. 11:30am Lunch: $20/person (cash only, no checks) The public is invited to attend. RSVP required, contact President Kim Fiegehen 775-443-0430,; or, Judy Wakefield 775-882-6842,
There are three Republican Candidates for Mayor: Chris Carver, Jerry Cinani and Kurt Meyer. We also have 4 Republican Candidates for Assembly District 40: Sam England, Chris Forbush, Al Kramer & PK ONeil. President Fiegehen says we are extremely privileged to have such outstanding and qualified individuals representing the Republican Party. These gentlemen deserve our attention and support, so please invite your family and friends to come out and hear these gentlemen speak and tell you why they deserve your vote.
The CCRW invites all members of the public to attend our monthly meetings, held on the third Tuesday of each month.