WNC Continuing Education offers Watercolor Exploration class
Whether you are a new or continuing watercolor student, learn to splash and play while discovering the expansive possibilities of watercolor. In each 4-week class, we will explore several different approaches to watercolor. We will also investigate art fundamental topics concentrating on one topic per 4-week session.
Students may choose their own subjects, with instructor input as to relevance based on individual skill level. Supplies required.
Potential watercolor approaches include: wet-on-dry, wet-into-wet, watercolor pouring, wet-to-dry, layering, pulling-the-bead, alla prima painting, plein air and more. Potential fundamental topics include: color temperature, color value, compositional design, color harmony, drawing principles, avoiding common pitfalls, artwork presentation, painting from life, and more.
Register here: https://www.campusce.net/wnc/Course/Course.aspx?c=707
The class costs $120. Instructor: Colleen Reynolds. The first class session is from June 5 to June 26. Classes then will continue into July. Times: 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Contact us at (775) 445-4241 for any questions, comments.