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Bill Removing Mining Industry Eminent Domain Privileges Passes Assembly, Heads To Governor’s Desk

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY – A bill removing the mining industry’s right to take private land heads to the governor’s desk after passing in the Assembly this evening.
Senate Bill 86 gained early bipartisan support when Sen. Michael Roberson, R-Las Vegas, joined the bill’s sponsor, Sheila Leslie, D-Reno, in criticizing a corporation’s ability to take land from a private citizen.

'Atlas Shrugged Part I' - politcs as a movie, and not very good

The film "Atlas Shrugged Part 1," opened Friday night at the Fandango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City. The opening was overshadowed by the first-night celebration the V&T's No. 18 steam locomotive in "Water for Elephants," an average romance-plus-disaster film.

Assembly Republicans Hold With Gov. Sandoval On Higher Education Budget, Ensuring Funding Impasse Continues

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – After a lengthy hearing in the Assembly today on what several witnesses said were the catastrophic effects of Gov. Brian Sandoval’s budget recommendations for higher education, Republican members held firm with the executive branch in a series of funding votes.

Jimmer Fredette to join American Century Championship at Edgewood Tahoe

NEWS RELEASE — Jimmer Fredette, the All-American scoring guard for Brigham Young University will join the celebrity-studded field at the American Century Championship, July 12 – 17 at Edgewood Tahoe, in what is becoming one of the strongest line-ups in the tournament’s 22-year history.

Concerts on tap in Carson City

The Carson City Symphony will play Saturday April 23 at 7:30 p.m. at the Carson Community Center with a program of "Dances and Romances" featuring guest harpist Marina Roznitovsky. Sounds like a concert not to be missed.

Roznitovsky will join the symphony for Saint-Saens' Morceau de Concert for Harp and Orchestra. Conducting will be David Bugli. Tickets are $15 general admission, $12 for seniors, students and Symphony Association members. Those 16 and under are admitted free.

Debate Over State Budget ‘End Game’ Suggests Compromise Far Off

CARSON CITY – Assemblyman Pat Hickey, R-Reno, wanted honesty about the Legislature’s budget “end game,” and he got it.
At a legislative town hall featuring 21 lobbyists, lawmakers and business leaders, the candid comments from panelists seemed to suggest a looming budget compromise is a fool’s hope.

Assemblyman Asks Lawmakers To Put 'Cards On The Table' In Forum

CARSON CITY — Assemblyman Pat Hickey, R-Sparks, is asking other legislators to “lay your cards on the table.”
As the budget debate in Carson City roils to no discernible conclusion, Hickey is bringing 21 lawmakers, business leadersa and academics to the Legislature to talk taxes and government reform.
“This forum will help get out into the open things that have only been talked about behind closed doors,” Hickey said. “As moderator, I plan to press participants to speak openly about the ‘end game’ here this session.”

What Does The Tea Party Have In Common With Progressives?

CARSON CITY — In the anti-tax world, the Tea Party in Nevada might have one thing in common with progressives who want to raise taxes.
Both say that industries that get special treatment or have special provisions written for them in the constitution should not have those advantages.
Senate Democrats are sponsoring Senate Joint Resolution 15, a constitutional amendment that would remove mining industry benefits currently written into the state constitution.

Many Proposals To Amend Nevada Constitution, Including School Vouchers, Fail To Advance In Legislature

CARSON CITY – Efforts in the Legislature to amend Nevada’s constitution failed for the most part to move forward today as a deadline hit to get measures passed out of committee.
Measures creating a lottery, repealing the minimum wage and allowing tax dollars to be spent on religious schools all failed to advance.
One of the most significant failures came on the issue of vouchers for religious schools. Two measures, including one introduced by Gov. Brian Sandoval, did not make it out of committee by the deadline.

In Surprise Vote, Motorcycle Helmet Choice Bill Passes Committee

CARSON CITY – Sen. Don Gustavson, R-Sparks, had written off his bill as dead when he learned this afternoon that Sen. Shirley Breeden, D-Las Vegas, was giving it a vote.
The senator was even more tickled when he realized his bill had the votes to pass out of committee.
The bill would let people ride motorcycles without helmets if they are 21 years of age or older, have had a motorcycle license for more than one year and have completed a safety course.

Collective Bargaining Bill Dies In Committee

CARSON CITY — Senate Operations Committee Chairman David Parks has put the brakes on a collective bargaining bill that the sponsor said could save $2.3 billion for the state.
Sen. Michael Roberson, R-Las Vegas, who sponsored Senate Bill 343, said it would save local governments as much as $2.3 billion by amending the state’s collective bargaining law and ratcheting wages down to national averages.

Man faces additional charges in alleged fake check cashing scam

A Carson City man faces seven felony counts of commercial burglary and seven counts of uttering a forged instrument after being arrested for allegedly attempting to cash counterfeit checks at a casino on the account of the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California.

Reminder of Winter Classic Trout Derby

By the Bishop Area Chamber of Commerce
The Bishop Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors bureau would like to remind everyone that there are just a few weeks left in the new Winter Classic Trout Derby.

Thanks to grant funding provided by Inyo County, the Chamber has contracted with Inland Aquaculture to purchase and plant specially tagged Alpers Trout in Pleasant Valley Reservoir and Lower Owens River.

Public Sector Unions And Local Governments Spar Over Collective Bargaining Bill

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – In the end, only acrimony prevailed.
Legislators did not immediately vote on a bill from Sen. Michael Roberson, R-Las Vegas, but a hearing on Senate Bill 343 provoked heated testimony over how local governments and public sector unions bargain their contracts.

Senate Panel Hears Proposal To Move Nevada Toward School Choice

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – A proposed amendment to the Nevada constitution to allow a future Legislature to create a school voucher program so parents could get state funding to send their children to private schools, including religious schools, was heard by a Senate panel today.

Birth Announcements

Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center:To Maria Alva Correa and Michael Neuffer of Gardnerville, a son Michael Andres Neuffer, born March 19, 2011, weighing 7 pounds, 1 ounce.To Bridget Koos and Skus...

Partisan Politics Enter Fray As Regents Consider Closing Colleges

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Campus closures, consolidations and mergers are back on the table after the Board of Regents today undid a vote from last month to not consider campus closures, which itself followed a February vote to consider campus closures.
Many of the smaller colleges are in districts represented by Republicans.

Partisan Politics Enter Fray As Regents Consider Closing Colleges

CARSON CITY – Campus closures, consolidations and mergers are back on the table after the Board of Regents today undid a vote from last month to not consider campus closures, which itself followed a February vote to consider campus closures.
Many of the smaller colleges are in districts represented by Republicans.

Sore Feelings: GOP Lawmakers Say Dems Ignoring Their Bills

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Add it up and some of them have to die.
There is not enough time for the Legislature to hear every bill, but that has not stopped Republicans from accusing Democrats of ignoring Republican bills.

Republicans Accuse Democrats of Ignoring Republican Bills As Deadline Looms

CARSON CITY – Add it up and some of them have to die.
There is not enough time for the Legislature to hear every bill, but that has not stopped Republicans from accusing Democrats of ignoring Republican bills.
The partisan sniping comes as legislators are scrambling to save their bills from extinction of bills as a legislative deadline looms.

Winter Classic Trout Derby

By the Bishop Area Chamber of Commerce
The Bishop Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors bureau would like to remind everyone that there are just a few weeks left in the new Winter Classic Trout Derby.

Thanks to grant funding provided by Inyo County, the Chamber has contracted with Inland Aquaculture to purchase and plant specially tagged Alpers Trout in Pleasant Valley Reservoir and Lower Owens River.

Sin Tax Debate Focuses On Public Health Benefits, Revenues, Effects On Business

CARSON CITY – Advocates for a tax hike on cigarettes and liquor made their case in the Nevada Legislature today, both to raise revenue and improve public health.
The proposal received a mixed reaction from lawmakers, and some lobbyist opposition, however, because of the negative consequences on business.

Sin Tax Debate Focuses On Public Health Benefits, Revenues, Effects On Business

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Advocates for a tax hike on cigarettes and liquor made their case in the Nevada Legislature today, both to raise revenue and improve public health.
The proposal received a mixed reaction from lawmakers, and some lobbyist opposition, however, because of the negative consequences on business.

State's minimum wage and overtime requirements go unchanged

Nevada's minimum wage and daily overtime requirements that will take affect this summer will go unchanged from last year, according to bulletins released today by Labor Commissioner Michael Tanchek.

Again, effective July 1, rates will remain $7.25 per hour for employees whom qualifying health benefits have been made available to them by the employer; and $8.25 per hour for all other employees.

Movie Review: 'Source Code' is a fun and solid thriller

If thrillers are your favorite kind of movie, there's a new one in Carson City that more than beats most of the recent examples; it's "Source Code" and is at the Casino Fandango Galaxy multiplex.

Bill Would Remove Overtime Pay Provisions

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Overtime pay for working more than eight hours per day would disappear under a proposal from Sen. James Settelmeyer, R-Gardnerville.
While employers and chambers of commerce supported the bill, Settelmeyer said he brought Senate Bill 332 on behalf of employees.

Carson City authorities make several warrant-related arrests

A Carson City man with a warrant for allegedly violating his probation and felony grand theft, faces additional charges of obstructing and resisting arrest.

Steven Charles Michael, 19, was arrested Friday at Musser Street and Carson Meadows after a foot chase with authorities.

Movie Review: 'Red Riding Hood' ain't no fairy tale anymore

The movie "Red Riding Hood," currently showing at the Casino Fandango Galaxy multiplex in Carson City, makes s couple of nods to the fairy tale story but goes into more violent and wayward actions.

In a way, this is a ludicrous film, with Amanda Seyfried as Valerie (Red Riding hood), who certainly has the wide-eyed look of a naive young lady (not as a young girl, need a little more sex than a girl could offer) and in one scene almost becomes engaged in a bit of sex.

'Noxious Odors' Would Be Investigated Under Senate Bill

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Legislators were asked yesterday to imagine an odor so rancid and vile that it requires evacuating the Legislature.
“You would not be able to work in this building,” Donna German, who lives near Fallon, told legislators at a Senate committee.
That is the type of stench residents near Fallon say they have lived with for years.

Back to the 80s

The show features every famous song from the 80's from Madonna to Michael Jackson. Plenty of mullet hair cuts and falshdance styles. Performance at the Carson City Community Center on Saturday at 7:30 p.m and again on Sunday at 2 p.m. Reserve tickets at boxoffice@carsonK12.nv.us. or call (775) 230-8919.

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