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Nevada Think Tank Says Fundamental Budget Reform Needed

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Nevada’s budget process is broken and needs fundamental change to bring about reasonable spending and improved performance in public education and the delivery of other government services, a free market think tank says in a new report.

Proposed Legislation Would Ban All Cell Phone Use for Drivers

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
Democratic legislators this year are again lining up bills that would outlaw texting while driving and, in some cases, ban hand-held phone use while driving.
They’re continuing efforts in the 2009 session from Sen. Shirley Breeden, D-Henderson, whose text-banning bill died in committee. She’s sponsoring a similar bill this year.

Senate Majority Leader Says ‘Extreme Right-Wing’ Interests Jeopardize Nevada’s Future

CARSON CITY – Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford has sent an email to supporters and constituents suggesting the next two-year state budget is facing an attack from “extreme right-wing” interests who will use the current economic crisis to “dismantle our state.”

Carson City Democratic Womens Club Meeting

Guest Speaker District Attorney Neil Rombardo and others will address the group at noon Prescription Drug Abuse and other new and dangerous substance abuse by youth.

Column: The Great Bipartisan Sellout of 2010

The liberal blogs are all in a tizzy about how President Barack Obama "caved" to Republicans, agreeing to extend the Bush tax cuts for everyone, not just those making under $250,000 a year as he said he wanted.

Some are saying that Obama has been seriously damaged by this episode, looking weak and handing the narrative and momentum to the GOP, and that he might have a tough time getting reelected in 2012.

Assembly Democratic Caucus Cleared Of Allegations Of Campaign Reporting Violations

CARSON CITY – The Nevada Secretary of State’s office today ruled in favor of the Assembly Democratic Caucus regarding a complaint about its failure to report the receipt of funds from its members.
The caucus did not report more than $120,000 received from Assembly Democrats on its campaign contribution and expenditure reports filed this year.

Conservative Think Tank Launches Spanish Language Website

CARSON CITY – A national conservative think tank today launched a new website to give Spanish-speaking Americans access to its analyses and policy recommendations on the nation’s most pressing problems.
The Heritage Foundation launched Libertad.org, where the organization’s work on issues ranging from education reform to the new national health care law will be available in Spanish.

Gov.-Elect Sandoval Names 29-Member Transition Advisory Team

By Nevada News Bureau staff
CARSON CITY – Nevada Republican Gov.-elect Brian Sandoval announced today his selection of 29 Nevadans to serve on his transition advisory team, including Bill Bible, former president of the Nevada Resort Association, and state Sen. Dean Rhoads, who backed Sen. Harry Reid’s re-election bid.
The diverse group of community leaders from across Nevada will provide input and feedback to Sandoval on a wide range of issues.

State Senate Democratic Campaign Report Shows Return Of Contributions From ‘Pay To Play’

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – A campaign report filed by the Senate Democratic Caucus shows the group’s political action committee received about $20,000 before ending a short-lived proposal to give lobbyists access to lawmakers in exchange for campaign contributions.

Carson City Democratic Women's Club Meeting

The Carson City Democratic Women's Club annual Christmas party will raise funds to benefit the Children's Museum and Food for Thought on Saturday December 11th at Grandma Hatties Restaurant, starting at 11:30 AM and is open to all. Instead of bringing gifts to exchange the attendees are asked to donate the equivalent in cash or checks to one or both organizations. (A single donation will be split between the two organizations). A holiday buffet lunch will be available for a cost of $17. For information and reservations please call Joan at 882-5704.

Carson Democratic Women With Advocates Food Drive

The Carson City Democratic Womens Club will actively support the Advocates Against Domestic Violence Annual Food Drive at the Governors Mansion. All registered Democratic Women are welcome to help. Please meet at Headquarters; 111 W. Telegraph Street at 11:30 AM to carpool to the mansion. Bring donations of food and help assist the workers until 2 PM. For information call Joan at 882-5704.

Nevada's Challenge To Health Care Law Could See Ruling By January But Appeal Certain

By Nevada News Bureau staff
CARSON CITY – The private attorney working on Nevada’s challenge to the new national health care law says a federal judge in Florida should rule on the case by January, setting the stage for an appeal that ultimately is expected to reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

Veteran GOP Leader Raggio Out In State Senate Leadership Shakeup

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Veteran Republican state Sen. Bill Raggio, R-Reno, won’t be minority leader in the upcoming 2011 session, withdrawing his name from consideration for the leadership post today after getting GOP criticism for backing Sen. Harry Reid in the Tuesday general election.

Oceguera Elected Assembly Speaker For 2011 Legislative Session

Assemblyman John Oceguera, D-Las Vegas, has been unanimously elected as Speaker for the upcoming legislative session.
Oceguera has served as majority leader under former Speaker Barbara Buckley, who could not run again because of term limits.
The vote of the 26-member Democratic caucus on Wednesday will be formalized on the first day of the legislative session on Feb. 7.

Assembly District 40: The epic campaign attack backfire?

"You see, in our two-party system, the Democrats are the party of no ideas and the Republicans are the party of bad ideas. It usually goes something like this. A Republican will stand up in Congress and say, "I've got a really bad idea." And a Democrat will immediately jump to his feet and declare, "And I can make it sh---ier." — comedian Lewis Black

I'm not sure I've seen a better close-up example of a campaign attack backfiring than I did last night in the Assembly District 40 race.

Robin Williamson seemed to be doing everything right to fill the seat held by fellow Democrat Bonnie Parnell. She was working very hard, walking the neighborhoods, working with both Democrats and Republicans to gather the coalition she needed to win in this GOP-leaning district.

And then the Nevada Democratic Party stepped in and screwed it up.

GOP Makes Gains In Nevada Legislature, No Supermajorities For Democrats

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – There will be no supermajorities for Democrats in either the state Senate or Assembly in the 2011 session, meaning the parties will have to work together and with Republican Gov.-elect Brian Sandoval on issues from taxes to redistricting.
Republicans in the 42-member state Assembly, who had been outnumbered 28-14, retained their seats and picked up two held by Democrats, enough to take away a veto-proof majority held by Democrats in the 2009 session.

Carson City Democratic Women's Club Meeting

The Women's Club will be discussing "Wither, Wherefore and How"; an analytic planning session to decide how best to proceed for the very important next two years. Lunch can be ordered at 11:30AM, the program begins at noon.

Fro information, call Donna at 884-3037

State Parties Fight Hard Over High Stakes Senate Seats

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Senate Democrats are running a slate of candidates across the state in the hopes of winning a 14-seat, veto-proof majority for the upcoming 2011 session.
But Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio, R-Reno, said he does not expect it to happen, and he has not discounted the possibility of the GOP winning the majority.

Assembly Democratic Caucus Campaign Report Provokes GOP Criticism, Response From Majority Leader

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – The state Assembly’s Democratic Caucus failed to disclose more than $120,000 in donations from its own members earlier this year, but a Democratic leader says they weren’t legally required to do so.

Nevada Stimulus Spending Is Election Focus But Effectiveness In Dispute

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – The question of how well the Gibbons administration has done in quickly and efficiently deploying Nevada’s share of stimulus dollars is difficult to quantify.

Nevada State Senate 5 Debate Focuses On Unfair Political Attacks, Taxes And Budget Shortfall

Democratic state Senator Joyce Woodhouse and Republican challenger Michael Roberson debated the budget, taxes and unjustified political attacks today in a race viewed as critical by both parties for the upcoming 2011 legislative session.
Woodhouse, running for a second term in Clark District 5, said the mailers sent out by the Nevada State Democratic Party attacking Roberson did not come from her campaign or have her review.

Sarah Palin Energizes Tea Party Crowd, Tells Them To Support Sharron Angle In Nevada Senate Race

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
RENO – An enthusiastic crowd of several hundred Tea Party supporters showed up to cheer on former GOP Alaska Gov. and U.S. Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin today at one of what will be many stops across the county in advance of the Nov. 2 general election.

Letter to the editor: Negative mailers not helpful to campaign

Dear Editor,

Several negative mailers featuring Assembly candidate Pete Livermore were sent out recently to Carson City homes.

These ads were sponsored by the Nevada State Democratic Party, which hired an outside firm to produce the pieces. They claim Livermore got a "sweetheart deal" from the city when it purchased land he owned in order to widen Clearview Drive.

Fiery Nevada Secretary Of State Debate Focuses On Past Allegations

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
A debate Wednesday between Democrat Secretary of State Ross Miller and his Republican opponent Rob Lauer spent most of the time on past controversies, including Lauer’s alleged assault of a woman in a bar and Miller’s track record of prosecution as a Clark County deputy district attorney.

Nevada State Treasurer, Opponent, Trade Jabs In Televised Debate

By Nevada News Bureau
Republican state treasurer candidate Steve Martin faced off against Democratic incumbent Kate Marshall in a debate Monday, with Martin continuing to criticize his opponent for failing to fully disclose details of a $50 million failed 2008 investment.

Carson City Assembly Race Key For Democrats, Republicans For 2011 Legislative Session

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – The neighborhoods of this capital city and the Washoe Valley just to the north are ground zero for one of the most fiercely contested state legislative races in Nevada this year.
Potentially at stake is the makeup of the 42-member Assembly and whether Democrats can sustain their dominance of the lower house with a 28-member, veto-proof majority.

Reid and Sandoval Wrangle Over Budget And Taxes In Second Debate In Nevada Governor's Race

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
Taxes, the state budget and a looming revenue shortfall in 2011 took center stage Thursday in the second debate between the two major party candidates for Nevada governor.

GOP State Treasurer Candidate, Treasurer’s Office Accuse Each Other Of Playing Politics

CARSON CITY – Republican state treasurer candidate Steve Martin said today the Democratic incumbent is playing politics by delaying a discussion involving an unprecedented $50 million investment loss until after the Nov. 2 general election.

Voter Rolls Grow In September As Registration Deadline Looms For November General Election

Nevada News Bureau staff
CARSON CITY – The number of active registered voters in Nevada grew by 14,770 in September, nearly double the new registrations added in August, the secretary of state’s office reported today.

Assembly Leadership Says Reforms to Campaign Finance Reporting Will Wait

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – While Secretary of State Ross Miller has announced he will voluntarily post his campaign contribution and expense report early so voters can review the information prior to casting their ballots in the Nov. 2 general election, other candidates are not ready to follow suit.

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