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As Deadline Looms, Some Legislators Chose To Sponsor No Bills

CARSON CITY – The days are lengthening, but lawmakers are still finding good reason to be inside the Legislature from dawn till dusk.
This Friday is a deadline for bills to pass out of committee, leaving many legislators scurrying from committee room to committee room to keep their bills alive.

Public Sector Unions And Local Governments Spar Over Collective Bargaining Bill

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – In the end, only acrimony prevailed.
Legislators did not immediately vote on a bill from Sen. Michael Roberson, R-Las Vegas, but a hearing on Senate Bill 343 provoked heated testimony over how local governments and public sector unions bargain their contracts.

Nevadans Would No Longer Elect State Board Of Education Under Proposal

CARSON CITY – Nevadans would no longer see education board representatives on their ballots if a proposal before the Legislature passes.
Assembly Bill 548, recommended by an education task force, would give the governor the power to appoint the superintendent and state board of education.

Governor’s First School District Veto Sparks Public Relations Battle

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval’s first veto has sparked a fight over who, exactly, has the support of the people.
Sandoval today vetoed a bill from Assemblywoman Debbie Smith, D-Sparks, that would have allowed school districts to use debt reserves for school renovation.
Sandoval is counting on that same pot of money to fund school district operating costs.

Governor’s First Veto Sparks Public Relations Battle

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval’s first veto has sparked a fight over who, exactly, has the support of the people.
Sandoval today vetoed a bill from Assemblywoman Debbie Smith, D-Sparks, that would have allowed school districts to use debt reserves for school renovation.
Sandoval is counting on that same pot of money to fund school district operating costs.
Both the Republican governor and the Democratic Assemblywoman are pointing fingers accusing the other of being irresponsible.

Carson City Democratic Womens Club Meeting

Featured speaker is Assemblyman Pete Livermore. Lunch may be ordered from 11:30 Am until noon. There will be a business meeting following our speaker where the plans for the May 14th Fashion Show and other activities will be discussed.

East Meets West: Haley Barbour Visits Nevada, Confirms Likely Presidential Run

By Elizabeth Crum / Nevada News Bureau
Mississippi’s sixty-third governor today visited Nevada, a state which has been called “the Mississippi of the west”* because of its largely unskilled workforce and poor public education system.

Allegations Of Gerrymandering Fly As Legislators Address Redistricting

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – When it comes to redistricting this year, the line from the Assembly Republicans goes like this: the “fair” process is unfair.
They say the process resulted in gerrymandering in 2001, when the boundaries of political districts were last redrawn.

State Senate Majority Leader Requests Emergency Bill To Audit Tax Department

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford has requested emergency legislation to conduct a performance audit of the revenue collection functions of the Department of Taxation following questions last week about the thoroughness of the agency’s review of mining tax payments.

State Senate Majority Leader Requests Emergency Bill To Audit Tax Department

(Updated at 2:12 p.m. on March 14, 2011 to include new comments from Sandoval Administration)
CARSON CITY – Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford has requested emergency legislation to conduct a performance audit of the revenue collection functions of the Department of Taxation following questions last week about the thoroughness of the agency’s review of mining tax payments.

Republican Assemblyman Accuses Democratic Senator Of Hijacking His Bill

CARSON CITY – Freshman Assemblyman Ira Hansen, R-Sparks, watched as one of his first bills was introduced on the floor of the Assembly Tuesday.
Hansen’s bill would establish a state grants coordinator to help Nevada apply for and win more federal grants.
A few hours later, Sen. David Parks, D-Las Vegas, stood at a lectern flanked by the American flag and the flag of the State of Nevada, and told a gathering of reporters about his bill.

Freshman Lawmaker Thinks Twice, Guts Own Bill

CARSON CITY – Lobbyists, legislators and journalists expected to hear about a bill that would increase energy bills for Nevadans when they arrived at a legislative hearing.
Assemblyman Randy Kirner, R-Reno, sat down before the committee, ready to present his bill that would levy a fee on anyone paying an electric bill. That fee would help new businesses pay their energy bills. He designed the bill to attract manufacturing businesses to Nevada with reduced energy costs.

Sandoval Confirms Veto Threat Of Two Democratic Jobs Bills

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Democratic legislative leaders today questioned a comment from the Sandoval administration that two job creation bills they are pursuing will be vetoed for creating a hole in the governor’s recommended state general fund budget.

Audit Revealing “Double Dipping” Employees Spurs Legislation

CARSON CITY – Speaker Pro Tempore Debbie Smith, D-Sparks, wants better reporting on state contracts with consultants.
She said an audit last December proved that lax reporting requirements had allowed many consultants to profit from taxpayers as they escaped legislative scrutiny.
She asked the auditing staff how she could improve oversight of consultants. They recommended removing references to consultants in favor of defining “contract” broadly. So that is what Smith wrote into her bill.

Carson City Democratic Women's Club Meeting

The Carson City Democratic Women's Club will be meeting on March 12 at Grandma Hatties. Everyone is welcome, you may order off the menu from 11:30 to noon. The meeting will run from noon to 1:30 PM. Guest Speaker is Jan Gilbert of the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN). She will discuss current issues in Nevada. During the business meeting, two new activity ideas will be discussed.as well as progress reports on other programs For information call 884-3037.

Secretary Of State Presents Campaign Finance And Election Reform Package To Legislature

CARSON CITY – Secretary of State Ross Miller made his pitch for campaign finance reform before an Assembly committee today, saying that while his two bills are extensive and complex at 155 pages combined, the many provisions are necessary because, “we are behind the curve.”
Miller, in testimony before the Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections Committee, said Nevada should provide increased transparency to voters about the campaign contributions and expenses of the candidates for public office.

State Senate Republican Offers Bill To Exempt New Employees from Modified Business Tax

CARSON CITY – A Republican state senator has proposed his own idea for job creation: A break on the modified business tax for new employees hired by employers after July 1, 2011.
Sen. James Settelmeyer, R-Gardnerville, said Senate Bill 199 would exempt new employees hired by Nevada businesses from the tax as an incentive to add workers to their payrolls. Co-sponsors include five other Republican lawmakers. The measure was introduced Monday.

Public Pension Reform Details Emerge From Sandoval Administration

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval will propose a change to the retirement system for new state employees that would reduce their current pension benefits by one half and cut the long-term liability for taxpayers by the same amount, his chief of staff said today.

Rally for American workers on Saturday

A rally in support of American workers will be held in front of the Legislative Building in Carson City on Saturday, Feb. 26. The event is sponsored by the Carson City Democratic Central Committee and the Nevada Rural Democratic Caucus.
It is part of a nationwide event by Move-On and People for the American Way in an event called "50-State Mobilization to Save the American Dream." Rallies will be held at state legislative buildings across the country.

Popular Vote Movement Gains Steam Nationally – Nevada Among States Targeted

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
A national movement to guarantee the presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states combined gained steam today with the financial support of a billionaire businessman who has committed resources to enacting the concept across the country, including Nevada.

Freshman State Senator Shakes Up Mining Industry As Legislative Session Begins

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Freshman Republican state Sen. Michael Roberson got a lot of people’s attention last week when he engaged in a brief but spirited line of questioning at a Judiciary Committee hearing with mining industry lobbyists.

Berkley Remains Noncommittal On 2012 Senate Bid

By Nevada News Bureau staff
Democratic Rep. Shelley Berkley declined again today to commit to a race for the U.S. Senate in 2012 after poll results show Rep. Dean Heller with a commanding lead over incumbent John Ensign in a GOP primary.

Accessibility or Agenda Setting? Democrats Holding Frequent Press Briefings

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – A coffee shop across the street from the Legislature announces “let the games begin.”
With the Legislature in session for less than two weeks, Democratic legislators seem to be playing the game well.

State Democrat Lawmakers Announce New Job Creation Initiatives

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Democratic legislative leaders today announced they will pursue legislation to ensure Nevadans are employed on state or local government public works projects.

People Denied Health Insurance For Pre-Existing Conditions Have New Option

By Andrew Dougman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Nevadans denied health insurance for pre-existing conditions are now guaranteed coverage via a federally funded health insurance program.
In the past, it’s been either costly or impossible to find coverage if someone has a health condition requiring frequent or expensive treatment.

Republican State Legislative Leaders Ask For End To Rhetoric From Democrats On Budget

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – The Republican minority leadership in the Senate and the Assembly has called on critics of GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval’s proposed budget to trade their “rhetoric for a plan.”

Florida Judge Rules Health Care Law Unconstitutional

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
A Florida judge ruled today that a key provision of President Barack Obama’s health care reform law is unconstitutional.
U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson, a Ronald Reagan appointee serving in Pensacola, Fla., ruled in favor of the 26 states that argued the law’s provision that imposes penalties on people who don’t purchase health insurance is unconstitutional.

Carson City Democratic Womens Club Meeting

The Meeting will begin with installation of new officers. Members and guests will then discuss a list of ideas for programs and activities and assign tasks to interested attendees. To see the list or for more information please call 884-3037.

Republicans Accuse Democrats Of Being 'Rude' To Governor’s Chief Of Staff

CARSON CITY — Sen. Barbara Cegavske accused Democratic legislators of rudeness during today’s budget hearing.
Following confusions yesterday regarding the depth of Gov. Brian Sandoval’s proposed cuts, the Clark County Republican wanted to “apologize” on behalf of the committee to the governor’s Chief of Staff Heidi Gansert.

Democratic Response by Nevada Assembly Speaker-Elect John Oceguera to State of State Speech

Here is the Democratic response delivered by Nevada Assembly Speaker-Elect John Oceguera to Gov. Brian Sandoval's State of the State speech tonight.


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