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“Tea Party of Nevada” Candidate Scott Ashjian Calls Lawsuit Against Him Frivolous

(This story was updated at 3:40 PM on 4/13/10)
Last Friday, Nevada Tea Party Senate candidate Scott Ashjian filed a response to the lawsuit brought against him by Independent American Party candidate Tim Fasano.

Republican Party to File Ethics Complaints Against Secretary of State Ross Miller and State Treasurer Kate Marshall

The state Republican party has confirmed it will be filing an ethics complaint against Secretary of State Ross Miller and state Treasurer Kate Marshall alleging the improper use of publicly funded web pages, phone lines and state employees for their respective reelection campaigns.
“The Nevada Republican party is moving forward with an ethics complaint,” confirmed Ciara Turns, Communications Director for the state party.  “We look forward to the ethics commission completing an investigation into these improper actions.”

Supervisor candidate forum wrap

A few thoughts about tonight's supervisor candidate forum (you can get our live blog of the event here, and the Nevada Appeal version here):

• All candidates did well. There were no obvious gaffs. A lot of times, these forums expose those not-ready-for-prime-time candidates. Not this time. All spoke well and knew the issues.

Carson City Supervisors Candidate Forum

U.S. Senate Candidate Danny Tarkanian Says He Is “Independent Voice” for GOP Voters in June Primary

CARSON CITY – Nevada Republican U.S. Senate candidate Danny Tarkanian said in an interview today he is the independent choice for voters in the June primary and that his leading opponent, Sue Lowden, is the choice of the establishment.

Remember candidate forum tonight

Candidates for Carson City Supervisor will be answering questions at 6 p.m. at the Carson Nugget, at a forum put on by the Carson City Chamber of Commerce.

Here are the candidates who are scheduled to speak:

Ward 1 Candidates:

Karen Abowd
Rob Joiner
Sean Lehmann
Paul Saucedo
Gary Schulz
Norman Scoggin

Ward 3 Candidates:

John McKenna
Mark Sattler
Day Williams

WNC Professor Robert Morin will serve as moderator and ask each candidate a series of three questions.
The audience will have the opportunity to weigh in.

Carson City Clean Up

The 3rd annual "Carson City Clean Up" sponsered by the Carson City Chamber of Commerce took place on Saturday April 10th. There was a good turn out of volunteers for the annual event, JC Pennys and the Casino Fandago being were well represeted. Rob Joiner, candidate for City Supervisor in Ward 1, was also on hand with a few of his crew trying to make the highway 50 interchange a little less of an eye sore.
The Chamber's Executive Director, Ronni Hannaman, welcomed everyone who attended and had the Chamber supply coffee, water, safety vests and hats.

More Calls for Ensign’s Resignation Trickle In

CARSON CITY – Despite being described as a “wounded” senator who has not been effective in representing Nevada in Washington, DC, state Republican officials and candidates surveyed by the Nevada News Bureau for the most part are still not calling on U.S. Senator John Ensign, R-Nev., to step down.

Candidate forums for Carson City seats set for April 12 and April 15

Important decisions lie ahead with voters in the upcoming elections for several Carson City elected offices.

The Carson City Chamber of Commerce will hold two primary candidates forums April 12 and April 15, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Carson Nugget, 507 North Carson Street. The event is free and open to the public. WNC Professor Robert Morin will serve as moderator and ask each candidate a series of three questions. The audience will have the opportunity to weigh in.

Nevada Attorneys and Candidates for Attorney General Debate Legalities of Health Care Reform Lawsuit

Four attorneys with ties to the issues and parties of Nevada’s health care reform lawsuit gave their perspectives to media and political bloggers during a Nevada News Bureau-hosted conference call this afternoon.
Mark Hutchison, lead counsel for Governor Gibbons’ newly retained pro-bono team, said he plans to participate in a conference with US District Court Judge Roger Vinson next week as part of the process to join Florida and other states in an amended complaint challenging the federal government on provisions in the recently passed health care legislation.

Candidates for Governor Weigh In on Public Employee Pension Issues

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s  leading gubernatorial hopefuls all acknowledge the importance of ensuring the long-term health of the public employee pension program, but the three Republican candidates – Gov. Jim Gibbons, former federal judge Brian Sandoval and former North Las Vegas mayor Mike Montandon – each say it is time for significant changes.

OurTown: Norm Scoggin, candidate for Carson City Board of Supervisors

Norm Scoggin, current president of the Carson City School Board, talks about his candidacy for Board of Supervisors Ward 1:


Downtown Wine Walk

Today being the first Saturday of the month, it was time for the Downtown Wine Walk. In photo 1, Al Canary of Bella Fiore Wines talk with some of the wine walkers. In photo 2, the "Senator" waves at those driving by the Senator Club. And in photo 3, Rob Joiner (second from right), candidate for Carson City Board of Supervisors Ward 1, and some of his supporters were enjoying the wine walk at Downtown Coin Shop. 

OurTown: Carson City supervisor candidate Sean Lehmann

Sean Lehmann talks about his run for Carson City Board of Supervisors Ward 1 seat:


With enormous stakes, Harry Reid was unflinching in health care reform

It was about midnight and tensions at the White House ran high on that January evening. House and Senate leaders had been haggling for days to merge their two health care bills. The heady momentum of passing President Barack Obama’s top domestic priority in both chambers had given way to the touchy task of reconciling two very different pieces of legislation. Their window for passing health care was closing: Republican Scott Brown was gaining ground on the Democratic candidate for the Massachusetts Senate seat long held by Ted Kennedy. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid began to speak.

Candidate forum at the Carson Nugget

A primary candidate forum will be held on Thursday, April 15, beginning at 6 p.m at the Carson Nugget, 507 North Carson Street in Carson City.

The Carson City Chamber of Commerce will hold the primary forum centering on candidates for local office. The forum will be held between 6-8 p.m. and the public is invited to meet the candidates and ask questions.

Primary Candidates Forum

Primary candidates forums will be held on Monday, April 12, and Thursday, April 15, beginning at 6 p.m at the Carson Nugget, 507 North Carson Street in Carson City.

The Carson City Chamber of Commerce will hold two primary candidate forums centering on candidates for local office. The forums will be held between 6-8 p.m. and the public is invited to meet the candidates and ask questions.

2010 Election Season Crucial with Redistricting on the Agenda in the Next Legislative Session

CARSON CITY – As millions of Americans fill out their census forms over the next several weeks in the nation’s once-a-decade head co

Rory Reid Takes His Education Reform Plan to Northern Nevada, Rejects Vouchers as “Gimmick”

RENO – Democratic candidate for governor Rory Reid took his education reform plan to northern Nevada today, calling for a fundamental change to give principals, teachers and parents a much bigger say in how their schools operate.

OurTown: Karen Abowd, candidate for Carson City Board of Supervisors

Karen Abowd talks about her candidacy for Carson City Board of Supervisors, Ward 1:

OurTown: Day Williams, candidate for Board of Supervisors, Ward 3

Attorney Day Williams discusses his bid for Carson City Board of Supervisors Ward 1:


Big Turnover in Nevada Legislature

CARSON CITY – Thanks to term limits and decisions by some lawmakers not to seek re-election, at least 16 members of the Nevada Legislature will not be returning in 2011, and the number could end up being even higher after Election Day in November.
Sixteen lawmakers are termed out of office in the 2010 election cycle, but three so far have filed for different legislative offices and could return to the Legislature for the 2011 session.

Independent American Party Files Candidate List, Looks to Make Headway in 2010

CARSON CITY – The Independent American Party (IAP) this week released its list of candidates for 38 different offices, including the seat now held by U.S. Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and all three congressional seats. There are candidates for state and local offices as well.

Bipartisan Budget Deal in Place

CARSON CITY – As a deal to close an $805 million budget gap was announced today, bringing a close to a sometimes rancorous six-day special session, Republican lawmakers say they helped shape the de

Deputy Bob Guimont: “Why I want to be Sheriff”

(Click image to play video)

Are Nevada properties being properly and equally assessed?

By Phillip Moyer | Nevada News Bureau

About Politicians, Barrel Clowns and Reasonable Expectations

Whowuddathunk? Miss Sarah, the charming storyteller and patron saint of the Tea Party, actually did get one thing right in her speech at the Tea Party convention last week.

Unconstitutional Property Tax Practices Reviewed

A Department of Taxation workshop held today reviewed proposals to equalize property taxes, a requirement of the Nevada Sta

Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki NOT running for Sen. Reid’s seat

Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki announced this afternoon he is not running for the U.S. Senate.

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