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Democrat Lieutenant Governor Candidates Debate, Criticize GOP Incumbent and One Another

RENO – One Democrat running for lieutenant governor criticized the GOP incumbent for being invisible in the job, and all three Democrat candidates appearing at a debate Wednesday evening took jabs at each other as the June 8 primary election day draws near.

OurTown: Mark Sattler, candidate for Carson City Board of Supervisors

Mark Sattler discusses his candidacy for Carson City Board of Supervisors Ward 3:


OurTown: School Board candidate Deonne Contine

Deonne Contine discusses her candidacy for Carson City School Board District 6:


Barbara Buckley Speaks on Immigration Reform, State Budget and Lack of Ideas from Gubernatorial Candidates

CARSON CITY — Nevada Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley spoke today about a number of issues concerning both Nevada and the nation, including immigration reform and Nevada’s projected budget shortfall.

OurTown: Gary Schulz, Carson City Board of Supervisors candidate

Gary Schulz talks about his candidacy for Carson City Board of Supervisors Ward 1:


State Treasurer's Office Tells Lawmakers Millennium Scholarship Will Be Short $4.2 Million by End of Fiscal Year 2011

CARSON CITY – In a letter sent today to the Legislature’s Interim Finance Committee, the state Treasurer’s Office said the Millennium Scholarship will run out of money in 2011 unless action is taken to preserve the program.

Charges, Countercharges Fly Between Martin and Marshall in Race for State Treasurer

CARSON CITY – Nevada GOP state treasurer candidate Steve Martin and Democrat incumbent Treasurer Kate Marshall engaged in a war of words this week over her management of the office for which she is seeking a second term.

Carson City school trustee candidates prepare for Monday Chamber forum

Candidates for Carson City School Trustee in Districts 1 and 6 will assemble in Senator Square at Carson High School, at 6 p.m. Monday, May 3 to discuss their views on the issues facing the school district. The public is invited.

The Carson City Chamber of Commerce is presenting the third in its series of Primary Candidate Forums.

“We’ve never presented a forum for the school trustees, but because there were so many qualified and interested candidates this year, we were asked to present the trustees to the public in an open forum,” said Chairman Jim Smolenski.

Voters to Remain in Dark About Campaign Contributions

CARSON CITY — Nevadans who intend to vote early in the primary and general elections this year will likely find themselves in the dark on the question of who has contributed to the campaigns of the candidates.
Despite efforts in past legislative sessions to improve the transparency of campaign contributions received by candidates, lawmakers have failed to make meaningful reforms to the reporting process.

Lawmakers Question State Treasurer’s Office Over Financial Health of Millennium Scholarship Fund

CARSON CITY – When the Legislature adjourned its special session to balance the budget on March 1, lawmakers went home believing they had ensured the financial viability of the Millennium Scholarship program through 2014.
But the program, hit by declining tobacco settlement revenues and the diversion of financial support to help fill a more than $800 million budget shortfall, remains in jeopardy.

Lowden Attends Pro-Nuclear Energy Meeting In Reno

RENO — U.S. Senate candidate Sue Lowden last week attended a meeting of the U.S. Nuclear Energy Foundation, an independent foundation that promotes the expansion of nuclear energy, listening to what its members have to say about nuclear power as well as the plight of the Yucca Mountain storage facility and its potential impact on Nevada.
Economic Concerns

GOP Candidates for Governor Debate Taxes, Budget, Economy and Yucca

RENO – The three Republican candidates vying to become the next governor of Nevada engaged in a spirited discussion Friday on issues ranging from taxes and public education to the future of Yucca Mountain.

New Poll Shows Lowden Still Leading, Angle Gaining in U.S Senate Primary

In an automated one-question survey of likely Republican voters conducted for the Nevada News Bureau on April 22 by PMI, Inc., U.S. Senate candidate Sue Lowden earned 41 percent of the vote compared to 24 percent for Danny Tarkanian, 17 percent for Sharron Angle and 18 percent who prefer someone else.
The poll question read as follows:

Carson City Sheriff’s Protective Association endorses Guimont

Deputies of the Carson City Sheriff’s Protective Association have endorsed fellow officer Bob Guimont for the city's top elected law enforcement leadership position.

Of the 75 ballots cast, and 60 returned, Guimont racked up 45 votes, or 86.5 percent of the actual votes cast, followed by incumbent sheriff Ken Furlong with four votes and challenger Bob White, a sheriff's office captain, with three votes. Of the returned ballots, five were marked No Candidate and three of the votes were not counted because they were not sealed.

GOP Senate Candidate John Chachas will Remain in Race through Primary Despite Low Poll Numbers

CARSON CITY – GOP Nevada U.S. Senate candidate John Chachas will stay in the race through the June primary despite a poor showing in a recent poll, saying today those results did not fully reflect a television ad campaign he initiated only recently.

Fasano Says Not Yet Decided on Appealing “Tea Party” Case

CARSON CITY — American Party candidate Tim Fasano today said he has not yet decided whether or not he will appeal the decision by District Judge James T. Russell to allow Tea Party of Nevada Senate candidate Scott Ashjian to stay on the ballot this November.

GOP Washoe Senate District 4 Candidates Question Opponents’ Records in Televised Debate

CARSON CITY – Two of the four Republican candidates seeking to replace Sen. Randolph Townsend in state Senate District 4 in Washoe County attacked one another’s records in a debate televised today on the Nevada NewsMakers program.
Assemblyman Ty Cobb said one of his opponents, Ben Kieckhefer, has called for “revenue enhancements” which Cobb said is support for a tax increase. Kieckhefer denied the charge.

GOP U.S. Senate Front-Runner Sue Lowden says Reid Will Go Negative in Re-election Bid

CARSON CITY – Nevada GOP U.S. Senate candidate and front-runner Sue Lowden said she expects a negative campaign from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid if she wins the crowded Republican primary in June.

Some Nevada Lawmakers Say Now is Time to Allow Residents to Purchase Health Care Insurance Across State Lines

CARSON CITY – With federally mandated health insurance now the law of the land barring a successful legal challenge, some state lawmakers say it is more urgent than ever to create competition among insurance providers by allowing Nevada residents to buy polices from out of state companies.

Nevada Election Law Needs More Clarity, Says Backer of 2008 Taxpayer Protection Act

CARSON CITY – One of the major backers of a proposed 2008 measure aimed at raising the bar on tax increases said today a court ruling upholding the right of Tea Party of Nevada candidate Scott Ashjian to remain on the ballot shows the need for more clarity in state election law.

Secretary of State Reaches Agreement With Candidate Who Used Campaign Funds Improperly

CARSON CITY – Las Vegas Assemblywoman Kathy McClain and Secretary of State Ross Miller reached an agreement today resolving  a complaint that she inappropriately used campaign funds to pay for her Clark County retirement contributions while serving as a lawmaker.
McClain, D-Las Vegas, agreed to make a $7,276 personal contribution to Safe Nest, a Las Vegas nonprofit supporting abused women, to cover the cost of the contribution she had made in 2009 to the Public Employees Retirement System from her campaign fund.

Sandoval Says No Contradiction Between Marriage Protection Pledge and His Support of SB 283

Despite signing a pledge eight years ago that he would oppose domestic partnerships outside of marriage, gubernatorial contender Brian Sandoval, who last year said he supports such arrangements, said today he forgot he had signed the document.  Sandoval also claimed there was no contradiction.
“I have always believed that marriage is between a woman and a man,” said Sandoval. “My position has not changed at all. When I signed that pledge in 2002, I interpreted domestic partnerships to be an analogue for marriage.”

OurTown: Carson City Supervisor candidate Rob Joiner

Rob Joiner talks about his bid for Carson City Board of Supervisors Ward 1:


Citizens Protest Spending, Big Government at Carson City Tea Party Rally

A crowd of about 600 people gathered around the courtyard surrounding the Nevada State Capitol for the tea party rally. Many held signs condemning big-government policies, calling for Senator Harry Reid’s defeat, protesting tax increases, and ridiculing President Barack Obama.

Live from candidate forum

The second round of the Carson City Chamber of Commerce candidate forums is happening now at the Carson Nugget, with the sheriff candidates up first.

For the play-by-play action, head over to the Nevada Appeal live blog. We will be adding the color commentary as we go below.

Judge Delays Decision on Legal Challenge to Tea Party of Nevada Candidacy

Carson City District Judge James T. Russell did not reach a decision at the end of today’s hearing held to determine whether Nevada Tea Party Senate candidate Scott Ashjian should be dropped from the ballot for the November election, saying he wanted to take the time to look over the information and be fair to both sides of the case.

Gubernatorial Candidate Brian Sandoval Answers Questions on Issues

This morning in a statewide media conference call moderated by the Nevada News Bureau, candidate Brian Sandoval fielded questions on numerous issues including the 2003 Supreme Court ruling on the two-thirds legislative supermajority needed to increase taxes, tax policy, the Tax Pledge, budget cuts and higher education salaries, renewable energy mandates and the state’s health care reform lawsuit.

AG Candidate Who Called on State Bar to Investigate AG Masto Now Finds Himself Subject of Bar Inquiry

CARSON CITY – A Las Vegas attorney running for attorney general as a Republican against Democrat incumbent Catherine Cortez Masto, and who called for a State Bar investigation into her release of a letter to the press about a potential legal challenge to the federal health care law, is now himself the subject of a bar inquiry.
Attorney Jacob Hafter called the inquiry ridiculous.
“It just shows the type of protection these incumbents have,” he said.

OurTown: John McKenna, candidate for Carson City Board of Supervisors

John McKenna talks about his run for Carson City Board of Supervisors Ward 3 seat:


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