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Gardening and the inimitable sumacs, aka 'Skunkbrush' of Northern Nevada

My gardening clothes stink and I’m a happy woman! I’ve been pruning a Rhus trilobata, commonly called skunkbush sumac. Its name tells the story. I should have left my malodorous garments outside rather than carrying that pungent scent into the house. Oh well, I don’t care. I’m happy because I’m pruning. It takes so little to put a smile on my face.

Final day in series: Artists, northern Nevada management agency band together for 'Staycation' online music festival

Event Date: 
Repeats every day until Mon Apr 13 2020 .
April 10, 2020 (All day)
Event Date: 
April 11, 2020 (All day)
Event Date: 
April 12, 2020 (All day)
Event Date: 
April 13, 2020 (All day)

“It’s hard to believe that there could actually be a silver lining with everything that is happening around us but there is ... for me at least. The camaraderie happening between all of us on our roster has been productive and uplifting!” – Linda McRae, Singer-songwriter

Evangeline Elston is an artist manager and booking professional who works with a small roster of eight touring Americana, roots, folks, country and jazz musicians and songwriters living all over the country, Nashville, Baltimore, Austin, Los Angeles, northern California and Lake Tahoe.

Senator Square: Carson City's superintendent gives teachers shout out for peaceful, safe spring break

Editor’s Note: Richard Stokes is the Carson City School District Superintendent.
Dear Friends, I wanted to send my very best wishes to each of you for a peaceful and safe Spring Break. During the past three weeks, I have marveled at the professional services and selfless acts of kindness you have delivered during one of the most incredible events of my career.

State guidance outlines tough triage choices, patient priority if COVID-19 cases surge past capacity

Amid calls and emergency directives designed to “flatten the curve” and prepare Nevada’s beleaguered health care system for an expected surge in COVID-19 cases, state leaders are still preparing for the worst.

Carson City School District to begin grading Pass or Fail for remainder of school year due to shut down

The Carson City School District announced Friday that it will be switching to a pass or fail grading system for students virtually working on their second semester of the 2019-2020 school year from home due to the COVID-19 mandated school shutdown.

Carson City Board of Supervisors to discuss hemp moratorium, budget amendments, zoning and more

Event Date: 
April 16, 2020 - 8:30am

The next Carson City Board of Supervisor’s meeting will be held Thursday, April 16 beginning at 8:30 a.m. in the Sierra Room of the Community Center.

On the docket for discussion include zoning changes, a hemp moratorium, budget amendments, and more.

Tod Jennings for Mayor

As many of you know, my brother, Tod Jennings, is running for Mayor of Carson City, Nevada. While this might be Tod’s first foray into politics, it is by no means his first experience with public service. And let’s be clear here, politicians are public servants. Being elected into a public office by members of a community means there is an obligation to those constituents.

Nevada governor selects call center vendor, adding at least 100 full-time operators to manage unemployment calls

Gov. Steve Sisolak on Thursday joined the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation in announcing the selection of a vendor to provide at least 100 full-time operators to boost unemployment insurance call center capacity during a period of unprecedented demand.

Carson City leaders provide updates, answer questions regarding COVID-19's affects on city

A virtual town hall meeting was held Wednesday evening where local leaders spoke about the COVID-19 pandemic, how it affects Carson City and what city departments, schools and Carson Tahoe Hospital are doing to mitigate the issues.

5 questions for Carson City DA Jason Woodbury regarding court system under quarantine

This installment of Carson Now's five questions are answered by Carson City District Attorney Jason Woodbury, who explains what changes the court system has made during the quarantine.

Carson City Humane Society's Pet of the Week: Woo Woo Von Blitz

Happy Wednesday Carson City! While the days are starting to mush together during quarantine, we still definitely have our Carson City's Pet of the Week Wednesdays to help tell time apart!

Our Pet of the Week this week is Woo Woo Von Blitz.

Limited ‘early voting’ in Nevada to still happen during all-mail primary election

Although state and local officials are preparing to conduct the June 9 primary election almost entirely through mail ballots, election officials say they plan to have some form of limited early voting available.

Extension offers online education and resources for Nevada communities

Event Date: 
April 9, 2020 (All day)
April 16, 2020 (All day)
April 23, 2020 (All day)
April 30, 2020 (All day)

Even with the stay-at-home order in place, businesses, families and youth can engage in a number of educational activities online to enhance their daily lives and help themselves, and others, through these challenging days. Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, University of Nevada, Reno Extension faculty, staff and volunteers have been hard at work to bring educational workshops, programs and resources useful during this time, into Nevadans’ homes.

Ridge Elected to NCET Board; McQuillen and Robertson Re-Elected

Alana Ridge has been elected to the board of directors of NCET, a member-supported non-profit that produces educational and networking events to help people explore businesses and technology.

Wes McQuillen and Kyle Robertson have been re-elected to the NCET board.

Ridge, elected as NCET’s vice president of public relations, is a public relations and strategic communications professional in Reno, with a background spanning several industries -- from travel and tourism to the non-profit sector.

Error in Carson City COVID-19 test performance leaves local resident in limbo

After spending over a week in horrible pain, a local quad-county resident was finally able to secure a COVID-19 test. However, the situation became all that more complicated when the test was administered incorrectly by Carson City Health and Human Services (CCHHS).

CCHHS admitted to the error, and has rescheduled a second test to be performed today.

Nevada governor: More PPE, tests needed to combat COVID-19, state may need stricter social distancing enforcement

Gov. Steve Sisolak said Nevada’s peak of COVID-19 cases could come anywhere from early April to mid-June, saying he was more focused on lessening effects of the pandemic while warning that the state might need to “tighten the faucet” if people don’t heed social-distancing recommendations.

Carson City COVID-19 update: 1 new case in Lyon County, 6 recoveries

The Carson City area Quad-County Emergency Operations Center is reporting Monday evening, April 6, that there is 1 new positive case and six additional recoveries of COVID-19 in the region. This brings the total number of cases to 22, with 8 recoveries, 14 cases remain active.

The kittens are coming: Nevada Humane Society to host virtual adoption shower

Event Date: 
April 12, 2020 - 3:00pm

Are you looking for a way to help Nevada Humane Society save more lives? One of the most effective ways to help animals directly is to become a foster.

Monday morning health briefing: One new COVID-19 case, Carson City woman in her 20s

Carson City Health and Human Services is reporting Monday of one new positive case of COVID-19 in the Quad County region: Carson City, Douglas, Lyon, and Storey counties. This brings the number of active cases in the Quad-County region to 19 with two recoveries.

Carson City schools find ways to connect with students amid campus closures

Many teachers and individuals with the Carson City School District are finding innovative ways to connect with students and families during mandated school closures from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Carson Tahoe Health CEO: Stay home to keep our health staff safe (Voices)

CARSON CITY, Nev. — Carson Tahoe Health, along with hospitals across Nevada and nationwide, are mobilizing to meet an unprecedented threat, ...

Indy Explains: Why health officials now say you should wear a mask when you leave home

The question of whether the general public should wear masks when heading outside has lingered for weeks as health officials across the country have scrambled to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus — a pandemic that worsened through the month of March and with no end yet in sight.

Douglas sheriff asks public to stay home, keep close watch on juvenile activity

MINDEN, Nev. — The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office is asking the public’s cooperation with the Governor’s directives, is advising everyone to please stay at home and to please keep juveniles under close watch.

Carson City area weather: Storm could bring 2 to 4 inches of snow to valley floors

The second and more powerful of two winter storms will move through the Sierra and western Nevada on Sunday into Monday, bringing gusty winds, heavy mountain snow, valley rain with 2 to 4 inches of snow possible on the valley floors.

Senator Square: Carson High School announces its Educator of the Year

If you know Shanell Cavener, then you are tremendously lucky. If you work with her, or she taught you, then the luck is multiplied tenfold (hopefully this is the right math to use, Shanell?).

Shanell Cavener is this year’s Carson High School Teacher of the Year, and she could not be more deserving of the honor. Shanell is quiet, often working behind the scenes in ways people would not even realize in order to benefit the lives of all who enter CHS.

Dayton community stays strong during Stay at Home order

Clouds, stormy, landscape
street art, chalk, stay home
street art, chalk, stay home
cars, stay home, support, Dayton Teachers
cars, stay home, support, Dayton Teachers
cars, stay home, support, Dayton Teachers
Event Date: 
April 3, 2020 (All day)

Times may be stormy, however the Dayton community is staying strong during the Stay at Home order. Home school students are creating street art during their art/recess part of their da. The Dayton teachers have come out to let their students know they they are thinking of them. The teachers encouraged stay at home students and showed support by driving around Dayton neighborhoods today while honking their horns, and decorating their cars with balloons and positive signs.

Dayton Strong.

Eighteen total COVID-19 cases in quad county region; two recoveries reported

Carson City Health and Human Services (CCHHS) is reporting a second recovered case in Douglas County with one new positive case of COVID-19 in the Quad County region: Carson City, Douglas, Lyon, and Storey counties. This brings the number of active cases in the Quad-County region to 16 with two recoveries.

Sierra Lutheran High School to Offer Students Free Online Writing Workshop

Event Date: 
Repeats every week until Thu Apr 16 2020 .
April 16, 2020 (All day)

Sierra Lutheran High School will host a free online writing workshop called “Paper Pointers“ on April 16 from 3:00 to 3:40 p.m. for all students, Grades 5-8, who need help writing essays and term papers during the statewide quarantine.

Carson City couple put out river rock reminders to 'Stay Home, Stay Safe Nevada'

Dave and Mia Aunkst of Carson City made these river rock reminders and placed them around town on their daily walks to remind us to Stay Home for Nevada.

Mayor demands how many masks Carson City has, emergency operations declines to answer

An update was given to the Carson City Board of Supervisors regarding emergency operations being provided by Carson City Health and Human Services as well as the quad county Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

During the discussions, Tom Raw, Deputy Emergency Manager for the EOC, said they do not want to publicly disclose the amount of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) the city has. Carson City Health and Human Services Director Nicki Aaker also said they have stopped putting in orders for PPE since orders were not fulfilled in the past.

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