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Start-Up: Gangsters, Royalty and Entrepreneurship

Start-Up! is weekly column on entrepreneurship, start-ups, technology and innovation, powered by the Adams Hub for Innovation.

So are you asking what these folks have in common? If you are an entrepreneur (and a serial one at that) are you considering that you could be ruthless, feared yet beloved by those close to you?

Start-Up: The importance of putting yourself out there

Start-Up! is weekly column on entrepreneurship, start-ups, technology and innovation, powered by the Adams Hub for Innovation.

From the time I was very young, it was quite apparent that I would start my own business one day. Nobody knew what it would be or how things would turn out, but my family could recognize a certain drive in me that would one day lead me down an entrepreneurial path.

Vegas council picks, awards top redevelopment concepts

The plans are drawn and the checks have been cut. The only question is if Las Vegans will see the Cashman Center converted into a drone testing dome, a sprawling campus for green-tech entrepreneurs or a Hispanic cultural center....

Start Up: Catch the Automation Wave, or risk drowning

“I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.”
—Wayne Gretzky

I was talking with my 12-year-old daughter the other day about what she wants to do when she grows up. It’s the kind of conversation parents have been having with their children for many generations.

But in today’s world, this question has far deeper ramifications. That’s because a new technological wave is building on the horizon that will change the way we look at jobs, employment and the economy in general.

Startup: The Power of Strategic Alliances

There is an effective, yet under-utilized strategy by startups that is employed by companies every single day. It is the art of developing strategic alliances with associations, non-competing organizations and affinity groups within your industry. I hesitate to call them “strategic” partnerships as many do, because they are most often not partnerships.

USDA offers June 11 food producer grant workshop in Carson City

USDA Rural Development will hold a workshop June 11 in Carson City on its Value Added Producer Grant designed to help Nevada farmers, ranchers and food entrepreneurs learn about the program and whether they wish to apply for grants funds. Nationwide more than $30 million is available to fund the grants.

StartUp: Who Is Your Competition?

Start-Up! is weekly column on entrepreneurship, start-ups, technology and innovation, powered by the Adams Hub for Innovation.

Deadline for Rural Business Development Grant is May 15

USDA Rural Development Nevada is reminding rural nonprofits, public bodies and Tribes that the deadline to apply for USDA's new Rural Business Development Grant is May 15.

Grant money can be used to acquire or develop land, buildings, plants and equipment; build or improve access roads, parking areas, utility extensions and water and waste disposal facilities; provide technical assistance, establish revolving loan funds and to support rural distance learning programs that provide educational or job training.

IdeaSpark! — The Craft of Great Business Ideas

Start-Up! is weekly column on entrepreneurship, start-ups, technology and innovation, powered by the Adams Hub for Innovation.

Start Up: Succeed by Failing

Start-Up! is weekly column on entrepreneurship, start-ups, technology and innovation, powered by the Adams Hub for Innovation.

Failure gets a bad rap.

The fear of failing stops many people from pursuing what could be amazingly successful opportunities. After all, who likes to fail? When you are talking about a business, failure can be a humiliating experience, as well as costly.

But if you are afraid to fail, you will never succeed.

The Governor's Bill: Small business cannot afford another expense

To the Editor: I am writing this as a business owner who has spoken to many businesses, residents, agricultural community, and yes, teachers who all support education, including myself, but, not at the expense of small businesses. At a glance looking at the Governor’s Sandoval’s bill this sounds like an appealing option, but go a little deeper and you will see that this could be a devastating decision for many of the people who are the backbone of our business community. This bill could possibly be the straw that broke the camel’s back. It reads as follows:

Facts and Opinions: A column by Carson City Supervisor Jim Shirk

John Barrette said to me: “If someone doesn’t throw stones (criticize, whatever) at me at least once a day I don’t figure I’m worth much.” Surprisingly, I do have something in common with John.

The Capitol Mall Project
This project has not been presented to me. What I have learned on my own and from the Appeal’s recent articles: It is to be privately funded and built on private property owned by a foundation/business. If this is the case, then I would support such a project.

Start Up: Faster, Better, Cheaper…

Start-Up! is weekly column on entrepreneurship, start-ups, technology and innovation, powered by the Adams Hub for Innovation.

In business, we often hear about companies that seem to come out of nowhere to become a big success. We see it locally in companies like Bentley Systems or Click Bond. We also see the Facebook’s and Alibaba’s of the world that seem to defy the laws of traditional business growth to become the mega-companies that rival 100 year old economic stalwarts like AT&T and GM.

Start Up: What is an Entrepreneur?

Start-Up! is weekly column on entrepreneurship, start-ups, technology and innovation, powered by the Adams Hub for Innovation.

Entrepreneur is a word that gets used a lot, but what does it really mean? Most people would say an entrepreneur is someone that starts a business. But, just starting a business does not make someone an entrepreneur.

Start Up: What’s the real difference between Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs?

Start-Up! is weekly column on entrepreneurship, start-ups, technology and innovation, powered by the Adams Hub for Innovation.

In my Introduction to Business class at Western Nevada College, we’ve recently completed our module on Entrepreneurship. Every time I cover this topic, the same question arises: Aren’t entrepreneurs and small business owners the same? The truth is, though most entrepreneurial ventures begin as small businesses, not all small business owners are entrepreneurs.

Bunny Ranch Legal Brothel Hiring Official "Testers" To Ensure "Quality" Control

CARSON CITY — Dennis Hof, owner of the world-famous Bunny Ranch legal brothel, star of HBO's hit series "Cathouse," and best-selling author of Judith Regan's "The Art Of The Pimp: A Love Story" is adding the title of "job creator" to his resume with the announcement that he is now hiring a team of "brothel testers" to oversee "quality" control at each of his seven Nevada legal brothels.

"The job is exactly what it sounds like," says Hof. "You get paid a full-time salary to have sex with beautiful girls--and then evaluate their performance."

What Works: Do you crunch come crunch time?

Yesterday, I found myself in Walmart doing last minute “Band-Aid shopping” for a party I was throwing. Band-Aid shopping is a special kind of shopping. No, I’m not talking about shopping for Band-Aids. I’m talking about shopping for items that will be a temporary fix to a problem.

As they say, the show must go on. And when faced with a gas grill with no propane, no punch bowl, and birthday cake without ice cream, I went into go fix-it mode. T-minus one hour until the DJ arrived to set up for the party and I hit the road for a solution.

Governor: I’m focused on the state, not Reid’s open U.S. Senate seat

Gov. Brian Sandoval, in Fallon on Friday for the launch of a new young entrepreneurs program to start businesses and then to visit several schools, deflected questions on running for Sen. Harry Reid’s open ...

Sandoval: I’m focused on the state, not Reid’s open U.S. Senate seat

Gov. Brian Sandoval, in Fallon on Friday for the launch of a new young entrepreneurs program to start businesses and then to visit several schools, deflected questions on running for Sen. Harry Reid’s open ...

Start-Up! — 10 Reasons to Start a Business Now

Start-Up! is weekly column on entrepreneurship, start-ups, technology and innovation, powered by the Adams Hub for Innovation.

What Works: Celebrate your milestones

In life, we think of milestones as birthdays or anniversaries. Children’s birthdays are celebrated with great fanfare. The house is packed with kids. There are gifts and cake galore. And the inevitable challenge of ‘how many kids will a bounce house hold’ is issued and met. Celebrations are enablers of joy, hope, and excitement. Here’s a novel idea. Wouldn’t it be cool to celebrate life achievements like kids get to celebrate birthdays?

What Works: Step Up and Watch Opportunity Grow

When I was in kindergarten, I was asked to play the part of the Wicked Witch of the West in “The Wizard of Oz.” Now, anyone who knows me know would say this story ended with me accepting the part and having a great time. But, it didn’t. As a kid, I didn’t know this important life strategy. When asked to step on stage, because people see talent in you or want to give you a voice, say yes.

Nevada Dynamics wins $50,000 UNR Sontag Entrepreneurship Competition award

The University of Nevada, Reno’s College of Business announced this year’s winner of the Sontag Entrepreneurship Competition Monday, March 9. Nevada Dynamics, a hardware and software safety solution for unmanned autonomous systems, was the winner of the $50,000 award given each year to the student team who presents the best business plan.

“Sontag is one of the largest awards for a student business competition that exists at a single American university,” College of Business Dean Greg Mosier said.

What Works: Take Three Steps and Stand Up to Fear

I speak a lot about fear and how it can hold you back. This morning, I want to flip it a bit. Because, when you Face Everything and Rise, fear can actually be a good thing. First of all, your body is incapable of lying. Butterflies in the stomach, headaches, even body pains can tell you when something is going on.

These bodily responses can be used like a GPS though, to tell you what’s really going on inside you. It can tell you when fear is approaching. I challenge you, at least once this week, to stand your ground.

What Works: Blow up the borders of your comfort zone

“I can’t” are the two of the easiest words to say but, in my opinion, some of the most limiting in the English vocabulary. It’s one step below “I won’t,” the line in the sand that places a permanent border up around your experience, complete with guards and razor wire.

Now, many circumstances exist where these phrases are absolutely fine. However, when accompanied by FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) you have two choices. You can Face Everything And Rise or Forget Everything And Run.

Prestigious Mandela Washington Fellowship awarded to UNR

Twenty-five of Africa’s next generation of leaders will be making their way to the University of Nevada, Reno this summer as part of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, a U.S. Department of State program. This fellowship is the flagship program of President Obama’s Young African Leaders Initiative.

From June 19-Aug. 1, 2015, the Mandela Washington Fellowship will provide 500 Sub-Saharan African professionals with unique opportunities to develop expertise in their subject areas, grow their professional networks and increase their knowledge of the United States.

What Works: Are you putting your oxygen mask on first?

This article was inspired by an impromptu coaching session I gave Saturday night. Normally, I don’t coach after 5 pm on a weekend. But this very special friend needed my help. She was exhausted, losing her sense of well-being, and looking for a workshop to attend. After I rattled off a few of my favorites, we got to the meat of the problem. Everyone came first but her.

Tahoe Chamber launches entrepreneurship JumpStart crash course in March

JumpStart Lake Tahoe offers an intensive crash course in entrepreneurship from March 25-29 at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino that puts participants on the fast track to success in their business endeavors.

Reno’s Riverfront Nixon Mansion Reduced to $16.4 Million

RENO, Nev. (Feb. 2, 2015) – Reno’s historic Nixon Mansion, which went on the market last summer for $20.4 million, was reduced to $16.4 million this month. The estate is listed by Chase International and takes its name from its original owner, Nevada Senator George S. Nixon. The prestigious Italian Villa estate was built in 1907 and sits on 2.03 acres on the Truckee River, originally had 33 rooms, and was one of the first residences in Reno to have an elevator.

What Works: Dealing with Seeing Your Shadow

This morning, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, which means we are in for six more weeks of winter. While, in Carson City this means hope for a few more powder days in a very powder-light season, the east coast is less than happy by the news. Ultimately, it’s about one thing — perspective.

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