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Professionals in Nevada Escape Their Local Economy Online

A new report released by Elance on November 14, shows that U.S. professionals in economically hard-hit areas like Carson City with 11.6 percent unemployment are tapping online resources like Elance to escape their local economies and get back to work.

Business Cooperation Makes a Difference in Carson City and Tahoe

Obama has been re-elected for a second term, and many entrepreneurs are unsure about what the next four years will bring. However, one business-building tactic that is often overlooked and is a true driver of business growth and success is partnership. Two agencies, based in Carson City and South Lake Tahoe, have been cooperating since 2009 and have served Tahoe-based clients such as Mackenzie Martin of Century 21 Tahoe Paradise, I DO Tahoe Weddings, and Olsen Paving & Sealcoating, among others. Their newest account is Barton Health.

Offsite Data Depot Technology Case Study

Every decision you make in life has consequences. It's like a car with only two speeds: forward and reverse. It will either lead you to your goals, or away from them. So you need to make certain that every decision you make, is taking you in the direction you want to be headed.

Here's a Case Study on a company who made all the right decisions as to how to best reach their business goal, successfully and profitably. Decisions on things like people and expertise. They achieved it partnering with O'Neil.

The Technology User: Offsite Data Depot LLC

Small Lake Tahoe business makes big with weekly 10 percent charitable donations

A little South Lake Tahoe hotel that’s stepping up in a big way by sharing 10 percent of its annual Monday profits to one charity, just extended the opportunity for more non-profit organizations to get involved, aiming to provide optimism and hope during the holidays.

Clean Energy Summit Sparks Political Events, Debate Over Government Role In Renewables

CARSON CITY – With U.S. Sen. Harry Reid’s 5th annual National Clean Energy Summit set to kick off today in Las Vegas, the debate over alternative energy development and the government’s role in its future rages on.

Nevada Gets Mixed Ratings In National Survey Of Small Business Owners

CARSON CITY – A new national survey of 6,000 small businesses has generated mixed ratings for Nevada, with high marks for its regulations and tax code but also showing one of the least healthy climates overall among the states.

UNR researcher supports Lake Tahoe harvest of invasive crayfish numbered at 220 million

The University of Nevada, Reno’s Sudeep Chandra, a leading Lake Tahoe scientist who has studied invasive species and limnology at the lake for 20 years, said issuing permits for commercial harvesting of crayfish at Lake Tahoe will help improve clarity at the pristine lake, as well as take away a food source for other invasive species that threaten lake clarity and ecosystems.

Carson City--Awash with Underutilized, Uncoordinated Libraries

Did you know that our relatively small community has 26 libraries which are not managed, operated or funded in an integrated way?

Each of the 22 private and public schools has its own library. Then there are four public libraries (Western Nevada College, city, State Library and Archives, State Law Library). Two of these libraries (State Library and Archives and the State Law Library) are woefully underutilized.

Report Says Nevada Tax System Ranks Highly For Entrepreneurship and Small Business

CARSON CITY – A new business index evaluating the states on the effects of their tax systems on entrepreneurship and small business ranks Nevada 3rd behind South Dakota and Texas.

The Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council’s “Business Tax Index 2012” pulls together 18 different tax measures, and combines them into one tax score that allows the 50 states and District of Columbia to be compared and ranked.

Sen. Heller Downplays Any Rift With Gov. Sandoval On Job Creation Efforts

CARSON CITY – U.S. Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., today downplayed the notion of any disagreement with GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval arising from their opposing views on the Small Business Jobs Act passed by Congress in 2010.

BRIC offers new business education series

CARSON CITY, NEVADA – The Business Resource Innovation Center is launching a series of free business education classes beginning March 21, 2012. The series, “Hwy 101-RoadMap to Business Success”, will be held Wednesdays from Noon to 1:30 pm. These classes will complement the existing business library resources available, as well as individual business counseling and mentoring offered by the BRIC. These free classes will focus on key information for both entrepreneurs and existing businesses.

NxLeveL Business Planning Puts People Back to Work

Event Date: 
March 20, 2012 (All day)

CARSON CITY, NEVADA- Russell Upton was an employee of Lyon County for six and one-half years before he found himself laid off due to budget cuts last summer. Upton, like many newly-unemployed, was uncertain of how to survive and how to cope. His wife would later tell the story how Upton had given up hope at a time in their lives when they should have been more settled.

Collaboration of state agencies helps small businesses develop

Collaborative efforts between the Nevada Small Business Development Center and the Nevada Microenterprise Initiative/Women’s Business Center (NMI) are demonstrating solid benefits to funding sources and the public. “More than ever state agencies must be efficient and results-oriented in how tax dollars are spent,” said Sam Males, NSBDC’s state director.

Gov. Sandoval Unveils State Economic Development Plan, Calls For 50,000 New Jobs By The End Of 2014

RENO – Gov. Brian Sandoval used the University of Nevada, Reno today as a backdrop to unveil his economic development plan, and he challenged the business community and all partners to work to create 50,000 new jobs by the end of 2014.

President Obama Talks Up Natural Gas Development In Remarks Today In Las Vegas

President Barack Obama visited Las Vegas today on a swing through the West, talking up energy development to create jobs and reduce the country’s dependence on foreign oil.

In comments delivered at the United Parcel Service hub on East Arby Lane, President Obama said development of natural gas reserves would serve both these purposes.

The president jogged out to loud, enthused cheers from a clearly friendly crowd.

State Treasurer’s Office Moves Forward With New Nevada Capital Investment Program

CARSON CITY – Treasurer Kate Marshall announced today that a request for proposals for a manger to oversee a new investment program using up to $50 million from the state Permanent School Fund has been issued by the Nevada Capital Investment Corporation (NCIC) Board of Directors.

Nevada Capital Investment Corporation Board Appointed, Will Meet For First Time Tuesday

CARSON CITYState Treasurer Kate Marshall today announced the appointees to the board of the Nevada Capital Investment Corporation (NCIC), a new group charged with overseeing the investment of school funds to improve returns while promoting economic development statewide.

U.S. Senate Candidates Berkley, Heller, Trade Barbs On Chinese Currency Issue

CARSON CITY – Last week it was a dispute about the Small Business Jobs Act and whether it will create any jobs in Nevada that generated controversy between the two major party candidates for the U.S. Senate.

Gov. Brian Sandoval Announces $13.8 Million In Federal Funds To Spur Nevada Job Growth

CARSON CITY – A new federal program is bringing $13.8 million to Nevada to lend to small businesses to spur job growth, Gov. Brian Sandoval announced earlier this week.
The funds provided to Nevada’s State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) by the Small Business Jobs Act are expected to help create private sector jobs and spur more than $138 million in additional lending to small businesses in Nevada, Sandoval said.

Nevada goes from one of the best states for entrepreneurs to one of the worst, report says

Nevada dropped from the seventh best state nationally for entrepreneurs in 2008 to 47th in 2010, according to a report from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Report Says Nevada is Fastest Growing Export State

Nevada is the fastest growing state in export value as a share of its total economy, according to a new report by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
The value of the state’s manufactured exports has more than tripled since 2002. Its primary exports are mineral deposits, coin-operated games and electronics.
Other states rated highly for exporting are Louisiana, Utah, South Carolina, Mississippi, Delaware, and Texas.
High performing states were evaluated based upon:

Nevada Connectors Provides Expert Advice to Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners

By Julie Ardito
RENO — Local small business owners and start-up companies will have 26 successful northern Nevada business professionals and experts to call on for help with questions and issues pertaining to their company, thanks to Nevada Connectors, a new online business program that launched this week.

Nevada Looking Hard At Copying Utah Business, Job-Creation Model

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Ted McAleer says he’s got a silver bullet for creating jobs in the Silver State.

GOP Lawmaker Opposes Bill to Impose Big Fines on Unlicensed Businesses

CARSON CITY – Freshman GOP Assemblyman Mark Sherwood is taking Secretary of State Ross Miller to task for proposing legislation that he says will hurt Nevada’s business climate.
Sherwood, R-Henderson, said Assembly Bill 78, set for a hearing Thursday in the Judiciary Committee, “would kill jobs and destroy businesses.”

Lake Tahoe institute and Berkeley National Laboratory partner in project

A Lake Tahoe area public-private energy organization and the U.S. Energy Department have teamed up to make renewable energy more commercially available.

The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Incline Village-based Nevada Institute for Renewable Energy Commercialization today announced their collaboration to accelerate the commercialization of a clean technology innovation owned and developed by the Laboratory.

Nugget Project tidbits

There is an interesting discussion going on over at the Nevada Appeal site concerning the Nugget Project.

The story begins two week ago when Guy Farmer wrote a rather harsh column that slammed the Nugget Project. In response, last week there was a guest column by Michael Douglass criticizing Farmer's take on the subject.

Survival Course For Entrepreneurs

Laughlin Associates, Inc. invites you to attend a survival course for entrepreneurs: more money less taxes workshop. At the Holiday Inn Express Hotel and Suites in Carson City. Reserve you spot today www.deductandsave.com 1-888-386-3811.

Carson City's new business resource center now open

The city's new Business Resource and Innovation Center is now open for business.

Located across Proctor Street from City Hall, the center brings together the building, planning, business license and business development departments under one roof for the first time. The center also makes resources from the Carson City Library available for those who need to do research for starting or expanding their businesses.

Sen. Reid earmarks $400k for City Center/Nugget Project business incubator

A financial services bill working its way through the U.S. Senate contains a $400,000 earmark that appears to be destined for the business incubator that is part of the planned Carson City Center/Nugget Project.

Economy, Health Care and Harry Reid Hot Topics at GOP Senate Debate

RENO – Half a dozen candidates in the crowded GOP field seeking to take on Harry Reid in the U.S. Senate race in November debated here Friday, with responses showing more agreement than discord on issues ranging from immigration reform to the need to reduce the size of the federal government.

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