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Rand Paul hasn’t filed paperwork to become presidential candidate

The U.S. Federal Election Commission (FEC) said on Thursday that Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky has not filed official paperwork to become a candidate for U.S. president in 2016....

Support for Hillary’s presidential candidacy softens, poll shows

Democratic support for Hillary Clinton’s expected presidential campaign is softening amid controversy over her use of personal email when secretary of state, but most Democrats are for now sticking by their party’s presumed candidate....

Jeb Bush to headline Clark County GOP Lincoln Day event

Likely GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush is returning to Las Vegas May 13 to headline the Clark County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day dinner....

Harry Reid thanks Rand Paul for medical advice

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid thanked likely Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul of Kentucky for dispensing "expert advice" on Reid's injured right eye. "I really appreciate it very, very much," the Nevada Democrat said to Paul, a Republican senator and ......

Municipal candidate meet-and-greets planned for North Las Vegas

North Las Vegans will have an opportunity to quiz candidates running for municipal offices at two upcoming community events....

Congressional group investigating Libya attack could subpoena Clinton’s emails

A congressional committee investigating the 2012 attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya could soon subpoena Hillary Clinton’s personal emails from her time as secretary of state that have created a political storm for the Democrats’ presumptive presidential candidate....

Democrats scramble to stop fallout from Clinton email revelation

Democrats scrambled on Tuesday to contain the fallout from revelations that their favored 2016 presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, may have violated the spirit of federal records laws by using her personal email for work while secretary of state....

Potential 2016 candidate Jeb Bush talks conservative values at Vegas event

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on Monday told a crowd of about 400 people in Las Vegas that he applies conservative values — not just talks about them — as he seriously considers a run for president in 2016....

Likely GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush stops in Las Vegas

Likely presidential candidate Jeb Bush is making the first of what could be many visits to Las Vegas with a stop today at a community center in Sun City Summerlin. Bush will stop by ......

Hambrick recall backers announce replacement candidate

Jim Marchant wants Assembly Speaker John Hambrick’s job. The owner of a Las Vegas water and ice vending business said Thursday that hopes to run against the Republican Las Vegas assemblyman in a potential recall election....

Metro probe of political corruption involving Assembly Republicans moves forward

UPDATE, 2:30 PM: Guess who is registered to vote at that address where Metro served the search warrant? Rob Lauer, the failed GOP candidate for secretary of state a couple of cycles ago, according to Clark County Election Department records. Lauer also tried to get appointed to the Assembly seat vac...

CHS Announces Winterfest Royalty

Carson High School announced the names of the elite who will get to be called candidates and royalty for the school's annual Winterfest week. This year's candidates have come from all walks of life, but as it would appear they have come out on top of the student body. The king candidates are: Jake Jones, Seamus Burns, Brandon Allen, Daniel Cihigoyenetche and Brady Rivera. Colby Brown was also elected a king candidate as well, but had to withdraw due to prior commitments during the week.

Ralston Reports: Laxalt's hypocrisy on candidate 'gifts'

During his campaign, Adam "You can call me General" Laxalt incessantly pummeled Ross Miller for accepting $70,000 in gifts during his nearly eight years as secretary of state.

Rand Paul: No government involvement in gaming, no fears of radiation at Yucca, no governor should have expanded Medicaid

Acting presidential candidate Rand Paul argued Saturday that the government should “not be involved” in legalized gaming, obliquely criticized Gov. Brian Sandoval for expanding Medicaid and claimed he is “of two minds” on a Nevada nuclear waste dump but is “not afraid of radiation in a mountain.”...

Are Redistribution and Big Government Working for You?

Democrats, modern liberals and progressives often say they’re concerned about income inequality. So, they propose more redistribution: higher taxes on the well-off and higher public subsidies for others.

Adding subsidy increases to their ever-growing regulatory system and other public spending drove total government spending relative to our economy to record post-WWII levels under President Obama. Yet they still want more.

A reply to a reply to a ...(good grief...!)

Rich Dunn's reply, with a title addressed personally to me, illustrates the deep, irreconcilable mental and psychological divide between the two Parties, and the pavlovian response so typical of Democrats -- attack the messenger, not the message. What makes it especially funny is that the best argument for the Democrats to vote for their candidate in AD40 was that he had been a good... Republican...? It's a free country and you can call yourself whatever you want, just as the people are free to see you for who you are.

And so the people have spoken yesterday.

Election Day poem courtesy of the Carson City Chamber

Today is the end of the negative ads,
You know those that make you so mad!

The government you get is the government you deserve,
So get out today and make your voice heard!

Reply to a former Democrat(ic) candidate

This is in reference to
1. http://carsonnow.org/reader-content/11/01/2014/amodei-and-minimum-wage
2. http://carsonnow.org/reader-content/10/28/2014/dave-cook-demonstrates-ex...
3. http://carsonnow.org/reader-content/10/25/2014/letter-one-year-obamacare...

These recent articles are a faithful representations of the Party Line. Of course that party line is dead wrong, but at least the writer does a good job presenting it.

Campaign follies; What's a poor voter to do?

Campaign follies? campaign ethics? WHAT campaign ethics?

We just shrug our shoulders, "that's politics; politicians lie." We chortle at the more outrageous excesses. The bigger the whopper, the more we are entertained. But alas, they keep doing it because it works.

Dave Cook demonstrates that experience matters

In his October 19th Nevada Appeal column, Guy Farmer endorsed "PK" O'Neill for State Assembly, but described O'Neill's opponent, Dave Cook, as "a perennial candidate who should have remained on the State Board of Education." Farmer offers no rationale for his support of O'Neill or for his dismissive attitude toward Mr. Cook, whose term as Northern Nevada's representative on the Board of Education ends in 2016, not 2014.

Senator Square: Carson High senior Caden Lehman wins national rodeo event

Caden Lehman, a senior at Carson High School, an officer for the Capitol FFA program, and an officer in the Douglas-Carson High School Rodeo Club, recently had his biggest win doing what he loves. He is involved in Team Roping and Calf Roping and is a member of the American Cowboys Team Roping Association. 

Recently at the ACTRA National Finals in Reno at the Livestock Events Center, Caden won the Super 7 National Championship, landing him and his partner, Jack Curry of Gardnerville, each new Royal T 3-horse trailers, buckles, and $10,000 cash. 

Letter: DA Rombardo wrong, misrepresents facts

For several months, I have tried to show voters what kind of a District Attorney I would be with a principled, professional, hard-working campaign.

That’s why it was disappointing to read Mr. Rombardo’s letter. He’s entitled to an opinion on the race. And, although it’s not my style, if he chooses to express his opinion as an attack against me rather than approval of my opponent, that’s up to him.

But he doesn’t get to be untruthful.

I Am Now Afraid of PK's Puffery

I recently received an overly large mailer from PK O'Neill, a candidate for Assembly District 40. What he says is disturbing. He pontificates without solutions. He seems more concerned with cliches than real issues.

PK is not alone when making political claims. For another example, see Maizie Harris Jesse's letter “Candidates need to research lt.gov.job duties” in 17 October Nevada Appeal.

PK on the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS)

I Love Carson City's Weekend Event Summary: October 17-23

Happy Friday, Carson City. Many people in our area have Facebook accounts, but not everyone, so I am pleased to bring you the event list that is featured on my Facebook page, I love Carson City.

Ballot Question CC1

Ballot Question number CC1, election of Carson City supervisors by ward in the primaries and at large in the general election.

Ballot Questions 1, 2, 3

Ballot Question 1, creating a Court of Appeals

The problem is that the Nevada Supreme Court is overwhelmed by appeals. But the proposed fix, detailed in Senate Bill 463 (2013), does not address the fact that the Court has no authority to decide which cases it will hear. Instead, Nevada must be just like everybody else, a “government of, by and for lawyers.”

Both problems have a simple, quintessentially conservative solution, proposed by Gary Schmidt, recently a candidate for State Senator from district 16 -- Tort Reform:

Here Ye, Here Ye, Royalty Has Arrived

Carson High School's annual homecoming has arrived. Kicking off the event-filled week was an assembly Tuesday where seniors got their first taste of what candidates they might want to vote for to represent as their 2014 Homecoming royalty.

This year's candidates are just as lively as ever. Candidates for Homecoming queen are: Abbey Dudley, Lindsay Hettrick, Bailie Zuber, Chantal Torres, Sarah Christl and Jessica Basa. King contestants are: Jared Hearn, Dylin Rooker, Nolan Shine, Fred Christensen, Casey Stevens and Kyle Kunz.

One more chance to know your supervisor candidates

The Carson City Chamber is holding one more opportunity for citizens to hear the four candidates for Carson City Supervisor on Wednesday, Oct. 22 at the Chamber’s Soup’s On! luncheon to be held at the Gold Dust West beginning at 11:30 a.m.

Letter: Former Carson City DA supports Woodbury

Neil Rombardo, the outgoing district attorney, submitted an opinion letter to Carson Now on October 10, supporting the candidacy of his assistant, Mark Krueger, for D.A. in Carson City. His letter briefly praises Krueger for his work experience and attention to crime victims. He then proceeds to criticize the other candidate for D.A., Jason Woodbury, through ad hominem attacks upon the people who support his election.

Woodbury endorsed by Law Enforcement Association

CARSON CITY – Jason Woodbury, candidate for Carson City District Attorney, today announced he has received the endorsement of the Carson City Sheriff’s Supervisory Association.

“I sincerely appreciate the support of the Sheriff’s Supervisory Association,” said Woodbury. “And I look forward to working with these fine individuals to strengthen the relationship between our two offices and improve the quality of law enforcement delivered to Carson City.”

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