Muscled Powered Monthly Day Hike to Ash to Kings Canyon
This will required car shuttles for the trailheads. Please RSVP at least 4 day prior to June 12 with the following information: Do you have a 4WD, total number in your party, and total number of passengers you can take.
A different hike every month. Hikes are 7+ miles, usually with 500+ feet of elevation gain, of 4 hours or more duration.. Participants are responsible for their own transportation and leader may request physician’s release if needed. Check website calendar: at for specific hikes. “Friend” Muscle Powered on Facebook for the weekly notices. Leader: Donna Inversin 775.315.6763 WATER & STURDY BOOTS OR ATHELTIC SHOES REQUIRED. Suggest lunch, hat, and sunscreen. MUST BE A MUSCLE POWERED MEMBER TO PARTICIPATE