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New Yucca Mountain plan surfaces in Congress

A proposal that surfaced in Congress this week aims to spur a revival of the Yucca Mountain project, providing necessary land and water rights to build out the site if federal officials find that nuclear waste can be buried safely inside...

Sandoval firm: Nothing to negotiate on Yucca Mountain

Gov. Brian Sandoval says Yucca Mountain supporters in Congress should give it a rest, there’s no way Nevada can be persuaded to accept a high-level nuclear waste site....

Senate chairman delaying Yucca Mountain fight as long as possible

Energy and water subcommittee chairman Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., on Tuesday unveiled a 2016 spending bill for the Department of Energy that contains $70 million for various nuclear waste programs....

Reid takes shots at GOP campaign talk on Yucca

A couple of Republican presidential hopefuls have ventured into Nevada-dicey territory by talking about Yucca Mountain and giving U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, the state’s top Democrat, an opening to take some shots....

Hutchison: I will talk to Rubio on Yucca

Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison said today he would use his position as Florida U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign chairman for Nevada to influence Rubio’s stance on the Yucca Mountain issue....

Rubio: I support opening Yucca Mountain

Presidential hopeful Marco Rubio said Saturday he backs opening a nuclear waste dump at Yucca Mountain.
The Florida senator made the comments in a videotaped interview with Greenville, South Carolina, reporters after he spoke at the South Carolina Freedom Summit. Here's the full exchange:
 Reporter ...

Nevadans take swings at Yucca funding, come up empty

Nevada U.S. Reps. Joe Heck and Dina Titus took slightly different approaches Thursday, but both bids to remove or divert $150 million in Yucca Mountain funds from a 2016 Department of Energy spending bill were killed by voice vote in the House....

GOP proposes more money to revive frozen Yucca Mountain Project

With Republicans now in charge on both sides of Capitol Hill, lawmakers who want a new life for the Yucca Mountain project launched their latest bid on Wednesday to fund the Nevada nuclear waste site....

Heller, Titus criticize Yucca Mountain tour

Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nv., said Wednesday the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s recent trip to Yucca Mountain was nothing more than a political sideshow.He pointed out the committee refused to invite Nevada’s state ...

Congressmen get up-close look at controversial Yucca dumpsite

Six congressmen, including two from Nevada, made the long trek 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas today to visit Yucca Mountain for a fact-finding trip, in the process stirring up ......

Visit to Yucca Mountain stirs talk about nuclear storage

Five U.S. Congress members are heading to the mothballed site of a proposed national radioactive waste dump in the Nevada desert, amid new talk about a decades-old problem — where to dispose of spent nuclear fuel stored at commercial reactors around ......

Heller makes request to DOE for Nevada rep on Yucca Mountain tour

Sen. Dean Heller has stepped in to urge that a consultant for Nevada be given a seat on Thursday’s congressional tour of Yucca Mountain....

Heller: Will keep fighting Yucca Mountain after Reid retires

Republican U.S. Sen. Dean Heller of Nevada said Wednesday that he will do everything in his power to keep nuclear waste out of Yucca Mountain after Nevada Democrat Sen. Harry Reid retires in two years....

GOP budget plan would cut funds to fight Yucca Mountain

A group of Republican Assembly members who unveiled a no-new-tax budget wants Nevada to stop fighting a high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain. The group is calling for some major cuts to ......

Transportation concerns held in wake of new Yucca talk

Nevada’s battle against the federal government’s still-smoldering plans to bury the nation’s highly radioactive waste in Yucca Mountain has finally come “down to the brass tacks” with the prospect for formal licensing hearings on the horizon and renewed debate on scientific issues, says Nevada N...

Yucca Mountain: Despite Hardy comments, sides as entrenched as ever

A controversial opinion piece by Nevada's newest member of Congress calling for a conversation on Yucca Mountain has the site's opponents saying ......

Jeb was once part of nuclear industry group pushing Yucca Mountain

Jeb Bush declined last week to take a position on the Yucca Mountain repository, saying he had to study it before deciding. But he has had a position in the past: He was for it....

Hardy calls for Nevada to explore options on Yucca

Nevada should open an “honest discussion” with the federal government over burying nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain to determine if citizens might want it and what benefits the state might obtain for hosting it, according to U.S. Rep. Cresent Hardy, R-Nev....

Hardy, Amodei to join Yucca Mountain tour amid push to reopen nuclear site

Two members of Congress from Nevada are reserving seats on the tour that will take a group of lawmakers to Yucca Mountain next month, a visit its organizer hopes will spark new interest in the shuttered nuclear waste site....

Yucca tour set for April 9

Leaders of a House subcommittee have set an April 9 tour of Yucca Mountain, part of a campaign to draw new attention to the mothballed Nevada nuclear waste site....

NRC comes up with $2 million for Yucca groundwater study

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is planning two public hearings in Nevada this fall as it freshens up an environmental study of groundwater at Yucca Mountain....

Commissioners told of Yucca Mountain benefits

The director of the U.S. Nuclear Energy Foundation recently informed the Churchill County Commissioners about the positive benefits the state could obtain if a repository was built at Yucca Mou...

DOE on agency’s Yucca visit: Nothing to see here

The Department of Energy has moved to end speculation over the future of Yucca Mountain, telling Congress there are no plans in the works to put the once-proposed radioactive waste site to new use....

Proposed bill would give Nevada final say on Yucca Mountain

For years, Sen. Harry Reid has declared a proposed project to store nuclear waste in Nevada’s Yucca Mountain dead. But just in case the project comes back to life ......

New bill revives Nevada veto over nuke waste at Yucca Mountain

A bill introduced Tuesday by four Nevada lawmakers would give the state new veto power over storing nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain....

Yucca opponents fighting for an old friend, too

As anti-nuclear activists gear up for a potential fight in Congress again, they could be facing battle without of their longtime leaders ......

Preparing for a renewed battle to keep Yucca Mountain nuke-free

There are renewed stirrings in Congress to push highly radioactive nuclear waste to Yucca Mountain, and anti-nuclear activists are gearing up for ......

Reid spokeswoman tells Ill. lawmaker don’t bother trying to revive Yucca

An Illinois congressman says he is planning to revisit Yucca Mountain this year as part of an effort to revive the Nevada site for nuclear waste disposal....

New Senate chairman vows push on nuke waste, Yucca

The new chairman of a U.S. Senate energy panel on Thursday announced he plans to focus on nuclear energy this year, including a bid to end an impasse on nuclear waste created when the Yucca Mountain repository was terminated....

Report gives Yucca positive review, stops short of full endorsement

Analysts at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Thursday completed a safety review that gives Yucca Mountain generally positive marks, but stops ...

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