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Carson City's ESL In-Home Program of Northern Nevada seeks community vote for CNN Hero of the Year

I wonder if you heard that we are a CNN Hero Finalist. We can win $100,000 to help more families if we receive enough votes.

Events and happenings around Carson City for Thursday, Nov. 15

Good day Carson City. It is Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018. We are exactly one week away until Thanksgiving. Today is the early deadline for the annual Turkey Trot so be sure to sign up to assure a t-shirt and goodie bag. Also on tap today are networking opportunities, the Peace Officer Standards and Training graduation, an artist reception for Louise Noel at Artsy Fartsy and more.

Events and happenings around Carson City for Wednesday, Nov. 14

Hello Carson City and welcome to Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018. Among the events and activities today include continued voting to bring the Levitt AMP concert back to Carson City this summer, a Silver and Blue Nevada rivalry blood drive, a volunteer meeting for Toys for Tots; a showing of "Casino Boss" that was filmed this summer at the Carson Nugget starring SNL Alum Jose Piscopo, a visit by Marilyn Monroe, Clark Gable and Montgomery Clift in Dayton, art showings and more.

Giomi, Luis and Furlong are Carson City's 2018 Election Day winners

The winners of the 2018 contested Carson City elections are Stacey Giomi for Carson City Board of Supervisors Ward 1, Kristin Luis for Carson City Justice of the Peace Department 2, and Kenny Furlong for Carson City Sheriff.

Brothel vote in Lyon County sinks in general, early and absentee voting

UPDATE 12:08AM: With all but 557 early votes remaining to be counted, the movement to end brothels and legalized prostitution has failed among Lyon County voters. As of midnight Wednesday, 16,206 have voted "no" and 3,916 voted "yes."
A voter movement to end brothels and legalized prostitution in Lyon County appears to have failed, according to preliminary absentee and early voting results late Tuesday night.

What Works: It’s Election Day, Let’s Talk Decision Making

Don’t worry. My business column this morning isn’t going to be filled with party politics. But I will ask you an important question about the politics of your company. How do you make decisions in your business?

Carson City's 2018 Mid-term Elections Guide

Tuesday is Election Day. So far, it appears over 13,000 Carson residents cast their ballots during early elections, with Republicans seeming to be in the majority of early voters. Click here for full numbers.

Carson City woman picked as top 10 finalist for CNN Heroes of 2018

An 88-year-old Carson City woman who has dedicated the past 15 years helping people throughout Northern Nevada learn English and become American citizens is among 10 finalists selected by CNN as a Top Hero for 2018.

Voting underway to bring live summer music back to downtown Carson City

The Brewery Arts Center is now in the running to bring a 10 week live music series to Carson City during the summer of 2019.

Events and Happenings around Carson City for Tuesday, Oct. 30

Good morning Carson City, it is Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2018, which means we are one day away from the annual nationwide trick or treating Halloween ritual but ahead of those festivities is the second annual Boo-Nanza celebration today at the Carson City Community Center that you won't want to miss. Also on tap for today are morning walks and afternoon hikes, a film festival showing at the Brewery Arts Center and more.

Here is what's happening around Carson City today:

Carson Creepy Short Horror Film Competition screening this Tuesday at BAC

Event Date: 
October 30, 2018 - 6:30pm

Come see the results of all the hard work our local filmmakers put into making their short horror films at the Carson Creepy Short Horror Film Competition screening on Tuesday, Oct. 30, 6:30 p.m. in the Brewery Arts Center Performance Hall, 511 W. King St., in Carson City.

Nevada Lore Series: the Making of a State, Part 2

To read part one, click here. After a battle with Utah Mormons, new prospectors, and a vigilante committee, Nevada finally won its right to be an official U.S. territory in 1861, most likely due to the fact that the Comstock Lode was discovered in 1859, and supplied the Union with much needed gold and silver deposits.

Mourning the Loss of Dennis Hof (Opinion)

When news of the sudden death of Assembly candidate and brothel owner Dennis Hof reached us last Tuesday, we were quite stunned by it. We had gotten to know Dennis, and James had seen him several times in the weeks preceding his sudden departure.

One of his great gifts was the ability to make you feel you were the most important person in the room. Two occasions involving James come to mind, but Ron felt the same way.

Letter to editor: A victim of speaks out

My name is Colleen Bannister and I was a victim of a violent crime. This is a bit lengthy so I apologize but so is the ride through the justice system. Entering the justice system is nothing like people think. You think it's as easy as you are a victim and the bad guy will be punished.

Silver State musings: Nevada Day, Halloween, Dennis Hof and elections

Every year folks ask what day Halloween trick-or-treating occurs in Carson City.

In any other state and in any other Nevada community, there is no question. Trick-or-treating happens each year on Halloween night, Oct. 31.

Early voting begins Saturday, Oct. 20 in Carson City

Early voting for the 2018 Nevada mid-term general election begins Saturday, Oct. 20 at the Carson City Courthouse, 885 E. Musser Street in Carson City.

Re-Elect Ron Knecht as Nevada Controller (Opinion)

Please indulge us as we ask you to re-elect Ron as Nevada Controller. If Ron wins, James also gets reappointed Deputy Controller.

Ron’s running on his record and qualifications. When we discuss below things we’ve done, it’s both of us, but also 39 other people in the office. We’re blessed with an outstanding team of professionals led by talented managers.

Carson City GOP offers Rides to Voting Places

Event Date: 
November 6, 2018 - 9:00am

The Carson City Republican Party is happy to offer free rides to anyone who would like to vote in person at Carson City’s Community Center and Courthouse on election day, November 6. We Republicans feel your vote is crucial in this upcoming November election and will do what we can to accommodate you. Please call the Carson City Republicans at 775-841-1800 to make arrangements for rides.

Poll finds Nevadans engaged in and supportive of arts

CARSON CITY — Three quarters of Nevada adults attended a cultural event in the past year and an equal percentage believe the arts improves the quality of life in their communities, according to the poll “Americans Speak Out About the Arts in 2018.”

The power of the vote, getting beyond voter apathy featured at Battle Born Social discussion

No sympathy for voter apathy was the focus of Wednesday night's "Ideas on Tap" gathering at Battle Born Social restaurant in Carson City. Panelists spoke of voter passions, voter reform, the power of the ballot, voter education, and making sure every citizen and registered voter understands the process.

Half Citizens: nearly 90,000 Nevadans cannot vote due to past felony convictions

CARSON CITY — According to Restore Your Vote, some 90,000 Nevadans cannot vote due to past felony convictions. The Brennan Center for Justice estimates more than 6 million Americans are unable to vote because of a felonious past.

Column: Voting not the cure for indifference

There's a lot of chatter right now about voting, especially with one particular statewide ballot initiative coming up for public vote on Nov. 6.

No sympathy for voters’ apathy: Your vote matters

What’s happened to us? Many citizens of Carson City were whining after the results of the June 5 primary, even the complacent “registered” 3,305 non-voters, who didn’t brave the sunny weather.

Vote for Muscle Powered and your trails!

Event Date: 
Repeats every day until Sat Sep 29 2018 .
September 27, 2018 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
September 28, 2018 - 8:00am
Event Date: 
September 29, 2018 - 8:00am

Please vote for Muscle Powered in the NV Energy Power of Giving event. Muscle Powered completed Secret trail June of 2018 and we now need to plant some native plants around it for sustainability.
Go here to vote.

Carson City Chamber urges residents, businesses to vote 'No' on Question 3

The Carson City Chamber Board of Directors announced its decision Tuesday to encourage its membership and residents to vote "no" on Question 3, the Energy Initiative.

Know Your Ballot Carson City: Question 5, Automatic Voter Registration

An initiative to allow eligible citizens to automatically register to vote while at the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles takes form in this election year’s Question 5. The indirect initiative was approved along partisan lines, but Gov. Brian Sandoval vetoed the initiative, choosing instead for the issue to go to a public vote.

Vote Now: Carson City's Greenhouse Project competes in foundation's Power of Good Giveaway

The Greenhouse Project in Carson City, a nonprofit teaching facility at Carson High School that provides youth education and vocational opportunities, is participating in the Power of Good Giveaway through the NV Energy Foundation and is asking locals to vote Tuesday through Friday.

Carson City area events and happenings for Tuesday, Sept. 25

As we head into our first full week of fall, sunny skies and a cool evening are on tap for this Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2018. Among today's events are a morning walk and evening hike hosted by Muscle Powered, a chamber luncheon that focuses on Nevada Ballot Question 3 and the showing of the film "Westward the Women" by the Carson City Classic Cinema Club.

Carson City Chamber luncheon Tuesday to focus on Nevada Ballot Question 3

Event Date: 
September 25, 2018 - 11:30am

Ballot Question 3 is receiving a lot of air time from both sides, convincing you to vote for or against this complex initiative that would amend the Declaration of Rights within the Nevada Constitution should the voters vote in favor of a competitive retail energy market.

Know Your Ballot Carson City: Question 4, Medical Equipment Tax Exemption

Question 4 is on the ballot this year for Nevadans to choose whether or not to include certain medical equipment to the sales tax exemption list, similar to Question 2.

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