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odd toed ungulates

Wild horse advocate to speak at Monday's Democratic luncheon

Event Date: 
May 22, 2023 - 1:00pm

The featured speaker at Monday's Democratic luncheon will be biologist Craig Downer, who will explain with specificity why he strongly supports SB90, a bill which designates the wild mustang as the official state horse of the State of Nevada.

The Legislative Counsel’s digest of SB90 states: "Existing law designates numerous state emblems, including, without limitation, a state bird, state insect, state reptile, state animal, state fish and others. This bill designates the wild mustang as the official state horse of the State of Nevada."

The body of the bill reads as follows:

Wild horse ecologist Craig Downer featured at Monday's Carson City Democratic luncheon

Event Date: 
June 14, 2021 - 12:00pm

The featured speaker at Carson City's June 14th Democratic luncheon will be wild horse and burro ecologist and biologist Craig Downer. His appearance follows on from the extended presentation on climate change he gave at the April 26th tele-luncheon, when there was insufficient time to summarize the points made or engage in a question and answer session with in-person attendees and those who took advantage of the full-length, on-demand video recording. All those seeking such clarifications are encouraged to attend.

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