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Democrat Lieutenant Governor Candidates Debate, Criticize GOP Incumbent and One Another

RENO – One Democrat running for lieutenant governor criticized the GOP incumbent for being invisible in the job, and all three Democrat candidates appearing at a debate Wednesday evening took jabs at each other as the June 8 primary election day draws near.

Governor Cites Progress in Implementing SAGE Commission Recommendations but Many Proposals Still Await Action

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons is touting his successes in implementing recommendations from his SAGE Commission on ways to improve efficiencies and save money in state government, but many of the proposals remain in progress or will require action by the 2011 Legislature.

State Treasurer's Office Tells Lawmakers Millennium Scholarship Will Be Short $4.2 Million by End of Fiscal Year 2011

CARSON CITY – In a letter sent today to the Legislature’s Interim Finance Committee, the state Treasurer’s Office said the Millennium Scholarship will run out of money in 2011 unless action is taken to preserve the program.

Charges, Countercharges Fly Between Martin and Marshall in Race for State Treasurer

CARSON CITY – Nevada GOP state treasurer candidate Steve Martin and Democrat incumbent Treasurer Kate Marshall engaged in a war of words this week over her management of the office for which she is seeking a second term.

Voters to Remain in Dark About Campaign Contributions

CARSON CITY — Nevadans who intend to vote early in the primary and general elections this year will likely find themselves in the dark on the question of who has contributed to the campaigns of the candidates.
Despite efforts in past legislative sessions to improve the transparency of campaign contributions received by candidates, lawmakers have failed to make meaningful reforms to the reporting process.

Lawmakers Question State Treasurer’s Office Over Financial Health of Millennium Scholarship Fund

CARSON CITY – When the Legislature adjourned its special session to balance the budget on March 1, lawmakers went home believing they had ensured the financial viability of the Millennium Scholarship program through 2014.
But the program, hit by declining tobacco settlement revenues and the diversion of financial support to help fill a more than $800 million budget shortfall, remains in jeopardy.

GOP Consultant Calls State Treasurer Hypocrite for Radio Ads

CARSON CITY – A spokesman for Nevada State Treasurer Kate Marshall is rejecting any suggestion that her participation in radio ads to promote a children’s contest involving a college savings program is aimed at helping her re-election campaign.

But a campaign consultant for her GOP opponent called Marshall a hypocrite for engaging in the same practice she criticized her predecessor for doing, and for “pushing the envelope” by running ads after the close of filing for office.

Lowden Attends Pro-Nuclear Energy Meeting In Reno

RENO — U.S. Senate candidate Sue Lowden last week attended a meeting of the U.S. Nuclear Energy Foundation, an independent foundation that promotes the expansion of nuclear energy, listening to what its members have to say about nuclear power as well as the plight of the Yucca Mountain storage facility and its potential impact on Nevada.
Economic Concerns

Economy, Health Care and Harry Reid Hot Topics at GOP Senate Debate

RENO – Half a dozen candidates in the crowded GOP field seeking to take on Harry Reid in the U.S. Senate race in November debated here Friday, with responses showing more agreement than discord on issues ranging from immigration reform to the need to reduce the size of the federal government.

GOP Candidates for Governor Debate Taxes, Budget, Economy and Yucca

RENO – The three Republican candidates vying to become the next governor of Nevada engaged in a spirited discussion Friday on issues ranging from taxes and public education to the future of Yucca Mountain.

New Poll Shows Lowden Still Leading, Angle Gaining in U.S Senate Primary

In an automated one-question survey of likely Republican voters conducted for the Nevada News Bureau on April 22 by PMI, Inc., U.S. Senate candidate Sue Lowden earned 41 percent of the vote compared to 24 percent for Danny Tarkanian, 17 percent for Sharron Angle and 18 percent who prefer someone else.
The poll question read as follows:

Senator Mark Amodei to Request Consideration for State GOP Chairmanship

Following this Tuesday’s news that he will represent Nevada on the Colorado River Commission, former state Senator Mark Amodei today decided to throw his hat in the ring for Republican state party chairmanship.
Amodei said he called the party’s Vice Chair, Sherry Dilley, to inform her of his intentions this morning, and that he will soon be formally requesting consideration from the GOP’s credentialing committee.

GOP Senate Candidate John Chachas will Remain in Race through Primary Despite Low Poll Numbers

CARSON CITY – GOP Nevada U.S. Senate candidate John Chachas will stay in the race through the June primary despite a poor showing in a recent poll, saying today those results did not fully reflect a television ad campaign he initiated only recently.

GOP Washoe Senate District 4 Candidates Question Opponents’ Records in Televised Debate

CARSON CITY – Two of the four Republican candidates seeking to replace Sen. Randolph Townsend in state Senate District 4 in Washoe County attacked one another’s records in a debate televised today on the Nevada NewsMakers program.
Assemblyman Ty Cobb said one of his opponents, Ben Kieckhefer, has called for “revenue enhancements” which Cobb said is support for a tax increase. Kieckhefer denied the charge.

GOP U.S. Senate Front-Runner Sue Lowden says Reid Will Go Negative in Re-election Bid

CARSON CITY – Nevada GOP U.S. Senate candidate and front-runner Sue Lowden said she expects a negative campaign from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid if she wins the crowded Republican primary in June.

U.S. Senate Candidate Danny Tarkanian Says He Is “Independent Voice” for GOP Voters in June Primary

CARSON CITY – Nevada Republican U.S. Senate candidate Danny Tarkanian said in an interview today he is the independent choice for voters in the June primary and that his leading opponent, Sue Lowden, is the choice of the establishment.

More Calls for Ensign’s Resignation Trickle In

CARSON CITY – Despite being described as a “wounded” senator who has not been effective in representing Nevada in Washington, DC, state Republican officials and candidates surveyed by the Nevada News Bureau for the most part are still not calling on U.S. Senator John Ensign, R-Nev., to step down.

Dean Heller spins some tall tales for his hometown friends

I've always liked Dean Heller. We might disagree politically, but my interactions with him have always been friendly. He seems like a truly nice person, the opposite of the what we see in some other Nevada politicians.

But watching him this week at the NNDA breakfast reminded me that Dean's ambition is clearly more important than adherence to truth.

You see, Dean used to come off as a lot more moderate than he does today. As assemblyman and Secretary of State, he championed causes that don't exactly line up with the national GOP's ideology.

Heller Says Ensign Needs to Be More Forthcoming With Press and Nevada Needs a Stronger Voice in Washington

CARSON CITY – Rep. Dean Heller, R-Nev., today rejected the suggestion that he call on embattled U.S. Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., to resign because of an ongoing ethics investigation.

2010 Election Season Crucial with Redistricting on the Agenda in the Next Legislative Session

CARSON CITY – As millions of Americans fill out their census forms over the next several weeks in the nation’s once-a-decade head co

Jim Gibbons' tea party gambit

It seems like Gov. Jim Gibbons is officially jumping on the Tea Party bandwagon.

I've been wondering what was taking him so long.

Gibbons has been such a disaster that he might become the first sitting Nevada governor to lose a primary. His main challenger, Brian Sandoval, has raised five times more cash as Gibbons, and there are many who think this race has already been decided.

Top GOP Adviser Rogich Says Now is Not the Time to Replace Harry Reid, Talks Revenue and Budget Issues

CARSON CITY – Republican presidential adviser Sig Rogich said in an interview televised today that he is supporting the re-election of U.S. Sen. Harry Reid because replacing the most powerful member of Congress while the state is in the worst recession in memory is a bad idea.

Raggio Recall Organizer Withdraws from Effort Citing Other Commitments

CARSON CITY – A Reno resident who in November announced he was organizing a recall effort against veteran Nevada state Sen. Bill Raggio, R-Reno, said this week he is withdrawing from the effort due to time constraints.
Recall organizer Dana Allen, a businessman who has been active in Tea Party rallies, said he will look for another Washoe County resident to take over the effort.

Assembly Minority Leader Says She Will Not Run for Re-election

Assembly Minority Leader Heidi Gansert, R-Reno, said her surprise decision announced today to leave public office has nothing to do with rumors that she could be appointed to serve out the remainde

Independent American Party Files Candidate List, Looks to Make Headway in 2010

CARSON CITY – The Independent American Party (IAP) this week released its list of candidates for 38 different offices, including the seat now held by U.S. Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and all three congressional seats. There are candidates for state and local offices as well.

Special Session: Assembly GOP Leader Says Bank Fee in Budget a Tradeoff, Expresses Concerns About Last Minute Jobs Bill

CARSON CITY – Assembly Minority Leader Heidi Gansert said in an interview today that GOP agreement to include a new f

Bipartisan Budget Deal in Place

CARSON CITY – As a deal to close an $805 million budget gap was announced today, bringing a close to a sometimes rancorous six-day special session, Republican lawmakers say they helped shape the de

Conservative Caucus, GOP Minority Fight to Get Their Views Heard in Special Session

CARSON CITY – Assembly Republicans, who haven’t had a majority presence in the Legislature in 25 years, are working with their Senate col

Gibbons Criticizes Sandoval on State Building Lease Back Proposal, Sandoval Says Gibbons Budget Plan Raises Taxes

By Sean Whaley | 3:38 pm February 19th, 2010

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