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Column: Question 2 not all it’s cooked up to be

To legalize or not to legalize, that is the question we must answer on Nov. 8.

Or, is it?

I’ve taken my time this year to deliberate over the matter of recreational marijuana legalization — in spite of my general instinctive opposition to mind-altering substances — consulting with area experts on drugs and drug policy.

Following hours of interviews, reading and research, my conclusion is that there is something more sinister at stake here over Question 2 than simply the legalization of an illicit drug.

Campaign follies; What's a poor voter to do?

Campaign follies? campaign ethics? WHAT campaign ethics?

We just shrug our shoulders, "that's politics; politicians lie." We chortle at the more outrageous excesses. The bigger the whopper, the more we are entertained. But alas, they keep doing it because it works.

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