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Why Protest Common Core On April 5

On Saturday April 5 at 11AM there will be a demonstration against Common Core in front of the Legislature Building on Carson Street between 4th and 5th Streets. It s part of a simultaneous multi-state effort.


To understand why it is very important for everyone to come to this event, please consider the following.

Nevada Arts Council brings arts visioning to Carson community

Event Date: 
March 13, 2014 - 5:30pm

Because art builds communities, the Nevada Arts Council is examining the efforts, wants and needs of towns across the state as it builds a three-year plan to support local efforts.

The Arts Council is launching a series of local arts town meetings to engage in conversations with Nevadans. Staff plans to explore the cultural needs of large and small communities, the role of the arts in the Silver State and to evaluate NAC’s role as a state agency.

Carson/Storey Annual 4-H Awards Night

The Carson/Storey 4-H Council held their Annual Awards Night on Jan. 26, 2014. The event was conducted in the Fuji Park Pavilion. Members of the Silver Sage 4-H Community Club served as emcees.

Youth and leaders of the following clubs received recognition for their number of years in a project: Arrowhead Livestock, Bouncing Bunnies, Bug Huggers, Carson Cluckers, Carson Hot Shots, Comstock Hot Shots, 4-Paws, Silver Sage 4-H Community Club (SSCC), 4-H Sewing Project, and the Target Rippers.

4th Annual Reno Darwin Day Celebration of Science

Event Date: 
February 9, 2014 - 12:00pm

Presentations by educators and researchers on a wide range of subjects including the life and works of Charles Darwin; contributions and benefits of scientific discovery to humanity; science education; psychology; philosophy; technology.

Presentations Include:

“Darwin, Wallace and the Theory of Evolution”;

“Caves on Mars, Bikes on the Moon, and Telescopes in the Stratosphere: Exploring New Frontiers for Science Education”;

“The Spectrum of Gender & Identity”;

“NCLabs—Learning Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is More Fun than You May Think“;

Carson Middle School Jazz Band Headed to Festival

Event Date: 
February 1, 2014 - 8:30am

More than 300 middle and high school musicians will perform during the 14th annual Jazz in the Schools program on Saturday, February 1, 2014 in Nightingale Concert Hall at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) campus.

4th Annual Reno Darwin Day Celebration of Science

Event Date: 
February 9, 2014 - 12:00pm

Presentations by local educators, researchers, students and science enthusiasts on a wide range of subjects including the life and works of Charles Darwin; biological evolution; science education; psychology, philosophy; the contributions and benefits of scientific discovery to humanity and current affairs related to science and technology.

Charles Darwin, Alfred Russel Wallace and the Theory of Evolution;

"How Does Free Will Evolve Over Time?" (the evolution of self-control and agency);

Airborne/Space-Based Astronomy and the Horizons of Space Research;

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency announces TRPA Lake Spirit Award winners

Eight individuals who display strong personal commitment to protecting and restoring Lake Tahoe were recognized Wednesday by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency during the third annual Lake Spirit Awards ceremony at the Agency’s Governing Board meeting in Stateline.

Rethinking Common Core... it is still a Huge Step DOWN

The Common Core "State" Standards are a major change in the purpose, content and methodology of educating children from K through 12. According to some reports, not only are the college entrance exams being revised to be Common Core compliant, COLLEGES are also said to be considering adapting the change.

The question is, the change from WHAT?

The question is important because Common Core is either a step up, or just another step further down the road of the ever lower "progressive" standards that America has been experimenting with for over a hundred years. 

“Embracing Dyslexia”

Event Date: 
November 4, 2013 - 6:00pm

CARSON CITY, NEVADA-The Carson City Library, Carson City Literacy Volunteers, and Literacy Volunteers for Children, will present a documentary film by Luis Macias, “Embracing Dyslexia”, on Monday, November 4th, at 6:00 pm, at the BRIC (Business Resource Innovation Center). The BRIC is located at 108 East Proctor Street, downtown Carson City.

A petition with respect to Common Core

This is a plea to the readers of this great news site to educate themselves about the Common Core "State" Standards being implemented in our schools, and to join with the growing numbers of parents and concerned citizens who seek to reverse course and do something better before it's too late for our children and grandchildren.

Carson City School District Searching for Substitute Teachers

The Carson City School District is seeking applicants for substitute teaching positions for the current 2013-2014 school year. Additional substitute teachers are needed to support the implementation of the district’s bold reforms, supported by the highest nationally rated $10 million Race to the Top Grant.

Carson City Library summer enrichment programs bridge opportunity gap for local youth

Between June 7 and August 4 the Carson City Library engaged a record breaking 2,750 youth, ages 6 – 17, in signups for the 2013 summer reading program and attendance in summer learning activities. In that time, more than 21,788 items circulated from the library’s youth collection, primarily traditional books but also e-readers like Kindles, iPads, PlayAways and PlayAway Views.

UNR hosts earthquake engineering annual meeting: Quake Summit 2013

Members of a national earthquake simulation research network are at the University of Nevada, Reno today and tomorrow for Quake Summit 2013, an annual scientific meeting highlighting engineering research that reduces the impact of devastating earthquakes and tsunamis.

Titled "Earthquake & Multi-Hazards Resilience: Progress and Challenges," the annual summit of the 14- member George E. Brown Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES), of which the University is a member, is being held in the Joe Crowley Student Union.

Quality programs at library creating a vibrant summer of learning for Carson City youth

Artist chats with guests at exhibit opening. Photo By Cathleen Allison
Event Date: 
August 15, 2013 - 4:00pm

Carson City, NV – From the Carson Library and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Western Nevada, librarian-led summer programs and activities are over the halfway point and more than 1,500 community youth are participating. Summer reading pages for prizes, technology enrichments, video journalism and art clinics are among the most popular ways youth are spending time.

Reno Stop on ADHD Strike Out Stigma national tour hosted by Nevada Department of Education and Eye to Eye

Event Date: 
July 19, 2013 - 2:00pm

Achieving their goals - to "strike out the stigma" of the LD / ADHD label and to empower those living with learning disabilities (LDs) and ADHD - is the focus of 5 college students, Eye to Eye mentors, who will make a special stop in Reno during a 12-day road trip: the Eye to Eye LD / ADHD STRIKE OUT STIGMA NATIONAL TOUR.

Carson City Crossfire gets new name, returns to airwaves after 10-year hiatus

With political flame throwing at an all-time high, there has indeed been something missing from the Carson City air waves lately.

Sure, civility doesn't make the headlines these days, but what happens when two people can disagree, throw in some hilarious zingers at themselves and each other and still remain long-standing friends when the studio lights go dim? 

Welcome to Capital CrossFire 2.0., a program that will return to the Carson City airwaves after a 10-year hiatus.

Human Trafficking Bill Passes in Nevada Assembly

CARSON CITY — A bill that would protect victims of human trafficking was approved 41-0 Thursday by the Nevada Assembly.

The bill requires officers to take certain actions when they encounter possible victims of human trafficking. It also requires the state Department of Education to develop and distribute material relating to the trafficking of children.

Assemblyman John Hambrick, R-Las Vegas, read the bill on the Assembly floor.

Assembly Tackles Campus Carry Bill

The Nevada Assembly held a hearing Wednesday on Assembly Bill 143, a bill that would allow for concealed carry permit holders to bring concealed firearms onto NSHE campuses.

Though a similar bill failed to make it through the Assembly during the 2011 session, Assemblywoman Michele Fiore and others have returned to try and pass legislation this session. In a hearing that stretched for more than 2 hours, educators, legislators and more testified and argued about the legality and actuality of allowing concealed weapons on campus.

UNR Cooperative Extension features 'Grow Your Own' classes beginning in April

The average carrot travels over 1,800 miles to get to our dinner plate. Processing and shipment of food accounts for 93 percent of our food cost.

The University of Nevada Cooperative Extension will offer eight new “Grow Your Own!” classes in Carson City and 11 other Nevada cities to help residents who want to get on a path to more sustainable, local, healthy living by growing more of their own food.

Nevada climate, environmental data network to inform research, community

RENO, Nev. – Climate data from 13 geospatial monitoring stations across the Great Basin are being made available to researchers, educators and the public by a group of researchers from the Nevada System of Higher Education. They have developed the long-term climate monitoring network specifically designed to measure variations in climate change and are now working to broaden the network’s reach to include the all types of hazard monitoring in the region.

Carson City Emblem Club hosts March 16 St. Patrick's Day Dinner

Event Date: 
March 16, 2013 - 6:30pm

The Carson City Emblem Club #507 will hold its annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner on Saturday, March 16 at the Elks Lodge, 515 North Nevada Street in Carson City.
The dinner begins at 6:30 p.m. and features corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, vegetables, homemade soda bread and dessert.

Educators hit factory floors

Carson City teachers became pupils on Wednesday, touring factory floors in the area to learn the skill sets needed and opportunities available for their own bright students.

Full speech: Sen. Harry Reid addresses 2013 Nevada Legislature

Nevada son and United States Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid addressed a joint session of the Nevada State Legislature today in Carson City. Here is the text of his speech:

U.S. Educator Report Card: Math F, Science F, Reading D-, Socialism A+

The 2012 education PISA* rankings indicate that the USA came in at 25th for math, 14th for reading and 17th for science out of 30 countries with only three of those countries spending slightly more money per pupil than America. Yet the mantra for more money, benefits and taxes for education continue just as it has for the last sixty years. If more money will solve the education problem then why hasn't it ever worked in the last sixty years?

Text of Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval's State of the State address

As Prepared for Delivery Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013:

Madam Speaker, Mr. President, Distinguished Members of the Legislature, Honorable Justices of the Supreme Court, Constitutional Officers, Senator Heller, honored guests…...

Sandoval Appoints Elaine Wynn To State School Board

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval today announced he has appointed Elaine Wynn to the state Board of Education, effective January 8, 2013.

Carson City School District picked for federal 'Race to the Top' grant

The Carson City School District was among 16 winners of federal grant money from the The U.S. Department of Education's 2012 Race to the Top-District competition.

The Carson City School District will receive a share of the $400 million grant, around and up to $10 million, to support locally developed plans to personalize and deepen student learning, directly improve student achievement and educator effectiveness, close achievement gaps, and prepare every student to succeed in college and their careers.

"This is wonderful news for Carson City's students, teachers and parents" said Nevada Sen. Harry Reid. "As someone whose life was transformed by teachers, I understand the importance of providing all Nevadans with the opportunity to receive a quality education. While I wish that other school districts in the state were also awarded this grant, I know these funds will help put Carson's students on a path towards success."

Cyber-Bullying; Should We Be Concerned?

Event Date: 
November 10, 2012 - 2:30pm

With widespread use of social media among adults and children, there's been an uptick in the amount of cyber-bullying cases brought to Carson City area school officials and law enforcement. Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto will discuss this and other internet safety concerns on Saturday, Nov. 10 beginning at 2:30 p.m. The presentation, geared for parents, students and educators, will touch on cyber-predators, sexting and cyber-bullying.

Calling all Heroes: Nevada Youth Invited to 'Step Into Service' to Fight Childhood Obesity

UnitedHealthcare and YSA are inviting schools and other community-based nonprofit organizations in Nevada to “Step into Service” by applying for UnitedHealth HEROES grants.

UnitedHealth HEROES is a wellness initiative designed to encourage young people, working with educators and youth leaders, to create and implement walking, running or hiking programs aimed at helping fight childhood obesity.

State Senate District 5 Candidates Agree More Often Than Not In Friday Debate

CARSON CITY – The two candidates in the race for the state Senate District 5 seat in Henderson debated the issues today in a televised exchange, finding more agreement than division on the all important subject of education reform.

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