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2011 Nevada Legislature

TRPA letting control trickle to local officials

Keeping a promise made during the 2011 Nevada Legislature, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has taken the first step toward giving local governments in the basin control over permitting and other rules.

%u201CTRPA's goal is to operate more on a regional scale where we can be most effective at protecting the Lake Tahoe environment and to shift some level of permit review responsibilities to local governments,%u201D said Executive Director Joanne Marchetta.

Final day for 2011 Nevada Legislature

Today is the final day for the 76th regular session of the Nevada Legislature, as lawmakers hurry to finish up work on a number of bills before time runs out.

It has been a session that has seen acrimony and record protests as legislators struggle to deal with the state's lagging economy. In the end, it was a Nevada Supreme Court decision that paved the way for a compromise between Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval and Democrats who control both houses of the legislature.

You can keep up with the happenings on this final day on our Live Updates page, or the live video feed from the legislature.

Commentary by Guy Farmer: Nevada's budget crisis - Doing less better

As the end of the 2011 Nevada Legislature approaches, our elected representatives have yet to decide how to close a huge state budget deficit. Although many lawmakers talk about "doing more with le...

Who wants to end early voting in Nevada?

I missed this one yesterday, that Assemblyman Cresent Hardy (R-Mesquite) introduced a bill to eliminate early voting in Nevada.


Considering that early voting is hugely popular, accounting for about half of the votes in the last election, why does Hardy have a problem with this?

According to him, some group in Las Vegas who he will not name asked him to introduce the bill. Why would this group not want to be named?

2011 Nevada Legislature: The First Morning

The 2011 Nevada Legislature got underway this morning, and here are some scenes from the opening ceremonies.

The Appeal is liveblogging the first day, and there is also coverage at SessionAccess.org.

Gibbons OPEN Government Initiative Passes Challenge Period, Signature Gathering Begins

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons has announced his initiative petition to amend state law to subject public employee union negotiations to Nevada’s open meeting law has passed a legal challenge period, allowing the signature gathering process to begin.

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