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Comment on Nevada is greening…slowly by Dave Morgan

Unfortunately it is becoming more and more apparent that the countries and environments of the world are much more tightly connected than we’ve been willing to acknowledge.

Comment on Editorial: Why spend $50 million on the “last library?” by Barbara Mathews

I have been a Library Director for 23 years in Churchill County. Like Sara Jones, I, too, have been planning a new library for Fallon.

Comment on Editorial: Why spend $50 million on the “last library?” by Ron Belbin

In the interest of full disclosure, I am an avid reader, a book hoarder, a library employee, a graduate student in a Library and Information Science program (delivered almost exclusively online!),

Comment on Editorial: Why spend $50 million on the “last library?” by Aaron Highe

As we race headlong into a new and glorius future, pause a minute before you toss that copy of The Sun Also Rises onto the trash heap of technology along with buggy whips and johnson rods.

Comment on City Supervisors turn down Silver State High School’s plans for new site at Goni and Old Hot Springs by sknight

Just to correct some points in the article: Steve Knight is not the owner but is the Executive DIrector/Superintendent/Principal of Silver State Schools, a 7-12 grade FREE PUBLIC Charter school.

"Three Cups of Tea," by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin

Sometimes you come across a book that explains all the things we are doing wrong in Afghanistan and Iraq and you wonder why all those brain trusts in the White House and Pentagon hadn’t picked upon it

Another reason for Nevada to become an Energy Producer

Some people will argue that there will always be plenty of oil, thanks to new, innovative methods of detection and advanced production techniques.


The rocker ski is with us now
By The Senior Skier

Taylor-Made Technology Sltns


1789 College Pkwy
Carson City, NV 89706
(775) 883-3611

Information Technology


Po Box 2993
Carson City, NV 89702
(775) 882-0982

IGT posts third quarter loss; Executives see market stabilizing

International Game Technology, the largest private-sector employer in

Software companies eye key patent case in Supreme Court

Software companies eye key patent case in Supreme CourtBy JOELLE TESSLER AP Techn

Business briefly

Business brieflyStaff Writer

Reimagineering Carson City's Downtown

Green light for Nugget project

Green light for Nugget projectBy Sandi Hoover shoover@nevadaappeal

Supervisors to hear ambitious redevelopment plan

Supervisors to hear ambitious redevelopment planBy Sandi Hoover shoover@nevadaapp

Lower demand causes IGT's earnings to fall

RENO (AP) - International Game Technology said Thursday its third-quarter earnings fell 39 percent as the recession continued to stifle product demand in the casino industry, but the performance still beat Wall Street's expectations and...

New GM expected to exit Chapter 11

DETROIT - After a night spent signing mounds of paperwork authorizing the transfer of cash, real estate, technology and other property, GM attorneys are expected to officially usher the new General Motors out of bankruptcy protection today and...

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