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Tahoe Bike Challenge, Car-Free Day a Success

By the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
Through late spring snow and cold temperatures, more than 300 people around Lake Tahoe rode in the 2011 Tahoe Bike Challenge, logging over 3,000 commuter bike or pedestrian trips and 10,000 miles of zero-emission travel. The Federal Highway Administration estimates that 1.9 pounds of CO2 is prevented by every bicycle mile traveled.

Lake Tahoe Bike Plan Wins Nevada Award

By Jeff Cowen
The Nevada Bicycle Advisory Board on Tuesday recognized the efforts of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) and Tahoe Metropolitan Planning Organization (TMPO) for their achievements in bicycling advocacy planning and safety for the 2010 Lake Tahoe Region Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.

UNR's Kay Fowler elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

By Claudene Wharton

The Brewery Art Center to Highlight Nevada’s Paiute History

By Denise Clodjeaux
Explore part of Nevada’s Native American History through the language and the stories of the Walker River Paiute Tribe with Andy Allen on Saturday, May 21st at 2p.m. in Carson City. The performance is part of the Brewery Art Center's “Cultures of Nevada” Matinee Series.

Allen’s captivating stories about his tribe will both entertain and educate. Audience members will also learn some basic Paiute words and phrases. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to experience Nevada’s rich history together.

Lawmakers hold votes on prickly mental health cuts

Lawmakers voted to preserve a program that would help keep mentally handicapped people at home with their families, but they held off on the most controversial items of a touchy, $617 million menta...

Republicans In The Nevada Legislature Introduce Redistricting Plans

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – Legislative Republicans today announced that they are introducing redistricting plans for the Assembly, Senate, and the state’s Congressional delegation that will “ensure fair representation for the people of Nevada.”

Tahoe agency approves Boulder Bay project

NEWS RELEASE — In a board room still crowded following a 12-hour hearing, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board voted to approve the Boulder Bay Community Enhancement Project. Four years in the planning, the project will replace the aging Tahoe Biltmore Casino in Crystal Bay, NV with an eco-friendly, mixed-use resort that will significantly reduce stormwater pollution and vehicle emissions associated with the site.

Nevada Tax Commission To Review Mining Tax Deductions But New Revenue Unlikely For State Budget

CARSON CITY – The Nevada Tax Commission today agreed to undertake a review of the exemptions granted mining companies to ensure the proper amount of taxes are being paid by the industry to the state and county governments.
The request for the review came from Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford, D-Las Vegas, acting in the capacity as a private citizen, using a state law to request the commission to undertake an emergency rule-making process.

Nevadans Outline Stakes As Legislature Plans New Political Districts

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – The budget is not the only thing legislators are cutting this session.
Far from the budget tug-o-war that snags newspaper headlines, legislators this session must kingmaker carve the boundaries of congressional, senate and assembly districts that will remain for the next ten years, or the next five budget cycles.

Nevadans Outline Stakes As Legislature Plans New Political Districts

CARSON CITY – The budget is not the only thing legislators are cutting this session.
Far from the budget tug-o-war that snags newspaper headlines, legislators this session must kingmaker carve the boundaries of congressional, senate and assembly districts that will remain for the next ten years, or the next five budget cycles.

Specific Tax Proposals Finally On The Agenda In Week Nine Of The Legislature

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Tax revenues, or more specifically the lack thereof, have been topic No. 1 during the 2011 legislative session.
Thus far it’s been mostly talk, with GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval saying no to any new taxes or fees and some Democrat lawmakers saying additional revenues are essential to preserve education and critical social services. Republican lawmakers thus far are standing with the governor.

Front counter hours change, office now closed Tuesdays at Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has updated its hours effective April 4, and with the change includes closing the front office on Tuesdays, officials announced in a press statement today.

Front counter services exist for customers to submit permit applications and get project and property information. The updated schedule reflects the Agency's commitment to customer service following a recent reorganization and staff reduction, the statement said.

Another shot fired in public-private golf battle

Last month, the Carson City Board of Supervisors heard complaints from the owners of two private golf courses about the city subsidizing the operator of the city-owned Eagle Valley Golf courses by forgiving its $200,000 lease payment.

One issue brought up at the time was that the city needs the Eagle Valley courses to help dispose of effluent water from its sewage treatment plant. If Eagle Valley was not operating, then the city would be forced to spend more money to build more storage for the water.

Analysis Suggests Big Financial Impact To Nursing Homes If Medicaid Reimbursements Are Cut

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – An analysis of a cut in Medicaid payments to skilled nursing facilities proposed by Gov. Brian Sandoval paints a sobering picture for the industry and its future in Nevada.

Thousands hit Nevada Legislature to protest cuts to education

Students from across Nevada gathered by the thousands today at the Nevada Legislature and at the Governor's office demanding the state's education system be spared from huge cuts proposed under Gov. Brian Sandoval.

Early estimates had the crowd of mostly college students at 1,500 but the numbers have begun to swell as students, faculty and parents from around the state arrive from various locations around the state. Now early estimates among officials on the ground has the number of more than 2,000 demonstrating.


Click here for a more photos and gallery of today's event.


One high school, Cheyenne in Las Vegas, had 400 students in a convoy of more than a dozen buses. More than 500 students from University of Nevada Las Vegas boarded tour buses last night for the road trip.

University of Nevada, Reno students also arrived by the busloads. Students from Western Nevada College campuses were quite visible, many expressing fear that education programs vital to the state's economy such as nursing, will be slashed under the governor's budget proposal.

Chanting "SOS Save Our Schools" and "No More Cuts" students walked peaceably through the Legislative Building, making it known that they fear deep cuts to education will damage the state's already shaky economy.

Lawyer for Tahoe Regional Planning Agency resigns

The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency’s General Counsel Nicole Rinke resigned from her post today, according to an agency news release.

“We are grateful for Nicole’s four years of extraordinary service to TRPA and the Lake Tahoe Basin.” said Norma Santiago, TRPA Governing Board Chair, “On behalf of the Board, I’d like to thank Nicole for the energy and expertise she brought to the General Counsel position during a time in the Agency’s history when legal challenges are becoming more frequent and complex.”

Donations sought for Tahoe chapter of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation banquet

The 13th Annual Big Game Banquet of the Tahoe Basin Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation will be held in Carson City at the Casino Fandango April 30.

Those active in the foundation are asked to help with donations and underwriting of the event. Donation entries for the Program placement with proper credited entry prior to the program printing are needed by March 20th. Any help you can give the foundation will be greatly appreciated!

Educators, students to unite Monday for Nevada education

The Nevada Student Alliance is a coalition of students from every institution in the Nevada System of Higher Education. Along with K-12 representatives, the alliance representatives and more than 1,000 college and university students will gather at the state’s legislature to advocate for the preservation of education in Nevada. Buses from multiple institutions will arrive in Carson City for the 10 a.m. rally on Monday, March 21.

Thunder Canyon named Nevada Golf Course of the Year, runner up in nation

(Press release) Thunder Canyon, a private golf and country club located in Washoe Valley, has been named the 2011 Nevada Golf Course of the Year by the Nevada Golf Course Owners Association (NvGCOA). In addition to this honor, Thunder Canyon was chosen as one of three finalists for the Golf Course of the Year Award by the National Golf Course Owners Association (NGCOA).

March 5 is the date of a highly-popular chukar fundraiser

Saturday evening, March 5, will be the date of my all-time favorite fundraiser: The highly-popular and fun-filled, Carson Valley Chukar Club fundraiser, which will be held as usual at the Douglas County Fairgrounds.
More importantly, this year’s version will be its 25th.

Wow! 25 years! Congrats for all you have done for Nevada’s wildlife!

For more of Don Quilici's Outdoors, click here.

Feds announce $23 million to protect Sage Grouse habitat

By GrandViewOutdoors.com
A federal agency has announced $23 million to protect grasslands in Wyoming, Colorado and Montana for sage grouse, a chicken-sized bird whose males are known for flashy mating displays.

It would be offered as matching funds, with state, local and tribal governments or non-government agencies providing the other $23 million.

Prime Carson River Canyon Frontage Permanently Protected

About 3.5 miles of frontage that amounts to 419 acres along the Carson River corridor was sealed into protection thanks to the voter-approved Question 1 initiative and Carson City's own Question 18 Quality of Life Initiative.

A partnership for the purchase, appraised at $3.1 million, was created between Carson City, the Nevada Land Conservancy, the Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway and private landowner John Serpa.

Future Of Millennium Scholarship Focus Of State Lawmaker Interest In Upcoming Session

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – While several state lawmakers say they are seeking changes to the popular Millennium Scholarship for Nevada’s academically successful high school graduates, no one yet is pushing for income eligibility restrictions to ensure the program’s continued viability.

State worker launches budget deficit plan, issues challenge to economists

Carl Kuhl, a state Parole and Probation employee of six years, has created a plan that he claims will eliminate Nevada's budget deficit within two years.

In a news release issued on Tuesday, Kuhl said his plan not only will reduce the budget deficit but also help repair Nevada's economy at the same time. It is a pretty big claim, he admits, coming from an Accounting Assistant I, an entry level position.

Tahoe planning agency to appeal shorezone ruling

The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board has agreed to appeal to the 9th Circuit District Court a September federal district court ruling that struck down updated ordinances for the shorezone of Lake Tahoe, according to its website.

Railroad Museum in Carson City on the state budget hit list

Under a proposed state budget plan, four of Nevada's museums operated by the Division of Museums and History would close, including the Nevada State Railroad Museum in Carson City, said Peter Barton, acting administrator for the Division of Museums and History.

Other museums on the proposed state budget chopping block are the Nevada Historical Society in Reno, the state's oldest museum which opened in 1905; the Lost City Museum in Overton; and the Nevada Northern Railway Passenger and Freight Depot in East Ely.

Travel Nevada: Railroad buffs venture to Ely to ride on the Nevada Northern Railway

Ely, Nev. – The Nevada Northern Railway is not your usual traditional museum with stationary buildings, equipment and trains that may not even tie to the history of the area.

News Release: Carson City agencies participate in mass fatality exercise

A fire chief, emergency manager; the sheriff; the coroner; a funeral director; the hospital security manager; a sheriff’s chief deputy and a captain, the health director and other health department officials met on Wednesday to assess the community’s ability to handle a critical incident causing numerous deaths.

Incidents resulting in fatalities that exceed the normal operating capacity of the Coroner’s Office are considered mass fatality and would trigger the activation of the Mass Fatality Management Plan.

Stewart Father's Day Powwow in Carson City

The Stewart Father’s Day Powwow Committee in partnership with the Nevada Indian Commission and the Stewart Alumni will host the 2010 Stewart Father’s Day Powwow at the former Stewart Indian School in Carson City, Stewart Campus, 5500 Snyder Avenue.

Carson City Freeway project awarded for archeological efforts

The Nevada Department of Transportation has received an award for archeological preservation of the Old Stewart Indian Cemetery. 
An Exemplary Human Environment Initiative award to NDOT was presented by the Federal Highway Administration for partnering efforts to enhance and preserve the historic cemetery as part of the Carson City Freeway project.

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