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Full speech: Sen. Harry Reid addresses 2013 Nevada Legislature

Nevada son and United States Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid addressed a joint session of the Nevada State Legislature today in Carson City. Here is the text of his speech:

U.S. Educator Report Card: Math F, Science F, Reading D-, Socialism A+

The 2012 education PISA* rankings indicate that the USA came in at 25th for math, 14th for reading and 17th for science out of 30 countries with only three of those countries spending slightly more money per pupil than America. Yet the mantra for more money, benefits and taxes for education continue just as it has for the last sixty years. If more money will solve the education problem then why hasn't it ever worked in the last sixty years?

Reno agrees to $30 million deal to refinance Aces ballpark project

In a 5-2 decision the Reno City Council on Wednesday approved restructuring the financial agreements amounting to about $30 million related to the Reno Aces baseball stadium project. Council Members Brekhus and Schieve opposed the plan.

Immigration 'Reforms'? Real Reform Is As Simple As 1-2-3-4


1. Secure the borders.
2. Quit politicizing immigration and illegal immigration.
3. Turn off the magnet to illegal immigration.
4. Put an end to “anchor babies.”


As an immigrant and a naturalized U.S. citizen myself, with several generations of U.S. citizens in my extended family tree and none left in Europe, I am writing to express my most vehement protest against the proposed “reforms” in our immigration laws that are being announced at the present time, whether they come from the president or Congress.

Blockbuster to close Carson City store; eight to lose jobs

Dish Network will close about 300 Blockbuster stores across the country, including the one in Carson City and two in the Reno area. The company says the closings will result in around 3,000 employees losing their jobs.

Carson City December unemployment rate drops by 2.7 percent over 2011 figures

Nevada's unemployment figures continue to show relative signs of improvement with a decline in figures for December at 10.2 percent compared to November's 10.8 percent. In Carson City, the drop was significant, with 10.1 percent unemployment for the month compared to 12.8 percent a year ago, a 2.7 percent difference.

Text of Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval's State of the State address

As Prepared for Delivery Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013:

Madam Speaker, Mr. President, Distinguished Members of the Legislature, Honorable Justices of the Supreme Court, Constitutional Officers, Senator Heller, honored guests…...

Letter: Prison steals work and jobs from struggling Nevada companies

This is a letter I sent out to Gov. Sandoval, and multiple other State Representatives. I felt that the general public should know what our prison system is doing to multiple small business owners in Carson City and Nevada. I would be very pleased if someone would bring this to light and show what our tax dollars are doing in this economy. There was a big story about this in Vegas with another company ... but this is also happening in our own backyard.

Dear Governor Sandoval,

Carson City Sheriff's Office to step up saturation patrols over New Year's holiday period

The Carson City Sheriff's Office will maintain a highly visible presence on the city's roadways during the New Year holiday, which begins at 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 28 and ends at 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 2.

Sheriff's deputies will be out in force during this time period and will conduct saturation patrols to detect, arrest and prosecute impaired drivers to the fullest extent of the law.

Dare to Touch PERS Reform, Anyone?

Now here is a story that SHOULD make your blood boil, especially because for some reason the story “hit” on Christmas Eve.

Pension Politics: California system plays hard ball in court – Opinion – ReviewJournal.com

More jobs considered the key to Nevada's recovery

Five years after Nevada started hurtling toward the worst economic crisis in its history, prospects for a recovery continue to hinge on three key factors: jobs, jobs and more jobs.

The focus on job creation as a way to right the Silver State’s economic ship gained extra prominence earlier this year after Gov. Brian Sandoval challenged Nevada’s private sector to create 50,000 new jobs by the end of 2014.

After concessions and collaboration, Lake Tahoe Regional Plan approved

For the first time since 1987, Lake Tahoe has a new regional plan for development and land use.
Twelve of the 14 voting members of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency's governing board voted in favor of the new plan, with one member voting against it and another abstaining, according to TRPA spokesman Jeff Cowan.

Business interests say the plan is an overdue overhaul of regulations that will jump-start Tahoe's tourism economy while also protecting its environment.

State Senate GOP Leaders Support Medicaid Expansion

CARSON CITY – State Senate Republican leaders today commended GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval’s decision to expand the state Medicaid program as a commitment to the health of all Nevadans and a boost for a critical sector of the state’s economy.

“Ensuring that poor Nevadans have access to primary health care through Medicaid is very simply the right thing to do, both for our citizens and our economy,” said Sen. Michael Roberson, R-Henderson. “It will reduce our rate of uninsured and provide individuals with greater economic security.”

Nevada Supreme Court Hears Margins Tax Case

Attorneys for the teachers association and state business interests faced off before the Nevada Supreme Court today over whether a proposed margins tax initiative petition has met legal requirements and so should be submitted to the 2013 Legislature.

Graham's Word: Reno City Council Needs To Think Very Carefully About Losing The Aces

Event Date: 
December 1, 2012 (All day)

The City of Reno seems to be dropping the ball when it comes to adhering to their side of the agreement with the owners of the Reno Aces.

In a letter dated November 28th 2012 written to the Mayor of Reno Robert Cashell from the President of Triple-A Baseball Branch E. Rickey, President Rickey tells a damning story of what Reno has failed to do to. This letter has given permission to the owners of the Aces to relocate if the City of Reno fails to come to an agreement on a refinancing deal for Aces Ballpark.

Envying The Fun In The Editor's Office

The editor must have been enjoying some holiday cheer. Sometimes I envy the guy, he sure has a fun job. Consider the last few postings. 1. ...and deservedly so! | Carson City Nevada News - Carson Now http://carsonnow.org/reader-content/11/23/2012/and-deservedly-so  Absolutely right. As the author says, there is no cure for willful ignorance. Before I give in to the temptation of pointing to this letter as one obvious illustration of that dictum, let me ask the following questions:

Nevada’s Jobless Rate Drops To 11.5 Percent In October

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s unemployment rate for October dropped to a seasonally adjusted 11.5 percent, down from 11.8 percent in September, the lowest it’s been in three and a half years, a state agency reported today.

Professionals in Nevada Escape Their Local Economy Online

A new report released by Elance on November 14, shows that U.S. professionals in economically hard-hit areas like Carson City with 11.6 percent unemployment are tapping online resources like Elance to escape their local economies and get back to work.

Carson City company takes shot at local employment pool in 60 Minutes piece

Carson City and Northern Nevada caught the attention of 60 Minutes with a Sunday feature on the national jobs climate, qualified workers and addressing what has become known as the "skills gap" which happens when companies are hiring, but the applicants don't have the skills to do the available jobs.

Obama(care) economy

Mining Industry Big Nevada Job Creator

CARSON CITY – A report released today shows that Nevada’s mining industry has accounted for 14 percent of jobs added statewide in the past year and 33 percent of jobs added statewide since the recession ended in June 2009.

A few reasons to vote NO on CC #1

What are we voting on? The only design that has some cost estimates is a grandiose wish list with artist’s renderings presented in July 2011 that has been pared down and down… down to what? Vote NO on CC #1.

Cost estimates vary from $28M to $49M (plus financing costs), depending on what’s included. Even with the tax hike, the intent is to raid NNDA, sewer, federal and private funds. Vote NO on CC #1.

The concept dated July 2011 shows a grandiose wish list for a public-private development. Where is the pared down wish list that CC #1 asks us to approve? Vote NO on CC #1.

Nevada Again A Focus Of Presidential Campaigns

RENO – Proof of Nevada’s importance in the outcome of the horse race that is the presidential election continued to be on display today, with President Obama visiting Las Vegas and GOP Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan making stops here and in Southern Nevada.

Ryan, appearing in front of a crowd estimated by local law enforcement at about 600, continued to push the Romney-Ryan ticket message calling for change, pointing to Obama’s failed efforts at job creation.

Graham Blog: Some High Schools Get A Failing Grade with Student-Athletes

Event Date: 
October 26, 2012 (All day)

What are some high schools thinking? Some high schools around the nation are lowering or have already lowered the Grade Point Average (GPA) requirements for their student-athletes, and some go as low as 1.6 (a “D” average). This is absolutely absurd to me. I watched a show on ESPN about this and it left me fuming. I cannot believe that schools are so lazy to teach their pupils. They are indirectly saying: “Students struggle so we are not going to work to get them better.”

Nevada’s Broader Jobless Rate Remains Above 20 Percent

CARSON CITY – A broader measure of Nevada’s unemployment picture, including those who have given up looking for work, showed continued improvement through the third quarter of 2012 but remains above 20 percent, a federal report shows.

Romney Rallies Reno Voters In Effort To Win Nevada

RENO – Gov. Mitt Romney fired up a crowd of about 2,000 enthusiastic Northern Nevada  voters today, urging them to get to the polls and help him take the battleground state that is Nevada 13 days from now.

Romney told the crowd that President Obama is out of ideas, out of excuses and will be out of office come Nov. 6.

The president, “doesn’t understand what it takes to get this economy going, he doesn’t have a plan to get jobs for Americans, I do and that’s why I’m going to win,” he said.

Nevada Think Tank Publishes “Piglet Book” Citing Government Waste

CARSON CITY – From double-dipping employees to the questionable use of credit cards, the newest edition of the Nevada Policy Research Institute’s “piglet book” released today offers highlights of recent questionable government agency actions.

Carson Judge Invalidates Teacher-Backed Margin Tax Petition

CARSON CITY – A Carson City District Judge today ruled an initiative petition being circulated by teachers to levy a 2 percent tax on companies making gross revenues in excess of $1 million a year to raise money to support public education is invalid.

In his ruling, Judge James Wilson found that the description of effect used to explain to voters the intent of the petition is incomplete.

Letter: Vote Democrat? Really?

This is in reference to the Letter: Think before you vote, Carson City Nevada News - Carson Now.

Letter: Think before you vote

The Tea Party Republicans claim President Obama has not repaired the Bush/Republican mistakes fast enough. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi passed several job bills out of the House. Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell filibustered and stopped those job bills.
In 2010 the Tea Party Republicans ran on "jobs, jobs, jobs" and, oh yes, hate President Obama. Please note: Not one job bill was offered by Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner and the Tea Party Republicans. Further, they killed all job bills from President Obama.

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