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Nevada Voter Rolls Increase By Nearly 13,000 In Latest Report, GOP Makes Modest Gains

CARSON CITY – The number of active registered voters jumped by nearly 13,000 between the close of registration for the June primary and the end of June, with Republicans making a modest gain on Democrats, according to numbers compiled by the Nevada Secretary of State’s office.
Democrats increased their registration by 3,722 to 456,672, while Republicans raised their numbers by 6,493 to 398,898, the office reported.

Nevada Voter Rolls Increase By Nearly 13,000 In Latest Report, GOP Makes Modest Gains

CARSON CITY – The number of active registered voters jumped by nearly 13,000 between the close of registration for the June primary and the end of June, with Republicans making a modest gain on Democrats, according to numbers compiled by the Nevada Secretary of State’s office.
Democrats increased their registration by 3,722 to 456,672, while Republicans raised their numbers by 6,493 to 398,898, the office reported.

Nevada Voter Rolls Increase By Nearly 13,000 In Latest Report, GOP Makes Modest Gains

CARSON CITY – The number of active registered voters jumped by nearly 13,000 between the close of registration for the June primary and the end of June, with Republicans making a modest gain on Democrats, according to numbers compiled by the Nevada Secretary of State’s office.
Democrats increased their registration by 3,722 to 456,672, while Republicans raised their numbers by 6,493 to 398,898, the office reported.

Congressman Dean Heller votes to extend unemployment benefits

Bucking most Republicans and GOP Senate hopeful Sharron Angle, U.S. Rep. Dean Heller, R-Carson City, voted in favor of the House bill to extend unemployment benefits, despite his history of voting against most Democratic-backed economic measures, reports the Las Vegas Sun.

Bill Requests For 2011 Nevada Legislative Session Include Ban On Texting While Driving, Property Tax Protection, Castle Doctrine

CARSON CITY – If a list of bills requested for drafting for the 2011 legislative session released today is any indication, a lot of lawmakers are concerned about people who use cell phones while driving.
Of the 152 bill draft requests submitted so far, mostly by lawmakers, three deal with cell phone use in vehicles: two to prohibit texting and a third to “restrict cell phone use” while driving.

Bill Requests For 2011 Nevada Legislative Session Include Ban On Texting While Driving, Property Tax Protection, Castle Doctrine

CARSON CITY – If a list of bills requested for drafting for the 2011 legislative session released today is any indication, a lot of lawmakers are concerned about people who use cell phones while driving.
Of the 152 bill draft requests submitted so far, mostly by lawmakers, three deal with cell phone use in vehicles: two to prohibit texting and a third to “restrict cell phone use” while driving.

Bill Requests For 2011 Nevada Legislative Session Include Ban On Texting While Driving, Property Tax Protection, Castle Doctrine

CARSON CITY – If a list of bills requested for drafting for the 2011 legislative session released today is any indication, a lot of lawmakers are concerned about people who use cell phones while driving.
Of the 152 bill draft requests submitted so far, mostly by lawmakers, three deal with cell phone use in vehicles: two to prohibit texting and a third to “restrict cell phone use� while driving.

Bill Requests For 2011 Nevada Legislative Session Include Ban On Texting While Driving, Property Tax Protection, Castle Doctrine

CARSON CITY – If a list of bills requested for drafting for the 2011 legislative session released today is any indication, a lot of lawmakers are concerned about people who use cell phones while driving.
Of the 152 bill draft requests submitted so far, mostly by lawmakers, three deal with cell phone use in vehicles: two to prohibit texting and a third to “restrict cell phone use” while driving.

Bill Requests For 2011 Nevada Legislative Session Include Ban On Texting While Driving, Property Tax Protection, Castle Doctrine

CARSON CITY – If a list of bills requested for drafting for the 2011 legislative session released today is any indication, a lot of lawmakers are concerned about people who use cell phones while driving.
Of the 152 bill draft requests submitted so far, mostly by lawmakers, three deal with cell phone use in vehicles: two to prohibit texting and a third to “restrict cell phone use” while driving.

Lawmakers OK Funding For Official Portrait Of Outgoing Gov. Jim Gibbons

CARSON CITY – A panel of lawmakers today approved a $20,000 appropriation to commission an official portrait of out-going Gov. Jim Gibbons.
The request by the Department of Cultural Affairs for the funding from the Interim Finance Committee’s contingency fund was approved without comment by lawmakers.
The request was submitted after Gibbons lost his re-election bid in the June primary to GOP challenger Brian Sandoval. Gibbons will leave office as the state’s 28th governor in early January. A new governor will be picked by voters in November.

Nevada State Prison Closure To Wait For More Information, July Prison Board Meeting

CARSON CITY – A plan to close Nevada State Prison in phases over the next several months will be on hold for further consideration by the Board of Prison Commissioners next month, but Gov. Jim Gibbons said today that he will continue to authorize transfers of inmates for safety and security reasons.

GOP Treasurer Candidate Seeks Answers On Plan To Address Lost Interest Income From $50 Million Investment Loss

CARSON CITY – Nevada state Treasurer candidate Steve Martin is questioning the method Treasurer Kate Marshall is using to account for the loss of interest income from a failed $50 million investment with the now bankrupt Lehman Brothers.
Martin is also questioning whether Marshall has the authority to write off the interest loss to agencies and programs over a period of four and a half years.

Assembly Republican Caucus Launches New Media Contacts To Keep Voters Informed

CARSON CITY – The Republican Assembly Caucus has launched a media suite to keep Nevadans engaged and informed about lawmaker activities as the general election campaign season gets under way.

Gov. Gibbons Announces Plan To Phase Out And Close Nevada State Prison In Capital

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons today approved a plan to phase out operations at the Nevada State Prison in the capital. The decision by the lame duck governor comes even though the Legislature has rejected past attempts to close the facility.
“It costs taxpayers an extra $4,000 to $6,000 per inmate for prisoners at NSP because the facility is so old and poorly designed,� Gibbons said. “Additionally, NSP is not as safe for prison staff as other facilities.�

Goicoechea Named GOP Assembly Minority Leader

CARSON CITY – The Republican Assembly Caucus has elected Assemblyman Pete Goicoechea as its new minority leader, replacing the retiring Assemblywoman Heidi Gansert.
Goicoechea, R-Eureka, was the unanimous choice of the 14-member caucus.
Gansert, R-Reno, is not running for re-election to the Assembly.

State GOP Complaint Against Treasurer Marshall Dismissed By Ethics Panel

CARSON CITY – A two-member panel of the state Ethics Commission has decided there is insufficient cause to move forward with a complaint that state Treasurer Kate Marshall used her office to benefit her re-election bid.

Lawmakers To Consider Funding Request For Official Portrait Of Gov. Jim Gibbons

CARSON CITY – Jim Gibbons’ lame duck status as chief executive became a certainty on primary election day June 8, but the Legislature will add its own stamp of finality next week when it is asked to approve $20,000 for an official portrait of Nevada’s 28th governor.
Nevada law provides for an official portrait of each departing governor for display in the state Capitol Building.

Contested GOP State Senate Primary Races Split Between Moderate And Conservative Candidates

CARSON CITY – In the fight for control of the Republican Party in the state Senate in the Tuesday primary it was an even split, with conservative candidates taking two of four contested seats and two others going to more moderate candidates backed by Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio.

Livermore wins Assembly District 40 GOP primary

Pete Livermore will face off with fellow Carson City Supervisor Robin Williamson in November:

Assembly District 40 Republican
Livermore, Pete: 2,639; 50%
Clemens, Amy: 1,309; 24.8%
Upton, Lynda: 1,330; 25:20%

GOP Senate Candidate Sue Lowden Calls Reid Interference In Republican Primary Unprecedented

CARSON CITY – GOP U.S. Senate candidate Sue Lowden said today she is “very encouraged� by the exit polling results her campaign has seen from early voting as primary election day draws near.

Candidates for Governor Disclose Supporters in Campaign Contribution Reports

CARSON CITY – Campaign contribution reports for the front-running Republican and Democrat candidates for governor show they are about even in the money-raising and expenditure game.

Gibbons Holds Out Hope But Says He Will Not Seek Public Office Again If Not Re-Elected

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said today the political pundits and pollsters may be in for a surprise when the votes are counted in the GOP governor’s race on primary election day June 8.

Nevada Officials Defend Early Release Program To Deport Illegal Immigrant Prison Inmates

CARSON CITY – Nevada Supreme Court Justice James Hardesty said a program the state initiated a few years ago to pardon selected illegal resident inmates so they could be deported to free up space in the prison system was in his view successful.
Hardesty said the review resulted in 106 nonviolent inmates being granted conditional pardons in exchange for a waiver of any immigration hearing and agreement to be deported to their country of origin.

Republican candidate for Senate withdraws from Nevada race

A Nevada Republican U.S. Senate hopeful is withdrawing from the race a week before the primary election.
Gary Bernstein threw his support Tuesday to John Chachas, a former Wall Street banker who grew up in Ely and returned to Nevada to run for the seat held by Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid. Bernstein was a long shot in the race that drew 12 GOP candidates.

GOP Senate Candidate Sharron Angle Says Attacks from Lowden a “Distraction” from Real Issues

CARSON CITY – GOP U.S. Senate candidate Sharron Angle said today the attacks on her campaign from opponent Sue Lowden trying to link her to the Church of Scientology are off base and a distraction from the real issues of concern to voters.

Conservative Candidates Challenge Moderates in Key GOP State Senate Primary Races

Part 2 of a Series on Key GOP State Senate Primary Races
CARSON CITY – While Republican voters have a rare chance to chart the course of the GOP Senate caucus in the upcoming primary, the candidates described by some political observers as the establishment choice say they too are true fiscal conservatives who believe in core party values.

Angle Votes to Raise Legislative Pay Confirmed, Spokesperson Calls Lowden Attack Ad “Desperate”

CARSON CITY – Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sue Lowden has a new ad attacking her GOP rival Sharron Angle over her past votes in the Nevada Legislature to raise lawmaker pay as the June 8 primary draws near and early voting is set to begin tomorrow.

GOP Primary Voters Could Chart Course of State Senate, Nevada Legislature

Part 1 of 2 on Five Key State Senate Races
CARSON CITY – Over the past several legislative sessions the state Senate Republican caucus has shown a willingness to work across the aisle with Democrats, with some GOP lawmakers voting more than once for tax increases as a way to balance the budget.

Amodei Elected Nevada GOP Chairman, Rumors of Challenge by Ricotta Unfounded

RENO — The Nevada Republican Party elected Mark Amodei its new chairman last night during a special Central Committee meeting at the Sienna Hotel and Casino.  Amodei, a former state senator, defeated Clark County Republican Party Political Director David Isbell by a vote of 218 to 54.
After the election, Amodei said he would focus on moving forward and defeating the Democrats in the upcoming elections. To do this, he says, he will focus on communication and collaboration within the party.

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