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Congressional District 2 Special Election: GOP candidates meet women's federation

Three of the four Republicans candidates seeking Dean Heller's House seat told the Republican Women's Federation Saturday they would best carry out the conservative, small government, reduced spend...

GOP wins round one in challenge to open congressional election

Carson District Judge Todd Russell Thursday put the Republican Party back in charge of who runs under their banner for Dean Heller's congressional seat.Ruling from the bench, he rejected Secretary ...

Democrats Refuse To Hear Republican Redistricting Proposal After Tiff

CARSON CITY – After Republican legislators declined to reveal exact data for their redistricting proposal, Democrats refused to give the bill a hearing today.
Then, Democratic legislators voted over Republican objections to pass their own redistricting proposal to a vote on the Senate floor.

Democrats Identify “Key” Republicans Who Might Vote For Taxes

CARSON CITY – The Nevada State Democratic Party today called for Nevadans to press nine GOP “key legislators” to vote for new taxes.
Democrats are urging Nevadans to email these nine Republican legislators, saying that “grassroots action will turn the tide, but it will only happen if you participate.”

Democrats Introduce Revised Congressional Maps

CARSON CITY — Since the governor did not like their last redistricting plan, Democrats are trying again with revisions to their redistricting maps.
Gov. Brian Sandoval earlier vetoed the Democratic plan for the boundaries of political districts, which must be redrawn every 10 years according to U.S. Census demographic data.

In Redistricting Battle, Political Parties Argue Over 'Who Loves Hispanics More'

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY — A Republican Hispanic governor will soon decide the fate of a Democratic redistricting plan that has both political parties embroiled in a debate over fairness to Nevada’s Hispanic population.

Lawmakers Show Another Party-Line Split On Sandoval’s Urban County Property Tax Shift For Higher Education

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – Members of the Legislature’s two money committees reviewed Gov. Brian Sandoval’s proposed budget for higher education today in preparation for making final decisions on how to fund the state’s public university system for the next two years.

Democrats Unveil Tax Plan, Republicans Remain Opposed To Revenue Hikes To Restore Cuts To Sandoval Budget

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – Legislative Democrats unveiled the elements of their highly anticipated tax plan today, saying they will work every day until the end of the session to craft a proposal that restores many of the cuts in Gov. Brian Sandoval’s budget without choking off a nascent economic recovery.

Krolicki Out, Marshall In, Amodei Pending

By Elizabeth Crum / Nevada News Bureau
As first “guessed” by @RalstonFlash on Twitter this morning — Nevada has learned the hard way that Ralston’s guesses are not mere speculation but informed fact — Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki has formally announced that he is not going to run for Nevada’s open congressional seat.

State GOP chairman Mark Amodei will now be free to make his final decision, probably to jump in.

Democrats Unveil Proposed Congressional District Maps

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY — Democrats today unveiled proposed boundaries for Nevada’s four congressional districts, the political consequences of which they will debate this afternoon at the Legislature.

Party-Line Votes On Public Education Funding Create $700 Million Hole In Budget

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – Legislative Democrats went ahead today with their own funding plan for public education, establishing a level of spending that puts the budget at significant odds with GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval and his opposition to new taxes.
The votes by Democrats have upped the ante in the budget dispute with Republicans, creating a hole estimated at $700 million by state Budget Director Andrew Clinger.

Potential 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Says He Will Decide On Race Before June

By Sean Whaley
RENO – Texas Congressman Ron Paul said today he will decide “before June” whether to make another bid for president as a Republican candidate in 2012.
Paul, 75, in an interview before a breakfast at the Washoe County Republican Party office, formed an official exploratory committee on Tuesday in advance of GOP debates set for May.

GOP Rep. Paul mulls White House bid

RENO - Republican Ron Paul said Thursday that his criticism of U.S. fiscal policy and opposition to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are much more popular views today than they were during his unsucces...

Republicans In The Nevada Legislature Introduce Redistricting Plans

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – Legislative Republicans today announced that they are introducing redistricting plans for the Assembly, Senate, and the state’s Congressional delegation that will “ensure fair representation for the people of Nevada.”

Commentary by Bob Thomas: GOP has strong stable of presidential candidates

"Anybody that wants the presidency so much that he'll spend two years organizing and campaigning for it is not to be trusted with the office."- David BroderIt's time to take a curmudgeon's look --C...

U.S. Rep. Joe Heck Gives Praise To Gov. Sandoval For Budget That Does Not Increase Taxes

CARSON CITY – U.S. Rep. Joe Heck praised GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval in remarks to the Nevada Legislature today for proposing a budget that does not raise taxes, saying it is the way to an economic recovery.
Heck, R-Nev., also expressed appreciation for Republican lawmakers who so far this session have supported Sandoval’s no new taxes or fees position during the lengthy review of his two-year, $5.8 billion general fund budget.

Assembly Republicans Hold With Gov. Sandoval On Higher Education Budget, Ensuring Funding Impasse Continues

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – After a lengthy hearing in the Assembly today on what several witnesses said were the catastrophic effects of Gov. Brian Sandoval’s budget recommendations for higher education, Republican members held firm with the executive branch in a series of funding votes.

Gov. Sandoval Says Premature To Speculate On U.S. Senate Appointment, Democrats Want Open Selection Process

CARSON CITY – As Gov. Brian Sandoval today said it is premature to speculate on who he will appoint to replace GOP U.S. Senator John Ensign, Democrats in the Nevada Legislature said they will seek a resolution urging a “fair, open, and transparent process for appointing a temporary replacement.”

Senate Debate On Gov. Sandoval’s Public Schools Budget Sees No Vote, Fireworks

CARSON CITY – The debate over Gov. Brian Sandoval’s proposed cuts to public education shifted to the state Senate today, with members of the upper house getting the details of the reductions that the Clark County schools chief said would mean the loss of $400 million for a 19 percent cut in funding.
But there was no effort by Democrats, who control the Senate with a narrow 11-10 advantage, to force a vote on the schools budget as occurred yesterday in a more contentious Assembly hearing. There were no fireworks either.

Late night at the Legislature: GOP doesn't budge in support of gov's school cuts

(AP) - Assembly Republicans didn't budge an inch Tuesday in their support for Gov. Brian Sandoval's dramatic education cuts, in spite of Democrats' pleas for a compromise and the pressure of a r...

Likely GOP Presidential Candidate Tim Pawlenty Talks About Gaming And Yucca Mountain In Vegas Visit

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a Republican who is evaluating a run for president in 2012, said today he would be willing to reconsider whether Yucca Mountain is a suitable site for the long-term disposal of nuclear waste.

Former Sen. Bill Raggio Inducted Into Senate Hall of Fame

CARSON CITY – Lawmakers took time some away from the budget and other pressing issues today to honor former Sen. Bill Raggio, a fourth-generation Nevadan and the longest-serving member of the state Senate who retired earlier this year.

Retired USS Cole commander to seek Heller's seat

Retired Navy Cmdr. Kirk Lippold is sailing into the choppy waters of Nevada politics.The former skipper of the USS Cole announced Thursday that he will seek the GOP nomination for Nevada's 2nd Cong...

Sandoval says no to 'sin' taxes; wants merit among his policies

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval said today the Legislature should take up the policy initiatives he has proposed in his budget and State of the State address based on their own merits, and not be used in trade for negotiations on fee or tax increases.

Gov. Sandoval Says His Policy Proposals Should Be Considered On Own Merits

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval said today the Legislature should take up the policy initiatives he has proposed in his budget and State of the State address based on their own merits, and not be used in trade for negotiations on fee or tax increases.

GOP holds Nevada budget trump cards

Democrats may hold slim margins in the Nevada Senate and Assembly, but halfway through the 2011 session it's Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval and the GOP minority who are holding the trump cards. ...

Sore Feelings: GOP Lawmakers Say Dems Ignoring Their Bills

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Add it up and some of them have to die.
There is not enough time for the Legislature to hear every bill, but that has not stopped Republicans from accusing Democrats of ignoring Republican bills.

Republicans Accuse Democrats of Ignoring Republican Bills As Deadline Looms

CARSON CITY – Add it up and some of them have to die.
There is not enough time for the Legislature to hear every bill, but that has not stopped Republicans from accusing Democrats of ignoring Republican bills.
The partisan sniping comes as legislators are scrambling to save their bills from extinction of bills as a legislative deadline looms.

Specific Tax Proposals Finally On The Agenda In Week Nine Of The Legislature

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Tax revenues, or more specifically the lack thereof, have been topic No. 1 during the 2011 legislative session.
Thus far it’s been mostly talk, with GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval saying no to any new taxes or fees and some Democrat lawmakers saying additional revenues are essential to preserve education and critical social services. Republican lawmakers thus far are standing with the governor.

Legislative Democrats, Sandoval Administration Remain At Odds Over State Budget

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – A two-hour review by the full Senate today of Gov. Brian Sandoval’s proposed two-year, $5.8 billion general fund budget spent a lot of time on what his spending plan could mean well into the future.

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