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Good news during uneasy times: Carson City to break ground on senior housing

We have some good news to share in these not-so-good economic times, especially when it comes to development and housing.
Construction will begin soon on a $3.6 million, 42-unit senior apartment complex in Carson City that will help to close the gap in a shortage of affordable retirement housing here.

WNC graduates 451 at Carson City, Fallon ceremonies

Whether they plan to enter the work force or continue on with their education, the 451 Western Nevada College graduates walked away Monday and Tuesday with one certainty: It's up to them to use their education to push ahead in one of the most trying economic times in Nevada's history.

With the state's 13.7 percent unemployment rate for April, it may be "tough out there" to find a job, but the education the graduates earned at WNC is top-notch and will take them far if they apply themselves and are patient, College President Carol Lucey told the class Tuesday night.

Statewide Local Government Employment Rate Drops

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s unemployment rate keeps creeping upward despite signs the economic slowdown has hit bottom, and April statistics from the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation show job losses are now being seen in the government employment sector as well.

Nugget Project: The state lease process

Obtaining leases from three state agencies has been cited by the people pushing the Nugget Project as a critical piece to its success.

But, there's been more than a little skepticism that the State of Nevada, staring down the barrel of a $3 billion deficit in its next budget, has any appetite for spending money it doesn't have to.

Department of Transportation Releases Information on Stimulus Projects

Stimulus funds will have created or saved 5,600 construction jobs by the end of the year, according to a press release issued yesterday by the Nevada Department of Transportation
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the release says, has provided about $201 million in funding for road construction in Nevada, and 90 percent of the funds have already been contracted out to construction companies.

Nevada Rep. Dean Heller Predicts No Action on Immigration Reform in Congress This Year

CARSON CITY – Nevada Rep. Dean Heller, R-Nev., said today he does not believe Congress will move forward with any type of immigration reform this year because the issue is too controversial for Democrats in an election year.

Legislators Criticize Extension of Sales Tax Hike Without Voter Approval

Legislators this week voiced objections to the passage of Senate Bill 5 during the 2010 special session, which lifted the sunset on a temporary sales tax increase that was passed by voters in 2002.

Carson City railroad history celebrated with arrival of McKeen Motor Car V&T No. 22

CARSON CITY — It was 'all aboard' the historic McKeen Motor Car V&T No. 22 on Sunday for dozens of railroad enthusiasts as the Nevada State Railroad Museum celebrated a milestone 100th anniversary commemorating the iron horse's arrival to the Carson City railroad.

The celebration was at the platform of the historic Wabuska Depot. Numerous local, state and federal officials and noted railroad historians participated in the event, trading stories and history references, and taking turns riding the car.

The Bernhard family, donors of the car, were the honored guests.

Lots of road construction slated for next week

Various road construction projects will be causing delays and closures next week, with some working continuing even longer.

Here is the list of projects for next week, via Carson City Public Works Department:

Road Report as of May 7, 2010. The following information applies to the period of May 10 - 16, 2010:

The Nevada Department of Transportation will begin work to add a third northbound lane on US 395 between Jacks Valley Road and Lupin Drive. The following activity is expected for this project.

Of Freeways and Doomed Houses

After yesterday's article about the freeway, and how Colorado Street was closing permanently on Monday, I got to thinking more about this final phase of the freeway. The Nevada Appeal today says that construction indeed is starting on Monday, and will continue in bits and pieces for the next two years. The first thing to go will be Clearview Drive, which will be closed for an extended time while a new bridge is built.

Officials to cut ribbon on first-ever Carson River whitewater rafting, kayaking facilities

News Release:

Carson City and Lyon County officials will cut the ribbon May 22 to ceremonially launch new boating facilities for whitewater rafting and kayaking that have opened on the Carson River Aquatic Trail between Carson City and Dayton.

Carson City Arbor Day 2010 Celebration

The Carson City Shade Tree Council will be hosting its annual Arbor Day Celebration on April 30, 2010. The celebration will be held in the park across from the State Library on the corner of Stewart and Musser Streets and will begin at 5:30 p.m. and is scheduled to last an hour.

Yucca Mountain Legal Mess Worsens

According to the executive director of the Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects, Bruce Breslow, this week saw some unexpected and interesting new developments in the ongoing litigation process related to the Yucca Mountain License application.
“The matter is becoming increasingly complicated,” said Breslow.
Nevada had been in the middle of the Yucca Mountain License Application hearing process when on March 3, 2010, the Department of Energy (DOE) made a motion to withdraw the license with prejudice.

The "Inyo" in Canada

NV Energy giving V&T reconstruction commission $100,000 check

Written by NV Energy Public Information Officer Karl Walquist:

The effort to reconstruct the historic Virginia & Truckee Railroad is receiving a boost from NV Energy with a $100,000 grant to the Northern Nevada Railway Foundation, the fund-raising arm of the Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway.


Carson City sales taxes still look bad. Here's a breakdown.

Sales tax collections in Carson City plunged again in January, falling 16.2% from January of 2009. Sales tax collections statewide were down 8.1% in January. They were off 4.8% in Washoe County, down 2.2% in Douglas, minus 22% in Lyon and down 12.7% in the Fallon area.

Nevada Group Urges New Tax on Car Miles to Fund Road Improvements

CARSON CITY – The Nevada Highway Users Coalition has announced its support for moving forward with a study on Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) as a potential alternative to the current gas tax paid by motorists at the pump to fund road improvements and maintenance.
According to those involved in the study, the consequences of inaction could include the deterioration of roads and highways, increased vehicle wear and tear, increased congestion and accidents and longer commute times.

Retired State Archivist Presents 'A New Nevada Needed'

Retired Nevada State Archivist Guy Rocha is passionate about uncovering the truth. He will delight the residents of Sierra Place with his take on Nevada's economy, its growth in such areas as tourism, construction, mining and service industries.
He will lead a healthy debate on the notion we are all at a cross-road requiring leadership and planning. Guy probes, enlightens, possibly provokes, but most assuredly delights us in a lively discussion centered on Nevada. The presentation will be at Sierra Place, 1111 West College Parkway. 6:45 to 7:45 p.m.
Call Fran Ulm at (775) 841-4111.

Bouncerz Spaghetti/Pizza Feed Raffles & more for Veiga Family

Jaden Veiga just turned 5 and he was diagnosed last Christmas with a brain tumor. The family needs the communities help to continue his care. Go to any U.S. Bank location and donate to the account of "Jaden Veiga Donation Act. #153754034822" or come to Bouncerz Indoor Party Center on Saturday, March 27th from 2p.m. to 7p.m.

Carson City's Urban Pond

by Scott Schrantz Source: http://aroundcarson.com/2010/03/23/carson_citys_urban_pond The more finished this new pond at Fuji Park gets, the more disappointing it is. First, it's not in Fuji Park at all. It's behind the Carson City Fairgrounds, on the other side of the river, back where everyone can see it from the highway but you'll need signs and arrows to tell you how to get there. This could have been so much better if it was over by the grassy area of the park itself, maybe even built so that Clear Creek flows through it.

More Opposition Emerges to DOE Plan to End Licensing of Yucca Mountain

CARSON CITY – Five members of Congress representing the states of Washington and South Carolina have sent a letter to U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu protesting a decision to reallocate $115 million budgeted for work on Yucca Mountain and discontinue licensing of the site as a nuclear waste repository.

Carson City Toyota Opening

Committee discusses critical issues surrounding Nugget project

Members of the newly formed Carson Nugget Development Advisory Committee received an extensive briefing tonight on where the project is now, and what still needs to be worked out.

Nugget President Steve Neighbors and project consultant Mark Lewis were on hand to answer the committee's questions about the project before a capacity audience in the Sierra Room at the Carson City Community Center.

Supervisors turn down property tax increase, but move forward on possible water rate hike

In a mixed bag meeting Thursday, city supervisors turned down a chance to raise property taxes $220,000 for their beleaguered city budget, but set into motion the process that could raise water rates

Special Session: Assembly GOP Leader Says Bank Fee in Budget a Tradeoff, Expresses Concerns About Last Minute Jobs Bill

CARSON CITY – Assembly Minority Leader Heidi Gansert said in an interview today that GOP agreement to include a new f

Water bonds, property tax hikes on Carson City's Board of Supervisor agenda

Water and sewer rate hikes may move a step closer Thursday when the Carson City Board of Supervisors will hear plans to issue up to $32 million in general obligation water bonds over 30 years.

Note to Carson Now users: Major construction ahead

We are actively working on several parts of this website, in order to make way for some exciting new things here on Carson Now.

Budget Puzzle Remains Incomplete as Legislature Starts Special Session

CARSON CITY – As the Nevada Legislature plodded through the first day of a special session called to erase a nearly $900 million

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