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Group Seeking To Turn Yucca Mountain Into Research Site Applauds Ruling Against U.S. Energy Department

CARSON CITY – A representative of a group seeking to turn Yucca Mountain into an energy park said a ruling earlier this week halting the withdrawal of the application to license the site as a nuclear waste dump is a huge opportunity for Nevada.
“We are thrilled with the ruling,” said Randi Thompson with Nevadans 4 Carbon-Free Energy. “It’s huge for Nevada.”

Group Seeking To Turn Yucca Mountain Into Research Site Applauds Ruling Against U.S. Energy Department

CARSON CITY – A representative of a group seeking to turn Yucca Mountain into an energy park said a ruling earlier this week halting the withdrawal of the application to license the site as a nuclear waste dump is a huge opportunity for Nevada.
“We are thrilled with the ruling,” said Randi Thompson with Nevadans 4 Carbon-Free Energy. “It’s huge for Nevada.”

Group Seeking To Turn Yucca Mountain Into Research Site Applauds Ruling Against U.S. Energy Department

CARSON CITY – A representative of a group seeking to turn Yucca Mountain into an energy park said a ruling earlier this week halting the withdrawal of the application to license the site as a nuclear waste dump is a huge opportunity for Nevada.
“We are thrilled with the ruling,� said Randi Thompson with Nevadans 4 Carbon-Free Energy. “It’s huge for Nevada.�

Group Seeking To Turn Yucca Mountain Into Research Site Applauds Ruling Against U.S. Energy Department

CARSON CITY – A representative of a group seeking to turn Yucca Mountain into an energy park said a ruling earlier this week halting the withdrawal of the application to license the site as a nuclear waste dump is a huge opportunity for Nevada.
“We are thrilled with the ruling,” said Randi Thompson with Nevadans 4 Carbon-Free Energy. “It’s huge for Nevada.”

Group Seeking To Turn Yucca Mountain Into Research Site Applauds Ruling Against U.S. Energy Department

CARSON CITY – A representative of a group seeking to turn Yucca Mountain into an energy park said a ruling earlier this week halting the withdrawal of the application to license the site as a nuclear waste dump is a huge opportunity for Nevada.
“We are thrilled with the ruling,” said Randi Thompson with Nevadans 4 Carbon-Free Energy. “It’s huge for Nevada.”

Group Seeking To Turn Yucca Mountain Into Research Site Applauds Ruling Against U.S. Energy Department

CARSON CITY – A representative of a group seeking to turn Yucca Mountain into an energy park said a ruling earlier this week halting the withdrawal of the application to license the site as a nuclear waste dump is a huge opportunity for Nevada.
“We are thrilled with the ruling,” said Randi Thompson with Nevadans 4 Carbon-Free Energy. “It’s huge for Nevada.”

Bill Requests For 2011 Nevada Legislative Session Include Ban On Texting While Driving, Property Tax Protection, Castle Doctrine

CARSON CITY – If a list of bills requested for drafting for the 2011 legislative session released today is any indication, a lot of lawmakers are concerned about people who use cell phones while driving.
Of the 152 bill draft requests submitted so far, mostly by lawmakers, three deal with cell phone use in vehicles: two to prohibit texting and a third to “restrict cell phone use” while driving.

Bill Requests For 2011 Nevada Legislative Session Include Ban On Texting While Driving, Property Tax Protection, Castle Doctrine

CARSON CITY – If a list of bills requested for drafting for the 2011 legislative session released today is any indication, a lot of lawmakers are concerned about people who use cell phones while driving.
Of the 152 bill draft requests submitted so far, mostly by lawmakers, three deal with cell phone use in vehicles: two to prohibit texting and a third to “restrict cell phone use� while driving.

Bill Requests For 2011 Nevada Legislative Session Include Ban On Texting While Driving, Property Tax Protection, Castle Doctrine

CARSON CITY – If a list of bills requested for drafting for the 2011 legislative session released today is any indication, a lot of lawmakers are concerned about people who use cell phones while driving.
Of the 152 bill draft requests submitted so far, mostly by lawmakers, three deal with cell phone use in vehicles: two to prohibit texting and a third to “restrict cell phone use” while driving.

Bill Requests For 2011 Nevada Legislative Session Include Ban On Texting While Driving, Property Tax Protection, Castle Doctrine

CARSON CITY – If a list of bills requested for drafting for the 2011 legislative session released today is any indication, a lot of lawmakers are concerned about people who use cell phones while driving.
Of the 152 bill draft requests submitted so far, mostly by lawmakers, three deal with cell phone use in vehicles: two to prohibit texting and a third to “restrict cell phone use” while driving.

Bill Requests For 2011 Nevada Legislative Session Include Ban On Texting While Driving, Property Tax Protection, Castle Doctrine

CARSON CITY – If a list of bills requested for drafting for the 2011 legislative session released today is any indication, a lot of lawmakers are concerned about people who use cell phones while driving.
Of the 152 bill draft requests submitted so far, mostly by lawmakers, three deal with cell phone use in vehicles: two to prohibit texting and a third to “restrict cell phone use” while driving.

Nevada Secretary of State's Business Portal Project Moves Forward With Lawmaker OK

CARSON CITY – A one-stop shop for businesses to access Nevada state programs and services is moving forward with lawmaker approval Thursday of a contract to develop the first of its kind business portal in the secretary of state’s office.

New Nevada Tax Amnesty Program Set To Begin July 1

CARSON CITY – Nevada is about to begin a new tax amnesty program in the hopes of bringing in several million dollars worth of uncollected revenue to help with a severe budget shortfall.
The amnesty program, which will run for three months beginning July 1, was approved by the Legislature in a special session in February as a way to help close an $800 million gap in the general fund budget.

Assembly Republican Caucus Launches New Media Contacts To Keep Voters Informed

CARSON CITY – The Republican Assembly Caucus has launched a media suite to keep Nevadans engaged and informed about lawmaker activities as the general election campaign season gets under way.

Secretary of State Reports No Citizen-Sponsored Questions On Ballot For First Time Since 1992

CARSON CITY – For the first time since 1992, Nevada voters will find no question on their November ballot that qualified as the result of a citizen’s initiative petition, the secretary of state’s office has reported.
The deadline for submitting the required number of signatures to county clerks passed Tuesday with no petitions presented in any county. Three petitions to amend the state Constitution were in circulation.

Goicoechea Named GOP Assembly Minority Leader

CARSON CITY – The Republican Assembly Caucus has elected Assemblyman Pete Goicoechea as its new minority leader, replacing the retiring Assemblywoman Heidi Gansert.
Goicoechea, R-Eureka, was the unanimous choice of the 14-member caucus.
Gansert, R-Reno, is not running for re-election to the Assembly.

Primary 2010: What did we learn?

Ok, so we know who won. But did yesterday's vote tell us anything?

I wrote earlier about how the outcome of the supervisors races could give us a clue on how the public views the Nugget Project, AKA the Carson City Center Project.

Karen Abowd, the only candidate to openly support the project, did come in first in her primary with 31 percent of the vote in a six-way race.

Contested GOP State Senate Primary Races Split Between Moderate And Conservative Candidates

CARSON CITY – In the fight for control of the Republican Party in the state Senate in the Tuesday primary it was an even split, with conservative candidates taking two of four contested seats and two others going to more moderate candidates backed by Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio.

General Election matchups

Supervisor Ward 1
Karen Abowd vs. Rob Joiner

Supervisor Ward 3
John McKenna vs. Day Williams

Carson City Sheriff
Kenny Furlong vs. Robert Guimont

School Board District 1
Ron Swirczek vs. Julie Bushner

School Board District 6
Barbara Myers vs. Randy Carlson

State Senate Capitol District
James Settelmeyer (R) vs. Kevin Ranft (D)

State Assembly District 40
Robin Williamson (D) vs. Pete Livermore (R)

State Assembly District 38
Tom Grady (R) vs. Dennis Gomez (IAP)

Livermore wins Assembly District 40 GOP primary

Pete Livermore will face off with fellow Carson City Supervisor Robin Williamson in November:

Assembly District 40 Republican
Livermore, Pete: 2,639; 50%
Clemens, Amy: 1,309; 24.8%
Upton, Lynda: 1,330; 25:20%

Primary Election Results UPDATE

For the latest go to the Carson City Elections Department and Secretary of State's Office


Carson City Sheriff
Furlong, Kenny — 48%
Guimont, Bob —32 %
White, Bob — 18.4%

100 percent reporting
Total votes: 12,094
Ken Furlong: 5,875; 48.58 %
Bob Guimont: 3,977; 32.88%
Bob White: 2,242; 18.54%

Candidates for Governor Disclose Supporters in Campaign Contribution Reports

CARSON CITY – Campaign contribution reports for the front-running Republican and Democrat candidates for governor show they are about even in the money-raising and expenditure game.

Support, Questions, Rejections Follow Call To Broaden Nevada Tax Base Using Expanded Sales Levy

CARSON CITY – A proposal to simplify, broaden and stabilize Nevada’s tax base by expanding and reducing the sales tax to include services from haircuts to legal advice is generating some support and plenty of questions from lawmakers and interest groups.

Gibbons OPEN Government Initiative Passes Challenge Period, Signature Gathering Begins

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons has announced his initiative petition to amend state law to subject public employee union negotiations to Nevada’s open meeting law has passed a legal challenge period, allowing the signature gathering process to begin.

Campaign expense reports filed for local candidates

The Secretary of State's website is busy getting all the campaign contribution and expense reports up online. Below are some of the one they have down, as well as a couple of PDF files attached. The rest should be up online soon.

Despite Trailing in Polls, Christensen Claims He Will Win US Senate Primary

With early voting under way for the Nevada primaries, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Chad Christensen yesterday maintained that he will come out on top, despite polls showing him trailing well behind candidates Sue Lowden, Sharron Angle, and Danny Tarkanian..

GOP Senate Candidate Sharron Angle Says Attacks from Lowden a “Distraction” from Real Issues

CARSON CITY – GOP U.S. Senate candidate Sharron Angle said today the attacks on her campaign from opponent Sue Lowden trying to link her to the Church of Scientology are off base and a distraction from the real issues of concern to voters.

Conservative Candidates Challenge Moderates in Key GOP State Senate Primary Races

Part 2 of a Series on Key GOP State Senate Primary Races
CARSON CITY – While Republican voters have a rare chance to chart the course of the GOP Senate caucus in the upcoming primary, the candidates described by some political observers as the establishment choice say they too are true fiscal conservatives who believe in core party values.

Angle Votes to Raise Legislative Pay Confirmed, Spokesperson Calls Lowden Attack Ad “Desperate”

CARSON CITY – Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sue Lowden has a new ad attacking her GOP rival Sharron Angle over her past votes in the Nevada Legislature to raise lawmaker pay as the June 8 primary draws near and early voting is set to begin tomorrow.

GOP Primary Voters Could Chart Course of State Senate, Nevada Legislature

Part 1 of 2 on Five Key State Senate Races
CARSON CITY – Over the past several legislative sessions the state Senate Republican caucus has shown a willingness to work across the aisle with Democrats, with some GOP lawmakers voting more than once for tax increases as a way to balance the budget.

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