4Paws 4H Dog Club Sponsoring K-9 Training Officer
4Paws 4H dog club is hosting a guest speaker, Officer Jimmy Sherratt of the Carson City Sheriff's Department Canine Unit at its next meeting, Thursday, September 12, 2013 at 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Fuji Park's Exhibit Hall. The meeting is open to children age 5-19 and their families. After a demonstration and presentation by Officer Sherratt and his canine companion, he will have a brief question and answer period. Contact the 4-H Extension Office at 887-2252 for further questions.
- Carson City
- Carson City Sheriff's Office
- $12
- 4-H
- 4H
- carson
- carson city sheriff's department
- Carson City Sheriff's Office Canine Unit
- Carson City/Storey County Cooperative Extension
- children
- Children's Club
- City
- club
- demonstration
- dog
- Dog Club
- Exhibit
- families
- Jimmy Surratt
- Lifestyle
- meeting
- sheriff's department
- training