Meet Vance Alm, M.D. Candidate for U.S. Congress at Friday Carson City Town Hall meeting
"Of the people, by the people, for the people"…Lincoln’s statement about the government of the United States of America. It seems that far too many people now fear our government due to the perception that it doesn’t provide for the common man. There is great concern that we are becoming a nation of the corporation, by the corporation and for the corporation. It seems that the individual doesn’t matter, that our voice is absent in the decisions our country makes. Politics now seem to be all about money and placating the special interests. Complacency, apathy and cynicism need to be replaced with a desire and goal to, once again, make America the indisputable greatest nation on earth. If someone thinks something can’t be done, we need to show them, one by one, not only that it CAN be done, but HOW it CAN and WILL be done. It all starts with one person, one voice, one vote, and it simply grows from there!
Come out to hear my plans of how it can be done and how we, as Nevadans, can truly make a huge impact on this great country!
Friday, May 16, 2014
Carson City Business Library
108 E Proctor Street
Carson City, NV 89701
6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Vance Alm, M.D., currently practices family medicine in Sparks, Nevada. He is a military veteran, serving four years enlisted in the army, then completing his career in the United States Air Force as a Navigation Officer. Vance Alm has specific ideas on how to solve many of the challenges currently facing Nevadans and all Americans.
We invite you to join us at one of these meetings to hear his ideas, ask your questions and to have an opportunity to meet with one of your potential federal representatives one-on-one. Nevada’s Congressional District 2 encompasses most of Northern Nevada (Washoe County, Carson City, Storey County, Humboldt County, Pershing County, Churchill County, Lander County, Eureka County, Elko County, and portions of Douglas County and Lyon County). This is the only federal level election in Northern Nevada this year.
Your voice and your vote count…spread the word!
For more information on Vance Alm, please visit his campaign website and Facebook page, or contact him at:
Vance S. Alm, M.D.
Candidate for U.S. Congress
18124 Wedge Parkway, Suite #2019
Reno, NV 89511
(775) 303-2377
We hope you can attend and we hope you will extend the invitation to friends, family and coworkers. Your voice and your vote can make a change and get the word out, so please share this information with as many people as possible. Thank you for your support!
Whether or not you are able to attend, Dr. Alm would like to remind everyone to honor those who have fought and sometimes died for our rights. Please honor the military…Vote!
June 10, 2014 – Primary Election
November 4, 2014 – General Election
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- Carson City Business
- Carson City NV
- Carson City town hall meeting
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- Congress
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- Nevada's Second Congressional District
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- NV 89511
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- Town Hall
- Town Hall Meeting
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- Vance Alm
- Veteran
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