Muscle Powered Evening Conditioning Hike - C Hill EZ Trail
Meet in the dirt parking area on Curry Street behind the railroad. All events are free, participants are responsible for their own transportation to the meeting site and the leader may request a physician's release at their discretion and all events require closed-toed shoes and water.
Muscle Powered Evening Conditioning Hikes Program:
Evening hikes of 4-6 miles in length with an elevation gain, sometimes over 500 feet and usually on single track trail. The evening hike will usually be 1½ hour duration or more.
All hikes can be found on the Nevada Appeal Events Calendar, the Carson Now Events calendar and at The Muscle Powered calendar is a pubic calendar and you can add it to your Google calendar by clicking on the “Google Calendar” and follow the instructions.
Leader: Donna Inversin 775.315.6763