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Supervisor candidate forum wrap

A few thoughts about tonight's supervisor candidate forum (you can get our live blog of the event here, and the Nevada Appeal version here):

• All candidates did well. There were no obvious gaffs. A lot of times, these forums expose those not-ready-for-prime-time candidates. Not this time. All spoke well and knew the issues.

Politics and Carson Now

Since a lot of people in Carson City know me from my political column that ran for four years in the Nevada Appeal, many asked if Carson Now would follow along the same philosophical slant.

The answer is no. But is Carson Now an "objective" news source? No way.

As someone who enjoys politics and has friends all over the political spectrum, I set out to make Carson Now open to all viewpoints. Anyone can sign up for an account and write whatever they want, subject only to keeping the content PG rated so as not to offend our younger viewers.

Dean Heller spins some tall tales for his hometown friends

I've always liked Dean Heller. We might disagree politically, but my interactions with him have always been friendly. He seems like a truly nice person, the opposite of the what we see in some other Nevada politicians.

But watching him this week at the NNDA breakfast reminded me that Dean's ambition is clearly more important than adherence to truth.

You see, Dean used to come off as a lot more moderate than he does today. As assemblyman and Secretary of State, he championed causes that don't exactly line up with the national GOP's ideology.

The unstoppable evolution of health care reform

These days, I get a chuckle when I see people engaging in philosophical debates over health care reform, or "socialized medicine" as opponents call it.

I understand and respect the positions of those who think government should not be a part of the health care system, that the free market will fix everything. It's an interesting philosophical position, but it faces the brick wall of reality.

Gibbons using heath care reform suit for political purposes?

Let me preface this by saying the just-passed health care reform law provokes strong opinions on both sides, and I'm not going to attempt in this post to pass judgement one way or the other.

But it seems very clear that embattled Gov. Jim Gibbons is trying to use this issue to boost his reelection chances, to the detriment of the state.

Jim Gibbons' tea party gambit

It seems like Gov. Jim Gibbons is officially jumping on the Tea Party bandwagon.

I've been wondering what was taking him so long.

Gibbons has been such a disaster that he might become the first sitting Nevada governor to lose a primary. His main challenger, Brian Sandoval, has raised five times more cash as Gibbons, and there are many who think this race has already been decided.

Nugget Project: Parsing motives

An interesting development in the battle over the Nugget project are the assumptions being made by all sides as to the motives of others.

For instance, many of the opponents or those on the fence assume that Nugget President Steve Neighbors has something up his sleeve. Every time some unanswered question arises, people assume the worst, that this deal is only about enriching the Nugget. Perhaps this comes instinctive to Nevadans, after dealing with our share of casino owners/executives, from Steve Wynn to Bugsy Segal to Frank "Lefty" Rosenthal.

Nugget Project Questions: Who owns the land?

One of the first questions I heard raised about the Nugget redevelopment project had to do with who would own the land.

Some people have the false impression that the Carson Nugget is donating the land to the city.

As it has been proposed, the new library, public plaza and other pieces paid for by the city would be sitting on land owned by the foundation created by Nugget President Steve Neighbors, in accordance with the wishes of late owner Mae Adams.

Nugget project: Setting the baseline for examination

A few weeks ago, I wrote that we would be taking an in-depth look at the Carson Nugget downtown redevelopment project.

Comment on Special Session Starts Tuesday: Likely to be Gawd Awful by Getnlost

I am a single mother of three kids, one with medical needs. I have put in 11 years with the State and I can’t believe the cuts they are talking about.

Comment on Editorial: Nugget Project: No new answers. Only more questions. by Pumpman

Dummies … we are surrounded by dummies!

Comment on Editorial: Nugget Project: No new answers. Only more questions. by Pumpman

CaptainAlex for CC Supervisor … he’s got my vote!

Comment on Editorial: Nugget Project: No new answers. Only more questions. by Pumpman

“Knowlege Center”? Another new term for an old concept (does anyone go to the library for “knowlege” when they can Google the subject on their computer).

Comment on Editorial: Nugget Project: No new answers. Only more questions. by Moondoggie

Way to go Dave. Finally, you mention the $1 million the current “plan” is asking from the City.

Comment on Editorial: Nugget Project: No new answers. Only more questions. by IcedT

Ditto. This whole idea needs to be put on the shelf to collect dust.

Comment on Editorial: Nugget Project: No new answers. Only more questions. by Deusey2

I agree with CaptainAlex. Who is the beneficiary of this boondoggle…Sounds like the owner of the Nugget to me.

Comment on Editorial: Nugget Project: No new answers. Only more questions. by CaptainAlex

Who says we need a new library? The library director, of course, but who else? I have real problems with expanding the library two to three times the existing facility.

Comment on Child pornography on-line trader gets probation by I read

How sad the Judge did not have time to see the evidence before making a verdict. Another criminal gets a slap on the hand. “Next time”?

Comment on CC Attorney Day Williams announces candidacy for Supervisor Ward 3 by IcedT

Hopefully if elected, he’ll work to clean up the neighborhood of junk cars, neglected dogs and hazardous materials.

Comment on CC Attorney Day Williams announces candidacy for Supervisor Ward 3 by 33woody

Day Williams is a good citizen and would make a great Supervisor for Ward 3.

Comment on Child pornography on-line trader gets probation by Tony M

Just probation? I am really very surprised at Judge Russell’s decision. My teenage neighbor worked with him at the haunted house. I certainly hope they actively keep an eye on this pedophile!

Comment on CC Freeway landscaping officially approved by Supervisors by Tony M

I think this is great! Hopefully the taggers and vandals will leave it alone. Doubt it, though.

Comment on Nugget Project Economic Incubator dropped from CDBG funding list by RiverCitySam

What is going on at City Hall? Who is running the City? For years the CDBG funds have always gone to low and moderate income folks.

Comment on Nugget Project Economic Incubator dropped from CDBG funding list by RiverCitySam

What is going on at City Hall? Who is running the City? For years the CDBG funds have always gone to low and moderate income folks.

Comment on Gov. Gibbons passes the hat for teachers… by DE Boy

Please don’t tell me this is an actual story. Please tell me its just a joke???!!!

Comment on Editorial: Should City Hall be trying to use federal money intended to help low and middle income Carson City residents to pump up a still questionable downtown Nugget Project? by RiverCitySam

What is going on at City Hall? Who is running the City? For years the CDBG funds have always gone to low and moderate income folks.

Comment on Nugget Project Economic Incubator dropped from CDBG funding list by Joe Childs

While I am pleased to see the application by Carson City’s Office of Business Development (CCBD) for HUD funds to build a business incubator have been withdrawn, I am still very concerned that it w

Comment on Deputy Bob Guimont: Why I want to be Sheriff by Kowalski

So proud of Bob Guimont. Here is a man who has done right by everyone around him and now its time we citizens do right by him and elect him as our next Sheriff in June!

Comment on Deputy Bob Guimont: Why I want to be Sheriff by Kowalski

Wow! Finally someone who has the courage and passion to go after the criminals that are running our beautiful town into the ground! Bob Guimont is exactly the man Carson City NEEDS as Sheriff.

Comment on Deputy Bob Guimont: Why I want to be Sheriff by IcedT

Go Bob! You had our support last time and you still have it.

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