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Fresh Ideas: Home means Nevada

My husband, our 1-year-old son and I moved to Carson City 23 years ago looking for a good small town in which to raise our kids. We arrived here and spent the next 18 years doing the usual family s...

Sue Morrow: Chrystal retires from commission on tourism

The next time Chris Chrystal takes a trip, it won't be with a dozen or so charges in the form of visitors from the United States and other countries under her wing.The former media relations manage...

Guy Farmer: The Royal Wedding: Do we care?

Of course I was glued to the tube at 3 a.m. Friday to watch Britain's Prince William marry "commoner" Kate Middleton. I got so excited that I almost spilled coffee out of my brand new Will and Kate...

EUGENE T. PASLOV: Rep. Paul Ryan: Hero or villain?

Congressman Paul Ryan has been called "courageous" by his supporters and a "villain" by his detractors. He's obviously a talented "numbers guy" who has forgotten that our country is based on pCopyr...

Chuck Muth: RINO in the Midst

In the Republican primary for state senate last year, then-Assemblyman Joe Hardy, R-Clark County, falsely advertised himself as a conservative in order to get elected.For example, he said in campai...

My memories of Chernobyl

By Tatyana Floam
Every time I think about that day, it brings tears to my eyes.

We lived in Kiev, Ukraine, about an hour away from Chernobyl, when it happened. I was 22, married, on maternity leave taking care of our 15-month-old son Danny. We knew about the accident that day, but were not sure how bad it was, and what it really meant for us.

Commentary by Bob Thomas: GOP has strong stable of presidential candidates

"Anybody that wants the presidency so much that he'll spend two years organizing and campaigning for it is not to be trusted with the office."- David BroderIt's time to take a curmudgeon's look --C...

Super-Couponing Tips: Can stores say 'no' to manufacturer coupons?

Question: "I tried to redeem coupons at a store in my area and was told they do not accept coupons. Is a store that sells Colgate toothpaste not required by the manufacturer of Colgate to accept ma...

Frugal Living: Overused frugal tips: Captain Obvious strikes again

There's frugal mania out there. The problem is that some of the tips are the same suggestions being mentioned over and over. While they might be new for some people, seasoned frugalitarians think t...

Guy W. Farmer: The high cost of illegal immigration

During a recent family visit to Seattle, I came across some startling statistics about the high cost of illegal immigration. According to the Seattle Times, the state of Washington will spend more ...

U.S. needs to get deficit under control

Most of us who have heard the saying "Nero fiddles while Rome burns" may not be aware that the fiddle, or violin was not invented until the 16th century. Regardless of it's dubious origin, the sayi...

Deana Hoover: Easter season is a time for hope

My life is good - really good. The sun shines and warms my face while the air is filled with the scent of spring flowers. The birds sing and chatter outside my window. I have a warm bed that holds ...

Eugene T. Paslov: What are the Republicans doing?

It's difficult to discern if Republicans are doing anything to solve our economic problems. The Republican governors have an ideological agenda and are attacking unions, teachers and public employe...

Blog: John Ensign episode ... too many

By Elizabeth Crum / Nevada News Bureau
With yesterday’s preemptive, hastily announced resignation, Senator John Ensign’s graceless fall from grace continued.

CHUCK MUTH: Republicans' mixed bag: Senate prospects better, House prospects worse

--CHUCK MUTH: Republicans' mixed bag: Senate prospects better, House prospects worseApril, 22 2011 12:35 am MST...

Our Opinion: Remember the early pioneers on Earth Day

We think that reusing, reducing and recycling materials would have appealed to the early pioneers.We know that the early farmers and ranchers were conservationists. They didn't have a choice, they ...

TYRUS W. COBB: End game in Carson - waiting for Raggio

--TYRUS W. COBB: End game in Carson - waiting for RaggioApril, 23 2011 12:16 pm MST...

Commentary by Jim Bagwell: After mishandling budget, it is time for Reid to resign

Only a few short months ago I said I would begin my own little campaign of calling for our senior Senator to resign if he did not begin to use his leadership position in a responsible way by leadin...

SUE MORROW: Something's got to give in TRPA debate

A bill that would pull the state out of the bi-state Nevada-California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has been referred to the Senate Finance Committee after passage early last week in the Governme...

Guy W. Farmer: Japan's nuclear disaster and Yucca Mountain

My friend and fellow columnist Ty Cobb Sr. seems to think that the Japanese nuclear disaster makes the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump inevitable. I beg to differ, however, because I thi...

Commentary by David Cantwell: Who will pay for all these worthy causes?

The - recently published a column by Eugene Paslov. His main points, are in italics and my disagreement follows."Public employees don't make too much money and if they did, that would be relative t...

Eugene Paslov: The law of unintended consequences

The law of unintended consequencesGov. Brian Sandoval is a decent man. He believes he's doing the right thing. He's wrong. He believes you can cut budgets, services and government, advocating "no n...

Letters to the Editor for April 16

Family going to lose property in DaytonMy father farmed 40 acres near Dayton for over 30 years. The land he occupied had water rights and a potential for development which gave it significant value...

Opinion: Legislature assures uninterrupted supplies for crystal meth production

The Nevada legislature just gave the finger to every law enforcement officer who daily puts his or her life on the line in the fight against illegal drugs. Officers like the Carson City deputies who discovered a boy being held in a makeshift home prison by his meth-addicted parents.

The same day that story broke, State Senator Sheila Leslie had to pull a bill that is designed to seriously interrupt the availability of essential ingredients for methamphetamine production, because it didn't have the support it needs to pass the Senate.

It's hardly a surprise.

Letters to the editor for April 15

Legislators need to think about 2013, tooAs our current hack-and-slash legislative session wearily grinds toward it's cessation, I have a question. What happens when the 2013 Legislature convenes a...

Chuck Muth: Happy Taxed Enough Already (TEA) anniversary!

Today marks the unofficial third anniversary of the establishment of the tea party movement. And for those who don't know or may have forgotten, the TEA in tea party stands for Taxed Enough Already...

Letters to the Editor for April 14

Musical theatre program at WNC needs savingThe times are terrifying. Not only are we scared of wars, acts of nature, terrorism, radiation from Japan and the ever-increasing price of gas, we are mor...

Tyrus Cobb: Sen. Key Pittman: On ice and an American 'diplomat' extraordinaire

One of the most colorful figures in 20th century Nevada history has to be Sen. Key Pittman, a one-time gold miner, later a U.S. Senator, where he, among other things, actually chaired the Foreign R...

Fresh Ideas by Abby Johnson: Tunnel vision's affect on nuclear waste

"Tunnel vision - a narrow outlook; specifically the focus of attention on a particular problem without proper regard for possible consequences or alternative approaches" - Webster's New World Dicti...

Eric Herzik: Proposed budget puts Nevada's education system on wrong path

For 100 years, higher education has been a primary gateway to a better life for Americans. People with college degrees make more money, divorce less, live longer and secure a better future for thei...

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