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Deep Thoughts, Cheap Thoughts and Bonbons

The New Year has begun, and quite surprisingly the past year has gone by extremely fast. Unsurprisingly, rarely did anything surprise me during my first year as a Supervisor. Granted there are moments when one believes he/she is making the right and prudent decision, but I did learn that regardless of how one votes, there will always be consequences.

What is most popular in the public opinion could and often does influence and create pressure for city staff to revitalize their position on the issues of the day, and then they may or may not make an agenda item for that subject matter.

The Education of Len Semas-Jim Wheeler and the Modern Conservative Movement-Is Barry Goldwater A Liberal?

Event Date: 
December 29, 2013 (All day)

Barry Goldwater’s War against the Religious Right

Known as ‘Mr. Conservative,’ Barry Goldwater embodied conservative values throughout his service as a Senator from Arizona, but he would oppose much of what conservatives have been doing today.

Present day conservatives take many of their marching orders from the Christian right, also known as social conservatives, but Barry Goldwater resoundingly rejected them as extremists who disgrace the word ‘conservatism.’

Lake Tahoe: Can we save it?

Development, climate change and runoff threaten to soil the waters of pristine Lake Tahoe. The largest, clearest lake of its kind in North America, Tahoe draws 3 million visitors to Nevada and California every year.

PBS NewsHour recently featured KQED's documentary on efforts to save Tahoe's pristine waters and to protect it for generations to come.

Carson City public safety column: Teen drinking on New Year's Eve is not only illegal but dangerous

Do you know where your teenager will be this New Year's Eve? Chances are they may very well be at a party. Every year the Carson City Sheriff's Office respond to reports of juveniles drinking at residences. Often these calls come in due to the music playing too loud, vehicles being parked illegally or a disturbance has broken out.

A Christian-Jew?

Christian Jewish Fellowship Symbol

As we celebrate Christmas this year, let us remember again together that we are celebrating the birth of a Jewish Rabbi named Jesus. Many Christians and Jews dispute this fact of history. They tell me that one can be Jewish or Christian but all must choose between Christianity or Judaism. Yet when I revisit history, I realize that I am both Christian and Jew by following the teachings of a Jewish Rabbi. If you think about it, you may agree that most Christians are Christian-Jews that have forgotten history.

Downtown Carson City vision plan promotes small business, provides incentive for new business

There has been a lot of controversy and negative press over the last few years regarding our downtown and the movement of the 20/20 group. Many of you remember Carson City having a downtown. Some of you are new to our area within the last 30 years, and some are of a generation who grew up here and only know what you have been familiar with. In all these scenarios change is very unsettling.

Giving Thanks

2013 is about to end, where did it go? How do you say thank you to the many people that were there for you? So I decided to write this letter.

Warning: Thieves are breaking into cars

I am just wanting to warn the residents in Carson City that there are people that are breaking into cars in the evening and stealing items from them. I live on south east side of Carson City near Seeliger Elementary School. Last night our neighborhood was hit.

One car had the rear window completely broken out. My husband had someone break into his vehicles and steal a bunch of his construction tools (Skil Saw, Cordless Drill, radio charger, grinder and more) that he needs for work and is now going to cost us a pretty penny to replace.

Common Core -- The Legal Case Against It

The adoption and implementation of Common Core (CCSS) in Nevada is patently ILLEGAL. Everything they are doing, everything they have done, and the way they have gone about it is illegal.

On the Nevada side,

According to the NRS 389.520, the authority to determine what STANDARDS will be imposed on Nevada's schools is assigned to the Council To Establish Academic Standards. 

NRS 389.520

1.  The Council shall:
(a) Establish standards of content and performance, including, without limitation, a prescription of the resulting level of achievement



Another Thanksgiving
The Turkey and Ham,
Obama and Biden,
Their Commucrat plan.

Still let us be thankful
Because this we know
For those unemployed
Only three years to go!

Rethinking Common Core... it is still a Huge Step DOWN

The Common Core "State" Standards are a major change in the purpose, content and methodology of educating children from K through 12. According to some reports, not only are the college entrance exams being revised to be Common Core compliant, COLLEGES are also said to be considering adapting the change.

The question is, the change from WHAT?

The question is important because Common Core is either a step up, or just another step further down the road of the ever lower "progressive" standards that America has been experimenting with for over a hundred years. 

Regarding article in Nevada Appeal

At that last BOS meeting, a majority vote (Crowell, Abowd & Bonkowski) had approved the agenda item to revitalize all corridors, and build the MAC & Animal Shelter. However, after the vote staff had been directed not to pursue this as it was felt the votes would not be forthcoming when it came back to the Board.

Response to: Playing politics is not good for Carson City business climate

Mr. Abowd, I would like to clarify the vote last Thursday that you mentioned. The board passed the measure with a majority vote of 3-2. However, the Mayor instructed city staff to disregard our vote. I suggest you contact the Mayor for further clarification on his decision to override this majority vote.

Letter: Playing politics is not good for Carson City business climate

This is a letter to the editor addressed to Carson City Board of Supervisor Jim Shirk: Jim, Your vote Thursday although disappointing was not a surprise. I believe either you have no experience in running a business and its challenges or you have no respect for the power of small business. We small business owners are also tax and fee payers to not only City, State but also Federal government. We are also the employers.

Capital Crossfire: The demise of the death penalty in Nevada, a bane or blessing?

Capital Crossfire hosts Shelly Aldean and Karl Neathammer discuss the death penalty in Nevada with Nancy Hart, an attorney with the Nevada Coalition Against the Death Penalty and Mark Krueger, assistant district attorney for Carson City.

“Capital Crossfire” can be viewed on Charter Cable 210 Sundays at 7:30pm, Tuesdays at 8pm or Saturdays at 2pm.

The Nature of Peace

Letter: Carson City’s Sidewalk to Nowhere

With all the deferred infrastructure maintenance in our city, you would expect key projects to receive priority funding. Not so with the relatively new sidewalk in front of city public works facilities on the south side of Butti Way between Fairview and Airport.

This sidewalk serves virtually no one in a given day, probably cost taxpayers upwards of $200,000, and diverted funds from repairing crumbling sidewalks that serve many people.

Guy Rocha: Where was the site of Chinatown in Carson City?

According to United States census data, the largest Chinatown in frontier Nevada was situated on Carson City’s southeast side of town. Perhaps for a few years in the mid-1870s when Virginia City’s population was at its height did the overall number of its Chinese residents exceed that of Carson City.

Common Core - A Stab at the Heart of American Education

They say 45 states have adopted the Common Core “State” Standards for grades K-12. If you have not heard about them yet, that’s because they rammed it through with the same “you have to pass it to find out what’s in it” arrogance that gave us obamacare. The two of them are pillars of the “fundamental transformation” that candidate Obama promised in 2008.


Common Core, The Promise

To learn what the fuss is all about, look in

Remember the little ones when you decorate for Halloween

I would like to plead to our neighbors in Carson City to not have awful decorations up for Halloween. Halloween is a great time for fun and a bit of a scare, but not for rated R front yards.

It’s fun to decorate, but sometimes we kids feel like people decorate a little too much on Halloween. I go to school at Mark Twain Elementary. There is a house practically right in front of the school, and everyone sees it’s awful decorations, every morning while going to school.

Opinion: Yay and Nay votes require study

The city’s website does not recap how the board voted after each meeting. To learn how I vote on an item, you must watch or attend the meeting. I try to explain and ask questions before each vote so the public can better understand the process for my decision.

Since I took office, I have pulled many Consent Agenda items that will cost tax payers money for discussion prior to any approval. I believe not asking questions and not having public discussion about spending taxpayer money is wrong.

A petition with respect to Common Core

This is a plea to the readers of this great news site to educate themselves about the Common Core "State" Standards being implemented in our schools, and to join with the growing numbers of parents and concerned citizens who seek to reverse course and do something better before it's too late for our children and grandchildren.

Letter to the editor: A Modest Proposal

To the editor: We all were exposed to “Political Theatre” at its best and worst. The drama, fear mongering, and name-calling, with the same old threats seems old and tired today. It was a very bad, long movie, especially because everybody knew how it would end. But, we went ahead and spent millions to display the ineptness of our entire Government.

Column: Sorry Southern Nevada, but we did need a new road

As a resident of Northern Nevada, I want to thank our neighbors to the south for helping fund the new Interstate 580 link between Carson City and Reno.

I would also like to apologize for the $575 million price tag, which means less funds to help Southern Nevada's traffic congestion problems.

Open letter To The Senior Senator from Nevada (Harry Reid)

Newspapers tell all during Nevada's 150-year history

Because Nevada is coming up on its sesquicentennial, I’ve spent hours in the State Library and Archives in Carson City, squinting at microfilm images of newspaper pages.

Although I’m looking for particular stories, there’s no way to avoid the weird, curious or monumental articles that catch my eye.

Letter to the Editor: Disrupting our economy is a terrorist tactic

To All Fair-minded Americans: At this juncture in our history, we are facing a new terrorist threat. Not from a foreign entity but from a radical extremist sect of the Republican Party. The anti-American factions around the world must be rejoicing to see the government shutdown and know that all the ramifications of this action are caused by our own government.

U.S. Sportsman Alliance says federal land closures political theatre at its worst

As Washington, D.C. faces another government shutdown, hunters, anglers and trappers across the country are facing a shutdown of their own. From Alaska to Florida, sportsmen and women are finding that the budgetary standoff in Congress is having a direct impact on their hunting or fishing season.

Letter: Where is Carson City’s Mary Poppins?

Even the wise, kind and responsible Disney nanny character would face a daunting task were she presented with the continuing public policy fiascos in our troubled town. Mary handled her unbridled charges with aplomb and urgency. Many of our elected and appointed officials need to employ these traits.

State Fair

At last, someone I can vote for

It seems like a rare opportunity these days to be able to cast a vote in an election and feel good about your selection. Most of the time I wind up voting against the other person as a choice between the lesser of two evils. As a result, I believe most Americans are unhappy at one time or another about some facet of their government, whether local, state or national.

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