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National Report Gives Nevada Good Grades for Tax Policy, Ability to Rebound from Recession

CARSON CITY – Nevada has crafted the proper policies of low taxes and small government that has helped it weather the current recession, and these same policies have positioned the state to respond favorably when the economic recovery takes hold, according to a report released today by the American Legislative Exchange Council.

Attorney General Criticized by Gibbons Administration Official for Violating Attorney Client Privilege in Health Care Lawsuit Dispute

CARSON CITY – A member of the Gibbons administration said today he believes Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto violated attorney-client privilege when she commented on legal work she is doing on behalf of the governor.
The comment was made by Deputy Chief of Staff Lynn Hettrick during an interview on the Nevada NewsMakers television program. The discussion centered on Gibbons’ decision to move forward today with a challenge to the federal health care law without the participation of the attorney general’s office.

Sen. Harry Reid at Comma Coffee

Here is video of Sen. Reid's talk at Comma Coffee, recorded live via iPhone:


We'll have more video later.

Loans for Unemployment put Nevada over $300 Million in Debt

Nevada has borrowed a total of $331 million to pay for unemployment benefits as of March 31, according to Cynthia Jones, administrator of Nevada’s Employment Security Division. The loans have been taken out in order to deal with the swelling numbers of unemployed Nevadans during the current financial crisis.

The "Inyo" in Canada

Sen. Harry Reid to stop in Carson City this morning

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will be making a campaign stop in Carson City at 10 a.m. at Comma Coffee. Since this is the regular time and place we shoot our weekly OurTown show, we will be there with our cameras, and will bring you live video of the event here.

Update: The senator will be here at around 11 a.m.

Update 11:30: Senator is now taking questions from the audience.

State Launches Redesigned Stimulus Reporting Website

CARSON CITY – Governor Jim Gibbon’s today announced that the state has redesigned its website for reporting activities related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to allow greater transparency of the stimulus program in Nevada.
“We are committed to making information about Nevada’s use of stimulus funds readily available to our residents,” the Governor said. “During these tough economic times, it’s important that our citizens know we are utilizing stimulus in the most efficient way that will help our economy and create more jobs for Nevadans.”

What Health Insurance Reform Means for Nevada Medicaid

The recently-passed health insurance reform bill will lead to major changes for Nevada’s Medicaid program.

NV Energy giving V&T reconstruction commission $100,000 check

Written by NV Energy Public Information Officer Karl Walquist:

The effort to reconstruct the historic Virginia & Truckee Railroad is receiving a boost from NV Energy with a $100,000 grant to the Northern Nevada Railway Foundation, the fund-raising arm of the Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway.


Candidates for Governor Weigh In on Public Employee Pension Issues

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s  leading gubernatorial hopefuls all acknowledge the importance of ensuring the long-term health of the public employee pension program, but the three Republican candidates – Gov. Jim Gibbons, former federal judge Brian Sandoval and former North Las Vegas mayor Mike Montandon – each say it is time for significant changes.

Live: V&T Commission

OPINION: NLRA Could Do What Rain, Sleet and Snow Can’t?

FedEx Express drivers are currently covered under the Railway Labor Act (RLA), the labor law intended for planes and trains, not automobiles.
On the other hand, every other express delivery driver in the country is covered under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). And a provision in the House version of the pending FAA reauthorization bill would right this inequity in the law and close the FedEx loophole.

IWF Launches Balanced Education for Everyone Campaign, Asks parents to fight for fair education in lead-up to Earth Day activities

(Washington, D.C.) – The Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) launches its latest campaign, Balanced Education for Everyone (BEE) on Monday, April 5. The campaign advocates for parents to take control of their children’s education, especially when it comes to alarmist global warming indoctrination.

OurTown: Norm Scoggin, candidate for Carson City Board of Supervisors

Norm Scoggin, current president of the Carson City School Board, talks about his candidacy for Board of Supervisors Ward 1:


Nevada Supreme Court won't advance court date for showdown over mining tax petitions

The state Supreme Court has refused to move up a court date on a case to handle mining's attempt to scuttle a voter petition drive to raise its taxes.

In so doing, the court rejected a request from the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN) to move up the dates for filing briefs so it doesn't have a chilling effect on the collection of voter signatures.

Gibbons to Masto: "Fine, I'll file suit against the health care law myself!"

In an act of defiance against the advice given him by Attorney General Catherine Cortez-Masto, Governor Gibbons appears to be arranging to have private counsel, acting on his behalf as Governor, file suit against enactment of the recently passed National Health Care Reform Act.

A different "Race to the Top:" Voter registration

Democrats still hold a lead in the total number of registered voters in Nevada, although Republicans hold majorities in 14 of the state's 17 counties.

Johnny Rockets Goes Blue

Johnny Rockets of Carson City is proud to support World Autism Awareness Day www.worldautismawarenessday.org/site/c.egLMI2ODKpF/b.3917065/k.BE58/Home.htm Wear a Blue Ribbon and receive 10% off your check!! Come join the fun at the Carson Lanes Retail Center today (4/2/10), Snyder Ave and Hwy 395.


Nevada partners with Microsoft to train employees, improve job skills

CARSON CITY – Microsoft and the state of Nevada are joining in a free computer training program to help employed or displaced workers improve their skills.

Carson City begins emergency notification telephone system

Carson City has instituted the CodeRED Emergency Notification System which is described as an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications.

This system allows Carson City officials to telephone all or targeted areas of the city in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action, such as a boil-water notice, a missing child or evacuation notices.

Carson City School District is looking at a similar notification system.

Nevada Gets D+ for Failure to Protect Citizens from Asset Forfeiture Abuse

CARSON CITY – Nevada is one of 35 states getting a D grade or lower for failing to protect the public from aggressive asset forfeiture efforts by law enforcement, a process called “policing for profit,” according to a study released this week by the Washington, DC-based Institute for Justice.

OurTown: Carson City supervisor candidate Sean Lehmann

Sean Lehmann talks about his run for Carson City Board of Supervisors Ward 1 seat:


State Treasurer Says General Fund Cash On Hand Is Up

CARSON CITY – State Treasurer Kate Marshall said today she sees some evidence to suggest that Nevada’s economy has stabilized, although that stability remains “tenuous” and “fragile.”
Marshall, in an interview on the Nevada NewsMakers television program, cited a rebound in state general fund cash on hand as evidence of that stabilization.

Casting Call

CC Firefighters get four year contract. Two years with raises, two without

City Supervisors on Thursday agreed to a new four year labor contract between Carson City Firefighters and the City that is a substantial departure from previous contracts.

City Hall helping some workers bail out!

To further demonstrate the dire budget situation Carson City City Hall is in, City Supervisors Thursday agreed to set up a program to pay "less important" city workers to quit. Payments include money, on their behalf, to the Public Employees Retirement System to help departing workers with their retirement situation. If PERS isn't an issue, the city can pay them cash or some sort of deferred compensation, or a combination of all of the above.

OurTown: Chris Bayer of CASA

Chris Bayer talks about events to support Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) program:


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