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Nevada Politics

Stories about Nevada Legislature, Government and Politics

Kirner’s bill revamps PERS plan

Assemblyman Randy Kirner, R-Reno, on Monday introduced legislation that would dramatically alter the Public Employees Retirement System’s benefits for employees hired after July 1, 2016.He said the plan wou...

Nevada Legislature: Bill to restrict gun ownership introduced in Senate

Sen. Debbie Smith’s bill to bar those convicted of domestic battery or stalking from owning of possession guns was introduced in the Senate on Monday.Sen. Pat Spearman, D-Las Vegas, handled t...

Heller: A “heads up” on VA secretary’s apology for lying would have been nice

Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., said he disappointed that Veterans Secretary Robert McDonald did not mention in a meeting Monday that he’d be apologizing the next day for lying about his special operations service....

Carson City-WNC, Great Basin presidents say bridge funding vital

Presidents of Western Nevada and Great Basin colleges told lawmakers on Tuesday the “bridge funding” is critically important to help them shift to the new system funding formula.Two years ago, the Board of Regents and...

More turnover at top of Reno VA benefits office

The Department of Veterans Affairs is turning over leadership again at the top of its embattled regional benefits office in Reno....

Obama vetoes Keystone bill; GOP will try to override

President Barack Obama on Tuesday swiftly delivered on his vow to veto a Republican bill approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada, leaving the long-debated project in limbo for another indefinite period....

Harry Reid dons sunglasses, says he has some vision in injured eye

After two months of wearing an eye patch over his right eye, an on-the-mend Sen. Harry Reid showed up to work today sporting a new look: sunglasses. “We’re working on my beauty here,” he said jokingly. Reid, the Nevada Democrat and ......

Nevada legislators will not take up same-sex marriages, citing court rulings

There will not be a repeat of the drama that played out in the state Legislature two years ago over gay marriage now that a federal appeals court has ruled same-sex marriage is legal in Nevada....

Reid shows up in shades; bandages have vanished

U.S. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada was sporting a new look Tuesday after two months of being seen wearing a broad bandage over the right side of his face....

Bill would make physical education mandatory in Nevada

Physical education could be mandatory for students in kindergarten through 11th grade if a bill passes the Nevada Legislature. Members of the Senate Education Committee are meeting Tuesday to review SB178, which would close some loopholes that ......

Education officials lobby for $27 million for UNLV medical school

The top brass of UNLV and the Nevada System of Higher Education lobbied lawmakers today for $27 million in upfront funding for a medical school in ......

Legislators asked for more UNLV medical school funds

University officials made their pitch to the Legislature Tuesday to increase initial funding for a UNLV medical school beyond the $9.3 million that was included in Gov. Brian Sandoval’s budget so it can begin operating in 2017....

Experts say GOP-fueled voter ID bill wouldn't curb election fraud

Election experts in Nevada and elsewhere say proposed voter ID laws would do nothing to prevent the casting of illegal ballots. But a cohort of right-wing legislators insist that ......

Nevada Legislature: Bill to restrict gun ownership introduced in Senate

Sen. Debbie Smith’s bill to bar those convicted of domestic battery or stalking from owning of possession guns was introduced in the Senate on Monday.Sen. Pat Spearman, D-Las Vegas, handled the...

Kirner’s bill revamps PERS plan

Assemblyman Randy Kirner, R-Reno, on Monday introduced legislation that would dramatically alter the Public Employees Retirement System’s benefits for employees hired after July 1, 2016.He said the plan wou...

Las Vegas activist to join Obama in Florida town hall-style meeting

Las Vegas activist Astrid Silva will be in Miami this week to join President Barack Obama at a town hall-style meeting to rally support for his executive actions on ......

Here’s a tort the Republican Party can get behind!

Assembly Bill 120 would allow students to sue if they believe their free exercise of religion rights have been violated....

‘Students’ rights’ bill debated in Legislature

The sponsor of a bill heard in the Assembly Education Committee Monday said he wants to protect students like 2008 Henderson valedictorian Brittany McComb, whose commencement speech was cut off when she spoke about her Christian faith....

Laxalt: This is not about immigration; it's about the president

In testimony slated to be given Wednesday before the House Judicary Committee, Attorney General Adam Laxalt plans to try to steer the discussion away from the political hot button of immigration to "the President’s attempt to change the law through unconstitutional executive action."
According to th...

Bill would punish contractors who employ people living illegally in U.S.

Conservative Assemblyman Ira Hansen wants to prohibit licensed Nevada contractors from hiring people who are in the country illegally....

As Nevada braces, Sandoval urges GOP to pass homeland security bill

Gov. Brian Sandoval on Monday urged Republicans in Congress to pass a homeland security bill by deadline this week and avert a shutdown that could disrupt millions of dollars in grants to Nevada and more than 1,500 government workers....

Nevada Democrats planning pay equity bill

CARSON CITY — Legislative Democratic leaders Monday announced plans to introduce a bill requiring equal pay for equal work in Nevada....

Democrats look to rebuilding Latino base after 2014 drubbing

Latino voter turnout fell in 2014 below both 2012 and 2010, accounting in part for the drop in Democratic votes and the rising Republican wave that gave the GOP control of the U.S. Senate and both houses of the Nevada Legislature....

Dr. Fiore is in: Cancer is a fungus that can be flushed out!

I think we should start a betting pool on just how many insane effusions will come out of Assemblywoman Michele Fiore's mouth every week.
Last week it was the "hot li...

Bill to change PERS introduced in Nevada Assembly

A bill seeking to change the public employees retirement system for future hires by switching to a mostly defined-contribution plan was introduced Monday in the Assembly....

Did I miss anything?

After a week away, Steve catches up on some news that broke while he was on staycation....

Lawmakers hear debate over ‘presumed’ benefits for workers

Local governments want to limit presumed benefits for public safety workers who develop heart or lung disease, cancer or hepatitis, but police, fire and other labor organizations Monday denounced cost concerns as unfounded....

Mayor Goodman, Anthony wrangle over stadium issue in radio debate

Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman launched her first attack against challenger City Councilman Stavros Anthony this morning when she accused the former Metro Police officer of ......

Sandoval reform plan could upend low-performing schools

A state takeover of local schools. Those words and little more have been revealed about Gov. Brian Sandoval's plan to yank Nevada's worst schools out of their local districts and into state control.

All that's been provided is the name of a new state agency — the Achievement School District — under which these failing schools would be placed, and a list of 78 schools put on watch by the Nevada Department of Education.

Nevada matters in immigration debate

Two disparate events Wednesday will showcase Nevada with the ongoing immigration reform debate as a backdrop....

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