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Nevada Politics

Stories about Nevada Legislature, Government and Politics

Potential 2016 candidate Jeb Bush talks conservative values at Vegas event

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on Monday told a crowd of about 400 people in Las Vegas that he applies conservative values — not just talks about them — as he seriously considers a run for president in 2016....

Bill would promote equal pay, tighten discrimination laws

Republican Senate Majority Leader Michael Roberson earned praise and pledges of bipartisan cooperation Monday for his bill that would tighten Nevada’s employment discrimination laws and provide remedies to promote equal pay for equal work....

Secret Service arrests 2 in White House security incidents

Uniformed Secret Service police have arrested two people who breached security at the White House and triggered brief lockdowns at the presidential residence, the Secret Service said on Monday....

Protesters rally against proposed state takeover of federal land

Protesters gathered outside the Nevada Legislature today to preemptively rebuke a Republican-backed resolution calling for the federal government to transfer public lands to the state. Detractors say a state land grab ......

Israel’s Netanyahu warns US on nuclear deal with Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned the United States on Monday that the nuclear deal it is negotiating with Iran could threaten Israel’s survival and insisted he had a “moral obligation” to speak up about deep differences with President Barack Obama on the issue....

Hambrick recall pitch revealed

The geniuses seeking to recall Speaker John Hambrick because he dared to suggest the state might need more money for education, which is what two-thirds of Nevadans believe, have begun dropping ...

Calif. GOP officially recognizes gay rights group

California Republicans broke from their own platform on Sunday and voted overwhelmingly at their state party convention to give official recognition to a gay rights wing of the GOP that has long been marginalized....

Bill introduced to regulate e-cigarettes like tobacco

Use of electronic cigarettes and liquid nicotine would be regulated the same as tobacco under a bill introduced in the Nevada Senate on Monday....

Assemblyman back at work after arrest on DUI charge

Assemblyman Richard Carrillo was back at work in the Nevada Legislature on Monday following his arrest last week on alleged drunken driving and a weapons charge....

Jeb Bush’s ‘03 economic plan in Fla. produces mixed results

In October 2003, Jeb Bush unveiled one of the largest economic projects in Florida history: a $500 million plan to bring Scripps Research Institute to the state and build a biomedical hub he said would generate nearly 50,000 jobs in 15 years....

Likely GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush stops in Las Vegas

Likely presidential candidate Jeb Bush is making the first of what could be many visits to Las Vegas with a stop today at a community center in Sun City Summerlin. Bush will stop by ......

Business group may back tax plan this week

The Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance is meeting Tuesday morning to review several tax studies, and may endorse one of them....

Poll: Nevadans favor Sandoval tax increase plan

A majority of likely Nevada voters back Gov. Brian Sandoval’s plan to raise taxes to bring in more money for education, with 56 percent backing his proposed higher business license fee and 41 percent opposing the idea, according to a new poll released Monday....

Poll: Sandoval remains popular, so do his education ideas

Team Sandoval has created a nonprofit, Nevada Can Do Better, to help sell his tax plan, and released a new poll showing, among other things:
----Obama, 44-51 (Vegas-46-49!)
----Sandoval, 75-17. Wow.
----Legislature, 40-22. Nearly 40 percent with no opinion. Amazing.
----78 percent say public schools...

Bill would require hospitals to prepare, instruct those assisting patients

A bill making its way through the Nevada Legislature hopes to change that by helping prepare home caregivers for the tasks they will face and keeping them in the loop when decisions are about aftercare....

Striving for a better Las Vegas: These young leaders are committed to improving Southern Nevada

A presidential shout-out last year turned local immigration activist Astrid Silva into an instant celebrity. The UNLV student was thrust into the national spotlight as the face of President Barack Obama’s plan to spare millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation. But Silva isn’t the only l...

Reid still punching for a Jack Johnson pardon

Neither a decade of lobbying nor the passage of two congressional resolutions has won a presidential pardon for famed boxer Jack Johnson, the first African-American heavyweight champ widely believed to have been unjustly convicted of a morals crime more than a century ago....

County: Media interviews with Family Services workers need director’s approval

Clark County child welfare workers should have the freedom to voice job-related concerns to the news media, contends the union that represents them. But a Family Services media policy revision enacted by county officials in 2014 means they now have to get permission from the department director ...

Competing agencies contend for animal shelter contract

After more than a year of mewling and howling, Clark County leaders may soon decide who gets to run Nevada’s largest animal shelter. A county commissioners’ meeting set for March 17 could settle what appears to be a two-way race....

Contradiction arises in O’Reilly’s recounting of JFK story

Earlier this week, amid scrutiny about how O’Reilly has recounted some of his journalistic exploits, the liberal watchdog group Media Matters for America drew new attention to Morley’s fact-checking....

Obama to veto bill allowing Congress to join Iran negotiations

The United States and five other major powers are seeking to negotiate an agreement with Iran to curb its nuclear program in exchange for relief from economic sanctions....

Sandoval has a chance to make a major investment

If Gov. Brian Sandoval really wants to make an economic impact on the state, he’ll make room in his budget for a UNLV medical school....

Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison calls for reform of teacher protection rules

If Nevada doesn’t reform rules that currently protect teachers based on seniority rather than performance, Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison says the state is just setting itself up for a lawsuit like the one which t...

Inmate dies at Carson City Correctional Center

CARSON CITY — An inmate serving time for possession of a stolen vehicle in Clark County has died at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center in Carson City. Nevada Department of Corrections officials say 52-year-old Ja...

Bill introduced would repeal Adam Walsh Act in Nevada

State Sen. Richard “Tick” Segerblom, D-Las Vegas, and Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, R-Las Vegas, introduced Senate Bill 99 in February to repeal the state’s version of the federal Adam Walsh Act. Critics have said the law disenfranchises juveniles who could be reformed, and many think the way the...

Lawmakers move to stop agencies from paying for union work

Paying Clark County government employees for time spent doing union business cost taxpayers $346,000 in 2013....

GOP to attack Democrats on national security in 2016 election

If this week was any indication, Republicans could spend much of the 2016 presidential election attacking Democrats as weak on national security, rather than focusing on the economic concerns that have preoccupied voters in recent years....

Thousands protest right-to-work bull at Wisconsin capitol

Wisconsin unions bussed in thousands of workers from around the state on Saturday to demonstrate against the impending adoption of a law that would ban private sector workers from being required to join a union or pay dues....

Questions that need answers before Netanyahu’s Washington visit

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is just days away from landing in Washington, where a storm is raging over his plans to address a joint session of Congress....

Proposed collective bargaining bill is debated

Local governments say they need the ability to reopen collective bargaining agreements in times of fiscal emergencies.But union officials told members of the Senate Government Affairs Committee SB168 goes too far and ...

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