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Nevada Politics

Stories about Nevada Legislature, Government and Politics

Woman who threw shoe at Hillary Clinton to stay in Arizona

A woman who threw a shoe at Hillary Rodham Clinton during a speech the former secretary of state made in Las Vegas last April has been sentenced to one year of federal supervision in her home state of ......

Clark County officials eye fire safety of hookah lounges

Clark County is in the early stages of looking into potential fire code changes aimed at improving the safety at hookah lounges, where patrons light up flavored tobacco....

Officials slam proposed ads on Strip pedestrian bridges

The Las Vegas Strip is already saturated with advertisements, so what harm could be done by adding a few more to the pedestrian bridges that span ......

Adam Laxalt proposes legal assistance program for vets

CARSON CITY — Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt recently announced the formation of an advisory committee for the potential creation of a military legal assistance program in the state.Members of Nevada’s...

Nevada Legislature: Judiciary hears bill to protect sellers of defective products

Senate Majority Leader Michael Roberson, R-Las Vegas, told the Judiciary Committee on Thursday innocent product sellers shouldn’t be “dragged into court” to defend faulty products.The measure is one of several tort re...

Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison calls for reform of teacher protection rules

If Nevada doesn’t reform rules that currently protect teachers based on seniority rather than performance, Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison says the state is just setting itself up for a lawsuit like the one which t...

Commissioners meet Thursday

The first County Commission meeting of March will be held today at 8:15 a.m. at the Churchill County Administration Building chambers, 155 N. Taylor St. Among the items commissioners will discuss and that...

Clark County might close popular lion habitat

Clark County is considering shutting down Lion Habitat Ranch, citing zoning violations and safety concerns. It says the only exotic animals that should be on the property are lions....

City officials run unopposed

Fallon Mayor Ken Tedford, Councilman Robert “Bob” Erickson and Councilwoman Kelly Frost face no opposition for another term because no one “threw their hats in the ring” t...

January gaming down by 9.2 percent

A strong increase Baccarat win fueled a 7.75 percent overall increase in statewide gaming win for January.Baccarat was up 69.2 percent or $56.3 million to a total of $137.8 million for the month.Total gamin...

Nevada Republicans applaud Netanyahu speech; Dems frustrated

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech urging Congress to take a firmer hand on Iran than what is being pursued by President Barack Obama was applauded by Nevada Republicans but was greeted with frustration by Democrats....

"Nobody is going to support you. You are done, dead, you're finished."

That's the allegation in a complaint filed Tuesday with legislative police by Assemblyman John Moore against Majority Leader Paul Anderson.
The confrontation came after Anderson tried to persuade Moore to change his vote to get a controversial school construction/bond rollover bill out of committee....

Democrats scramble to stop fallout from Clinton email revelation

Democrats scrambled on Tuesday to contain the fallout from revelations that their favored 2016 presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, may have violated the spirit of federal records laws by using her personal email for work while secretary of state....

House passes Homeland Security funding bill

The House of Representatives approved full fiscal-year funding for the U.S. domestic security agency on Tuesday, dealing a blow to conservative Republicans who had wanted the bill to include language blocking President Barack Obama’s recent executive orders on immigration....

House votes to fund DHS without immigration blocks

Congress voted today to fund the U.S. Department of Homeland Security without restricting President Barack Obama’s contentious deferral deportation programs, ending a months-long immigration standoff between ......

Nevada lawmakers react — and don’t — to Netanyahu’s speech

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial speech to Congress elicited no shortage of sharp reactions. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., released a statement saying ......

Bill to change Nevada PERS brings debate in Assembly panel

An Assembly bill seeking to change the public employees retirement system in Nevada for future hires by switching to a mostly defined-contribution plan generated a lengthy debate Tuesday with government employee groups opposed and some business groups supportive....

Israel’s Netanyahu offers ‘no concrete action plan’ on Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to offer an alternative in his speech to the U.S. Congress on the ongoing nuclear talks with Iran, a senior U.S. administration official said on Tuesday....

Bond rollover, prevailing wage bill fails committee vote

A Nevada Assembly committee has failed to pass a bill that would extend school construction bonds and suspend prevailing wage requirements for school projects. The Assembly Government Affairs Committee held a vote on Tuesday to ......

Nevada school bond bill hits block wall in Assembly panel

A controversial bill that would extend a bond rollover program to address pressing school construction needs failed to win a committee vote Tuesday that would have sent it to the full Assembly without a recommendation....

Harry Reid cheered before controversial Netanyahu speech

Sen. Harry Reid received bipartisan cheers and a standing ovation this morning before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began a controversial speech to Congress. “Harry, it’s good to see you ......

Backlash over ‘hot little girls’ remark follows Fiore — even into bathroom

Michele Fiore's recent comments to The New York Times about “young, hot little girls” shooting rapists on college campuses spawned an awkward encounter in a somewhat ......

Groups rally against push to control federal land

Several hundred people gathered Monday at rallies in Utah and Nevada to demonstrate their opposition to efforts by some Western states to seize control of federal lands. At a rally hel...

Proposed state control of federal public lands divides Nevada interests

CARSON CITY — A Senate resolution that asks Congress to convey more than 7 million acres of federal land to state control generated a large volume of testimony on both sides of the issue at a Monday hearing, but the issue appeared to be as polarizing as ever. Ranchers, farmers and some rural Nev...

Did Hillary Clinton break federal laws via email?

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may have violated federal records laws by using a personal email account for all of her work messages, the New York Times reported on Monday....

Divisive federal land grab legislation gets its first hearing

A retread of the Sagebrush Rebellion is ramping up in the Legislature thanks to a GOP-backed measure calling upon the federal government to transfer 7.2 million acres for ......

Senate Republicans may introduce stand-alone school bond rollover bill

Senate Republican leaders announced they will introduce a stand-alone, emergency bill authorizing school districts to roll over bonding authority for school construction projects unless the Assembly passes a comprehensive measure that includes prevailing wage exemptions by the end of the week....

Artist: Clinton museum portrait has nod to Lewinsky's dress

A Philadelphia artist has disclosed that his museum portrait of former President Bill Clinton contains a shadow reference to Monica Lewinsky's infamous blue dress. Nelson Shanks told the Philadelphia Daily News that a shadow beside Clinton ......

Upcoming bill would provide help with student loans

Senate Minority Leader Aaron Ford delivered some encouraging news to university and college students visiting the Legislature Monday: He will soon introduce a bill that would establish a new state-run program to refinance their student loans to reduce their payments....

Premature election?

Recall proponents aiming at John Hambrick are seeking to punish him for crimes he’s yet to commit....

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