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OurTown: Ian MIndling, candidate for Carson City Assessor

Candidate for Carson City Assessor, Ian Mindling, talks about how he would manage the job.


Nevada Lottery Proposal Still Active But Chances For Success Slim, Supporter Says

Nevada News Bureau staff
CARSON CITY – An effort to change Nevada state law to expand the ability to raise money through charitable lotteries is having a tough time gaining support, the sponsor of the proposal said today.

Nevada State Treasurer's Office Announces New College Savings Offering

Nevada News Bureau staff
CARSON CITY – Nevada parents along with their counterparts across the country will soon have a new option to save for their children’s college education.

Chromalloy lays off 91 Carson City positions

Chromalloy Gas Turbine Corporation in Carson City has eliminated 12 full time and 79 contract employees, for a total of 91 people who have gotten their pink slips, officials confirmed today.

"To remain competitive, Chromalloy makes ongoing adjustments to our work force based on the business climate. The company announced a reduction of 79 contractor positions at our Carson City facility two weeks ago. Today we notified 12 full-time staff that their positions have been eliminated," said Cathy Gedvilas, spokesperson for Chromalloy.

Nevada State Controller Unveils New Website, Lists Those With Outstanding Debts To State

By Nevada News Bureau staff
CARSON CITY – Nevada State Controller Kim Wallin today rolled out a new and improved public website that includes a list of businesses and individuals who owe money to the state and the amount they owe.

Dayton Valley Days Benefits Community

Dayton Valley Days on September 18 and 19 will be more than a fun family event. The annual street fair will also benefit several local nonprofits that add to the quality of life in the Dayton Valley.

One of those nonprofits is Central Lyon Youth Connections (CLYC), an organization that offers a number of free programs to enhance positive youth development. Director Michele Watkins explained that CLYC includes Project Success, Volunteer Connections, Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws and service learning projects.

Improving School Success:

Nevada Highway System Ranks 15th Nationally For Performance, Cost-Effectiveness In Latest National Report

By Nevada News Bureau staff
CARSON CITY – Nevada’s highway system ranked 15th among the states in 2008 for performance and cost effectiveness, an improvement of three spots from the prior year, according to a national report released this month by the Reason Foundation.
In first place was North Dakota. Rhode Island ranked 50th.

Carson City sheriff's candidate Bob Guimont names sergeant as his choice for undersheriff

Carson City candidate for sheriff Bob Guimont has selected Sgt. Darrin Sloan as his choice for undersheriff.

Sloan, 47, is a 20-year employee of the Carson City Sheriff's Office, four of those as a volunteer reserve officer and the past six as a sergeant both in the jail and on patrol. Prior to this was employed by the Carson City School District for nine years and served in the U.S. Army.

Nevada's Active Voter Rolls Increase By Nearly 8,000 In August

By Nevada News Bureau staff
CARSON CITY – Nevada’s active voter rolls increased by 7,882 registrations in August, with Democrats picking up just over 2,600 new voters compared to just over 2,000 for Republicans.
Democrats now have 461,461 active registered voters just about two months before the Nov. 2 general election compared to 402,960 for the GOP, a 58,501 edge for Democrats and a slight increase from July.

Polar Express Train


Rep. Dean Heller Says Reid-Angle Race Likely To Be Determined By 5,000 Votes

By Nevada News Bureau staff
CARSON CITY – Rep. Dean Heller, R-Nev., said today he believes the race between U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and GOP challenger Sharron Angle will come down to 5,000 votes.

More twists and turns for the Nugget Project

It's a bit of a challenge to follow the story out today about what's happening with the Carson City Center/Nugget Project.

It starts out saying that Nugget President Steve Neighbors is "encouraged" by the response from the governor's office, after meeting with them to discuss their concerns about the state's role in the project. Those concerns were expressed in a letter from the governor's Deputy Chief of Staff Lynn Hettrick last month.

But later on in today's story, Hettrick said the same issues about providing sufficient space for the Department of Health and Human Services and parking remain. I detailed how this affects the project here, and ran the numbers to show how the state office component of the plan doesn't pencil out.

Sheriff Furlong responds to opponent's comment about gang problem

A comment posted by sheriff candidate Bob Guimont has drawn a lengthy and detailed response by the person he is hoping to replace.

Carson City Sheriff Kenny Furlong sent Carson Now his response to Guimont's comment that was posted after a gang-related shooting incident two weeks ago. Carson Now contacted Guimont and verified that the comment did in fact come from him.

Get the shot: Carson City offers free flu vaccinations on Oct. 16

Saturday, Oct. 16 has been designated Carson City Community Flu Vaccination Day, with vaccines offered to the community at no cost.

It is the seventh year for the program, and by all measures it keeps on growing and has been tremendously successful, health officials said at a press conference this morning.

Last year, there were 8,000 seasonal flu shots given and 21,000 H1N1 shots administered, health officials said.

Carson City planners to review proposed sign plans at Carson Mall

A plan to put up some new signs to spruce up a revitalized and remodeled Carson Mall is on the Carson City Planning Commission agenda on Wednesday.
The Carrington Company, which owns the mall, is asking the city to allow for more signs on the front and back ends of the mall, at the 1313 South Carson Street and the 1457 South Carson Street entrances.

Nevada Rep. Shelley Berkley Supports Ground Zero Mosque Construction, Says May Run for Senate In 2012

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Nevada Rep. Shelley Berkley Thursday defended the right of mosque supporters to build their facility near Ground Zero in New York City, saying she supports religious freedom for all.

Former Employees Still Owed Pay From Well-Connected Las Vegas Gaming Company

CARSON CITY – Half a dozen former employees of a Las Vegas-based gaming company laid off last year say they are still owed about $500,000 in severance pay and other compensation even as the firm continues to receive financial support from high profile investors, including the brother of President Obama’s chief of staff.
One of the former TableMAX Gaming employees, Tyson Wrensch, said efforts to contact current company officials to resolve the compensation issue have not produced any results so far.

Under Fire, State Senate Majority Leader Pulls Plug On ‘Pay To Play’

CARSON CITY – Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio, R-Reno, today criticized a fund-raising “pay to play� letter sent out recently by Majority Leader Steven Horsford, saying it borders on an ethics violation.
“I have always avoided that kind of a fundraiser,� he said. “I think it is inappropriate. The perception is that to have access to a leader or chairman you have to pay. I think that sends a terrible message.�

Nevada Appeal to return to almost-daily status in September

We've now confirmed through multiple sources inside and out that the Nevada Appeal will once again publish on Tuesdays starting Sept. 28.

Our sources say this is related to the elections, which makes a lot of sense. It would be quite a hardship to not have a paper on Election Day, which in years past has be chock full of political ads.

Carson City's new business resource center now open

The city's new Business Resource and Innovation Center is now open for business.

Located across Proctor Street from City Hall, the center brings together the building, planning, business license and business development departments under one roof for the first time. The center also makes resources from the Carson City Library available for those who need to do research for starting or expanding their businesses.

Governor Gibbons Evaluating Strings Tied to Federal Support Before Accepting Funding

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said today he wants to see what strings are attached to the $82 million approved by Congress this week to hire teachers in Nevada before agreeing to accept the funds.

Patricia Potter, former Carson City educator and chair of the Carson-Tahoe Hospital Board of Trustees, dies

Patricia Potter, former Carson City educator and former chair of the Carson-Tahoe Hospital Board of Trustees, died at her Carson City home at 4:40 a.m. on Thursday, August 5, 2010. She was 80.

"I was saddened to learn of Pat's passing," said U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.

"She was a good teacher and a good friend to many Nevadans," Reid added.

"Pat was a strong advocate for change and fought for a better Nevada as chair of the Carson City Democratic Central Committee. My thoughts go out to Pat's family and friends during this difficult time," Reid stated.

Travel Nevada: Railroad buffs venture to Ely to ride on the Nevada Northern Railway

Ely, Nev. – The Nevada Northern Railway is not your usual traditional museum with stationary buildings, equipment and trains that may not even tie to the history of the area.

Sen. Reid earmarks $400k for City Center/Nugget Project business incubator

A financial services bill working its way through the U.S. Senate contains a $400,000 earmark that appears to be destined for the business incubator that is part of the planned Carson City Center/Nugget Project.

Nugget Project report to be delayed, again

It appears that the report on the City Center/Nugget Project slated to be presented at the end of this month will be delayed another 30 days.

According to an email from City Manager Larry Werner, the city and P3 Development need more time to look at issues "related to parking garages, ownership, land use issues, utilities and a myriad of other questions."

Thousands attend National Night Out event in Carson City

Hundreds of families making up, perhaps, several thousand people, gathered Tuesday night at Mills Park in Carson City to attend the region's largest public safety event, the 27th annual National Night Out.

Gov. Gibbons Makes Appointments To State Medical Board, Tahoe Planning Agency

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons today appointed his chief of staff to serve on a panel that oversees planning and environmental issues at Lake Tahoe.

Where does the Nugget Project stand now?

After yesterday's revelation that Gov. Jim Gibbons' office doesn't like the numbers they are seeing about the Nugget Project, what's next?

What the letter from Gibbons' Deputy Chief of Staff Lynn Hettrick was responding to was a newly completed study from Meridian Business Advisors that looked specifically at the feasibility of moving three state agencies to the new Carson City Center Project, AKA Nugget Project.

Governor's office says Nugget Project proponents overstating their support

A letter from Gov. Jim Gibbon's office states that a feasibility study done for the Carson City Center Project (AKA Nugget Project) has "overstated" the governor's support of the project.

Nevada ACLU Seeks Records About FBI Collection Of Racial And Ethnic Data

CARSON CITY –  The American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada today asked the FBI’s Las Vegas field office to turn over records related to the agency’s collection and use of race and ethnicity data in local communities.

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