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Democrats look to rebuilding Latino base after 2014 drubbing

Latino voter turnout fell in 2014 below both 2012 and 2010, accounting in part for the drop in Democratic votes and the rising Republican wave that gave the GOP control of the U.S. Senate and both houses of the Nevada Legislature....

The Magic of Masks with Michelle Lassaline, at Legislature Feb. 24

Carson City native Michelle Lassaline is featured in a special SENarts event at the Nevada Legislature from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24. Lassaline invites the public to meet and interact with some of her fanciful characters, including the Highland Cow, Pashmina Goat, Mountain Bluebird, and Wild Burro. Her presentation is part of “The Work of Artists,” a series of programs scheduled throughout the legislative session. Admission is free.

Senate passes construction defect bill, sends it to governor

A bill aimed at curbing frivolous lawsuits over construction defects has passed the Senate and will be the first major bill of the session to go to the governor. The Senate passed AB125 on Friday in an 11-8 party-line vote. Democrats opposed the ......

Nevada construction defect reform bill OK’d by Senate, sent to governor

A Republican-backed bill overhauling Nevada’s construction defect law was approved Friday by the state Senate on a party-line vote....

Nevada Legislature: First of GOP tort reform bills heard in Senate Judiciary

The first in what is expected to be a series of tort reform bills introduced by the Republican majority was heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.Senate Majority Leader Michael Roberson, R-Las Vegas, sai...

Another gun bill introduced in Nevada Senate

A sweeping gun bill was introduced in the Nevada Senate on Wednesday, seeking a wide range of legal changes from justifiable homicide to precluding people convicted of domestic violence from having firearms....

Update on two key bills: Bond rollover/prevailing wage and voter ID

Here's what's happening on two GOP bills driving Democrats batty:
►SB 119: The bill to allow school bonds to automatically roll over and remove prevailing wage requirements from school construction is in limbo in the Assembly after passing the Senate on

Douglas lands bill arrives in Congress

A lands bill proposed for Douglas County was introduced in the House of Representatives and the Senate.The Douglas County Conservation Act of 2015, S. 472, was introduced in Congress o...

Nevada Legislature: Goicoechea introduces collective bargaining agreement bill

Sen. Pete Goicoechea, R-Eureka, Monday introduced legislation that would require any local government collective bargaining agreement be made public before getting final approval.He said under Senate Bill 158, “they c...

Nevada Legislature: Senate exempts school construction from prevailing wage law

On an 11-9 party-line vote, the Nevada Senate Monday exempted school construction from the state’s prevailing wage law.Senate Bill 119 also exempts university construction projects worth more t...

Obama to meet with Harry Reid as top agenda items debated

President Barack Obama plans to meet with Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid as Congress debates a series of issues at the top of the president's agenda. The White House says Obama will ......

Bill makes it easier for cities to tweak union contracts

A bill introduced in the Nevada Legislature would make it easier for local governments to change contracts with their unions during economic downturns. SB168 was introduced in the Nevada Senate on Tuesday. It allows local governments to...

Assembly OKs bill to rein in construction defect lawsuits

The state Assembly approved a bill today to curb lawyers from filing frivolous construction defect lawsuits and collecting excessive fees. The vote on AB-125, which now goes to the Senate, passed ......

Nevada Republicans introduce voter identification bill

Nevada Republicans have introduced a bill that would require a form of identification in order to vote. Senate Republicans introduced SB169 on Tuesday. It would require proof of identification in order to ......

Voter ID bill introduced in Nevada Senate

Voters would be required to show photo identification before casting a ballot under a bill introduced Tuesday in the Nevada Senate....

Nevada Legislature: Virginia City wants to let dogs in bars

Tavern owners in Virginia City have asked the state to allow dogs in bars.Sen. James Settelmeyer, R-Gardnerville, told the Senate Government Affairs Committee Monday bar operators on the Comstock have gener...

Nevada Legislature: Goicoechea introduces collective bargaining agreement bill

Sen. Pete Goicoechea, R-Eureka, Monday introduced legislation that would require any local government collective bargaining agreement be made public before getting final approval.He said under Senate Bill...

Senate OKs bill to suspend wage rules for school construction

Republican Senators pushed through a bill today that would exempt school districts from having to pay prevailing wages to construction workers on school construction projects. After an hour of debate, the Senate approved ......

Bill introduced to require public preview of collective bargaining agreements

A bill that would require local governments to provide the public an advance look at the details of a proposed collective bargaining agreement before it is voted on by the governing body was introduced in the Senate Monday....

Senate passes prevailing wage exemption bill

The Senate on Monday passed a divisive bill along party lines exempting school and university construction projects from prevailing wage laws....

Nevada Governor congratulates Zed on 4 years of weekly interfaith forum

Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval has congratulated religious statesman Rajan Zed for four years of continuous publication of weekly interfaith column “Faith Forum” in a Gannett publication.

In a signed Certificate of Recognition presented to Zed, Governor Sandoval wrote: “Congratulations on this memorable milestone!”

“Faith Forum”, a highly popular one-of-a-kind weekly dialogue on religion at a Pulitzer winner Reno Gazette-Journal in Nevada, completed four years of publication on Feb. 4.

Just wait until next year: Eyes will be on Nevada

A wide-open presidential race, a competitive U.S. Senate race and Nevada’s status as a crucial swing state all should align to make next year’s elections a battle of titanic proportions in Nevada. Insiders say it’s a good thing for the state, as it will bring in more candidates and force them to ta...

Senate committee critical of treasurer’s alternative budget

State Treasurer Dan Schwartz was slammed by both Senate leadership and the governor’s office Thursday who charged his alternative budget was ill-conceived, poorly researched and insulting to those involved in the enti...

Nevada Legislature: Senate committee critical of treasurer’s alternative budget

State Treasurer Dan Schwartz was slammed by both Senate leadership and the governor’s office Thursday.Both sides charged the treasurer’s alternative budget was ill-conceived, poorly re...

Nevada 150 Exhibit on Display for Limited Time at Nevada Legislature

Nevada’s Sesquicentennial year may have ended but it is still being honored in an exhibit featured in the Nevada Legislature. Artifacts from the year-long celebration are currently on display until Feb. 20.

Nevada lawmakers tell treasurer his budget proposal is embarrassing

State Treasurer Dan Schwartz on Thursday ran into a bipartisan buzz saw of lawmakers on the Senate Finance Committee who called his alternative budget proposal embarrassing and politically motivated....

State Senate panel hears bill to allow UMC board secrecy

The Clark County Commission and UMC’s governing board would be able to close off more hospital meetings and records from public scrutiny under a bill heard for the first time in the Nevada Legislature....

Senate hears bill to boost Millennium Scholarship requirements

Community college students would have to carry more credit hours per semester to be eligible for Nevada’s Millennium Scholarship under two separate bills being floated in the Legislature....

Nevada lawmakers looking at sales and service taxes

Lawmakers want to review Nevada’s sales tax structure as part of a series of discussions on the state’s major revenue streams.The Senate Committee on Revenue and Economic Development plans to hear presentations on t...

Nevada Senate sustains five Sandoval vetoes

The Nevada Senate on Tuesday put to rest the remaining five bills vetoed by Gov. Brian Sandoval after lawmakers went home in 2013.But there was some pushback from Democrats on two of the measures — particularly Senate...

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