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Nevada political parties grow March registration; Carson City GOP figures remain firm

All Nevada political parties increased their voter registration numbers in March 2014, as shown by data released Tuesday by Secretary of State Ross Miller’s Elections Division.

Carson City Republicans still hold the share of registered voters, with 11,738 in March compared to 8,775 registered Democrats; 4,389 non-partisan; 1,547, Independent American; 226, other; and 223 Libertarian.

Carson City Republic Central Committee vetting designed to find candidates who meet CCRCC values

The Carson City Republican Central Committee (CCRCC) is an organization of local citizens interested in participating in and promoting Carson City Republican Party values and it's candidates for public office.

The membership meets monthly on the fourth Thursday of the month at the Silver State Charter High School. Anyone can attend these meetings and can, as a registered Republican, become a member of the CCRCC. It is an excellent venue to learn the views of local candidates and public office holders as well as share with them your views.

Nevada Assembly Seat 40 candidate Jed Block rejects Republican Party’s vetting committee

On Tuesday, March 25th, Jed Block, Republican candidate for Assembly District 40, sent the following statement to the Vetting Committee of the Carson City Republican Central Committee. Assembly District 40 encompasses Carson City and portions of Washoe County:

"In Carson City, a recently created, secret Republican Vetting Committee informed me – as an announced Republican candidate for AD 40 – when to appear before them. The closed meeting may not even be observed without an invitation.

Ideological ...Purity?

Consider that in the Republican Party there has been a sometimes rancorous, sometimes healthy, sometimes divisive debate between conservatives, moderates, progressives, libertarians, evangelicals, social conservatives / fiscal liberals, social liberals / fiscal conservatives, "me too but slower" socialists, big-government competent managers of the welfare state, the TEA Party, Ron Paul supporters, limited-government constitutionalists, etc. , at least since the Goldwater-Rockefeller showdown in 1964.

The Quest for Ideological Purity - The Arrogance of the Carson City Republican Party

My compliments to Jed Block, Republican candidate for the Assembly 40th District, and his courage to reject the attempt by a small coterie of self-righteous, self-anointed, pseudo-intellectual purists of the Carson City Republican Party.

Block was informed when and where he should appear before the “recently created secret Republican Vetting Committee” so it members could decide whether the party should support his candidacy.” (See Nevada Appeal, March 26th.)

Board of Regent Ron Knecht files for Nevada State Controller

Ron Knecht filed Thursday to run for Nevada State Controller as “one plain-speaking nerd” who will bring to the job new energy and wide experience in public service to voters and taxpayers.

Douglas Republicans Hold Highly Successful Lincoln-Reagan Celebration

Event Date: 
February 16, 2014 - 5:00pm

Sunday evening, Feb. 16th, the Douglas County Republican Central Committee (DCRCC) held their annual Lincoln-Reagan Dinner. This year's theme was Nevada's Sesquicentennial, the 150th anniversary of Nevada's admission to the Union. The event--with the largest attendance in many years--was a sellout. The Carson Valley Inn swiftly accommodated our surge of walk-ins, key to the success of the evening.

Do something in 2014; rekindle the spirit of 1776

The descendants of Jefferson's Democratic Republicans are the conservatives and the TEA Party. The descendants of Hamilton's Federalists are the big-government "progressive" establishment Republicans. Today's Democrats are descendants of Karl Marx.

Meet the Jack-booted Thugs of the Nevada Republican Party

One of the core principles of conservatism has always been the concept of limited government which demands giving citizens more control on how they shape their local environment and policy, which by extension places more emphasis on local government and the ability of the citizen to participate in the democratic process, giving more access of the citizen to their locally elected officials.

Sen. Harry Reid: Supreme Court ruling threatens voting rights for millions of Americans

Nevada Senator Harry Reid said Tuesday's U.S. Supreme Court decision which strikes a key part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was wrongly decided, unjust and turns back the clock on America's democratic process.

Carson City jobless rate falls to 9.5 percent matching statewide May unemployment figure

The May unemployment rate in Carson City fell from 10.1 percent to 9.5 percent, marking the lowest number of unemployed in the capital city since 2008.

Statewide, unemployment rate fell from 9.6 percent to 9.5 percent, seasonally adjusted, with 131,400 people looking for work, marking the 29th straight month of private-sector job creation on a year-over-year basis and the lowest number of unemployed since the worst of the recession hit the Silver State beginning in 2008.

Assembly Passes Marriage Equality Resolution 27-14

CARSON CITY— During Thursday's floor session, the Nevada Assembly passed Senate Joint Resolution 13 — to legalize same sex marriage — in a vote of 27-14.

The resolution passed in the Senate on April 22 in a vote of 12-9. The only Republican Senator to vote in favor of the measure was Sen. Ben Kieckhefer. Kieckhefer has declined requests from various media outlets asking him to comment on his position, saying that his vote in favor of the resolution should speak for itself.

Brianna’s Law Passes Assembly in Vote of 29-9

SB243, commonly referred to as “Brianna’s Law,” passed the Assembly today in a vote of 29-9.

The bill would mandate the collection of DNA samples from individuals arrested on felony charges. It was named for Brianna Denison, a young college student who was murdered in Reno in 2008. SB243 passed the Senate by a unanimous vote last month. During today’s vote on the Assembly floor, seven Democrats and two Republicans voted against the measure. Only a few Assembly members commented on the bill prior to the vote.

Carson City unemployment rate in April drops to 10.1 percent

Nevada’s unemployment dropped to 9.6 percent in April, falling nearly 2 percentage points over the year. Carson City's unemployment rate fell to 10.1 percent and is now the only metro area in the state to have a double digit unemployment rate, according to the state's Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation.

Dozens testify on Nevada same-sex marriage

A Nevada Assembly Committee took testimony on Senate Joint Resolution 13 on Thursday when many of those who had testified earlier this year repeated their support for or opposition to the measure that would repeal Nevada’s constitutional ban against same-sex marriage.

Reid: Carson City deserves a vote on anti-gun violence legislation

Nevada Sen. Harry Reid spoke on the Senate floor today regarding the importance of anti-gun violence legislation. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery:

Life can change in a moment. At 8:56 on September 6, 2011, a deeply disturbed man with an automatic weapon stepped out of his car outside a Carson City, Nevada restaurant. In the moment that followed, he fired nearly 80 rounds – spraying bullets across a parking lot and into an IHOP packed with breakfast customers – killing four people and wounding 7 others before taking his own life.

Nevada Lt. Gov. Krolicki among 22 lieutenant governors asking President Obama to green-light Keystone Pipeline

Republican Lt. Governor Association Chair Brian Krolicki of Nevada and vice chairman Tate Reeves of Mississippi issued the following statement after sending a letter on behalf of 22 Republican lieutenant governors to President Obama and Secretary Kerry strongly urging approval of the Presidential Permit application on the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Assembly Republicans oppose mining tax proposal

CARSON CITY - The day after some of their Senate colleagues called for a mining tax increase to compete with a teacher-backed margins tax on the 2014 ballot, Assembly Republicans Wednesday said the focus this session instead should be on reforms that will save taxpayer dollars.

Senate Republicans propose mining tax as an alternative to margins tax ballot initiative

CARSON CITY — Nevada Senate Republicans called on the Legislature today to both remove the mining industry’s constitutional tax protections and find a way to increase taxes on the industry as an alternative to the margins tax ballot initiative.

Latest “Fiscal Cliff” Talks Focusing On Tax Cuts

CARSON CITY – As Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Nev., prepared today to attend another briefing with his House Republican colleagues on the latest “fiscal cliff” negotiations, he said that he would consider tax hikes on the wealthiest Americans to reduce the deficit, but not to fund increased government spending.

Nearly 1.3 million Nevadans are registered to vote

Nearly 1.3 million Nevadans are registered as active voters at the end of November 2012, according to the Nevada Secretary of State's office.

The increase in active voter registration totals since the close of registration for the Nov. 6 general election is due in large part to the number of inactive voters who cast ballots and automatically became active voters according to federal and state law.

Envying The Fun In The Editor's Office

The editor must have been enjoying some holiday cheer. Sometimes I envy the guy, he sure has a fun job. Consider the last few postings. 1. ...and deservedly so! | Carson City Nevada News - Carson Now http://carsonnow.org/reader-content/11/23/2012/and-deservedly-so  Absolutely right. As the author says, there is no cure for willful ignorance. Before I give in to the temptation of pointing to this letter as one obvious illustration of that dictum, let me ask the following questions:

Heller positions himself to help broker immigration reform

After watching their candidates lose the presidency, the 4th Congressional District, and barely eke out a win in the Senate race on Election Day, Nevada Republicans were wringing their hands.
They had scored near-record turnout of their base, particularly in the rural counties, which swing heavily Republican. But they had been decimated at the polls among minority voters, especially Latino voters.

I am not disappointed; I am angry, I am tired.

I told you so, again and again for four years. OK, so Obama did not cancel the elections; he did one better, he put the veneer of the "will of the people" on it. Voting is the best revenge...? He never had to say, against whom.

Many New Faces In Nevada Legislature For 2013

CARSON CITY – The 63-member Nevada Legislature will see quite a few new faces when it convenes Feb. 4, including 11 members in the Assembly and 10 members in the Senate, although several newly elected state senators have moved up from the Assembly.

Nevada Voters Approve Legislative Special Session Measure

CARSON CITY – A majority of Nevada voters on Tuesday approved a measure sought by some state lawmakers that will now allow them to call a special session of the Legislature on “extraordinary occasions.”

The vote in support of the constitutional amendment was 54 percent to 46 percent opposed.

Democrats Narrowly Maintain Control Of State Senate

CARSON CITY – The Nevada state Senate will remain in Democratic control following Tuesday’s election after three Republican candidates won victories in five closely contested races, one short of the number needed for a change of power.

Democrats won two of the five races in play for control of the Senate, maintaining the 11-10 status quo over Republicans.

State Senate Candidates Await Fate

CARSON CITY – The precincts have been walked, the issues debated and the media campaigns run. Now many Nevada voters will get to weigh in on five critical races to determine whether Republicans or Democrats will control the state Senate after the polls close tomorrow.

The 21-member Senate currently has an 11-10 Democratic edge.

Gov. Brian Sandoval and many of his Republican colleagues are working to change this by winning at least four of five of the races in play between the two parties on Election Day tomorrow.

GOP Assembly Leader Predicts Gains On Tuesday

CARSON CITY – Assembly Republican caucus leader Pat Hickey said he expects to pick up seats for the GOP in the upcoming election, but declined to predict today exactly how big a dent his candidates will make in the 26-member Democratic majority on Nov. 6.

5 Nevada Senate races will determine control

Control of the Nevada Senate is up for grabs next week, with five races in play to determine whether Republicans can retake control of the upper chamber — or if Democrats can claim a big enough majority to exert political muscle over their GOP counterparts and Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval.

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