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Carson City free daily news summary for Nov. 8

Greater Nevada Credit Union gained new customers on national Bank Transfer Day on Saturday, a protest against rising fees at large corporate banks. The protest called for people to move their accounts to credit unions and non-profit banks, and also coincides with the growing Occupy Wall Street protests.

GNCU wouldn't release any numbers, but said they had twice the number of people there on a Saturday, and people were definitely moving their money because of dissatisfaction with the big banks.


The Nevada Appeal follows up on the Chobani yogurt factory story we broke last week, saying the reason the factory decided to locate in Twin Falls, Idaho and not Carson City is because we lack cows. According to Rob Hooper, executive director of the Northern Nevada Development Authority, Chobani needs 100,000 cows to supply their milk needs, and there are only 20,000 dairy cows in the entire state of Nevada. Twin Falls also bribed them with $29 million in "incentives."

Occupy Carson City Protest on Bank Transfer Day

Event Date: 
November 5, 2011 - 1:00pm

Carson City, NV - Occupy Carson City, an extension of the Occupy Wall St. movement, will hold their weekly peaceful assembly on Saturday from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at the Legislature Sidewalks at 401 S. Carson Street in Downtown Carson City. Everyone is welcome to participate, and the group has been in close communication with law enforcement to avoid any problems.

'Occupy' protest is low key at Nevada Day Parade

Dozens of protesters wore white T-shirts emblazoned with "99%" to protest what they see as economic injustice on a world level. They did not disturb any of the Nevada Day festivities.

At least two of the protestors were asked to remove their shirts or leave the Carson Nugget.

Occupiers plan protest at NV Day parade

As part of the national Occupy Your Capitol event, local participants of the Occupy movement will gather Saturday in Carson City. Tasha Costa, an organizer of the Occupy Carson contingent, said participants will scale down the demonstration in honor of the annual Nevada Day celebration, which will be happening downtown at the same time.

Occupy Carson City to protest Saturday

Event Date: 
October 22, 2011 - 10:00am

Occupy Carson City, an offshoot of the worldwide Occupy Wall Street movement, will be staging a protest Saturday, Oct. 22, 2011, at the Nevada State Legislature on Carson St., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They invite the media and the public to attend. Anyone who encourages violence will be politely asked to leave. This will not be an occupation – there will be no camping.

New Medicaid Contractor Misses Deadline After Controversial Bid Award

CARSON CITY – A firm hired in January to take over operation of the state’s Medicaid billing and information systems has failed to complete the first key step in the process by an August deadline and has been given an extension to Dec. 5.

Occupy Carson City begins (SLIDESHOW)

At least 70 people have gathered today for Occupy Carson City. The rally is in front of the Nevada State Legislature and will last through 1 p.m. Today's gathering is a part of a larger Global Day of Protest for the entire movement, designed to communicate the message that 99 percent of Americans are unified in their demand for government policies and laws to that benefit citizens instead of corporations.
Occupy Carson City is being monitored by the American Civil Liberties Union.

Column: Occupy Carson City

I stood outside of Comma Coffee Wednesday night, observing the people entering. I was hoping a friend of mine was going to come.

Finally, I went inside. There was a sign leaning against a chair that said OCCUPY NV CAPITOL. I introduced myself; these were the people I was here to see.

There were only 12 or 13 of us, but we all had one thing in common: we were disenchanted. We were the hungry, the tired of being pushed around, the broke. We are the 99%.

I should probably back up and explain myself now.

Column: Occupy Wall Street is a lesson in history

I was chatting with a couple of friends Monday about the Occupy Wall Street movement in its unfocused protest about banks and the financial sector and other things.

No specific targets, but they know something is wrong here.

One friend, a firm "independent," dismissed the crowds as "a bunch of purple-haired freaks." The other, a determined conservative who has predicted rioting in 18 months in American cities when the economy collapses as he is sure it is about to, similarly waved off the protests because the crowd was largely young and powerless with no agenda.

Lawman's visit spurs protest plans

The scheduled appearance of a controversial Arizona sheriff in Carson City this weekend has already sparked plans for a protest march through town.Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., w...

Public Comment Period Set For Oct. 7 In Southern Nevada Water Rights Hearings

CARSON CITY – Nevada State Engineer Jason King today announced additional locations for public comment during the upcoming Southern Nevada Water Authority water-rights hearings.

Memorial services for IHOP shooting victims

Private memorial services for two of the IHOP shooting victims took place today at the Nevada National Guard headquarters on Fairview Drive. Many bikers and others waved flags outside the facility to show their support, and to counter a threatened protest by members of the Westboro Baptist Church where are infamous for picketing funerals of military personnel.

Bear hunt opponents march at Capitol

About 40 people gathered in front of the state Capitol Friday evening to protest the ongoing bear hunting season approved by the Nevada Wildlife Commission.They marched from the Capitol to the G...

Prison and NHP workers protest cuts planned for swing, graveyard shifts

A group of state workers - primarily in corrections and the highway patrol - asked the state on Monday not to cut back their differential pay for working the swing and graveyard shifts.The money-sa...

1st bear hunting season in Nevada starts Saturday with a protest

RENO - The first bear hunting season in Nevada history began Saturday with a protest and few hunters in the field.Only six hunters turned out on the opening day of the season and no bears were kill...

Republican Lawmakers Give Mixed Reviews on Reforms, Budget Deal

CARSON CITY — Gov. Brian Sandoval has enough Republican votes to pass the budget deal announced in this final week of the Legislature, but that doesn’t mean all conservative lawmakers are happy about it.
Some Republicans will support the governor and vote in favor of the fiscal compromise consisting of hard-won reform bills and the extension of some taxes that were set to expire. Many others will likely cast “no” votes in a principled protest against tax extensions.

Watch: Protesters camp out in front of Nevada Legislature

About 60 tents were pitched outside the Nevada Legislature on Tuesday to protest Gov. Brian Sandoval's budget. The protesters include a mix of students, public union employees and Democratic lawmak...

Nevada students pitch tents, lobby for education budget

KOLO Channel 8 and KTVN Channel 2 Reno have video roundups on the first of a three-day protest at the Nevada Legislature where scores of students have pitched tents to show solidarity against proposed sta

Group to pitch tents instead of forks at Nevada Legislature

A camp-out demonstration has been set for Monday through Wednesday at the Nevada Legislature in Carson City and is being led by a group of education supporters who favor a tax hike to fund schools.

State workers protest cuts in proposed budget

Union officials representing state workers Friday urged lawmakers to reject the governor's proposed changes to their pay, vacation schedule and other benefits.Assembly Bill 560 contains most of ...

'Atlas Shrugged Part I' - politcs as a movie, and not very good

The film "Atlas Shrugged Part 1," opened Friday night at the Fandango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City. The opening was overshadowed by the first-night celebration the V&T's No. 18 steam locomotive in "Water for Elephants," an average romance-plus-disaster film.

Nevada Legislature Rally for Education, Part 1

This article is from AroundCarson.com. Click here to see more photos and to read the narrative.

On Monday, March 21st 2011, there was a rally in front of the Nevada Legislature Building. A bunch of college students from all over the state gathered to protest the budget cuts to higher education that were being tossed around the Senate and Assembly. I headed down there to check out the party and the spectacle, and I’m glad I did because over 1,000 people showed up! Some are saying that this is the biggest protest/rally that Carson City has ever seen. Students gathered on the lawn in front of the building, swarmed the halls, and even filled the visitor galleries in both chambers.

Record-Breaking Numbers Of Students Rally Against Budget Cuts At Legislature

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – The Capitol had a new vibe this morning: less gray hair, more noise.
In what some say was the largest student protest ever held at the Legislature, more than 1,000 students thronged the cold, snow-swept capitol grounds to protest Gov. Brian Sandoval’s $162 million proposed cuts to higher education.

Legislature Rally Videos

(This article is from Around Carson, at http://aroundcarson.com/2011/03/21/legislature_rally_videos/) My full photo gallery from this morning’s protest/rally at the NV Legislature will have to wait for another day. But I was able to get a bunch of videos uploaded from the event, so you can get a sense of what the atmosphere was like.


Rally at the Legislature

(This article is from Around Carson, at http://aroundcarson.com/2011/03/21/rally_at_the_legislature/)

Thousands hit Nevada Legislature to protest cuts to education

Students from across Nevada gathered by the thousands today at the Nevada Legislature and at the Governor's office demanding the state's education system be spared from huge cuts proposed under Gov. Brian Sandoval.

Early estimates had the crowd of mostly college students at 1,500 but the numbers have begun to swell as students, faculty and parents from around the state arrive from various locations around the state. Now early estimates among officials on the ground has the number of more than 2,000 demonstrating.


Click here for a more photos and gallery of today's event.


One high school, Cheyenne in Las Vegas, had 400 students in a convoy of more than a dozen buses. More than 500 students from University of Nevada Las Vegas boarded tour buses last night for the road trip.

University of Nevada, Reno students also arrived by the busloads. Students from Western Nevada College campuses were quite visible, many expressing fear that education programs vital to the state's economy such as nursing, will be slashed under the governor's budget proposal.

Chanting "SOS Save Our Schools" and "No More Cuts" students walked peaceably through the Legislative Building, making it known that they fear deep cuts to education will damage the state's already shaky economy.

Thousands Expected Today For Huge Rally For Revenue At Legislature

By Andrew Doughman /Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – In what could be the largest rally ever held at the Legislature, more than 1,000 students, parents, teachers and activists are expected today to protest education budget cuts.

Nevada unions rally in Carson City; Tea partiers counter protest

Here's a news coverage roundup of Monday's labor union rally in Carson City, which brought out a few hundred supporters and a few dozen Tea Party demonstrators.

State Employees Protest Lack Of Discussion On Tax Increases To Help Balance Budget

CARSON CITY – About 50 state employees gathered in front of the Legislative Building today to call on Gov. Brian Sandoval to participate in a discussion about potential tax increases to help fund the state budget.
With the wind blowing at a steady clip, Vishnu Subramaniam, AFSCME Local 4041, chief of staff, said: “This is a great analogy of what’s going on in the state. They’re trying to blow us away while we’re providing services.
“We need a broad-based corporate tax,” he said. “We need to be having a talk about revenues. The talk of cuts is a red herring.”

Meeting at Stateline today could bring protest to recent planning commission firings

The Tahoe side of Douglas County not only lacks a full-time lake resident to serve on the Board of County Commissioners, but now it no longer has a planning commissioner either.

On Jan. 3 the Douglas County Board of Commissioners yanked three members from its planning commission including Lawrence Howell of Stateline.

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