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Nevada insurance agency warns of risks with ride sharing tech services trend

There are risks associated with new tech services designed to connect passengers and drivers, Nevada's insurance agency warns. As ride-sharing technology services gain popularity across the country, the Nevada Division of Insurance says consumers should take note that such for-profit ride-sharing arrangements can put them at risk of being uninsured.

NRA Firearms Training (Personal Protection Outside the Home Course) 14 hour course

Event Date: 
June 8, 2014 (All day)

The course teaches students the knowledge, skills and attitude essential for avoiding dangerous confrontations and for the safe, effective and responsible use of a concealed pistol for self-defense outside the home. Students have the opportunity to attend this course using a quality strong side hip holster that covers the trigger, or a holster purse. From a review of safe firearms handling and proper mindset to presentation from concealment and multiple shooting positions, this course contains the essential skills and techniques needed to prevail in a life-threatening situation.

Don Q's Nevada and Northern California fishing report for week of May 28

Here is this week's fishing report for rivers, lakes and streams in Nevada, Northern California and the Sierra. This report is for the week of May 28, 2014.

Proper Alignment Leads to Healthier Life

When I explain chiropractic to my patients, the most important thing I stress is that having a properly functioning nervous system ultimately allows us to function properly and connects us to our source.

Carson City boy injured in bicycle crash had inoperable brakes, was wearing a helmet

Summer is arriving soon and with it, the release of children from their studies and out upon the streets of Carson City. Already we are seeing an increase in children playing in their neighborhoods and riding bicycles along the roadway.

Bears prompt Forest Service proposed plan for food storage requirement in Lake Tahoe Basin

A 30-day comment period has begun by the U.S. Forest Service on a plan that would require proper storage of food and refuse at developed recreation sites in Lake Tahoe Basin.

The Environmental Assessment for a proposed Forest Order would require use of bear-resistant dumpsters and food lockers designed to prevent access by wildlife. The reason: Bears are attracted to anything edible or scented. Improper storage of human food sources and refuse is a leading cause of human-bear conflict, according to the Forest Service.

Lake Tahoe fire agencies recognize May as Wildfire Awareness Month

With record drought conditions in the West, preparing your home for wildfire is more important than ever. May has been designated “Wildfire Awareness Month” in the Lake Tahoe Basin. This year’s theme is “Prepare Your Home For Wildfire” with a focus on creating and sustaining Fire Adapted Communities.

A Fire Adapted Community is a community located in a fire-prone area that requires little assistance from firefighters during a wildfire. Residents of these communities accept responsibility for living in a high fire-hazard area. They possess the knowledge and skills to:

Don Q's Nevada and Northern California fishing report for week of April 23-30

Here is this week's fishing report for rivers, lakes and streams in Nevada, northern California and the Sierra. This Saturday, April 26, 2014 is the opening day for fishing in most California waters. Remember to keep your fishing license in view, the thermos filled with coffee and tight lines all the way.

Carson City Prescription Drug Roundup Set for April 26

Event Date: 
April 26, 2014 - 9:00am

Partnership Carson City conducts a Prescription Drug Roundup, Saturday, April 26, at four locations. Folks are encouraged bring their unused and expired prescription drugs to one of the drop-off locations for proper disposal, as this helps protect the community and the water supply.

Drop-off locations are at Smith's Food & Drug at 599 E William St., and at Save Mart Supermarkets at 3620 N. Carson St.,3325 Hwy. 50 E., and 4348 S. Carson St., all in Carson City

Don Q's Nevada and Northern California fishing report for week of April 16-22

Here is this week's fishing report for rivers, lakes and streams in Nevada, Northern California and the Sierra. This report is for the week of April 16-22, 2014. Opening day for most fishing on California waterways is Saturday, April 26.

Don Q's Nevada and Northern California fishing report for week of April 9-15

Here is this week's fishing report for rivers, lakes and streams in Nevada, Northern California and the Sierra. This report is for the week of April 9-15, 2014. Opening day for stream and lake fishing along most California waters in Saturday, April 26.

Several drinking related and warrant arrests keep Carson City deputies occupied this weekend

A 37-year-old Carson City man was jailed Saturday after allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol with a small child in the car without a safety seat.

According to the arrest report, a Carson City Sheriff's Office deputy observed the man driving and failing to main his lane of travel and changing directions onto the Carson City freeway without using a signal.

The vehicle then was observed going southbound between Highway 50 East and Fairview Drive, drifting over the broken white line and crossing the right fog lane line, the arrest report states.

Vets in Carson City gather Saturday for national Vietnam Veterans Day

More than 200 veterans from the Vietnam War gathered Saturday at the Carson Nugget to pay tribute to each other, those who died and those who remain missing in action as part of national Vietnam Veterans Day.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution. Many consider the resolution the official start of the Vietnam war, though many Americans were fighting and dying in Vietnam beginning in the mid 1950s. It also marks the 40th anniversary of the withdrawal of combat troops from Vietnam.

Carson High student takes her senior project to the highest power

For her senior project, Carson High School student Becky Ortiz asked for a higher power to guide her. She and more than 150 fellow students, siblings, parents and grandparents found their way to the commons area in front of Nevada's highest court Saturday to reach for that power.

Working Women With Families Have Unique Retirement Needs

These days it’s common to find women who balance family life with active careers. That’s why it’s important for working women to take an active role in planning for retirement.
Females retiring at age 65 can expect to live another 19 years (three years longer than males retiring at the same age), but only 45 percent of women participate in a retirement plan. Those statistics may make women feel insecure about their future, but with proper planning, women can feel more confident about their retirement years.

Research options

Carson City Sheriff's Office deputies make multiple misdemeanor arrests Monday

A 25-year-old Carson City man was arrested Monday in the 800 block of East Long Street. He faces two failure to appear in court charges and driving on a suspended license, all misdemeanors.

According to the arrest report, a Carson City Sheriff's Office deputy stopped the man after observing an unlicensed vehicle traveling south on Roop Street.

Forest Order proposed for proper food and refuse storage in Lake Tahoe Basin

The U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit is seeking input on a proposal to prepare an Environmental Assessment and issue a Forest Order to require proper food and refuse storage at developed recreation sites on National Forest System lands in the Lake Tahoe Basin.

Don Q's Nevada and Northern California fishing report for week of Feb. 19-25

Here is this week's fishing report for rivers, lakes and streams in Nevada, Northern California and the Sierra. This report is for the week of Feb. 19-25, 2014.

Lyon County master plan vote draws legal fire from residents

At the Lyon County Commission meeting January 2, the commissioners voted 4-1 to grant a request from Comstock Mining Inc., to modify the county Master Plan and change the zoning, which would allow pit mining in and adjacent to Silver City.

Four of the Commissioners ignored the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the express wishes of the citizens of Silver City and voted without explanation to abandon precedent and acquiesce to the company's desires.

Don Q's fishing Nevada and Northern California fishing report for Feb. 12-18

Here is this week's fishing report for rivers, lakes and streams in Nevada and Northern California. This report is for the week of Feb. 12-18, 2014.

Column: Drivers making a turn should always come back to the nearest travel lane

Some of the things we learn as drivers do not seem all that important until we nearly have a crash. One of these is the risk we take when turning off a side street or intersection onto a four lane roadway.

What is the proper lane that we should be aiming for? In all cases, the nearest travel lane is the correct one.

The Carson City Vagina Monologues: a Second Year, a Second Chance to Reach Out

Event Date: 
February 14, 2014 - 6:00pm

The comical, informative and uplifting performance of “The Vagina Monologues” will be returning to the stage in Carson City for 2014. This controversial play was written in 1996 by Eve Ensler; a playwright, feminist, activist, performer, and artivist.

City Staff and the 1/8 cent Tax Scam

I am adamantly opposed to the 1/8 cent tax increase to fund proposed city projects. I resent the efforts of city staff to “bundle” these projects, falsely represent them as necessary, and, by omission, deceive voters as to the true costs of these efforts. While at the work shop on January 21st, no one could tell me where the tax budget shortfall was for these projects, and there was no clearly demonstrable need.

Nevada team practices prescription drug distribution for public health disasters

CARSON CITY – A team of about 20 Nevada public health professionals recently learned and practiced warehouse skills needed to unload, inventory and ship out massive amounts of medications or other items that could be needed in the event of a public health emergency.

Meteorologist: Brunt of Friday storm likely to arrive after Carson City tree lighting event at capitol

A winter storm is headed for Carson City on Friday, but there's a good chance the weather event will happen after 8 p.m., missing the Silver and Snowflakes Festival of Lights at the Nevada State Capitol Building.

"It will be more than likely that people will be able to get out before it even starts," said National Weather Service Meteorologist Dawn Johnson. "It looks like the brunt of the impacts will happen overnight Friday night, with some snow beginning after 8 p.m., and the heaviest snow after midnight."

Pictures with Santa tonight at Carson Nugget Winter Wonderland

Event Date: 
December 5, 2013 - 4:00pm

Carson City residents and visitors of all ages are invited to take their picture with Santa at the Carson Nugget on tonight, Thursday, Dec. 5 from 4 to 8 p.m.

The event is free to attend and parents are encouraged to bring their own camera to take capture the precious memories. The entire Carson Nugget Banquet area will be decorated including a live Santa Claus and there will be hot chocolate and candy canes for the children.

During this event the Carson Nugget will also be collecting coats to donate to those in need this winter season.

Comments sought on proposed Carson City disc golf course complex

For more than 20 years, disc golf courses have been sprouting up in communities throughout country. At Lake Tahoe, the skilled yet laid back sport that requires keen eyes, solid aim and proper throwing technique is all the rage with well-attended competitive tournaments held at several courses every summer and fall.

The Carson City Parks and Recreation Department now hopes residents will throw their support and get into the game by proposing two 18 hole tournament courses and one 9-hole course set on 129 acres off of Flint Drive.

Mark Amodei: Veterans deserving of gratitude for their service to our country

The following is from Congressman Mark Amodei (NV-2):

On Veterans Day and every day, may we be mindful of the enduring truth that freedom is not free. We owe many brave men, women, and their families an enormous debt. As a country, we should come together in agreement that our military veterans deserve to receive the benefits they were promised and earned.

Column: Minister Housing Allowances

Congress has special tax rules for ministers and clergy. Internal Revenue code section 107 provides “…gross income does not include, in the case of a minister of the gospel, the rental allowance paid to him as part of his compensation, to the extent used by him to rent or provide a home….”

That means a proper housing allowance is not subject to income taxes.

The requirements include: (a) the home or rental allowance must be provided as remuneration for services which are ordinarily the duties of a minister of the gospel

A petition with respect to Common Core

This is a plea to the readers of this great news site to educate themselves about the Common Core "State" Standards being implemented in our schools, and to join with the growing numbers of parents and concerned citizens who seek to reverse course and do something better before it's too late for our children and grandchildren.

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